I have notably Snapcaster Mage and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage and x4 Seachrome Coast, if youre interested send me an offer, Feel free to look through my inventory as well, the only card I know I won't trade is doubling season

Also need x1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride if anyone has one they're looking to unload


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

NullParameter wrote:

Is there any specific reason for not having things that I need to sac to get a benefit?  It's a body that I can use to either give away (without too much benefit for them), use to block or sac to the demon.  And if I find that I don't need it for any of those things any longer then I can get a card out of it.  It's not like the sac effect is the only thing that I can benefit from.

There's no sure reason that they won't help, but they're more likely to help out your opponent, and you're likely to need them for sac fodder later. I'm not saying that it's a bad card in the deck I just think there are probably better cards for this deck

As far as the colors, I agree that the black humans you currently have are great choices accept for Harbor Bandit. but I think you should have close to twice as many creatures as you do, I can't see you being able to sac something to Ravenous Demon more than once before you're out of creatures. I can see where your instants and sorcerys are very control oriented but at the same time they're just not the same sort of deck you're using, I think the issue is that you're trying to use a specific combo in a control oriented deck, there's too many things pulling your deck in different directions (I tried using the random hand generator for this deck and I had to mulligan a lot of times, I wasn't finding creatures, I'm not saying the hand generator is very good but you're going to average 1-3 creatures in your opening hand but likely only one will be playable in the first 3 turns, and that's assuming you have at least 2 lands.) Maybe I'm just not seeing it, I can see a lot of potential with this deck, I really like the idea but I feel like you need to go more control or more combo with it, I'd be very interested to hear how it works out for you and if you think what I'm saying is gibberish tongue The only reason that I'm saying that you should consider more creatures is that you've got 14 creatures and 5 of them need sacrifices to work, of course one of those is really best to be sacced after it's cast anyway but still.

My actual advice? Go for the combo, Cut Ponder, Sleep, maybe even Negate to put in more creatures, pull harbor bandit (if you want unblockable go for Invisible Stalker) and of course change Unsummon to Vapor Snag, but as always my main advice is to test it out, i think in a slow game it will do extremely well but against an aggressive deck it will quite possibly fall short but every deck has it's weaknesses so that's not too big of a deal

P.S. My bad about Switcheroo, I mis-read it, you are correct indeed


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

This deck is really spread out, there are so many things that you're only using one of that I don't know where to start looking

First off you shouldn't have things that you need to sac in order to benefit from, like Alchemist's Apprentice. Another thing is that if you have things like Archaeomancer then you give them away with Switcheroo, your opponent will get the same benefit. Finally you should be looking at a very creature-heavy build if you're going for sacrifices, also you should think about using black manly for removal and blue for humans since the black humans are rare and usually not too good, especially for this deck

They are nice to get cards faster but you have the beast trackers to get the elderscale wurm and as far as drawing a single card there are better cards than elvish visonary unless you have a way to bring it back to your hand. for a short list, Gitaxian Probe, Ponder, or Forbidden Alchemy. The problem with index is that if none of the next 5 cards are what you want then you just know you're gonna sit the next 5 turns. I'd also use 4 elderscale wurms, it never really hurts to have more when they're the basis of the deck. Also I understand the idea of card draw but it seems like this deck doesn't need it that much but if you want it Soul of the Harvest is probably a decent choice since you should have  plenty of mana available, otherwise sideboarding ground seal could be good or Rites of Flourishing. Even abundant growth could work out

I would personally cut Rewind, use x4 Unsummon or even better Vapor Snag, x4 Negate rather than Essence Scatter, no downpour, no index, no silent departure. Elvish Visionary shouldn't be in there but Birds of Paradise should be, I also don't understand the ring of evos isle, you don't have any blue creatures so doesn't Mask of Avacyn make more sense? also the average 60 card deck uses 24 land and in a mana ramp deck I'd use more. Finally you should consider Gilded Lotus


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in your Tamiyo if there's anything I have you're interested in, check my inventory


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Helios52 wrote:

Id be interested in those foils that you want to turn to non foils. Im still getting all the cards in my inventory up but of cards your looking for I have

3 Lightning Maulers (1 foil)
1 slayers stronghold
Spider spawning (not sure how many of these I have but I can get 4)
2x Day of Judgements
plus the cards youd be looking for in non-foil.

Sweet! Send me an offer


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need x3 Lightning Mauler and x3 Slayers' Stronghold x1 Arrest x3 Sunblast Angel and x4 Spider Spawning

I'm also looking for x3 Day of Judgment and x2 Planar Cleansing

Take a look at my inventory and let me know

I also have the following foils I'd like to trade for non-foils + stuff
Grand Abolisher
Champion of the Parish
Hinterland Harbor
Drowned Catacomb
Glacial Fortress

I also have a Snapcaster I'd like to include in a trade for a Sublime Archangel but will happily entertain other offers


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

The way I see it is you're very likely to get non-creatures half of the time, however you'll then very likely get a creature on your next turn, so it should work (?)


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

NullParameter wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.

I think to make Omniscience work I might want to have some serious card draw going on as well, otherwise I'm just going to be top decking.  But Door to Nothingness was actually one of the original reasons for creating the deck, so I'll definitely have to add one in there if I ever actually get the deck going.  *Adds to Wishlist*

Soul of the Harvest?


(19 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I feel like the tokens are going to be the thing that everyone tries, token decks already exist and they'll just throw in Sublime Archangels to make them better, the mana ramp however I think could be a really fun idea. My issue with the Cathedral of War is that its so slow, the idea is to get mana out as fast as possible and this deck seems to go way against that idea so that's worrisome. I also like the idea of the mana ramp, but I really want alot of exalted creatures so it isn't just a Ramp deck that has Sublime Archangels, I've already got a boring white deck that I'm going to be using the archangels in. Here's my current idea, it keeps in most of the exalted and takes out Rancor while adding another Memorial and Somberwald Sages I also switched to more Forests than Plains since the Clifftop retreats tap for white but not green and im shifting more towards green. What do we think about Gilded Lotus? It needs ramp its self but it can handle casting Planar Cleansing or a Memorial faster whereas the Sage can't


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So my idea is that the key to exalted is that no one creature you control is that important and that you should have a ton of blockers ready at all times as such I have designed a deck around the 3 good Avr Legendary Angels and the new exalted mechanic, listed here: http://deckbox.org/sets/187256 The idea of the BOP is that they're a complete utility card even if you don't need mana since they could trigger for exalted 4 times each (would never happen but still) I'm also considering putting in Avacyn's Pilgrims instead of Guardians of Akrasa since I'm going to need the archangel to win anyway. I also included lots of ways to get trample since you need that for exalted to work, I didn't include Ajani because I feel like my strong card will already have double strike from the Silverblade when it's swinging and it'll probably be flying just by chance.

Thoughts? Yes it's selling out to use Sublime Archangels I know, but at least I think this deck is slightly unusual, let me know, feel free to say it's boring, I won't be offended and I'd be happy to hear ideas about how to make it more interesting (since it is kinda boring)!

My thought is do you really need BOP and the big dragon? It's nice as a board wipe but your opponent will very likely chump it so unless you pull in Rancor (which you should either way) I feel like it's unlikely to actually pull anything off. I'd recommend dropping the balefire dragon and BOP in favor of x3 rancor or x2 rancor and a fourth bond beetle since it's what ties your two combos together. Also you should consider Yeva, Nature's Herald, she works really well with your bounced cards. Finally I'd recommend Deadly Recluse, you're forcing your opponents to attack you full out, you need some way to stop them from hitting you and the Recluse is an excellent option

TyWooOneTime wrote:

That is a much better idea.  I don't know what I was thinking.  The added cost isn't that big of a deal... thanks!

It's a new card and lets be honest almost no one uses the mask because Swiftfoot Boots are way better but about to rotate

Ew, Ring of Evos Isle, the worst ring by far, use Mask of Avacyn, you don't have blue so the p/t boost is more valuable than the slow growth that wouldn't happen. Also you don't need mana open for it to be useful


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need
x1 Knight of Glory
x3 Aven Squire
x3 Knight of Infamy
x4 Servant of Nefarox
x1 Duty-Bound Dead
x1 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis

I'll trade for playsets of any of them though, look at my inventory (not tradelist) and shoot me an offer

I've been playing alot of constructed lately, I've seen little delver since everyone hates it so much, I mostly have the annoying UB humans "Silverblade Paladin then Geist of Saint Traft, when the geist attacks I soulbond the angel token to the silverblade and hit you in the face for 12 since I have 2 Honor of The Pures out" really annoying and competitive. Also lots of duplicators Phyrexian metamorph phantasmal image stuff like that. M13 is bound to shake some stuff up but idk what'll actually see play, I usually use my shape anew deck and lose pretty bad

You should consider Hamletback Goliath, Acidic Slime, Mindclaw Shaman, Borderland Ranger, Champion of Lambholt, Soul of the Harvest, Manic Vandal,  and Thragtusk/Thundermaw Hellkite (if you want to drop alot of cash) also Yeva, Nature's Herald she can be really mean when you have blockers out of no where or your blocker is tougher also Urabrask the Hidden since all of your stuff's gonna have summoning sickness

In this deck I don't think you're best off using x2 of so much stuff, consistency is key in most constructed decks

My thought on the BOP, keep em, they were re-printed in almost every core set but the only non core set that they were printed in was Ravinica 1.0, i'm willing to bet they'll be back

So now I just need

x2 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
x1 Angelic Overseer
x2 Mirran Crusader

Thanks for the trade offers so far!

Don't have the Avacyn anymore but I've got sorin and garruk plus non-standard stuff

scurveymobile wrote:

I have a gisela, foil champion of the parish, foil hinterland harbor and a crusader or 2 (I would have to check). 

Not really looking for any of the standard cards you have but there where a couple of older cards in your inventory I would like.  Give me a holler if you want to strike up a deal.

Message Sent

Like it says, I'm ok doing one for one even with value loss

I also need
x1 Champion of the Parish
x1 Hinterland Harbor
x2 Mikaeus, the Lunarch
x1 Angelic Overseer
x2 Mirran Crusader
x2 Birds of Paradise

I have
Sorin, lord of Innistrad
Garruk Relentless
Avacyn, angel of hope
x4 Grand Abolisher (x1 is foil)

other stuff, look at my inventory not tradelist, I'll also happily trade for sublime archangels or M13 ajanis but they're not as high priority so I assume I won't be getting any offers

Can we get links to the decks you'd like some thoughts on? also if you have 100 decks I don't think you'll be able to get advice on all of them, lol so I'd recommend choosing a couple (4-6) that you really like so we can try to help you from there. Good Luck!


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

MMJuno wrote:

In the life gain theme, and considering the number of cat tokens you may be pumping out, perhaps Congregate would be a better choice than Rest for the Weary..? More expensive to cast, yes... but potentially more ludicrous life gain as well. wink

I agree, without some immediate way to capitalize on your cats you could easily get Wrathed or something and then all will have been for naught, but if you out in Congregate you could have enough life that you'll easily win anyway


(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Depending on how much equipment you decide to put in Puresteel Paladin is always worth considering, especially with cats who love equipment and with Leonin Shikari in play it can get out of hand really quickly. But given the lifegain focus I don't think I'd go for it, only if you decide to move more towards lots o cats.

also consider Rebuff the Wicked to protect Mr. Ajani, also I thought I'd point out that if you're making a deck based on Ajani it should be an exalted deck, not a cat deck, lol, this deck seems like it would prefer Ajani Goldmane, but it's up to you, exalted with ajani is going to be way over-done