Sideboard - 6 cards, 2 distinct
Tournament Rules and Conditions
Deck Composition:
- Each player must have a main deck consisting of 60 cards.
- Additionally, players may have a sideboard of up to 15 cards.
Deck Price Limit:
The total price of the deck must not exceed $100 as listed on mtggoldfish.com at the time the tournament begins.
Card Rarity Restrictions:
The deck may contain no more than:
- 20 Uncommon cards
- 10 Rare cards
- 4 Mythic Rare cards
Rare and Mythic Rare cards must not be duplicated within the deck.
Deck Composition:
- Each player must have a main deck consisting of 60 cards.
- Additionally, players may have a sideboard of up to 15 cards.
Deck Price Limit:
The total price of the deck must not exceed $100 as listed on mtggoldfish.com at the time the tournament begins.
Card Rarity Restrictions:
The deck may contain no more than:
- 20 Uncommon cards
- 10 Rare cards
- 4 Mythic Rare cards
Rare and Mythic Rare cards must not be duplicated within the deck.
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