I personally would like to see this as a feature of deckbox, since I like to run older cards when I can. Currently though the best way if you want to know the current value is probably to turn that into an excel spreadsheet and then look up the cards manually.

I have two Jackal Pup from the foil Fire n Lightning deck, and a Lightning Bolt from Alpha I'd be interested in selling.  Not sure you want to invest in an Alpha bolt or not, but just throwing it out there.  I probably also have the guild gates you need.

VampireArmy wrote:

i agree with this as i do have a few altered hand painted tokens but may end up doing actual cards one day and that would be nice to add to my tradelist

It would be nice to be able to list tokens on our wants and inventories too.  smile  But I understand as deckbox uses TCG's API those items need to be available on TCG player first.

I love the fact that the site allows you to enter things like "foil", "Artist signed", "Textless", and "Promo", but could you also add icons for "Altered Art", "Artist Proof", and "Gold Bordered"?

Perhaps also an indicator for CE/IE (collector's edition/international edition) or even a separate set for CE/IE with square bordered card images would also be appropriate? 

I'm personally not looking for gold bordered cards or CE cards, but I've seen people try to enter them into their collection by marking them as promo, and I have two artists proofs in my collection marked as promo, but that's not really accurate.  I've also seen someone use the 'promo' tag to indicate an altered art card, which isn't helpful if you're actually looking for a promo version of the card.

I don't think these are urgent by any means, just a suggestion, that I'm hoping would not be too difficult to implement.  I don't think prices need to be calculated for these items, since they aren't calculated for promos and these items only appeal to certain collectors.  It would also make it easier for people who actually want these things to find them.  smile

edit:  I'd also like to see these indicators somewhere on the spoiler view if that's possible.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So P3K is done.  I only modified the ones that did not already have a white border.  There were eight white cards that had to be rescaled.  I chose to do these two different ways.  The first time I went back to a high quality scan and re-scaled them from that, however I noticed that these were all slightly darker than the images you had, so I went back to the originals and rescaled the version you have.  I'm including both, and you can use the ones you prefer.  One set has a better resolution, but some cards stand out, the other set the cards match in color but may be a little more compressed. 

I'll try to work on Starter on my lunch break tomorrow.

edit: I'm moving Chronicles off my Dropbox, but let me know if you need another copy.

edit 2: I've started downloading Starter images in my free time, and I'm finding some Starter 2000 cards don't have images at all (at least 24 cards), and most of them are just copies of the Starter 1999 versions, which isn't exactly accurate.  I also realized that Battle Royale should be white bordered also.  Starter will likely  take some time to do. 

To give you a little background on me, I actually tried to build my own trading site at one point in time, but stopped around RTR and honestly deckbox is nearly the exact vision I had in my head, so I'm pretty happy that it exists.  I probably would not have done any of the work I did had I known about it earlier.  Anyway I happen to have images for most sets and good scripting skills.  I could rescale what I have for starter 2000, but matching the names of your existing files (numbering) would be the part that would slow me down, also many cards from Starter 2000 are identical to 6th edition, so only part of the set even adds anything to the site, so this is probably pretty low on the priority list.  Also unlike Chronicles, the black border in the spoiler view isn't as big of a deal, since the star icon is unique to Starter 1999.

edit 3 (12/2/13): P3K links removed.  PM or e-mail if you need them again.  I did not work on any of these over the break, but I like helping out, so I'll try to work on some images this week.

Bump, the_wizard hasn't been online in a while (over a week), and I'd prefer to keep the trade in the US anyway.  Does anyone else have any of the cards I'm looking for?

They have been seeing legacy play, and my friend sold his online right after buying the deck (for more than what he paid on the pre-con).  So yeah, someone is buying them.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump and the Mox Diamonds sold on TCG Player over the weekend, so those are gone.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Awesome, I use the visual spoiler view a lot, and that was just one of those things that bugged me.  I mean you could obviously tell by the copyright line, but Chronicles should look like Chronicles. 

I'll try to do P3K next when I have some free time.  Chronicles was super easy, the images were sequentially numbered, I just did curl requests from terminal to grab them and it took about an hour to replace borders on the whole set (including downloading).  P3K doesn't appear to be quite as organized, and some of those images are a bit of a mess.  Some are white bordered already (all of the ones that have had re-prints, including basics are correct), some have gaps between the bottom of the card and the border (like Shu Cavalry), and some of them will have to be downloaded by hand due to the numbering being less organized.

I don't like the idea of adding more clicks to navigating the site.  Most of the time if I'm loading someone's profile, it's to see this information.  However I have no objection to this being an optional setting that you can set in your settings page on your profile.  For me it also doesn't seem to create a lot of delays.


(7 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I know web design can be a pain, so rather than complain, I fixed Chronicles for you.  These are your images, but now edited to have white borders.  Optimized for the web, JPEG Quality 60.  You should be able to simply overwrite your existing Chronicles images. 

Thanks for running a super awesome site!  smile

edit: I can also do the same thing with P3K images and starter if you'll actually use them.  smile

Update: Chronicles links removed since I took these off my dropbox, but let me know if you need another copy.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Up again.  Finally Friday, looking to move more stuff!

I have rune-tail, Blood Artist, Sunblast Angel, Psychosis Crawler and probably an extra Eternal Witness.  I'm also willing to sell anything on my tradelist.

Looks like you have a solid start, good luck!  I edited my last post again as well.  smile

AmarusCameron wrote:

Thanks gumgod, those are all great idea's!

It is a casual EDH deck but I play pretty hard, I normally find ways to get the bombs I want smile

Well if you're willing to dump resources into it, then don't forget about Lotus Bloom, Mox Opal, Mox Diamond, and Mana Drain.  Some of the best ramp for an artifact deck.  smile  You could also include a Trinket Mage toolbox in the deck (Pithing Needle, Expedition Map, Skullclamp, artifact lands ect) 

If you want to really be mean and lock people out of playing their cards look at Contamination and Infernal Darkness

It seems like this would be a good deck for Jester's Mask and Jester's Cap too.

Also Trading Post, Academy Ruins and Buried Ruin will get your spent artifacts back to you. and Shimmer Myr could give your artifacts flash.  There are a lot of ways you can build around the triplets.

AmarusCameron wrote:

Anything else you guys can suggest for artifact ramp? And then ways to protect them?

I will run maybe 5 counters, spell crumple, hinder, arcane denial, dissolve, dissipate?

Need a wurmcoil, lashwrithe...maybe some other mean artifact creatures.

Phyrexian Revoker can turn off a mana rock or a planeswalker.  Transmute Artifact* can tutor for you, Lodestone Golem or Ethersworn Canonist can keep your opponents from playing all of their spells.  (Their best defense is to empty their hands). Bribery* takes things right out of their library.  Yawgmoth's Will* can be useful, as can Lion's Eye Diamond*.

*Things with a * may be out of budget for a casual deck.

AmarusCameron wrote:

I love artifacts, and I have some artifact ramp like sol ring, gilded lotus and I need another thran dynamo but can you suggest anymore? I have swiftfoot, greaves, and the forge but what other cards can i play that make my artifacts untouchable?
Thanks guys this is a great help!

Guardian Beast, but it's expensive now.  I blame EDH.  Also doesn't work for artifact creatures, just non-creatures.

As long as Guardian Beast is untapped, noncreature artifacts you control can't be enchanted, they're indestructible, and other players can't gain control of them. This effect doesn't remove Auras already attached to those artifacts.

As far as ramp goes, look into Basalt Monolith, Mana Vault and Grim Monolith.  These can be enchanted with Power Artifact to gain infinite mana (the vault has to untap during your upkeep), or they can be untaped with Voltaic Key or Unwinding Clock.

Avnartt wrote:

It doesn't really matter how much the Cmc is because edh will let you get there.

I think this really depends on the local metagame.  Generally EDH is considered a casual format, where bigger spells can be played, but if you don't build with a proper curve you'll have trouble also.  I agree with running board wipes.  You'll be seen as a threat with this general because it is cheap to cast and aggressive.  Build a deck that can take advantage of the Triplets, but don't rely on them to be on the field.  You also have the best tutor colors and best artifact support colors.  Use those control and tutor colors to your advantage.  Desertion, Spelljack and the like fit your theme, and are some of those 'big mana' cards you won't find in other decks.  I also replied in the other forum where you posted with additional suggestions.

I tried running Sen Triplets a couple of games and what happened was that everyone paniced at the idea if their stuff being used against them and it never even hit the board.  I might have gotten it in play once? But the idea is to play some repeatable bounce to make things on the board go back to their hand, look out for Homeward Path (be proactive and remove it from their libraries if you can, you do have access to black so Praetor's Grasp and Sadistic Sacrament are things that are available to you.  Celestial Dawn and Mycosynth Lattice both have the interesting wording of allowing you to spend mana as though it were mana of any color, which lets you bypass the rule of not being able to make mana outside of your colors.  You should probably build the deck so that it can defend it's self very well without playing things from the opponents. 

edit: You should build artifact heavy, so this may be a place to run Unwinding Clock as well.


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump for a new selling list.

2 Mox Diamonds and the Alpha Bolt are now available as well.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Monday Bump


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumping this old topic again.  Working on tearing down old EDH decks, and building new decks.  Lots of new stuff added to my trade list today.   I will also sell stuff on my trade list.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

you can now only change your login name in the first 2 weeks after signing up. This is to prevent people to switch logins after having BTRs, etc.


If it has been less than two weeks, you should be able to go to your Deckbox Profile, hit "edit profile" and change it there.  At least I think that's how it works.

If it has been longer than that, you may have to message an admin.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I use adblock plus.  Maybe I'm a horrible person for it, but in general ads are actually a huge source of malware, so I'm not turning the filter off for any site. 

I'd like to think that if I click a link to TCG player from Deckbox though, that deckbox would get some sort of money via referral.  It does add DECKBOX to the URL and tracks it as a referring link.  I click links to TCG player from here all the time, and when I buy cards it's usually through TCG player.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

I don't have a problem with bridge shuffling, but if your opponent ever shuffles and tries to present a deck like that, you should immediately call a judge.

This is true.  This is not good enough to be random.  Also I was amused when he did the pile he said he liked to pick them up in a "random" order, then explained the "pattern" he used to pick them up. wink