(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

A UR deck needs to be a tempo/control deck post rotation, imo.  You'll have access to some decent enough cards.  Anger of the gods, mizzium mortars, oppurtunity, Ætherling.  Steam augury is pretty good too.

This deck needs to be playing cards like Jace, AOT, the new pro white dragon, and the Spell heart chimera synergies pretty well with things like wild guess and steam augury.  Swan song probably has a place here too.  A cheap and easy way to protect the chimera.

I don't like guttersnipe, I never have.  His damage is supplemental at best.  You'll get to use him a couple times at most and all he does is put some damage on the board and stall, and usually he's just a target for removal.  People try to make him work and I've never seen it do anything.  I could be wrong about him after rotation, but IDK. There's other things I'd try before him.

But... we'll see how it goes.


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Winning with gates is going to be slow no matter what the win condition is.  I would honestly drop Hold the gates and the shade for a more control type build.  You need to be able to tempo your opponent so your win condition can come online. Whatever that may be.


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well, this is just my $.02.  Don't take this for gospel on the cards we don't know how they'll work out.

I like the idea of Hythonia, she's a 4/6 deathtouch for 6, which isn't terribly great by herself, but the ability to become a 7/9 at the same time she wipes the board puts a pretty decent threat out there. She really has to be answered when you play her and with the lack of black wipes right now (except for gaze of granite).  *shrug* she seems playable.  I think it's worth testing out.

People are talking about the whip like it can make reanimator a thing again.  I don't agree with that, it's more like a repeatable act of treason.  Life link is good, but IDK, if it;s good enough to include over other cards.  As far as the god of the undead himself, he can "potentially" be a beater, but it takes a minimum of 2 other heavy black permanents to activate him.  The fact that opponents can't gain life isn't enough reason to play him on his own.  The main ability is the card draw, which to me is out classed by Read the Bones and Underworld connections.  I don't think I'll be picking him up right away.


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well, IDK if 3 color is out, but it's looking more and more like you don't really have a reason to go 3 color.  JUND is jund because the mana base is accessible and there are fantastic cards in those 3 colors that synergy really well that are splash-able. 

1) the mana base is slowing down if you go 3 color
2) the manabase is incomplete now
3) Cards are less splash-able, lots of GGx / BBx / RRx

Also we just don't know how things will shape up.  It's all speculation.  2 Color is a "safer" bet than 3 color to start. 

Deadbridge chant is okay.  Scavenging ooze is still a thing, and deadbridge still cost 6 and doesn't do anything until the next turn.  Those are drawbacks, but  I really don't know for sure.  It was never a finisher though.  It just gets you extra value from the yard.


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'm with Ty 100%, I was brewing lists in my head, and finally just decided on a GB list.  It's tempting to try and splash white or red, but for one the mana base isn't completely fixed yet and it's slower. For two, they gave black a better dreadbore and a decent sweeper in gaze (although mana intensive).  If the format slows down a notch like we think it will then some of the bigger creatures could be good.  I'm looking at the new mythic gorgon, she's a beater and a sweeper all in one package.  Seems pretty tidy to me.  Black retains a lot from the current block and gains things like thoughtseize.


(10 replies, posted in DFW Mages)

thanks for keeping the events updated.  Too bad there's not an API/link from deckbox to wizards site.  Something to request for development perhaps? 

The best way I've found to find out what's gonig on, on a particular day is to join the facebook groups. DFW Magic Players, DFW MtG Market Place, etc... and like as many store pages as you can.


(14 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Bestow mechanics, copied from a twitter post from a wizards guy.

The Comp Rules haven’t been updated yet, but I’m about 99.5% sure these will be the final rules for bestow.

702.102. Bestow

702.102a Bestow represents two static abilities, one that functions while the card with bestow is on the stack and another that functions both while it’s on stack and while it’s on the battlefield. “Bestow [cost]” means “You may cast this card by paying [cost] rather than its mana cost.” and “If you chose to pay this spell’s bestow cost, it becomes an Aura enchantment and gains enchant creature. These effects last until one of two things happens: this spell has an illegal target as it resolves or the permanent this spell becomes, becomes unattached.” Paying a card’s bestow cost follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 601.2b and 601.2e–g.

702.102b If a spell’s controller chooses to pay its bestow cost, that player chooses a legal target for that Aura spell as defined by its enchant creature ability and rule 601.2c. See also rule 303.4.

702.102c A spell’s controller can’t choose to pay its bestow cost unless that player can choose a legal target for that spell after it becomes an Aura spell.

702.102d As an Aura spell with bestow begins resolving, if its target is illegal, the effect making it an Aura spell ends. It continues resolving as a creature spell and will be put onto the battlefield under the control of the spell’s controller. This is an exception to rule 608.3a.

This means a couple things.  1) you can counter a "bestow" spell on the stack with negate (it does _not_ count as a creature).   2) if the target becomes illegal it still _resolves_ as a creature.  You never get the chance to counter it with something like essence scatter.  3) CMC is what is on top of the card in any zone *except* when it's being cast as an aura.  3)the bestow cost does not count towards devotion (should it have different mana symbols than the CMC of the card). 4)when/if the attached creature dies it then becomes the creature type printed on the card.

Educate your friends.  This is bound to come up.

This Red green aggro list is something to compare too.  It's done well at tournaments. 

http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdat … ckID=58336

Obviously budget concerns being a factor there are other things you can probably try to do to improve your situation. 

Land - Def get the stomping grounds even.  Muta vault or 2 would probably be okay too.  Vault has advantages of being resilient to sorcery speed sweepers and can provide cheep effective aggro. Kessig is great mana sink and can put you over the top.

Creatures - Lots of things you can improve here. The beast master plan, imo, isn't the best one.  By itself it doesn't do enough and it takes a lot to set up.  A more effective strategy is just ramping into big heavy hitters backed up by tricks like ghor-clan. See if you can find some ogre battle drivers at the least.  Obviously thundermaw hellkites and hellriders would be much preferred.  Use elvish mystics instead of arbor elves, they can help ramp more consistently. You're playing a decent amount of red too and you might flood out on mountains. Go up to a 4 of flint hoof and chain walker.  Lose the maaka and slaughterhorn.  A budget beater can be rubblebelt raiders.  If allowed to get out of hand they can be mean pretty quick.  Scavenging ooze would be fantastic instead of chainwalkers imo.  But they are $$$.

Spells - obviously more domri would be awesome.  He does a lot for you in this deck.  Seismic stom can be replaced by Gruul charm and you get a couple more modes if needed, but to me nothing beats a good searing spear.  Flames of the fire brand isn't good imo, sorcery speed for 3 damage for 3 cost.  Searing spear out classes it a lot.  Mizzium mortars would be great here too.  4 damage for 2 is a bargain even at sorcery speed and with the ability to overload you can clear an opposing board.  I would pick these up if possible.  Ranger's guile is an okay trick.  If you can't get a hold of other spells, then you can keep these.

Sideboard -  some of your sideboard should be main board and you should side things like Zealous Conscripts, (had a guy steel my garruk last FNM, i cried a little), more Burning Earth, def Volcanic Strength, Fog can be considered for the aggro match-up.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

No sense retyping everything.  smile


A couple others weighed in also.  The TLDR version is.

Lands - get the nonbasics or it won't work, it's a multi colored deck
Colors - stick to WG with a splash of red.
Ramp - The best slivers cost 4,5,6 you should put in elves to ramp to those asap, Avacyn's pilgrims/Elvish Mystics (manasweft really isn't effective ramp.  You'd want to be able to play a 3 drop turn 2 to keep up with other aggro decks)
Removal - Deck needs utility to work, Selesnya Charm, o-ring. Red provides shock, pillar, searing spear, mizzium mortars.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Diablo 3 is a fine game, I've played it non stop since release and it's improved by leaps and bounds.  I'm genuinely excited for the expansion.  I don't know many games you can pay $60 and get 400 hours out of. YMMV.

However, the people that want it probably already have it and the people that want it and don't already have it aren't going to pay more than MSRP in value or cash.  I believe you should just try to sell the game online or if it's unopened return it to the store for credit.

Some of the dual lands would help.  Godless Shrine and Isolated Chapels.  Utility lands like vault of the archangel are good too.

You're creature base needs some work.  Just having a bunch of vampires isn't good enough you need a plan.  Blood artist+ a sac outlet is pretty good.  Something like Blood Bairn, Bloodflow Connoisseur.   Since you're in white I'd recommend getting a blood baron of vizkopa and possibly some Obzedat ghost council.  They're really good B/W creatures.

Some more direct removal would help.  Doom blade, murder, orzhov charm.

Well that's good.  Casually mill decks are usually fun and fine to play with.  Competitively they lack a lot of power.  They can be considered tier 2 decks at best in the tournament scene. 

Strategically, the main focus would be to play the deck like you would a control deck and use mill as a win condition.  Traditionally mill decks can't be fast, and can't be aggressive.  I doubt this will change any time soon.  You don't want to tap out turn 5 to play jace or traumatize and give your opponent an opening to put a threat on the board.  You have to play a "land go" deck, where you draw on their turn and have answers for everything they do.  (note: answers don't always mean counters)


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Give us some more detail.  How do you plan on playing the deck?  FNM, casual?  etc?  What's your budget like?  What cards do you have access too? (friends etc).  What format?  Standard?  Modern? 

Right now you're deck includes cards from a couple different formats.

In general, I can say you need more lands and better lands.  If you want to get to 6 to cast bigger cards you need to be able to ramp consistently and/or play lands more consistently . I'd say 22 lands minimum and try to include some ramp (mana elves) like Arbor Elf, or Elvish Mystic.  Also, get some shock lands like Stomping Ground and some check lands like rootbound crag.

what's your plans with the deck, casual? fnm?  Do you play multiplayer games? 

Don't know your budget or other details so, i'm going to advise without considering budget or play setting.  Assuming you're playing 1 on 1 games.

Right off some things I see are lands as an issue.  You need more of them and better ones.  Shocks are good, Watery Graves. Even some gates would help.  You really need a couple nephalia drownyards for a mill deck right now and I wouldn't run less than 24-25 land. 

A little more solid removal, like far/away, murder, dimir charm is also very good.  You also need some more draw utility.  Think twice and/or thought scour is good.  Pilfered plans can also do in a pinch ,but the instant draw is better.   I would also recommend a board wipe like mutilate or even cyclonic rift.  You can remove some of the artifacts or creatures to fit these spells in.

A couple planes walkers would help also, a couple Jace, Architect of Thought and Jace, Memory Adept.  Also something like consuming aberration would help.

Esper is where you want to be right now for milling.  UBW.  Nephalia drownyard is still in standard. Dimir charm is multi functional and it gives you access to great cards like lifebane zombie and the black removal package. You could also, slot in a consuming apparition or mindgrind.

Really in my experience a mill deck is a control deck with a milling win condition and you should really think about it that way.  You need to control the game to a point at which their threats are neutralized and yours can come online safely. 

Supreme verdict and sphinx's rev are probably cards you want to make sure you pick up.  Really traumatize isn't that great.  It's a one shot jace.  Granted it does more work than jace, but jace is a bigger threat and he'll help you close the game. You're not going to want to play it turn 4/5 without anyway to protect yourself or your planes walkers.

People have tried and tried to make immortal servitude work, and it just never does.  It looks really good on paper.  Most times it will be just a dead card in your hand, or you'll only get back a couple creatures, which is okay, but i'd rather have the option of getting anything with unburuial. Try it for yourself.  You'll see smile

You're right it might work better with gather the town's folk and maybe increasing devotion, but it wouldn't be a packrat deck without pack rat wink  I was attempting to provide a more stable shell that might deliver a better matchup and you might be able to pull off the packrat win occasionally.  The thing about the original deck is rats kinda suck. lets be honest.  At least this way if you stick a ogre slumlord _ packrat and get to start making trades /sacing stuff on a full board you get value out of the rats/pack rat.

A good concept is a good concept, no reason not to put wheels on your car because someone else has them tongue

The thing about tokens and blood artist is you can get damage through with the aristocrat and if you resolve an artist you start to get value off it pretty quick.  You could go red for faulkenrath or green for varolz to change it up a bit. *shrug*

Budget is a factor. Not a lot you can do there, but you can proxy up the cards and test with it.   Chapels will rotate soon so you might be able to do without those.  Champions are important to the deck to make it work, the necro too. blood baron and obzedat are good for a year, so picking those up would probably be a good idea.

I think the deck can still be fun, but use a more contemporary shell and include the ogre slumlord and pack-rat pieces.

I would suggest to B/W human tokens, and include the pack rat and ogre slumlord to help out for fun and flavor.  You really want a sac outlet to help the slumlord generate tokens. Cards like xathrid necromancer, doomed traveler, cartel aristocrats, blood artist, maybe even some champion of the parish. 

I like the unburial rites as a 2 of.  You could potentially get value off it in the deck.  I think immortal servitude while it looks good on the surface isn't the card you need for this deck to make it go. I think lingering souls can go too, there's a lot of graveyard hate and you're focusing too much on getting value out of the yard. Also, it won't fuel ogre slumlord or xathrid necromancer if you choose to include it.

Root born defenses can help you when packrat comes online, but really the strength of packrat is that you can create another.  Liliana and underworld connections synergy well with this plan, you can fetch swamps to discard and draw some more.

Let me suggest this build and see what you think.

4 Blood Artist
4 Cartel Aristocrat
4 Champion of the Parish
4 Doomed Traveler
3 Ogre Slumlord
3 Pack Rat
4 Xathrid Necromancer

1 Doom Blade
1 Murder
2 Orzhov Charm

2 Underworld Connections
2 Liliana of the Dark Realms

2 Unburial Rites

1 Cavern of Souls
4 Godless Shrine
4 Isolated Chapel
1 Orzhov Guild Gate
2 Vault of the Archangel
6 Plains
6 Swamp

4 Sin Collector
4 Intangible Virtue
2 Obzedat, Ghost Council
2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa
2 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
1 Murder
1 Doomblade

This gives you a "proven" human/token aggro shell, with your own brand of flavor for the deck.  It gives you some of the maindeck removal options you wanted and a larger more synergized creature base. A splash of draw and filter with liliana/UC and just enough recursion with unburial to keep your threats alive after a board wipe or removal.  You'll find the lifegain/loss provided by blood artist to be very relevant to the deck and the sideboard of obzedat/bloodbaron/sin collector help a lot with control.  Sorin and intangible virtue would come in against opposing agro decks to make your guys bigger than theirs.

Feel compelled to say. _Don't_ trade a card for basic lands.  You're selling yourself way short.  You can buy a fat pack get 9 boosters a box and 20 basic land for 40 bucks, or one of the holiday boxes like RTR or Theros coming out soon.

I would change it to the 8 bucks only or other cards of equivalent value.  Just my .02 from an experienced player to a newer one.

Shame on these other posters for trying to make that trade, you know you're taking advantage of him.

Tell us a little more about your FNM environment?  How tough is it?  Do you see teir 1 decks?  have you been to an FNM before?  I'm going to base my advice around your FNM being at least moderately competitive.  Something like 20 people, a quarter playing tier 1, tier 2, "good stuff" home brews and the last quarter like yours, beginners on a budget theme or event deck.

5 color decks without mana fixing will be very very VERY rough to play.  The fact that you can't (wont?) be able to get shocks or duals of any kind will also absolutely murder your tempo.  You're looking at playing your first card on turn 3 if you draw all gates and 2 drops.   I would very Stronglyrecommend you cut the colors down so you can include some basics to help your tempo.

I think there could be a tier 2.5(?) sliver deck, but it needs to be like GW focused with Hive Stirrings to generate sliver tokens and elves instead of manaswift.  You need the turn one elf so you can ramp into your 3 drops on turn 2 and your 4-5 drops on turn 3-4.  Slivers are an aggro deck and you need to be faster to get under peoples midrange/control decks.  A turn 2 hive stirrings followed by a turn 3 double predatory sliver could net 6 damage easy.  That being said it'll still be a struggle against a tier 1 deck.

Consider this

Creatures 23
4 Mystic elf
2 Avacyn's Pilgrim
4 Predatory Sliver
2 Sentinel Sliver
4 Steal Form Sliver
4 Bone Scythe Sliver
3 Megnatic Sliver

Spells 14
4 Hive Sitirings
3 Rancor
2 Selesnya Charm
2 Rootborn Defense
3 Unflinching Courage

Land 23
1 Cavern of Souls
4 Temple Garden
4 Sunpetal Grove
2 Gavony Township
6 Forest
6 Plains

Ignore the lands for this paragraph.   The thing about this decklist to take note of is it would be a lot more consistent than your current build.  I would suggest putting your deck and a similar deck to the one I suggested into deck box and using the statistics tool to see which one gets better draws and if you played out the hand (with no opponent) which ones are more consistent.  If  you analyze the cards and the mana base I would bet all the cards in my inventory you get more consistent hands with my suggested build. 

I'm not saying copy my build I'm just providing it for reference so you can compare.  Trying to give you the benefit of some of my experience.  A 5 color home brew sliver theme deck probably won't win an FNM or even do very good against a tournament tested deck.  Not wanting to buy the lands is hurting your chances of having a consistent decks there's really no substitute for them.  If you plan on continuing to play tournament magic you _need_ to pick the lands for the colors you want to play, and you will continue to hear this from just about everyone as long as you want to go to FNMs and build 2 or more color decks.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

How are you playing the deck?  Casually?  Friends? Tournaments?   

Looks like a modern build and I'm not very well versed in what's available in modern.   

In general if stuffy doll is your win condition I'd say it's pretty fragile.  There are still any number of effects that can deal with stuffy doll. Off the top of my head, just from what I know about that's popular in standard.

Tragic slip
golgari Charm
Barter in blood
devour flesh
liliana of the veil
tribute to hunger

I'm sure there's more many many more that would be relevant in modern.  Also stuffy doll does nothing to stop damage from getting across if they have trample.

I don't see the deck as being very well when it comes to "winning", but it could be a _fun_ deck to play when it goes off.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You're topping out at 4, so I feel like 23 land is too much.  You can probably go down to 21-22. 

You're not getting hardly any synergy out of burning tree in this deck. Scavenging ooze is all your playing at the 2 drop level that can hit off it.  I feel like you need the flint hoof bores to go with BTE.    Lotleth synergy with scavenging ooze, but how's it playing for you otherwise?  Have you tested it out? 

one drops, you need the exp 1, or stromkirk nobles.  I don't know if you have access to thundermaw's but you could go on the kibler plan and do elf into bigger drops. 

Overall, I think you need to decide if you're going to keep the 2 drops the way they are.  That's where the deck appears to need work the most. 

Also, take a look at this RG list, it's similar to where you're at, but has a more focused mana curve.  This deck placed 7th at worlds.

http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdat … ckID=58089

I'm not saying copy it exactly, but you can analyze it more.  It needs to be able to go up to 6 mana, so it has 24 lands and ramp.  It wants to be able to consistently play thundermaw on turn 4 and hellrider turn 3.  Burning earth in the side is a strong card against control and some midrange decks.  Just something to think about when you're building your own deck.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

shadowsmiles42 wrote:

With the current meta being so far into Jund and RWU (I personally still see junk and Grixis as well), you should mainboard (or at least sideboard) a few burning earths.

Yes this... an omission from my suggestions.  I endorse this statement.  I would say sidebard.  It can help close the games.


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I don't think you have enough synergy with burning tree atm.  I think I'd go with lightning maulter/firefist striker as well.  I"m okay with legion loyalist and here's why, he gives trample and makes it hard for tokens to block which is relevant in today's meta.  Giving awaken the ancients trample is pretty good.

Firefist striker means that you don't need pyreheart wolf.  Another 3 drop would be desirable, obviously reckoners, or just keep the zealots for now

I think you should mainboard mizzium and get rid of mugging completely, you don't need it if you run something like firefist. Searing spear and pillar of flame should be your other burn options.    You might cut a land or two.  I would also consider mutavault.  Vault is resilient to sweepers.

I don't like blasphemous act here, or witchbane. Zealous conscripts is pretty decent.  Against it can steal opposing plains walkers.  You can mill them in return tongue

that is my .02 for what it's worth

I don't think it will affect your deck lists.  IF you don't' have cards deckbox just highlights the cards in red flagging it as not in your inventory.

as for the other question it's one at a time.

You won't be unhappy picking up the shocks.  Not wanting to buy the snaps or geist is understandable they're about to rotate, but the lands will be good for you for a year or more.  Strongly recommend picking up the lands.

Get rid of these "2 Transguild Promenade" .  They hurt your tempo worse than a gate.  Put some basic lands in.

Other than not investing in giest and snapcaster, don't worry about rotation to much.  It's still a couple months away and just trade for cards from the RTR/m14 block.

off topic, Here's a fun control deck you might try to put together too.  Not terribly expensive either.


it can be modified to replace some of the more expensive cards (except sphinx's I think you need those).