Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 12 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (8)
4 Keldon Marauders
$0.07 Creature - Human Warrior
4 Thermo-Alchemist
$0.23 Creature - Human Shaman
Instant (16)
4 Fireblast
$0.56 Instant
4 Lightning Bolt
$1.16 Instant
4 Needle Drop
$2.94 Instant
4 Searing Blaze
$0.64 Instant
Sorcery (14)
4 Chain Lightning
$0.30 Sorcery
2 Flame Rift
$0.31 Sorcery
4 Lava Spike
$1.37 Sorcery - Arcane
4 Rift Bolt
$0.19 Sorcery
Enchantment (4)
4 Curse of the Pierced Heart
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura Curse
Land (18)
18 Mountain
$0.10 Basic Land - Mountain
Sideboard - 23 cards, 11 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (7)
3 Fireslinger
$0.18 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Gorilla Shaman
$0.58 Creature - Ape Shaman
3 Martyr of Ashes
$0.15 Creature - Human Shaman
Instant (11)
1 Electrickery
$0.96 Instant
3 Flaring Pain
$1.80 Instant
1 Pyroblast
$5.28 Instant
3 Smash to Smithereens
$0.20 Instant
3 Staggershock
$0.16 Instant
Sorcery (4)
1 Flame Slash
$0.42 Sorcery
3 Molten Rain
$0.31 Sorcery
Artifact (1)
1 Relic of Progenitus
$4.46 Artifact

4 Fireslinger: eccellenti contro Elfi o MonoU per pingare gli x/1 in modo continuativo
4 Smash to Smithereens: Affo è un MU giocabile e abbonda nel meta, questa è la carta che lo rallenta facendo anche 3 danni
4 Staggershock: nei MU d’attrito dove abbondano le removal, l’Alchimista va in panchina
3 Martyr of Ashes: Aura, Elfi e Aggro generici necessitano di wrattina
Gorilla Shaman: Hate VS Affinity
Molten Rain: VS Trono
Flaring Pain: ultimo baluardo di resistenza contro CoP

Mono U (40-60): +4 Fireslinger +4 Staggershock -4 Curse -4 Lava Spike / +4 Staggershock -4 Keldon Marauders
Dovete scegliere il come, quando e quanto interagire col suo board puntando a vincere di Alchimista, Curse e Fireslinger.
Affinity (50-50): +4 Smash to Smithereens -4 Searing Blaze
Dipende da quanto aggra e se scomba, ma come in molti MU se alchimista sopravvive possiamo ben sperare.
Aura (30-70): +3 Martyr of Ashes -4 Searing Blaze +1 Staggershock
Possiamo provare ad essere più veloci di lui ma se vede Armadillo Cloak o Lifelink è la fine.
Elves (30-70): +3 Martyr of Ashes -4 Needle Drop +1 Staggershock
Sono più veloci e se scappa una Wellwisher son dolori!
Stompy (50-50): +3 Martyr of Ashes -4 Needle Drop +1 Staggershock
Corsa contro il tempo da ambo i lati.
Angler Delver (60-40): a volte parte lento, spesso non ha removal per alchemist non counterato e soprattutto, non sempre cala rana di terzo.
MB Control (50-50): +4 Staggershock -4 Thermo-Alchemist
Più veloci del loro mercante e di non essere molestati troppo da Ratti & Scartini.
UB Teachings (50-50): +4 Staggershock -4 Searing Blaze
MU pesantemente condizionato da Pristine Talisman, se non lo vedono per noi è in discesa.
Jeskai (60-40): +4 Staggershock -4 Thermo-Alchemist
Nonostante sporadici Lone Missionary il MU è dalla nostra parte, occhio alla side poichè il bianco riserva sempre delle brutte sorprese.
Goblin (30-70): mediamente è un turno o due più veloce di noi, la Martire è un faro di flebile speranza.


Jeskai/Kitty: -4 Needle Drop -2 Curse of the Pierced Heart +3 Molten Rain +3 Smash to Smithereens
WW: -4 Needle Drop (-2 Curse of the Pierced Heart) +2 Martyr of Ashes +2 Electrickery +2 Flaring Pain
Tron: -4 Needle Drop -2 Curse of the Pierced Heart +3 Molten Rain +3 Smash to Smithereens
Stompy/Elves: -2/4 Needle Drop -2 Flame Rift +2 Martyr of Ashes +2 Electrickery
Goblins/Aura: -4 Needle Drop (-2 Flame Rift) +2 Martyr of Ashes +2 Electrickery (+2 Smash to Smithereens)
Cyclops: -3 Needle Drop +3 Flame Slash
Affinity: -4 Needle Drop -2 Flame Rift +3 Flame Slash +3 Smash to Smithereens
U Control: -4 Searing Blaze -3 Needle Drop +4 Pyroblast +3 Smash to Smithereens
MBC: -4 Needle Drop +2 Electrickery +2 Martyr of Ashes
Delver: -4 Needle Drop +4 Pyroblast
Mirror: more speed! side out every creatures to make Blaze dead and keep deck instants for removal or sorcery's so I can keep untapped for Chains

Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Lava Spike, Rift Bolt - The 3 for 1's that make pauper burn possible. They will virtually never leave the maindeck and are our primary offense.
Fireblast - An incredible finisher, and easy way to get out of a sticky situation. Occasionally, one will be sided out for matchups.
Needle Drop, Forgotten Cave - Our hand is where we throw things from, so it's best to keep that full. Needle Drop is often partially sided out for answers.
Searing Blaze - Simultaneously removal and burn to get us a leg up in the race. Sided out against low creature count decks, such as MUC.
Keldon Marauders - Capable of high damage or blocking, whichever is more beneficial in the race. Typically partially sided out for answers.
Flame Rift - Big damage, low cost, and a minor drawback. Sided out against deck's that attempt to race us, such as the mirror match and Affinity.
Kiln Fiend - Fragile, but fantastic! If he survives the first turn, the opponent is virtually dead there. Partially or fully sided out against decks with too many blockers, like Affinity and Stompy.
Curse of the Pierced Heart - Excellent for pushing the opponent over the last edge, or picking them down when our hand is dead. Occasionally sided out for answers.
--- Sideboarding
Curse of the Pierced Heart - Takes down decks that ruin our math will their silly lifegain. Put in against mono-black and white-weenies, primarily.
Flaring Pain - Included to combat Circle of Protection: Red, Guardian of the Guildpact, Prismatic Strands, and anything else that may try to stop our wonderful fire.
Martyr of Ashes, Electrickery - Sweepers to stop big hordes of creatures. Infect, Stompy, Weenies, etc.
Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast - Delver and MUC are ginormous threats to our deck. The rest is self explanatory.
Smash to Smithereens - Artifact removal for Affinity and extra damage make this card a must wherever it'll work.
Molten Rain - Takes down UrzaTron, Affinity, Delver, and really any low land count deck. The bonus damage puts us further in the race.
Tormenting Voice - Bit of an odd choice but you would want it for any matchups where you expect to have to play a longer game (whether because your opponent has disruption/lifegain).



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