(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

fizzlefist wrote:

The file is saved as a CSV UTF-8 format, and I'm really rather confused as to what might be wrong.

That's the issue! It needs to be in ANSI rather than UTF-8.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Dear Deckbox friends,

I would like to apologize for getting behind on this community resource. My wife and I had a baby in mid-February, but along with that joy came a host of medical woes for a few weeks. We were in and out of hospitals with our new daughter, including the cardiac ICU for about a week. Thankfully, everything has stabilized and seems oK. Then of course throw COVID-19 into the mix, and that's a recipe for a lot of upheaval and not enough time!

But I plan to get all the missing precons added within a few days -- Challenger Decks 2020, Unsanctioned, and the THB Deck Builder's Toolkit. I'll also probably pre-add the C20 decks, so they're ready to verify upon release! Let me know if I've missed any other recent products.

Thanks for your patience!

You're welcome!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You're welcome! Stay safe!

I"m not 100% sure what you're trying to accomplish, but here's a few different things that might answer your questions:

  • No, you're not able to have more than one Inventory per account. All owned cards are in that one Inventory (and can also be added to your Tradelist or, if you're premium, a Built Deck). There's no way to show cards owned in a separate area than the Inventory. Cards added to decks are either one of the cards in your inventory or are part of only "deck ideas", meaning the system assumes the deck isn't physically part of your collection.

  • Officially, you're not supposed to create additional accounts, as people can use fake accounts to cheat the marketplace rating system, which will get you banned. That said, if you never trade on here, you probably don't have to worry about this, so you could create another account if you truly needed another inventory.

  • I'm not sure what you mean by "make folders", but if you mean the folders in the left pane of the site, then those are for organizing your decks, not your inventory. You can create decks and move them around that basic folder structure. Note: This has no connection to your browser or OS.

  • Related to the above, importing from CSV is only possible in the inventory and not decks, so even if you decided to use "decks" as a way to separate your inventory by color (adding all e.g. green cards to a deck named Green), you wouldn't be able to import all your green cards into a deck from a CSV.

  • More than likely, all you REALLY need is just a temporary separation by color while looking at your inventory. In this case, Deckbox can definitely do this for you. You can either sort ALL your cards by color (by clicking the "Color" header in your Inventory table), or you can filter your Inventory with Search & Filter > Add More Filters > Color.

Sorry if you already knew some of that. Since I wasn't sure what you meant, I just wanted to touch on all the points I could think of. Let me know if you have any followup questions!

As far as I can find, there isn't an official collector order. The full set isn't listed on Gatherer (only the new test cards are), and since every card is an exact reprint of the original card (not counting the planeswalker symbol), the collector number of the original card is all that's available, which obviously isn't of any use.

Thus, it's up to each platform how they are ordered. That said, I'm not sure how you generated the order you described on Deckbox? The order Deckbox uses (visible on the edition page) is the standard order for sets -- Colorless, WUBRG, Gold, Hybrid, Split, Artifact, then Land -- with cards alphabetized within those color groupings. Within your Inventory, you should be able to sort in this order by clicking (E/#). If that isn't working, then that's a bug that should be reported!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

jamesccol wrote:

it is also a foil, camera couldn't pick it up and I forgot to mention it.

It picked it up a little bit. I could tell.  smile  But it's also only available in foil (same is true for all intro pack alt arts), so the version on Deckbox is only for a foil copy.

jamesccol wrote:

the artist is tyler Jacobson. which confuses me a little because the artist you mentioned above is not the same.

I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't specifically mention an artist. And Deckbox doesn't list the artist name anywhere I can see. The only thing I can think of that you might have meant is that, at first glance, the bottom info in Deckbox's photo of the card doesn't seem to match the bottom info of yours. But that's just because Deckbox somehow has another card's info showing up in the photo. If you look closely, there are TWO artist and copyright lines. The "top" one has Tyler Jacobson as it should, whereas the "bottom" line belongs with another card. Very weird! But that's just an issue with Deckbox's photo source. It's the same card you have. It's also listed on Scryfall with a better card photo, and the artist matches.

Sorry to bust your bubble! It would be super cool to find out you have something special, even if it's just a misprint. But I also don't want you under any illusions.  smile


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It was the intro pack alt art promo. On Deckbox, it's the one with the so-named edition Intro Pack Alternate Art.

ic0n67 wrote:

Did the system ever do this?

I think it did for premium users, who can choose to auto-trade cards that aren't in built decks. So new cards that are added to inventory, which obviously won't be in any built decks yet, should be auto-added to the tradelist.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

orchidx wrote:

the problem is i happen to have artist proofs, textless cards, promos, misprints, altered and signed cards lol. they havent made their way into my list yet... i wish there was just a little pad with pencil symbol where you could write notes. but its all good i can just list graded stuff somewhere else i guess..

Ah! Well in that case, I agree with @psrex. Use the Textless flag. Why? Because it's actually deprecated. It was on the site prior to all the promos being properly added into the various promo editions. Now, however, if you have e.g. a Magic Player Rewards Lightning Bolt or a Grand Prix Lightning Bolt, you can just add those cards using the correct edition, which means they are textless by definition and don't need to be specified as such. Then you can use the Textless flag as I described above.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

First of all, I'll offer my evaluation of each of the products you mentioned. This evaluation comes from many years buying Magic (since 2010), during which time I made many purchase mistakes I learned the hard way. I also follow content creators like the Professor of Tolarian Community College who offers good insight on products as well.

  • Deck Builder's Toolkit — These are great for a first purchase, as they give you a selection of cards that'll be usable together, along with some guidance on how to use them. The land packs are also nice to ensure you have enough lands for decks you build. But ultimately, they're basically $16 for the 4 booster packs, plus $4 for all the extra cards. Not that interesting once you have a solid collection going.

  • Bundles — These are pretty much $40 for 10 booster packs, which is the exact price of 10 booster packs off the shelf. Sure, there's some "fun extras", and if you like them, awesome. Like with the Toolkits, the land packs are nice if you're just starting out. But pretty soon you'll own more than enough lands, at which point there's usually not a great reason to buy these. That said, they make for great gifts!

  • Prerelease Kits — If you can get these during prerelease when the price on them isn't too high, these are a decent purchase. They cost the same as the 6 boosters they contain, but they also have that date-stamped rare or mythic. But see "Booster packs" below.

  • Challenger Decks — These are very solid products for their intended audience. It took a while for Wizards to get this right, but these are solid standard decks that are semi-competitive out-of-the-box. But that's the key.... They're for competitive play. If you have no interest in the competitive scene, then you could probably get the same game-play experience for cheaper. Also consider that their value plummets once the cards inside of them rotate out of standard.

  • Brawl — I have not tried these, so I can't say. But I've heard they're fun. But certainly not the cheapest of options!

  • Planeswalker Decks — No....... oK, fine, they're good for beginners, and in fact are specifically designed to be the entry product, with Deck Builder's Toolkits following them. But you can buy waaaaay better casual decks for the same amount of money! Don't buy these.

  • Booster packs — This depends on your goals:

    1. Do you want to focus on buying / making fun casual decks to play games with? Don't buy boosters, just buy the individual cards.

    2. Do you want to collect all the cards from the set? You can get a good part of the way there with boosters. Two booster boxes usually gets you playsets of all the commons and many of the uncommons. Then you just have to buy rares / mythics individually to fill in the gaps. But buying common and uncommon sets, as you did, is a much more cost-effective way to get those rarities, and the money you save doing that instead of buying 2x booster boxes will likely get you most of the rares / mythics you may have gotten in the booster boxes.

    3. Do you want to use the boosters in a draft with friends? THIS is what boosters are for, so then yes, buy them! BUT.... don't buy individual boosters. It is much more cost-effective to buy an entire booster box. To get 36 packs off the shelf would cost you 36 x $4 = $144, whereas you can buy booster boxes for $90 - $100 most places. That's more like $2.75 per pack!

So in summation:

  • DON'T buy Deck Builder's Toolkits or Planeswalker Decks.

  • MAYBE buy Bundles or Prerelease kits if you like the promos and extras, but otherwise just buy booster boxes.

  • ONLY buy booster packs if you are drafting them. Otherwise, buying c/u sets or individual cards is cheaper.

  • IDK about precons like Challenger and Brawl decks. That's up to you ultimately. They are both fine products for what they're trying to do.


Second, here's some ideas on affordable deck options.

Wizards sadly discontinued the popular Duel Decks product line, but you can still find several of them for close to the original $20. They contain two 60 card decks which are designed to play against each other, so $10 per deck — not too bad! Here's a list on TCG Player. If you sort the results by Price: Low to High, you'll find that there are about 4 you can still buy for $20, and about 3-4 more you can buy for $25.

Another really great option is Card Kingdom's battle decks, which are custom-created to be balanced against each other. They're also $10 per deck. Card Kingdom no longer displays the decklists on the product pages (because tweaking the decklists, as they like to do when new cards are released, made keeping the product pages up-to-date more time-consuming for their team). However, I believe if you message them, they'll give you the current decklist of any deck you're interested in, and often you can build them yourself for a little cheaper (especially if you already own some of the cards!).

If you'd rather build your own decks instead of relying on premade decks, then the Pauper format might be of interest to you. It has a lot of the power and complexity of old Magic formats like Legacy, but since it only allows commons, it is by far the most affordable format. Even the best, top-tier competitive decks only cost about $50-$80, but you can absolutely find strong and interesting decks for cheap.

Finally, a great site for looking up decks or building your own is TappedOut, where you can search for specifically budget decks. The site also offers a nice playtest feature, so you can play a few test games against yourself to decide if you like the deck or not. Then if you like it.... just buy all the cards you need! You can easily find decks for under $10 there.

I hope all these tips are helpful, and I hope you, your girlfriend, and any friends you convince to start playing have a ton of fun! Let me know if you have any further questions.  smile


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

orchidx wrote:

Hey I am pretty new here and I just had a couple of questions to help me use the site better

When making my tradelist is there a way to add a little note with information? also is there a way to set custom values other than just the autogenerated card values? I have graded cards that i would like to put on my trade list but I have no way to say that they are graded, what the grade is, what the subgrades are, etc. also i would generally expect a trade value premium over a raw card.

also is there any way to easily add cards to my wishlist other than typing them in one by one? generally when looking through peoples trades lists i'll see a card and say "oh I would like to have that" and it would be easier if there was a little button that just says "add to wishlist" or something like that instead of me having to write them down somewhere.

I can't speak too much to the former, as I don't use this site to trade. But as to the latter, when you see a card you want, just click on the card, which will open up the card's detail page in a new browser tab, and then on the left, it'll show how many of the card you have in your inventory / tradelist / wishlist. At the top of that section, there's an "Edit" link, which will open up a box. From there, you can add it to your wishlist.

As to the former, as far as I know, there's not a way to add individual card notes, but I could be wrong. Especially if it's a premium feature. You also can't set custom values unless you have a seller account and list the cards for a specific sale price.

One idea I have -- hopefully other traders will chime in whether or not this would be a good idea -- is you could use a card flag that you never use otherwise to denote graded cards, then mention this in your trader bio. For instance, you use the Foil and Signed flags, but you don't have any cards listed as Altered, Misprint, Textless, Promo, or Artist Proof. Let's say you know you'll never deal in truly altered cards. You might decide to flag all graded cards as "altered", with a note in your bio that this means graded and to message you for details on subgrades and desired trade value. Now, I don't know if everyone checks others' bios (I know I would!), but if you receive a trade offer containing a graded card and receive no message inquiring into the details of that card, then you can initiate the message yourself. Not ideal, I know. But at least it's somethingsmile

Submit a support ticket, and I don't know if it matters, but I'd avoid making any changes to my inventory until the support ticket is completed.

Sorry to hear! That sucks. Another recommendation for the future is to always keep a backup of your inventory exported to CSV (you can find Export under Tools). Then if something like this ever happens again, you can just reimport your entire inventory from that CSV.  smile


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

nkholte wrote:

Thank you so much for the thurough explanation and result! smile The .coll2 conversion process is most likely the one I'll go with from now on, but it's nice to have options!

You're welcome! Yeah, obviously the native Deckbox method is the preferable one, especially since it corrects most of the mismatched edition names itself (though I noticed the ones that were issues in your most recent .coll2 file were new editions that came out since Sebi implemented this feature.... time for an update, it seems!).

nkholte wrote:

went through and cut any edition names from column F (the original column with the "Edition" label, which contained a mix of edition names and card-name halves, and I wanted to leave only the latter in that column) into column G (our "true" Edition column now)

Wasn't this almost as much work as the manual thing, scrolling through the list to move over edition names and leave the "name-halves"?

Not at all! Going through and manually typing in commas in the card names (and also putting quotation marks around those names) would have been a very tedious process. But since that column had mostly "name-halves" and not very many edition names, I only had to do a quick cut-and-paste in about one to two dozen rows. And many of them were adjacent, so I could cut-and-paste them at the same time! I'm super quick with my Excel keyboard shortcuts and navigation, so operations like that are pretty quick once you get in the rhythm.  smile

nkholte wrote:

this is the result from a csv-export https://www.dropbox.com/s/f56eer1o6wag8 … coll2?dl=0
Hope that helps smile

Well I'm still stumped! As you probably noticed when you opened the files in Notepad to compare their contents, the CSV-export file does indeed still use commas to separate values, not semicolons. And the above macro has no ability to introduce the semicolons. It just deletes and inserts columns/sheets, changes cell values, copies and pastes — nothing that alters the "behind the scenes" column separator (comma in CSV, semicolon in your case). And the "Text to Columns" feature also can't seem to alter or add characters, just splits the content around existing characters.

However, I did learn a couple things. First, the "Text to Columns" feature actually DOES work with card names that contain commas! On the same page in that dialog in which you set "Delimiters" to commas, the default "Text qualifier" is a quotation mark, which makes it work correctly.

That means that, in addition to your file somehow having a bunch of semicolons mysteriously introduced, it also mysteriously had all of its quotation marks stripped away! (That's why Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon" and the Time Spiral "Timeshifted" edition both threw errors, in addition to why "Text to Columns" messed up all those card names.) So there must have been something else you did in between exporting the file and opening it in Excel to do the "Text to Columns" and run the macro.  :\

Obviously none of this matters. Purely an academic exercise at this point. LoL

However, the second thing I learned is the you actually CAN just change the file extension to .csv now! You didn't used to be able to do that. You'll still have to open it in Excel after and save it within Excel before it'll work on Deckbox. But no need to open it in Notepad and Save As... to do this! I updated my earlier posts to reflect this info.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

nkholte wrote:

Is there a better way than having to go through manually and re-arrange those 566 names without a comma?

Yes! I went ahead and fixed the CSV you linked to (find the results below), but all I did was:

  • opened it in Excel

  • added "Edition" as the header label for column G (which didn't have a header label but contained edition names on some rows)

  • went through and cut any edition names from column F (the original column with the "Edition" label, which contained a mix of edition names and card-name halves, and I wanted to leave only the latter in that column) into column G (our "true" Edition column now)

  • inserted a new column before "Name" (making that column F now)

  • in the new column E, used this formula: =IF(ISBLANK(G2),F2,F2&","&G2) which in English says, "If there's no second half to the name in column G, then just use the value in column F, but if there is, then combine F, a comma, and G together."

  • copied column E and used the "Values only" paste option to turn that formula into stable card names

  • deleted columns F and G, leaving me with correct card names and edition names all in one column!

After that, had to go through and correct a few mismatching edition names, but the below output imports perfectly.

So just copy-and-paste the following into Notepad, and use the method described in my previous post to convert it into a Deckbox-compatible .csv file! Let me know if you have any issues with it.

1,,Near Mint,English,"Rayne, Academy Chancellor",Urza's Destiny
1,,Near Mint,English,"Predator, Flagship",Nemesis
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ixidor, Reality Sculptor",Onslaught
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karona, False God",Scourge
1,,Near Mint,English,"Bosh, Iron Golem",Mirrodin
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jugan, the Rising Star",Champions of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker",Champions of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar",Betrayers of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sakiko, Mother of Summer",Betrayers of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni",Betrayers of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Hokori, Dust Drinker",Betrayers of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Keiga, the Tide Star",Champions of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Horobi, Death's Wail",Champions of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Azusa, Lost but Seeking",Champions of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion",Ravnica: City of Guilds
1,,Near Mint,English,"Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant",Saviors of Kamigawa
1,,Near Mint,English,"Duskmantle, House of Shadow",Ravnica: City of Guilds
1,,Near Mint,English,"Szadek, Lord of Secrets",Ravnica: City of Guilds
1,,Near Mint,English,"Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran",Ravnica: City of Guilds
1,,Near Mint,English,"Rix Maadi, Dungeon Palace",Dissension
1,,Near Mint,English,"Novijen, Heart of Progress",Dissension
1,,Near Mint,English,Safe Haven,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Flying Men,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,"Momir Vig, Simic Visionary",Dissension
1,,Near Mint,English,Uthden Troll,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Voidmage Prodigy,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Dragonstorm,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Ovinomancer,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
2,,Near Mint,English,Withered Wretch,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Conspiracy,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
2,,Near Mint,English,Avatar of Woe,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,Mirari,"Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"""
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vorosh, the Hunter",Planar Chaos
1,,Near Mint,English,"Numot, the Devastator",Planar Chaos
1,,Near Mint,English,"Intet, the Dreamer",Planar Chaos
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teneb, the Harvester",Planar Chaos
1,,Near Mint,English,"Oros, the Avenger",Planar Chaos
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sygg, River Cutthroat",Shadowmoor
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ashling, the Extinguisher",Eventide
1,,Near Mint,English,"Anowon, the Ruin Sage",Worldwake
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund",Alara Reborn
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet",Zendikar
1,,Near Mint,English,"Unscythe, Killer of Kings",Alara Reborn
1,,Near Mint,English,"Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief",Rise of the Eldrazi
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs",Worldwake
1,,Near Mint,English,"Omnath, Locus of Mana",Worldwake
1,,Near Mint,English,"Wrexial, the Risen Deep",Worldwake
1,,Near Mint,English,"Thada Adel, Acquisitor",Worldwake
1,,Near Mint,English,"Venser, the Sojourner",Scars of Mirrodin
1,,Near Mint,English,"Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon",Scars of Mirrodin
1,,Near Mint,English,"Thrun, the Last Troll",Mirrodin Besieged
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur",New Phyrexia
1,,Near Mint,English,"Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite",New Phyrexia
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sheoldred, Whispering One",New Phyrexia
2,,Near Mint,English,"Geth, Lord of the Vault",Scars of Mirrodin
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger",New Phyrexia
1,,Near Mint,English,"Garruk, Primal Hunter",Magic 2012
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer",New Phyrexia
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karador, Ghost Chieftain",Commander
1,,Near Mint,English,"Damia, Sage of Stone",Commander
1,,Near Mint,English,"Skullbriar, the Walking Grave",Commander
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter",Commander
1,,Near Mint,English,"Animar, Soul of Elements",Commander
1,,Near Mint,English,"Avacyn, Angel of Hope",Avacyn Restored
2,,Near Mint,English,"Bruna, Light of Alabaster",Avacyn Restored
1,,Near Mint,English,"Elbrus, the Binding Blade",Dark Ascension
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mikaeus, the Lunarch",Innistrad
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grimgrin, Corpse-Born",Innistrad
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yeva, Nature's Herald",Magic 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mikaeus, the Unhallowed",Dark Ascension
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sorin, Lord of Innistrad",Dark Ascension
3,,Near Mint,English,"Rakdos, Lord of Riots",Return to Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius",Return to Ravnica
3,,Near Mint,English,"Trostani, Selesnya's Voice",Return to Ravnica
2,,Near Mint,English,"Jace, Architect of Thought",Return to Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Garruk, Primal Hunter",Magic 2013
2,,Near Mint,English,"Jace, Memory Adept",Magic 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, the Firebrand",Magic 2013
2,,Near Mint,English,"Odric, Master Tactician",Magic 2013
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis",Magic 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker",Magic 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree",Planechase 2012
1,,Near Mint,English,"Skarrg, the Rage Pits",Planechase 2012
2,,Near Mint,English,"Isperia, Supreme Judge",Return to Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord",Return to Ravnica
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nivix, Aerie of the Firemind",Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
1,,Near Mint,English,"Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind",Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord",Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
2,,Near Mint,English,"Svogthos, the Restless Tomb",Duel Decks: Izzet vs. Golgari
4,,Near Mint,English,"Obzedat, Ghost Council",Gatecrash
1,,Near Mint,English,"Aurelia, the Warleader",Gatecrash
1,,Near Mint,English,"Lazav, Dimir Mastermind",Gatecrash
2,,Near Mint,English,"Varolz, the Scar-Striped",Dragon's Maze
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts",Dragon's Maze
2,,Near Mint,English,"Ruric Thar, the Unbowed",Dragon's Maze
2,,Near Mint,English,"Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker",Dragon's Maze
2,,Near Mint,English,"Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch",Dragon's Maze
1,,Near Mint,English,"Melek, Izzet Paragon",Dragon's Maze
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tajic, Blade of the Legion",Dragon's Maze
1,,Near Mint,English,"Oona, Queen of the Fae",Modern Masters
3,,Near Mint,English,"Ajani, Caller of the Pride",Magic 2014 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Garruk, Caller of Beasts",Magic 2014 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver",Theros
1,,Near Mint,English,"Xenagos, the Reveler",Theros
1,,Near Mint,English,"Heliod, God of the Sun",Theros
4,,Near Mint,English,"Thassa, God of the Sea",Theros
4,,Near Mint,English,"Polukranos, World Eater",Theros
3,,Near Mint,English,"Purphoros, God of the Forge",Theros
3,,Near Mint,English,"Nylea, God of the Hunt",Theros
2,,Near Mint,English,"Erebos, God of the Dead",Theros
2,,Near Mint,English,"Elspeth, Sun's Champion",Theros
4,,Near Mint,English,"Tymaret, the Murder King",Theros
3,,Near Mint,English,"Anthousa, Setessan Hero",Theros
4,,Near Mint,English,"Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx",Theros
1,,Near Mint,English,"Azami, Lady of Scrolls",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Derevi, Empyrial Tactician",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gahiji, Honored One",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Hua Tuo, Honored Physician",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kongming, ""Sleeping Dragon""",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Marath, Will of the Wild",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nekusar, the Mindrazer",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Oloro, Ageless Ascetic",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Prossh, Skyraider of Kher",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sydri, Galvanic Genius",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Uyo, Silent Prophet",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree",Commander 2013
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ephara, God of the Polis",Born of the Gods
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karametra, God of Harvests",Born of the Gods
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kiora, the Crashing Wave",Born of the Gods
2,,Near Mint,English,"Mogis, God of Slaughter",Born of the Gods
3,,Near Mint,English,"Phenax, God of Deception",Born of the Gods
2,,Near Mint,English,"Xenagos, God of Revels",Born of the Gods
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ajani, Mentor of Heroes",Journey into Nyx
3,,Near Mint,English,"Athreos, God of Passage",Journey into Nyx
1,,Near Mint,English,"Iroas, God of Victory",Journey into Nyx
2,,Near Mint,English,"Keranos, God of Storms",Journey into Nyx
6,,Near Mint,English,"King Macar, the Gold-Cursed",Journey into Nyx
2,,Near Mint,English,"Kruphix, God of Horizons",Journey into Nyx
2,,Near Mint,English,"Pharika, God of Affliction",Journey into Nyx
1,,Near Mint,English,"Brago, King Eternal",Conspiracy
1,,Near Mint,English,"Edric, Spymaster of Trest",Conspiracy
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grenzo, Dungeon Warden",Conspiracy
1,,Near Mint,English,"Marchesa, the Black Rose",Conspiracy
1,,Near Mint,English,"Muzzio, Visionary Architect",Conspiracy
1,,Near Mint,English,"Avacyn, Guardian Angel",Magic 2015 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Pyromaster",Magic 2015 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Garruk, Apex Predator",Magic 2015 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Jace, the Living Guildpact",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jalira, Master Polymorphist",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nissa, Worldwaker",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ob Nixilis, Unshackled",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth",Magic 2015 Core Set
2,,Near Mint,English,"Yisan, the Wanderer Bard",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,,Near Mint,English,"Anafenza, the Foremost",Khans of Tarkir
2,,Near Mint,English,"Narset, Enlightened Master",Khans of Tarkir
3,,Near Mint,English,"Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker",Khans of Tarkir
4,,Near Mint,English,"Sidisi, Brood Tyrant",Khans of Tarkir
2,,Near Mint,English,"Sorin, Solemn Visitor",Khans of Tarkir
1,,Near Mint,English,"Bosh, Iron Golem",Commander 2014
1,,Near Mint,English,"Daretti, Scrap Savant",Commander 2014
1,,Near Mint,English,"Emeria, the Sky Ruin",Commander 2014
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kemba, Kha Regent",Commander 2014
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nahiri, the Lithomancer",Commander 2014
1,,Near Mint,English,"Titania, Protector of Argoth",Commander 2014
2,,Near Mint,English,"Alesha, Who Smiles at Death",Fate Reforged
1,,Near Mint,English,"Atarka, World Render",Fate Reforged
3,,Near Mint,English,"Dromoka, the Eternal",Fate Reforged
3,,Near Mint,English,"Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury",Fate Reforged
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ojutai, Soul of Winter",Fate Reforged
2,,Near Mint,English,"Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest",Fate Reforged
3,,Near Mint,English,"Silumgar, the Drifting Death",Fate Reforged
4,,Near Mint,English,"Tasigur, the Golden Fang",Fate Reforged
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ugin, the Spirit Dragon",Fate Reforged
1,,Near Mint,English,"Elspeth, Sun's Champion",Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kiora, the Crashing Wave",Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora
1,,Near Mint,English,"Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit",Dragons of Tarkir
3,,Near Mint,English,"Sidisi, Undead Vizier",Dragons of Tarkir
3,,Near Mint,English,"Surrak, the Hunt Caller",Dragons of Tarkir
1,,Near Mint,English,"Hikari, Twilight Guardian",Modern Masters 2015 Edition
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kytheon, Hero of Akros",Magic Origins
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nissa, Vastwood Seer",Magic Origins
2,,Near Mint,English,"Liliana, Heretical Healer",Magic Origins
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kothophed, Soul Hoarder",Magic Origins
4,,Near Mint,English,"Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen",Magic Origins
1,,Near Mint,English,"Hixus, Prison Warden",Magic Origins
1,,Near Mint,English,"Iona, Shield of Emeria",From the Vault: Angels
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tariel, Reckoner of Souls",From the Vault: Angels
1,,Near Mint,English,"Drana, Liberator of Malakir",Battle for Zendikar
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kiora, Master of the Depths",Battle for Zendikar
2,,Near Mint,English,"Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper",Battle for Zendikar
4,,Near Mint,English,"Omnath, Locus of Rage",Battle for Zendikar
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger",Battle for Zendikar
1,,Near Mint,English,"Zada, Hedron Grinder",Battle for Zendikar
1,,Near Mint,English,"Arjun, the Shifting Flame",Commander 2015
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gisela, Blade of Goldnight",Commander 2015
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kaseto, Orochi Archmage",Commander 2015
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest",Commander 2015
1,,Near Mint,English,"Oran-Rief, the Vastwood",Commander 2015
2,,Near Mint,English,"Kozilek, the Great Distortion",Oath of the Gatewatch
1,,Near Mint,English,"Linvala, the Preserver",Oath of the Gatewatch
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet",Oath of the Gatewatch
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Flamecaller",Oath of the Gatewatch
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nissa, Voice of Zendikar",Oath of the Gatewatch
2,,Near Mint,English,"Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim",Oath of the Gatewatch
4,,Near Mint,English,"Jori En, Ruin Diver",Oath of the Gatewatch
3,,Near Mint,English,"Mina and Denn, Wildborn",Oath of the Gatewatch
3,,Near Mint,English,"Odric, Lunarch Marshal",Shadows over Innistrad
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jace, Unraveler of Secrets",Shadows over Innistrad
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nahiri, the Harbinger",Shadows over Innistrad
4,,Near Mint,English,"Olivia, Mobilized for War",Shadows over Innistrad
3,,Near Mint,English,"Sigarda, Heron's Grace",Shadows over Innistrad
2,,Near Mint,English,"Sorin, Grim Nemesis",Shadows over Innistrad
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jareth, Leonine Titan",Eternal Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Silvos, Rogue Elemental",Eternal Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Emrakul, the Promised End",Eldritch Moon
2,,Near Mint,English,"Bruna, the Fading Light",Eldritch Moon
3,,Near Mint,English,"Gisela, the Broken Blade",Eldritch Moon
4,,Near Mint,English,"Thalia, Heretic Cathar",Eldritch Moon
1,,Near Mint,English,"Liliana, the Last Hope",Eldritch Moon
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ishkanah, Grafwidow",Eldritch Moon
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tamiyo, Field Researcher",Eldritch Moon
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grenzo, Havoc Raiser",Conspiracy: Take the Crown
1,,Near Mint,English,"Selvala, Heart of the Wilds",Conspiracy: Take the Crown
1,,Near Mint,English,"Adriana, Captain of the Guard",Conspiracy: Take the Crown
1,,Near Mint,English,"Leovold, Emissary of Trest",Conspiracy: Take the Crown
4,,Near Mint,English,"Padeem, Consul of Innovation",Kaladesh
4,,Near Mint,English,"Gonti, Lord of Luxury",Kaladesh
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nissa, Vital Force",Kaladesh
3,,Near Mint,English,"Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter",Kaladesh
6,,Near Mint,English,"Depala, Pilot Exemplar",Kaladesh
5,,Near Mint,English,"Kambal, Consul of Allocation",Kaladesh
6,,Near Mint,English,"Rashmi, Eternities Crafter",Kaladesh
1,,Near Mint,English,"Skysovereign, Consul Flagship",Kaladesh
1,,Near Mint,English,"Akiri, Line-Slinger",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Atraxa, Praetors' Voice",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Breya, Etherium Shaper",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kraum, Ludevic's Opus",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ravos, Soultender",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Reyhan, Last of the Abzan",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Silas Renn, Seeker Adept",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tana, the Bloodsower",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Thrasios, Triton Hero",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Daretti, Scrap Savant",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Godo, Bandit Warlord",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ghave, Guru of Spores",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Hanna, Ship's Navigator",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Selvala, Explorer Returned",Commander 2016
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sydri, Galvanic Genius",Commander 2016
2,,Near Mint,English,"Higure, the Still Wind",Planechase Anthology
2,,Near Mint,English,"Sram, Senior Edificer",Aether Revolt
5,,Near Mint,English,"Baral, Chief of Compliance",Aether Revolt
5,,Near Mint,English,"Yahenni, Undying Partisan",Aether Revolt
2,,Near Mint,English,"Kari Zev, Skyship Raider",Aether Revolt
4,,Near Mint,English,"Rishkar, Peema Renegade",Aether Revolt
1,,Near Mint,English,"Linvala, Keeper of Silence",Modern Masters 2017 Edition
1,,Near Mint,English,"Venser, Shaper Savant",Modern Masters 2017 Edition
1,,Near Mint,English,"Wort, the Raidmother",Modern Masters 2017 Edition
1,,Near Mint,English,"Liliana, Death's Majesty",Amonkhet
5,,Near Mint,English,"Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons",Amonkhet
4,,Near Mint,English,"Neheb, the Worthy",Amonkhet
3,,Near Mint,English,"Samut, Voice of Dissent",Amonkhet
2,,Near Mint,English,"Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun",Amonkhet
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gideon, Martial Paragon",Amonkhet
1,,Near Mint,English,"Liliana, Death Wielder",Amonkhet
3,,Near Mint,English,"Djeru, With Eyes Open",Hour of Devastation
1,,Near Mint,English,"Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign",Hour of Devastation
1,,Near Mint,English,"Razaketh, the Foulblooded",Hour of Devastation
2,,Near Mint,English,"Neheb, the Eternal",Hour of Devastation
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh",Hour of Devastation
4,,Near Mint,English,"Samut, the Tested",Hour of Devastation
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jareth, Leonine Titan",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kemba, Kha Regent",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Azami, Lady of Scrolls",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Anowon, the Ruin Sage",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ryusei, the Falling Star",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Atarka, World Render",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Crosis, the Purger",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Dromoka, the Eternal",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Intet, the Dreamer",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Marchesa, the Black Rose",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nin, the Pain Artist",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ojutai, Soul of Winter",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Silumgar, the Drifting Death",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teneb, the Harvester",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Balan, Wandering Knight",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Arahbo, Roar of the World",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Inalla, Archmage Ritualist",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kess, Dissident Mage",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Licia, Sanguine Tribune",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mairsil, the Pretender",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mathas, Fiend Seeker",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Taigam, Ojutai Master",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Taigam, Sidisi's Hand",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Wasitora, Nekoru Queen",Commander 2017
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ramos, Dragon Engine",Commander 2017
2,,Near Mint,English,"Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kopala, Warden of Waves",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gishath, Sun's Avatar",Ixalan
2,,Near Mint,English,"Huatli, Warrior Poet",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tishana, Voice of Thunder",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vona, Butcher of Magan",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vraska, Relic Seeker",Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yosei, the Morning Star",Iconic Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir",Iconic Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kokusho, the Evening Star",Iconic Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ob Nixilis, the Fallen",Iconic Masters
2,,Near Mint,English,"Zetalpa, Primal Dawn",Rivals of Ixalan
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nezahal, Primal Tide",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tetzimoc, Primal Death",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Etali, Primal Storm",Rivals of Ixalan
4,,Near Mint,English,"Ghalta, Primal Hunger",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Angrath, the Flame-Chained",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Azor, the Lawbringer",Rivals of Ixalan
2,,Near Mint,English,"Elenda, the Dusk Rose",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Huatli, Radiant Champion",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Zacama, Primal Calamity",Rivals of Ixalan
1,,Near Mint,English,"Akroma, Angel of Fury",Masters 25
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karn, Scion of Urza",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Baird, Steward of Argive",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Danitha Capashen, Paragon",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Evra, Halcyon Witness",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Kwende, Pride of Femeref",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Shalai, Voice of Plenty",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Naban, Dean of Iteration",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Naru Meha, Master Wizard",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp",Dominaria
6,,Near Mint,English,"Josu Vess, Lich Knight",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kazarov, Sengir Pureblood",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Torgaar, Famine Incarnate",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Urgoros, the Empty One",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Whisper, Blood Liturgist",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Yargle, Glutton of Urborg",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Squee, the Immortal",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Valduk, Keeper of the Flame",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Grunn, the Lonely King",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Marwyn, the Nurturer",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Adeliz, the Cinder Wind",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Aryel, Knight of Windgrace",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Garna, the Bloodflame",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Hallar, the Firefletcher",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jodah, Archmage Eternal",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Muldrotha, the Gravetide",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Rona, Disciple of Gix",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Shanna, Sisay's Legacy",Dominaria
4,,Near Mint,English,"Slimefoot, the Stowaway",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tatyova, Benthic Druid",Dominaria
3,,Near Mint,English,"Tiana, Ship's Caretaker",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Traxos, Scourge of Kroog",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teferi, Timebender",Dominaria
2,,Near Mint,English,"Niambi, Faithful Healer",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Bold Pyromancer",Dominaria
1,,Near Mint,English,"Regna, the Redeemer",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Krav, the Unredeemed",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Okaun, Eye of Chaos",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Pir, Imaginative Rascal",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Toothy, Imaginary Friend",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Najeela, the Blade-Blossom",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grothama, All-Devouring",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer",Battlebond
1,,Near Mint,English,The Mimeoplasm,Commander Anthology Volume II
1,,Near Mint,English,Chaos Warp,Commander Anthology Volume II
4,,Near Mint,English,Volcanic Offering,Commander Anthology Volume II
2,,Near Mint,English,Commander's Sphere,Commander Anthology Volume II
4,,Near Mint,English,Sol Ring,Commander Anthology Volume II
1,,Near Mint,English,Unstable Obelisk,Commander Anthology Volume II
4,,Near Mint,English,Command Tower,Commander Anthology Volume II
2,,Near Mint,English,"Sai, Master Thopterist",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Lathliss, Dragon Queen",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Nicol Bolas, the Ravager",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire",Core Set 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Aminatou, the Fateshifter",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Estrid, the Masked",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gyrus, Waker of Corpses",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kestia, the Cultivator",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Saheeli, the Gifted",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Thantis, the Warweaver",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Varina, Lich Queen",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Xantcha, Sleeper Agent",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow",Commander 2018
1,,Near Mint,English,"Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Emmara, Soul of the Accord",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Etrata, the Silencer",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Izoni, Thousand-Eyed",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Lazav, the Multifarious",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Niv-Mizzet, Parun",Guilds of Ravnica
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tajic, Legion's Edge",Guilds of Ravnica
2,,Near Mint,English,Boros Garrison,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Netherborn Phalanx,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Dimir Aqueduct,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Putrefy,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Golgari Rot Farm,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Guttersnipe,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Izzet Boilerworks,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,"Trostani, Selesnya's Voice",Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Hour of Reckoning,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Growing Ranks,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Sundering Growth,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Selesnya Sanctuary,Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,"Emrakul, the Aeons Torn",Ultimate Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Talrand, Sky Summoner",Ultimate Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Squee, Goblin Nabob",Ultimate Masters
1,,Near Mint,English,"Domri, Chaos Bringer",Ravnica Allegiance
1,,Near Mint,English,"Judith, the Scourge Diva",Ravnica Allegiance
1,,Near Mint,English,"Lavinia, Azorius Renegade",Ravnica Allegiance
1,,Near Mint,English,"Rakdos, the Showstopper",Ravnica Allegiance
1,,Near Mint,English,Isperia the Inscrutable,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Azorius Chancery,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Debtors' Knell,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Ghost Council of Orzhova,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Rakdos Carnarium,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Gruul Turf,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Urban Evolution,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,Simic Growth Chamber,Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit
1,,Near Mint,English,"Karn, the Great Creator",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ugin, the Ineffable",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teyo, the Shieldmage",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jace, Wielder of Mysteries",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Narset, Parter of Veils",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Liliana, Dreadhorde General",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted",War of the Spark
4,,Near Mint,English,"Jaya, Venerated Firemage",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin",War of the Spark
3,,Near Mint,English,"Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion",War of the Spark
3,,Near Mint,English,"Tibalt, Rakish Instigator",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Arlinn, Voice of the Pack",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mowu, Loyal Companion",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Vivien, Champion of the Wilds",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Ajani, the Greathearted",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Domri, Anarch of Bolas",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Feather, the Redeemed",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ral, Storm Conduit",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Roalesk, Apex Hybrid",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Storrev, Devkarin Lich",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Teferi, Time Raveler",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves",War of the Spark
3,,Near Mint,English,"Angrath, Captain of Chaos",War of the Spark
4,,Near Mint,English,"Ashiok, Dream Render",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Huatli, the Sun's Heart",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Kaya, Bane of the Dead",War of the Spark
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Nahiri, Storm of Stone",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Saheeli, Sublime Artificer",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Samut, Tyrant Smasher",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Vraska, Swarm's Eminence",War of the Spark
2,,Near Mint,English,"Morophon, the Boundless",Modern Horizons
2,,Near Mint,English,"Sisay, Weatherlight Captain",Modern Horizons
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yawgmoth, Thran Physician",Modern Horizons
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ayula, Queen Among Bears",Modern Horizons
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sephara, Sky's Blade",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Atemsis, All-Seeing",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer",Core Set 2020
2,,Near Mint,English,"Vilis, Broker of Blood",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Acolyte of Flame",Core Set 2020
2,,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Novice Pyromancer",Core Set 2020
2,,Near Mint,English,"Drakuseth, Maw of Flames",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gargos, Vicious Watcher",Core Set 2020
2,,Near Mint,English,"Vivien, Arkbow Ranger",Core Set 2020
4,,Near Mint,English,"Kaalia, Zenith Seeker",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kethis, the Hidden Hand",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kykar, Wind's Fury",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Omnath, Locus of the Roil",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yarok, the Desecrated",Core Set 2020
2,,Near Mint,English,"Golos, Tireless Pilgrim",Core Set 2020
1,,Near Mint,English,"K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Atla Palani, Nest Tender",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chainer, Nightmare Adept",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ghired, Conclave Exile",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Greven, Predator Captain",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grismold, the Dreadsower",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Marisi, Breaker of the Coil",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Pramikon, Sky Rampart",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Rayami, First of the Fallen",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Sevinne, the Chronoclasm",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Tahngarth, First Mate",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Volrath, the Shapestealer",Commander 2019
1,,Near Mint,English,"Linden, the Steadfast Queen",Throne of Eldraine
3,,Near Mint,English,"Emry, Lurker of the Loch",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Gadwick, the Wizened",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Syr Elenora, the Discerning",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ayara, First of Locthwain",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Rankle, Master of Pranks",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Syr Carah, the Bold",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Torbran, Thane of Red Fell",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Syr Faren, the Hengehammer",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Garruk, Cursed Huntsman",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Grumgully, the Generous",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Chulane, Teller of Tales",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale",Throne of Eldraine
1,,Near Mint,English,"Ashiok, Nightmare Muse",Theros Beyond Death
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Glissa, the Traitor",Mirrodin Besieged
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Jaya Ballard, Task Mage",Premium Deck Series: Fire and Lightning
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Talrand, Sky Summoner",Magic 2013
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord",Return to Ravnica
2,foil,Near Mint,English,"Anthousa, Setessan Hero",Theros
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Ob Nixilis, Unshackled",Magic 2015 Core Set
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Dromoka, the Eternal",Fate Reforged
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Hixus, Prison Warden",Magic Origins
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim",Oath of the Gatewatch
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Gonti, Lord of Luxury",Kaladesh
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Kambal, Consul of Allocation",Kaladesh
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Rishkar, Peema Renegade",Aether Revolt
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Tezzeret, Master of Metal",Aether Revolt
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Nissa, Genesis Mage",Hour of Devastation
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver",Hour of Devastation
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Nezahal, Primal Tide",Rivals of Ixalan
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Vraska, Scheming Gorgon",Rivals of Ixalan
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Angrath, Minotaur Pirate",Rivals of Ixalan
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Danitha Capashen, Paragon",Dominaria
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp",Dominaria
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Torgaar, Famine Incarnate",Dominaria
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage",Dominaria
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Tatyova, Benthic Druid",Dominaria
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Anya, Merciless Angel",Commander Anthology Volume II
1,foil,Near Mint,English,Vengeant Vampire,M19 Gift Pack Promos
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Domri, City Smasher",Ravnica Allegiance
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Narset, Parter of Veils",War of the Spark
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Arlinn, Voice of the Pack",War of the Spark
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Chandra, Awakened Inferno",Core Set 2020
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Rienne, Angel of Rebirth",Core Set 2020
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Kenrith, the Returned King",Throne of Eldraine
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Alela, Artful Provocateur",Throne of Eldraine
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Korvold, Fae-Cursed King",Throne of Eldraine
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Thassa, Deep-Dwelling",Theros Beyond Death
1,foil,Near Mint,English,"Tymaret, Chosen from Death",Theros Beyond Death
1,,Near Mint,English,Winds of Rath,

NOTE: The final card in that list, Winds of Rath, was listed as being from the MTGO-only edition Tempest Remastered. I removed the edition name, since that doesn't exist on Dropbox, but left the card.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

nkholte wrote:

About Decked Builder - yes it's supposed to be supported, the issue is that when you choose to export your collection as csv in the app, it still produces it's own .coll/.coll2 file, not an actual csv.

Hmm. I wish Sebi would add in the conversion from .coll2 to .csv as part of the import. Until such a time as he does, here's how you can convert it yourself (there's probably an easier way, but this worked for me):

  1. Change the file extension from .coll2 to .csv, either directly in the file browser if you're able to view extensions, or as detailed below:

    1. Open the .coll2 file in Notepad or some other basic text editor.

    2. Save As... to a .csv by changing "Save as type" to "All Files" and manually typing ".csv" at the end of the file name.

    3. Important: Change encoding type from UTF-8 (or anything else) to ANSI.

    4. Save and close Notepad.

  2. Open it in Excel, press Ctrl+S or the Save icon, confirm, and close Excel, choosing "Don't save" at the second prompt.

You can now use the resulting .csv in the Add Cards > Decked Builder CSV widget.

And yes, I'm not joking about step 2. I don't know what magic is going on behind the scenes by doing that, but if you only go through step 4, Deckbox will still give an error when you try to import. And if you open the .coll2 file in Excel right away, instead of going through Notepad first, it'll save all the columns in a single column, instead of correctly comma-separating them. Yes, you could use Excel's "Text to Columns" feature, but that would cause the other issue you encountered; see below.

nkholte wrote:

It seems to not like semicolons separating the headers. I tried changing it in notepad, but then is wouldn't work with the rest of the information as it is separated by semicolons. Tried changing everything to commas, which almost worked except for every card that has a comma in it's name (566 of them). Is there a better way than having to go through manually and re-arrange those 566 names without a comma?

I'm not sure where the semicolons came from. I'd have to see your original .coll2 file to diagnose further. It's possible it's how Decked Builder now separates their data (the .coll2 file that you uploaded in your first post still uses commas). Perhaps the macro does introduce the semicolons, though I don't think so, not if it's correctly saved as CSV. But again, I'd have to tinker with your .coll2 file that produced these results to figure it out. Try opening up the .coll2 in Notepad and let me know what it uses to separate the columns.

nkholte wrote:

Checked the file named manually, and in it, all the names with comma in them were enclosed by qoutation marks. Is that something the macro maybe missed?

Yes. This is something the macro missed, because it's a flaw in my method that I missed, because the your original .coll2 file in the first post apparently didn't include any cards with commas in their card name! So we can't use Excel's "Text to Columns" feature in this case, because it's not smart enough to see which commas are enclosed in quotes and which aren't — it'll change them all. Thankfully, the method I described above of first saving it in Notepad gets the job done.

If you don't mind, can you provide a Dropbox link to your .coll2 file? I'd like to see what the current best method is for conversion. I don't use Decked Builder myself anymore, or I'd just test my own!

This is an old issue and has been requested before. The closest we have right now is being shown the number of unique cards in a filtered list. That's the "### total results" shown in the table next to "Page 1 of ##".

The quickest way to do find out is to go to Tools > Export from your Inventory, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel, then use a =SUM(A:A) formula to total the Count column. Not ideal, but at least it's an option!


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm not a premium member anymore, so it's possible there's a new feature that I'm not aware of, but as far as I know this isn't possible in the Inventory. The closest thing are "public and private notes" for each card in a deck. So what you could do is create built decks (switch Type from Deck Idea to Built Deck), name them Book #1, Book #2, etc., then make sure they all have Pricing set to My Inventory instead of Last Main Printing. Then you can add specific cards from your inventory to each deck and add private notes to each card, such as Sleeve #97.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

essentiae wrote:

Sorry for the newbie question, but I've scoured the site and can't find how to turn on the Auto Trade feature. I'm premium, so this should be available to me, but I haven't been able to locate the setting anywhere. Would someone point me in the right direction, please? Thanks

Sorry no one has gotten back to you yet!

Go to your Inventory, hover over Tools (in the upper-right, next to Add Cards), and you'll see "Auto mark unused for trade".


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I agree that this would be very welcome! I also have light sensitivity and prefer dark modes, so I just implemented my own. See the attached screenshot to get an idea of what it looks like.

OS: Windows 7
Browser: Chrome
Extension: Stylebot


Before using the code, please see the disclaimers afterwards!


body {
    background: #000;
    color: white;

a {
    color: #bbc;

a:hover {
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: underline;

li a:hover, li.folder:hover {
    color: #000;
    text-decoration: none;


#header {
    box-shadow: none;
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 100;
    width: 80%;
    max-width: 1600px;

@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
  #header {    
    min-width: 100%;

#main-content {
    padding-top: 37px;


#wrapper {
    background: #444;
    border: 0;
    box-shadow: 0 0 50px #fff;

#nav {
    background: #223;

#nav a, #nav a:hover {
    color: white;

table.cols td.col.left_menu {
    border: 0;
    background: linear-gradient(to right, #222 60%, transparent);

.top_right_col_ad, .left_menu_ad, .leaderboard, .leaderboard + div:not([id]) {
    display: none;

.bordered_table {
    border: 0;

.blue_box {
    background: #223;

.blue_box a:hover {
    color: #fff;
    text-decoration: underline;

.warning, .price {
    background-color: #640;

.import .warning {
    color: #fff;

.price {
    border: 1px solid #ca0;
    margin: 2px 0;

h3, .thin_header, li.main_menu_item, table.card_info .label, .section_title span, .deck_category {
    color: #ccc;

.edit_details a, .submenu_entry.current a {
    color: #000;

[class*="_list_container"] a {
    color: #888;

.disabled {
    opacity: 0.25;

.note {
    color: #ccc;

.info {
    background-color: #F5F8FE;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;

li.folder {
    padding-top: 3px;

.button_expand {
    margin-left: 5px;

#footer .btn-default {
    background-color: #000;

#footer a:hover {
    color: #aaa;


.bordered_table .controls {
    background: #000;

.bordered_table th, .bordered_table td {
    border-color: #000;

tr.even {
    background-color: #222;

tr.selected {
    background-color: #650;

.card_count {
    color: #fff;

td.editable:hover {
    background: none;

td.editable.card_count.error {
    background-color: #f88;
    border-color: #f00;
    color: #822;

.inventory_count {
    background-color: #042;

.tradelist_count {
    background-color: #024;

.wishlist_count {
    background-color: #420;


td.minimum_width {
    width: auto;

.mtg_edition_container {
    height: 18px;
    width: 27px;
    float: left;
    margin-right: 5px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    padding: 3px;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 4px;

.mtg_edition_container img {
    max-height: 20px;
    max-width: 29px;


.hover_dropdown li.main:hover, [class*="_dropdown"] ul.subsection li {
    background: #888;

[class*="_dropdown"] li.main:hover li a, .hover_dropdown li.main:hover a {
    background: #aaa;
    color: white;

.hover_dropdown li.main:hover a:hover {
    color: #000;

#nav .main_dropdown ul li a:hover {
    color: #000;


.deckbox_i_tooltip.image {
    background: #320;
    box-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(255,255,255,0.4);

#panel_container, #modalWindow, #autocomplete_container li {
    background-color: #000;

#autocomplete_container li.selected {
    background-color: #888;

#autocomplete_container .rules {
    color: #888;

#autocomplete_container li.selected .rules {
    color: #444;

#panel_header li a {
    color: black;

#panel_header li.active a {
    color: white;


#brd-main, #brd-main *, #brd-visit {
    color: black;

#brd-main a, #brd-main a *, #brd-visit a {
    color: darkblue;

#brd-main a:hover, #brd-main a:hover *, #brd-visit a:hover {
    color: red;

#brd-navlinks a:hover {
    color: white;

#brd-main .main-head *, #brd-main .main-foot * {
    color: white;

Disclaimer 1: The code is in horrid disarray, as I just added tweaks here and there as I found issues, without much care to where I placed them within the stylesheet. And the Stylebot extension adds "!important" to the end of each of your declarations, so if you're not being careful with the cascade, you can run into snags. This also might mean you won't be able to use the code in other extensions, since I don't know if all of them use the same method of adding "!important".

Disclaimer 2: The styling also leaves a lot to be wanted -- it's just a start! If anyone plays around with it and gets it looking prettier, please post your code. I just needed something quick and dirty to help my vision.

Disclaimer 3: I am not a premium member right now and therefore can't test what the styling looks like for them. I also don't trade on here, so while a quick glance at the trade pages doesn't show any obvious issues with my styles, I bet frequent traders will need to tweak things.



(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Scarad wrote:

Thanx a lot for the files!!!!

You're very welcome! Glad this project is of use to people. I don't usually get very much feedback, so it's hard for me to know whether or not this resource is valuable enough to keep working on. I appreciate your comment!


(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

lucabshier wrote:

Have you added the tokens for bitterblossom?

Yes! Here's one of the four, and you can see the rest on the edition page.


(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

* imported Game Night 2019 cards

I can find the cards by searching for them, but a link to the edition is missing from the Editions page. Small matter, but just wanted to make you aware!

On the other hand, I didn't seem to be able to find the Game Night tokens by searching for them (and there's no link on the Editions page). Are you still working on getting those added?

Thanks for the imports and fixes!


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's on Deckbox (the pricing is just way off) -- https://deckbox.org/mtg/Birds%20of%20Pa … ting=41911

All of Fourth Edition: Alternate -- https://deckbox.org/editions/496-fourth … -alternate

TSpielman wrote:

Also wanted to give you a heads up that Magic Game Night 2019 released recently with 5 brand new, exclusive cards.  They currently are not loaded on DeckBox.

Sebi actually needs to add all the other cards that have the Game Nights 2019 set symbol as well (basically, any of the non-M20 cards were reprinted under the GN2 edition). Full list here

And here's the Game Nights 2019 double-sided tokens:

Soldier // Zombie
Soldier // Dinosaur
Zombie // Dragon
Zombie // Wolf
Dragon // Dinosaur

  • Soldier, Zombie, and Wolf — These have the artwork and set symbol from M20

  • Dragon (5/5) — Core Set 2019 (#10) artwork, GN2 set symbol

  • Dinosaur — Ixalan artwork, GN2 set symbol