Topic: The build-pass-build a deck game...
Just for amusement's sake, I think it would be fun for those of us who actually read/help in the deck discussion forum area to play a little game. So here's how it goes:
I've started a new deck here:
Each of us will declare one card to add to the deck and how many copies should be added (remember that's only up to 4x - Land will come last). I will add the requested cards and then it will be on to the next person. If a period of 24 hours passes with no new ideas, I will begin the cycle again and everyone will get another turn (preferably in the same ordering if possible). This will continue until we have 50-60 cards, and then we will take turns tweaking it to be able to fit a mana base between 22 and 24 lands.
The idea is to produce a sort of group made deck that might just be built and taken to an FNM for all of our combined glory .
I've taken the liberty of making the first move by adding 2x Gutter Grime as I think that would be a cool one to build into something.
Let the games begin!