Type: Deck Idea
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 13 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (8)
4 Firebrand Archer
$0.28 Creature - Human Archer
4 Thermo-Alchemist
$0.23 Creature - Human Shaman
Instant (15)
4 Fireblast
$0.55 Instant
4 Lightning Bolt
$1.18 Instant
4 Needle Drop
$3.07 Instant
3 Searing Blaze
$0.65 Instant
Sorcery (14)
4 Chain Lightning
$0.30 Sorcery
2 Flame Rift
$0.32 Sorcery
4 Lava Spike
$1.39 Sorcery - Arcane
4 Rift Bolt
$0.19 Sorcery
Enchantment (4)
4 Curse of the Pierced Heart
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura Curse
Land (19)
3 Forgotten Cave
$0.12 Land
16 Mountain
$0.09 Basic Land - Mountain
Sideboard - 31 cards, 19 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (6)
1 Bloodfire Dwarf
$0.28 Creature - Dwarf
1 Fireslinger
$0.18 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Gorilla Shaman
$0.58 Creature - Ape Shaman
1 Keldon Marauders
$0.07 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Martyr of Ashes
$0.15 Creature - Human Shaman
Instant (15)
1 Chandra's Pyrohelix
$0.04 Instant
2 Electrickery
$0.96 Instant
2 Flaring Pain
$1.78 Instant
1 Incinerate
$0.07 Instant
2 Magma Jet
$0.10 Instant
3 Pyroblast
$5.37 Instant
1 Shard Volley
$0.25 Instant
3 Smash to Smithereens
$0.20 Instant
Sorcery (6)
1 Blazing Volley
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Flame Slash
$0.43 Sorcery
3 Molten Rain
$0.31 Sorcery
1 Raze
$1.09 Sorcery
Artifact (4)
2 Nihil Spellbomb
$1.30 Artifact
2 Relic of Progenitus
$4.35 Artifact

2 Martyr of Ashes // 2 Bloodfire Dwarf
    2 Electrickery // 2 Fireslinger
3 Smash to Smithereens // 3 Gorilla Shaman
3 Molten Rain // 3 Raze
3 Pyroblast
2 Flaring Pain
    2 Nihil Spellbomb //  Faerie Macabre

VS Boros Kuldotha - MU under 50%
IN Smash to Smithereens, Molten Rain, Flaring Pain - OUT Needle Drop, Curses
VS White Wennie - MU under 50%
IN Martyr of Ashes, Electrickery, Flaring Pain - OUT 4 Needle Drop, 2 Curses
VS Tron
IN Molten Rain, Smash to Smithereens - OUT Needle Drop, Searing Blaze
VS Affinity - Explosive starts can outrace and 4/4s are out of burn range, Hydroblast post-board to shut down burning and for countering
IN Smash to Smithereens, Molten Rain - OUT Flame Rift, Needle Drop // Curses // Searing Blaze
VS Stompy/Goblins
IN Electrickery, Martyr of Ashes - OUT Flame Rift, Curses // Needle Drop
VS Elves - Finche l’avversario non appoggia  wellwisher e Essence Warden ce la giochiamo bene altrimenti i due pezzi devono essere rimossi
IN Electrickery, Martyr of Ashes - OUT Needle Drop // Curses
VS Aura - Possiamo provare ad essere più veloci ma se vede Armadillo Cloak o Lifelink è la fine.
IN Electrickery, Martyr of Ashes // Molten Rain - OUT Searing Blaze, Needle Drop // Curses
VS UR Delver
IN Molten Rain - OUT Searing Blaze
VS U Delver
IN Pyroblast, Electrickery, Martyr of Ashes - OUT Needle Drop, Searing Blaze
VS UB Delver/Teachings - plenty of counters (8x main) and unkillable threats (Gurmag Angler)
IN (more Flame Rift), Molten Rain (B mana), Pyroblast - OUT Searing Blaze, Needle Drop
VS MBC - greatest threat is discard, from 4+ mana have to worry about 3B Tendrils of Corruption, 3BB Gray Merchant of Asphodel, 5B Corrupt
IN (more Flame Rift) - OUT Needle Drop // Keldon Marauders (!!!)
More speed! OUT every creatures to make Blaze dead; keep deck instants for removal or sorcery's so can keep untapped for Chains; Flame Rift

Tenere in linea di massima con 1 terra OTD e mulligare OTP.
Tenere tutte le mani con 2 o 3 terre.
Mulligare le mani con 4+ terre a meno di avere 1 terra con ciclo tra le 4
Since we lose 1.5 damage every time we mulligan, we are at a real disadvantage when we have to.

During our opponents turn, we look at our lands and hand to figure out if we can kill him. If we are 3 or 2 points short, we try to make sure we will have enough mana on our next turn to hardcast any topdecked Rift Bolt for the win. If you are close to losing, figure out what you need to draw in order to win and play as though you will draw it.

*** PRE HOU 20170710


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