Name |
Creature (307) |
1 |
Aberrant Researcher // Perfected Form
1 |
Accursed Witch // Infectious Curse
1 |
Afflicted Deserter // Werewolf Ransacker
1 |
Altered Ego
1 |
Ambush Viper
1 |
Angel of Flight Alabaster
1 |
Angel of Glory's Rise
1 |
Angel of Jubilation
1 |
Angelic Overseer
1 |
Archangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the Purifier
1 |
Armored Skaab
1 |
Asylum Visitor
1 |
Avacyn, Guardian Angel
1 |
Avacyn's Pilgrim
1 |
Avacynian Missionaries // Lunarch Inquisitors
1 |
Avacynian Priest
1 |
Battleground Geist
1 |
Bedlam Reveler
1 |
Blood Artist
1 |
Bloodcrazed Neonate
1 |
Bloodflow Connoisseur
1 |
Bloodgift Demon
1 |
Bloodhall Priest
1 |
Bloodline Keeper // Lord of Lineage
1 |
Boneyard Wurm
1 |
Borderland Ranger
1 |
Brazen Wolves
1 |
Breakneck Rider // Neck Breaker
1 |
Briarpack Alpha
1 |
Bruna, the Fading Light
1 |
Bygone Bishop
1 |
Champion of Lambholt
1 |
Champion of the Parish
1 |
Charmbreaker Devils
1 |
Civilized Scholar // Homicidal Brute
1 |
Cloistered Youth // Unholy Fiend
1 |
Craterhoof Behemoth
1 |
Creepy Doll
1 |
Crossway Vampire
1 |
Crusader of Odric
1 |
1 |
Curious Homunculus // Voracious Reader
1 |
Dark Impostor
1 |
Dauntless Cathar
1 |
Dawntreader Elk
1 |
Daybreak Ranger // Nightfall Predator
1 |
Dearly Departed
1 |
Deathcap Cultivator
1 |
Decimator of the Provinces
1 |
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration
1 |
Demonic Taskmaster
1 |
Deranged Assistant
1 |
Deranged Outcast
1 |
Diregraf Captain
1 |
Diregraf Colossus
1 |
Diregraf Ghoul
1 |
Distended Mindbender
1 |
Docent of Perfection // Final Iteration
1 |
Doomed Traveler
1 |
Driver of the Dead
1 |
Drogskol Captain
1 |
Drogskol Reaver
1 |
Drownyard Behemoth
1 |
Druid's Familiar
1 |
Dungeon Geists
1 |
Duskwatch Recruiter // Krallenhorde Howler
1 |
Elder Deep-Fiend
1 |
Elder of Laurels
1 |
Elite Inquisitor
1 |
Elusive Tormentor // Insidious Mist
1 |
Emancipation Angel
1 |
Emrakul, the Promised End
1 |
Epitaph Golem
1 |
Essence of the Wild
1 |
Evil Twin
1 |
Extricator of Sin // Extricator of Flesh
1 |
Exultant Cultist
1 |
Falkenrath Aristocrat
1 |
Falkenrath Gorger
1 |
Falkenrath Marauders
1 |
Falkenrath Noble
1 |
1 |
Field Creeper
1 |
Fiend Hunter
1 |
Foul Emissary
1 |
Furyblade Vampire
1 |
Galvanic Juggernaut
1 |
Gatstaf Shepherd // Gatstaf Howler
1 |
Geier Reach Bandit // Vildin-Pack Alpha
1 |
Geist of Saint Traft
1 |
Geist-Fueled Scarecrow
1 |
Geist-Honored Monk
1 |
Geistcatcher's Rig
1 |
Geralf's Masterpiece
1 |
Geralf's Messenger
1 |
Geralf's Mindcrusher
1 |
Ghoulcaller Gisa
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Gisa and Geralf
1 |
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight
1 |
Gisela, the Broken Blade
1 |
1 |
Gnarlwood Dryad
1 |
Goldnight Castigator
1 |
Goldnight Commander
1 |
Graf Rats
1 |
Grave Bramble
1 |
1 |
Grim Flayer
1 |
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
1 |
1 |
Grizzled Angler // Grisly Anglerfish
1 |
1 |
Hamlet Captain
1 |
Hanweir Garrison
1 |
Hanweir Lancer
1 |
Hanweir Militia Captain // Westvale Cult Leader
1 |
Hanweir Watchkeep // Bane of Hanweir
1 |
Harvest Hand // Scrounged Scythe
1 |
Haunted Dead
1 |
Haunted Guardian
1 |
Havengul Lich
1 |
Heir of Falkenrath // Heir to the Night
1 |
1 |
Herald of War
1 |
Hermit of the Natterknolls // Lone Wolf of the Natterknolls
1 |
Heron's Grace Champion
1 |
Highborn Ghoul
1 |
Hollowhenge Scavenger
1 |
Hound of Griselbrand
1 |
Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells
1 |
1 |
Incorrigible Youths
1 |
Insolent Neonate
1 |
Instigator Gang // Wildblood Pack
1 |
Invisible Stalker
1 |
Ishkanah, Grafwidow
1 |
It of the Horrid Swarm
1 |
Kessig Cagebreakers
1 |
Kessig Forgemaster // Flameheart Werewolf
1 |
Kessig Malcontents
1 |
Kessig Prowler // Sinuous Predator
1 |
Kindly Stranger // Demon-Possessed Witch
1 |
Kruin Outlaw // Terror of Kruin Pass
1 |
Kruin Striker
1 |
Laboratory Maniac
1 |
Lambholt Elder // Silverpelt Werewolf
1 |
Lambholt Pacifist // Lambholt Butcher
1 |
Lashweed Lurker
1 |
Latch Seeker
1 |
Lightning Mauler
1 |
Liliana's Elite
1 |
Lone Revenant
1 |
Lone Rider // It That Rides as One
1 |
Loyal Cathar // Unhallowed Cathar
1 |
Ludevic's Test Subject // Ludevic's Abomination
1 |
1 |
Mad Prophet
1 |
Makeshift Mauler
1 |
Manor Gargoyle
1 |
Markov Blademaster
1 |
Markov Warlord
1 |
Mausoleum Guard
1 |
Mausoleum Wanderer
1 |
Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
1 |
Mentor of the Meek
1 |
Mercurial Geists
1 |
Midnight Scavengers
1 |
Mikaeus, the Lunarch
1 |
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed
1 |
1 |
Mindwrack Demon
1 |
Mirror-Mad Phantasm
1 |
Mirrorwing Dragon
1 |
Mist Raven
1 |
Mockery of Nature
1 |
Moldgraf Scavenger
1 |
Morkrut Banshee
1 |
1 |
Murder of Crows
1 |
Narstad Scrapper
1 |
Nearheath Chaplain
1 |
Nebelgast Herald
1 |
Nephalia Smuggler
1 |
Niblis of Dusk
1 |
Niblis of Frost
1 |
Niblis of the Breath
1 |
Nightshade Peddler
1 |
Noose Constrictor
1 |
Odric, Master Tactician
1 |
Olivia Voldaren
1 |
Olivia, Mobilized for War
1 |
Olivia's Bloodsworn
1 |
Olivia's Dragoon
1 |
One-Eyed Scarecrow
1 |
Pack Guardian
1 |
Pale Rider of Trostad
1 |
Pious Evangel // Wayward Disciple
1 |
Possessed Skaab
1 |
Primal Druid
1 |
Prized Amalgam
1 |
Pyre Hound
1 |
Pyreheart Wolf
1 |
Rage Thrower
1 |
Rakish Heir
1 |
1 |
Ravenous Bloodseeker
1 |
Reaper from the Abyss
1 |
Reckless Scholar
1 |
Reckless Waif // Merciless Predator
1 |
Relentless Dead
1 |
Relentless Skaabs
1 |
Restoration Angel
1 |
Runaway Carriage
1 |
Sage of Ancient Lore // Werewolf of Ancient Hunger
1 |
Sanctifier of Souls
1 |
Scorned Villager // Moonscarred Werewolf
1 |
Scourge Wolf
1 |
Screeching Bat // Stalking Vampire
1 |
Selfless Spirit
1 |
Sigarda, Heron's Grace
1 |
Sigarda, Host of Herons
1 |
Sigardian Priest
1 |
Silverblade Paladin
1 |
Silverchase Fox
1 |
Sin Prodder
1 |
Skirsdag Cultist
1 |
Skirsdag Flayer
1 |
Skirsdag High Priest
1 |
Slayer of the Wicked
1 |
Smoldering Werewolf // Erupting Dreadwolf
1 |
Snapcaster Mage
1 |
Somberwald Sage
1 |
Somberwald Stag
1 |
Soul of Innistrad
1 |
Soul of the Harvest
1 |
Soul Seizer // Ghastly Haunting
1 |
Soul Swallower
1 |
Spectral Rider
1 |
Spectral Shepherd
1 |
Spell Queller
1 |
Spirit of the Hunt
1 |
1 |
Stensia Innkeeper
1 |
Stitched Drake
1 |
Stitcher Geralf
1 |
Stitcher's Apprentice
1 |
Stitchwing Skaab
1 |
1 |
Stormbound Geist
1 |
Strangleroot Geist
1 |
Stromkirk Captain
1 |
Stromkirk Condemned
1 |
Stromkirk Noble
1 |
Stromkirk Occultist
1 |
Tandem Lookout
1 |
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 |
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
1 |
Thalia's Lancers
1 |
Thalia's Lieutenant
1 |
The Gitrog Monster
1 |
1 |
Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror
1 |
Thraben Doomsayer
1 |
Thraben Gargoyle // Stonewing Antagonizer
1 |
Thraben Heretic
1 |
Thraben Inspector
1 |
Tireless Tracker
1 |
Tooth Collector
1 |
1 |
Tower Geist
1 |
Town Gossipmonger // Incited Rabble
1 |
Tree of Perdition
1 |
Tree of Redemption
1 |
Trusted Forcemage
1 |
Typhoid Rats
1 |
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde // Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha
1 |
Ulrich's Kindred
1 |
Ulvenwald Captive // Ulvenwald Abomination
1 |
Ulvenwald Hydra
1 |
Ulvenwald Mystics // Ulvenwald Primordials
1 |
Ulvenwald Tracker
1 |
Vampire Interloper
1 |
Veteran Cathar
1 |
Vexing Devil
1 |
Vexing Scuttler
1 |
Village Bell-Ringer
1 |
Village Messenger // Moonrise Intruder
1 |
Voiceless Spirit
1 |
Voldaren Duelist
1 |
Voldaren Pariah // Abolisher of Bloodlines
1 |
1 |
1 |
Weaver of Lightning
1 |
Wharf Infiltrator
1 |
Wicker Witch
1 |
Wild-Field Scarecrow
1 |
1 |
Wolf of Devil's Breach
1 |
Wolfbitten Captive // Krallenhorde Killer
1 |
Wolfir Avenger
1 |
Wolfir Silverheart
1 |
Wretched Gryff
1 |
Young Wolf
1 |
Zealous Conscripts