(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Looks like it may affect all of these split cards. I just came across Assault // Battery when going through my inventory to fix up some trade count issues I found after the upgrade... Anyway, same issue with this card (and so, I assume the rest of the split cards will exhibit the same behavior).


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I can't seem to view the card page for Order // Chaos on the site. Clicking on the link or the dropdown from the search box just gives an error about "no such card" existing.

I'm assuming that this may have something to do with the forward slash characters "//" in the name not being handled properly..? ...But, that's just a guess.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Sillvva wrote:

Rancor is not affected by any type of remove from battlefield effect regardless of destination.

I'm a little confused at what you're trying to say here..? There are definitely answers to Rancor, such as Erase. Also, if they Murder your targeted creature while Rancor is on the stack, it DOES go to and stay in the graveyard seeing as it never gets the chance to enter the battlefield due to an invalid target when it tries to resolve.

Looking good!


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'd guess around 6 packs, give or take... given the pack prices and the current going rate for him.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I could work out some packs for the Ajani and Cathedral. I've got like 63 in store credit. tongue

4x Butcher Ghoul to continue my Undying suggestions.

Remember, you only get counters on the enchantment if a non-token creature dies.

Another issue to bring up with the enchantment... if it gets destroyed/exiled... say goodbye to all your Ooze tokens. Maybe that's better for a sideboard answer of some sort though..?

As far as I knew, I thought Deckbox pulled cards from Gatherer (at least, for now -- some mention of pulling from magiccards.info in the future, I believe), and only pulled pricing from TCGPlayer.

I'd likely suggest something akin to 4xStrangleroot Geist to go with the Gutter Grime and Feed the Pack.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Russb87 wrote:

First thing, since this is my first post on here, I want to say that this is an amazing tool and you have done an excellent job putting it together.

Feature suggestion:
When I (as well as some of my friends) buy a prebuilt deck we copy and paste the card list from the MTG site into the bulk uploader. The hurdle that we face with this is that it's difficult to enter the edition and other information for these cards because we then need to go find all the cards and modify them one-by-one (this is especially painful when we have duplicates that we have already done this for). What we would like to see is an option in the bulk uploader to set all of the cards to a specific edition, condition, etc.

In the meantime, if you do the bulk uploader, you should then be able to sort your inventory by date added to at least get the rows modified/added at the top of the list. You'll still have to do the details manually, but thought I'd mention that, in case you're not aware.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

True, on the -1/-1 issues, but Melira, Sylvok Outcast could help with that to some extent (at least for those that generate counters.

Flicker or temporary Hexproof effects could help with a couple of the others, but outside of something like Unsummon on your own creature, of course it won't solve everything.

Darksteel Axe was, indeed, one of the artifacts I was thinking of as a target for the Lich's counters.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I had considered trying to do something along the lines of pairing Stuffy Doll and Phyactery Lich as well.

I've had a couple different thoughts, and not sure which one or combination of ones that I would want to try to work with yet. Some ideas included:

* Ways to Flicker the Lich to get more phylactery counters on artifacts in an artifact-heavy deck, thus making it a little more difficult to kill the Lich.
* Into the Maw of Hell, for essentially 13 damage to the face.
* Lure on the Doll, allowing both the Lich to get through as well as taking damage from their own creatures.
* Prey Upon or Ulvenwald Tracker, combined with Deathtouch (such as pairing Nightshade Peddler with the Doll) for repeat removal.

Edit: I see, looking at your list, that I forgot about Blasphemous Act too... hmm.

the_wizard_666 wrote:

Because you're unlikely to get shafted on a local trade.

While there's truth to that statement, it still stands somewhat as a measure of... I don't know... decency (?)... in that person's trades. I guess I can see not merging the 2, but I think there's reasoning to at least have a separate local trade rating, perhaps.

On the other hand, as it stands now, there's nothing to stop people from putting in a local trade as a mail trade just to get the rating...


Maybe I'm missing something, but if 2 users trade local through the site, why *shouldn't* local feedback be included in the rating?

I've noticed this recently, too.  When the feedback drop-down first appears, you can try to select +1, but it stays as Neutral when you move off the field.  The workaround I've found is to first  select Neutral from the drop-down menu, then click the drop-down arrow again and select +1.  Making +1 your second selection makes it stick, and then you can apply your feedback.

Noticed this same issue recently, and noticed the same workaround (using Chrome).


(14 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yep, my collection's average jumped a little over $2k over the weekend as well. I also figured something must be up with the earlier versions skewing the pricing.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

HikingStick wrote:

I see your point, and acknowledge the value of such a feature.  There are times I've wanted to do so, too.  However, often I am just checking to see what cards I currently have that are legal in a given format.  If playing Standard, I'm not concerned about which edition of a card I have, but rather the total number of them available to me from all blocks.

Two users, two different uses.  Hopefully, as features are added, the system will retain flexibility so each type of user may use it to suit his or her needs.

Fully agreed.


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

From what I've seen, I think he's absolutely right that Ali only prevents damage if your life is 1 or greater. So, if it's 0 or negative and you take damage, he does nothing.

With the Elderscale, I'm not sure... It seems like even if it did end up setting life to 7, that it might not count for the card drawing since it's directly setting it and, technically, you aren't gaining 7 life. hmm

Ah, this has been brought up before, I believe. From what I recall, Anthologies is not listed on Gatherer, so it won't show up on the site until they finish up their parser for another site (magiccards.info, I think it was), which should also allow them to import some other missing stuff at the same time.

In the life gain theme, and considering the number of cat tokens you may be pumping out, perhaps Congregate would be a better choice than Rest for the Weary..? More expensive to cast, yes... but potentially more ludicrous life gain as well. wink

Edit: Although, now that I look over the deck again, I see it's currently Modern, which Congregate would break.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

NullParameter wrote:

Looks like a few things are broken at the moment:

  • Inventory - Edit Card Details - Hangs for any card in M13, including ones that also exist in other sets.  Works just fine for cards that aren't in M13.

  • Inventory - Advanced Add Options - Autofill shows a server error if the dropdown list would include any M13 cards.

I'm assuming that both of these are caused by some missing data that is supposed to be filled in when returning the AJAX request for the M13 cards.  The server fails out because the data isn't available for M13 and returns an invalid response. 

Let me know if you need any more details on how to reproduce.

Yep, noticed that too after I saw your prior post. I'm assuming they're just still in the middle of it all.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

As it seems to be on Gatherer, and pre-release is upon us, any plans to import these before Friday? Hoping to go ahead and add my stuff to inventory before I throw them in decks. smile


(13 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Yep, a little oversight on our part, that's been remedied now. Vanguards and Phenomenon cards now correctly show up in decks in their own section.

I just double-checked that Archenemy was handled the same, and found it was, so kudos there.

Jorn86 wrote:

Another small bug: The phenomenon and plane cards are counted towards the amount of cards in my deck. This means that a 60 card deck with 10 planes will still be recognized as a complete deck, but a 61 card deck with 10 planes will not.

Also an issue with Archenemy. With them listed in a deck, the site doesn't count it as a "valid" deck, due to Archenemy decks being a minimum of 20 cards. So, combined with a 60 card regular deck, it puts it at 80 vs the 70 limit imposed by the site (which also brings up questions regarding things like Battle of Wits as well on "valid" deck sizes).


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

OK, got those added, along with a few others I found in the database.

I did notice this in the list when I was looking it over: Pain looks like it should be removed, as it's properly imported as: Pain // Suffering as well (which seems to match the style of the others I've noticed so far).

As for the Vanguard cards, unless there are some promo ones out there that the site doesn't have, they should all already be on the list.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Just threw together a list of stuff from my inventory that's currently missing pricing on the site. I'm sure the admins are aware of at least a few of these already (for instance, I remember seeing Séance mentioned in the past). In any case, I thought I'd include this here in case some of these weren't yet apparent.
