Sideboard - 2 cards, 2 distinct
xwaynestaticx03 | 03-Feb-2016 03:15Not too bad my friend, not too bad at all. I've been seeing alot of similar decks here at home lately. Might I suggest a little bit of counter? Mono blue and no spell stopage seems a little off. 1 well timed Merciless Eviction is going to ruin your day.
ivanthehungrier | 04-Feb-2016 08:54Cast Emrakul tonight!! hahha I think Im finding some dead space for permission. Get on cockatrice so i can emrakul you!
xwaynestaticx03 | 04-Feb-2016 16:02Isn't Emrakul banned in EDH? Or maybe he's only banned as a commander, I can't remember.
xwaynestaticx03 | 04-Feb-2016 16:03Complete ban hammer bro unless Spawnshire gets around that.
ivanthehungrier | Edited 05-Feb-2016 05:20That's why I'm running him, normally he is banned but casting from outside in an unsanctioned event makes it legal. Otherwise is have to cast from sb :)! Sweeeeetness!
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