Sideboard - 263 cards, 253 distinct
- Mana Ramp is primordial to get the most uses of Marath's abilities.
- Winning Conditions :
- Get a lot of counters on Marath, swing
- Get a lot of tokens, swing
- Winning Conditions :
- Get a lot of counters on Marath, swing
- Get a lot of tokens, swing
REMOVE : Ogre Battledriver, Triplicate Spirits
And also pay attention to the CMC of cards. Refrain from having too many cards with double/triple colored mana.
- More removal, recursable if possible
- Protection against Cyclonic Rift? If possible?
- Fertilid
- Bow of Nylea
- Seraph of Masses / Battle Squadron
- Emeria Angel
- Martial Coup
- RAMP (this decks needs a lot of (colorless) mana to be efficient
- Trample / Evasion to go for the kill
- More protection against flyers
- Protection / Recursion for critical creatures and enchantments
- Tutors & Draw
- 1 or 2 more wipe
- Efficient spot removal
- Purphoros + lots of tokens
- lots of tokens + Burn at the Stake
- Replace some mana creatures with creatures that fetch lands (ex: Farhaven Elf, Sylvan Ranger)
- Realm Seekers?
- Enduring Scalelord