As the other commenters beat me to the punch, I'll just add another two cents to what ScottmLev said.  If we assume that you're wanting to stay in G/B, my gut feel would be not to go all in on just a few little creatures and all the enchantments on a single threat, regardless of hexproof.  Remember that we're playing in a standard environment with edict effects like crazy - Devour Flesh and Celestial Flare are both incredibly effective against you and easily accessible for your opponent to just blow you out.  Nevermind Supreme Verdict or cards like Abrupt Decay that can target the enchantments, leading to the opponent having a favorable block.  If anything, I would suggest keeping several threats and even potentially expanding the creature base just a bit to include Desecration Demons - if for no other reason, because then you have a backup plan when the enchanted creature gets wiped out...

Remember that the bant auras decks that were competitive for so long did so using cards that rotated: Invisible Stalker, Geist of Saint Traft, Silverblade Paladin - the idea was that even two enchantments on a creature could just hose you thanks to the combination of hexproof, unblockable, angel-token-generation, and double-strike.  Your current build has hexproof... that's all... which I fear just won't get the job done as well as you would like.

For one, you need the duals to really be competitive in standard constructed.  It pains me to say it, but you should be running Overgrown Tombs if you can get your hands on them or otherwise at least 2-4 Golgari Guildgate.

That aside, this has a bit more promise now that you're sitting on hexproof, but the big question is why not go white?  The G/W auras are sooooooo much better.  Between Unflinching Courage and Ethereal Armor and the heroic creatures to give more targets... you really can't go wrong.  All you're getting out of black here are four removal spells (Putrefy) which aren't even the most ideal or efficient removal most of the time, some enchantment/tiny token hate (Golgari Charm), Reaper of the Wilds, and Gift of Orzhova (which you will only hit inconsistently with it requiring BB in the casting cost).

I can just see where G/W auras/heroic/hexproof gives you a LOT better chance... but that's just me


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

The biggest problem I see here is that you're moving away from an aggro build with the new inclusions.

For instance, Scavenging Ooze is a great card, although hardly one I would consider being aggro.  The idea behind aggro is to be dropping threats every turn, with all your mana going to adding to the board - not paying more and more into pumping your existing threats.  Ooze is great, but in a pure aggro build, it's little more than a Grizzly Bears.

I don't know that I'm sold on Xenagos, the Reveler in aggro.  Sure, he combos nicely with Mistcutter Hydra and that could get out of hand rather quickly, but in reality, he's not an immediate threat on the board when he hits - most often you'll find yourself just pumping out 2/2s (not a total waste, but hardly what you want to be doing with your 4-drop here).  The ramp he provides will be nice from time to time, but in reality, four is the top of your curve, so what are you ramping into?  Or better yet, if you have the four creatures on the field to make him into the BTE of planeswalkers, aren't you already winning?  Simply put, I can see where Purphoros, God of the Forge or even Fanatic of Mogis are going to be better finishers in an aggro build.

A few other suggestions...

I would lower the count of Reckoners to two as RRR isn't the easiest thing in the world to cast when you're half torn between R and G. They're great against the mirror, but that's what the SB is for.

Firefist Striker isn't included here because?  You're attacking every turn... his battalion might as well be removal a lot of the time.

Reverent Hunter might be worth looking into (they're certainly cheap enough to buy a set to try out).  It is not beyond the realm of possibility that you could BTE - into him on T3 and have him be a 4/4.  Nevermind if you were to put in some Dryad Militants or Experiment Ones to provide added green devotion on T1.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I would normally say this isn't bad; however, the biggest issue you're going to run into is the fact that by focusing so intensely on creatures without hexproof and enchantments, you're going to be 2-for-1'ed A LOT.  The real reason most of the auras don't see much in the way of competitive constructed play is because the opponent can figure out after game 1 (or even if they just heard from someone else what your deck was doing in a previous round) that they should just wait until you put one (or more) enchantments on a creature to then remove it.  As a result, you're out multiple cards for only one removal spell.

As such, I see a few issues here. 

First off, bestow was cool in pre-release (I think we can all agree on that).  However, it will not hold up in the much faster standard environment.  Without sweepers and whatnot, RDW will kill you in 4-5 turns.  You'd be lucky to even get any of the bestow creatures online by then. 

Secondly, if you're going with enchantments, why not work in some of the better heroic creatures?  I'm thinking Fabled Hero, Phalanx Leader and things of that nature. 

Third, if you hope to hit the top of your curve with ANY consistency, you're going to want 24 lands.

Fourth, I could see where this would be better if you were to go W/G to include things like Unflinching Courage, Selesnya Charm and the like.

Lastly, why even put Mutavaults in?  I get that a 2/2 creature in a pinch can be nice and it survives sweepers... BUT... it's not like you're going to enchant it.  Anything you put on it would fall off immediately.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

psrex wrote:

WotC has said that the only mythic that you can open in the seeded pack is the god of that color, but I think that any of the other rares in that color are possibilities.

I can see why people are aiming for green as a preferred color, as the limited amount of removal means that all of the monstrous creatures in green should be huge threat.  That's why I'm playing blue though, too, so that I can bounce those big threats.  I'm hoping for decent packs for blue/black, but I'll play whatever bombs I may get.

I think that you have a better shot at a money rare by doing well and getting extra packs from placing well as opposed to opening something specific in your seeded pack.  At least at my store if you have a winning record and stick around to the end of the tournament you usually get at least a couple packs since so many people drop out after a couple rounds.  They help pump up the prize pool and then take off when they starting doing poorly.

You'd obviously have a better shot at the more valuable cards if you were to win more packs (hooray probability!).

That being said, I'm thinking, despite everything said by MaRo and everyone else, it MIGHT be possible to go a bit aggro with red/(insert second color here).  I've found that the degree to which you can apply heavy early pressure in a limited format almost ALWAYS bodes well for you.  So much for those 8-drop bombs if I'll kill you by T-6 or T-7...  then again, I might be totally nuts at this point...


(25 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


With all due respect, I do not think Pwyll or ColtonisWright should be involved in this conversation.  I had a bad trade ($25) over a month ago and I'm still cheesed off about it.  If it was over power I'd be livid until I was moved into a nursing home against my will (then I'd have other things to be pissed about).

This seems like a good guide to know about as they give examples of the different tests with images, what to look for and why the tests work. 

TheWaddledeeKing, while there are tests to be performed, what if you (playing the innocent) and I (playing the villain) do a trade; my mox pearl for your mox ruby.  I then take a fake mox pearl that I printed myself and post pictures of it failing tests.

The above scenario seems unlikely but I guess I could see where it's possible.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't think the site needs any further modification of the trade rules.  Simply put, I wouldn't be trading for power cards online... I mean if you're worried you might get scammed, then only get them in person.  How hard is that?
"Thus, deckbox mods, I have shown that Thewaddledeeking is a nefarious scammer and should be tarred and feathered, etc."

Do the mods make us unwind the trade?  You get back a slightly smudged and bent mox pearl and whatever negative repercussions the mod think up while I increase my moxen count for a song and dance and you're none the wiser. 

This could also allow for people to unwind trades if they change their mind past the point of no return. 

I don't think the mods can design a comprehensive feature or rule to get all cases of this (admittedly rare) situation.


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was thinking either White/Black/Red is where the money cards are... now that's assuming you're able to pull one of the big ones in the "seeded pack" (which I don't know if you even can).  That being said, I'm likely going red, although I can't really say I've been able to hammer down a reason why.  Although apparently a lot of folks are aiming Green/Blue...

On a side note, does anyone know why Elspeth jumped from $16-18 back up to $30 overnight?


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So what colors are people picking for pre-release and why?


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

iranian45 wrote:

I guess im just looking for some good deck ideas while not spending a lot of money on more cards

Sadly in order to really WIN games at FNMs you will have to drop cash.  Now, that being said, there are decks that you can have fun with and win here or there at FNMs for relatively cheap.  You're even going to benefit here significantly with rotation and the rise of mono-colored decks.  Half of the cost of a competitive deck has been in the manabase (shocks can add up if you hadn't noticed), but a mono-colored deck will let you get away with just basics for the most part. 

Start tinkering around with the cards sticking in one color and see what you can come up with.  Search the database here for cards only printed in RTR, GTC, DGM, M14, and Theros... odds are you'll be able to come up with something decent for not too much.  Mono-red aggro is one option; mono-green aggro is likely a bit weaker, but also somewhat viable; mono-white aggro (aka white weenie) is likely out of your price range given the inclusion of Archangel of Thune in most peoples' lists - although Path of Bravery apparently has potential if used correctly; mono-black control will almost certainly be an option; as will mono-blue mid-range/control - likely focusing on Thassa, God of the Sea and Master of Waves with counters, lesser used blue enchantment removal like Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia, and Aetherling - but it might be out of your price range too.


(15 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Scourge of Valkas and Shivan Dragon really won't help you much.  Scourge is alright, but only really works if you have other dragons in play or ways to clone it to get the ETB damage effect repeated.

If you're really looking for creatures to add, Ogre Battledriver is a decent option as it lets your tokens come in as 3/1s rather than just as 1/1s... this can be relevant for both attacking and defending.


(6 replies, posted in Announcements)



(1 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Greetings all,

I've recently moved to the Vancouver area and will be up here for about a year, but I was curious as TCGPlayer and other sites are within the US and tailored largely to US customers (yes, we're spoiled down there).  Is there a specific site or are there sellers on TCG that are more readily available to Canadian orders?  I'm wanting to try to avoid things getting held up waiting in customs and the like.



(9 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Here's the deck in case anyone was curious:


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Link?  Decklist?  Format?  Are you playing in FNMs or just casually?

It's sort of difficult to help you out if you don't provide any info for us to work with.

I realize it'll take a while and he provided a LOT of reading, but elpablo has really given you some great resources and I cannot stress enough following through and reading up on what he's offered as it will help you immensely.


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So a few things.  First off, the reason it looks like you're losing to your brother is because your mana curve is too high and the higher costed items in your deck really just don't deliver the sort of punch you need a 5-7 drop to deliver.  For instance, look at the difference between Armada Wurm and Voice of the Provinces.  Both come into play and create a token, but one is a 3/3 flyer that makes a 1/1, while the other is a 5/5 trample that makes a second 5/5 trample.  By the time you're getting to where you would play your larger stuff, your brother already has more value on the board (as it looks like his decks have some better value creatures).

That being said, you would benefit from pretty much ANYTHING from the RTR block as Selesnya is a big player.  Whether it be a playset of Loxodon Smiters (roughly $10), Centaur Healers (even less), Armada Wurm, Advent of the Wurm, or even just picking up a few Selesnya Charms they will go a long way for you.  Additionally, look for Thragtusk to drop even more in value in the next few weeks once it rotates.

As for attending an FNM, my suggestion would be to go to your LGS and just scout things out.  You don't have to play the first time you go, as you would benefit just getting to know some of the people, scope out what people are playing, what format it is, the cost to enter, how competitive it is, etc.  The reason I suggest this sort of peaceful fact-finding mission before just leaping in is because some FNMs are laid back and welcoming to even the most inexperienced players; but others are REALLY competitive, not all that different from Grand Prix trials - as you can imagine, you're likely to enjoy one but not so much the other.  In either event, I don't know that you're really well suited to perform well at one until you really invest a bit more on some newer cards, but you could easily still have fun.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Profanity wrote:

My big weakness is likely Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Outside of Mizzium Mortars, Elspeth is my only answer to that. Chained to the Rocks doesn't touch that though, so frustration will be had. Then again, the chain does take down any gods that are fully devoted, which could be huge...

I mean I can see where he's an issue, but realistically, that's one card out there that you're fearing.  I would argue that he's easy enough to deal with if you toss in a few Celestial Flares in the SB.  It never targets him as it targets a player, not the creature.  But really, if you're only afraid of one card, odds are you're doing just fine.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

OvidiuBV wrote:

Why no Ash Zealot?
Also I think that Burning Earth will not be as good as it is now due to 10 lands cycling out and only 5 cycling in. Maybe play only 2 in sideboard.
I'd also consider Firedrinker Satyr.

Just some thoughts big_smile.

Ash Zealot could be a solid option.  Good call.  The biggest catch is that you cannot use BTE to cast the Zealot, but that's really the only problem.

You're also right that Burning Earth is losing some punch as I think you're going to see primarily mono and two-colored decks once rotation hits.

Firedrinker Satyr, however, I simply have to disagree on.  Sure, it's a 2/1 for 1, BUT, the firebreathing it has is totally worthless and the ability of the opponent to load up on it to hurt you totally messes things up.  Imagine attacking with it into two creatures.  Regardless of the situation, the opponent has incentive to double-block it, dealing a bunch of damage to you while also dropping your creature.  I could see using it in a build with Legion Loyalist giving it first strike, but otherwise, I just see it as bad.  As another example, someone casts Lightning Strike on the Satyr... they've both removed the creature AND done three to you (if that's not a recipe for helping the opponent, I don't know what is).


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Now you're onto something.

A few thoughts,

1) I'm going to wager that Magma Jet will be better than Shock 9/10 times.  BUT, I would only run 3 of them and then two Lightning Strikes (aka Searing Spear/Incinerate).  This lets you burn for two, scry, or burn for three on larger targets.

2) Purphoros is going to be big in these decks.  Being able to land him on T4 will almost always seal the deal, if for no other reason, than because he will likely finish the opponent off in the ensuing turns with his creature ETB damage.

3) Another four-drop to consider would be Fanatic of Mogis, who, if it comes into play after you've been dropping creatures, can easily do 4-5 damage immediately upon entering the battlefield - potentially enough to finish them off just like Hellrider used to.

4) Everyone I've talked to/heard of running Chandra raves about what she can do.  I would suggest upping her to 2x.  It'll provide you with some card advantage and might help force those final points of damage through.

5) Foundry Street Denizen and Rakdos Cackler should both total at least 3x of each, if not 4x of each.  Remember that this type of deck will likely come up short if you don't curve out pretty well on a consistent basis.

6) I would suggest upping your land count to 21 or 22.  The 20 land count SHOULD get you there most games, but adding 1-2 more will just ensure things are that much more consistent.

- For the sideboard, Mutavault doesn't make sense.  You'll either want those land all the time or not.  Additionally, Flames of the Firebrand really isn't ideal.  You should focus more on getting the damage through.  Perhaps something like Seismic Stomp will work there... although there are no guarantees.  I saw your note that you intend to add Akroan Crusader and Coordinated Assault, although I would suggest against both of those - the Crusader needs you to target HIM, which you're not going to be doing with anything and Coordinated Assault is just a lesser Weapon Surge.  Perhaps you slide Weapon Surge into the sideboard to help you blow the opponent out in a mirror match, but otherwise, it's not enough damage to really make the difference.  If you're trying to push more damage though, Dynacharge will manage that more effectively.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I can say this won't do well at a Grand Prix.  Most players there are playing with tier 1 decks, and as such, I would advise looking up the top RDW lists either on TCG or SCG and just go with those. 

But just taking a quick glance at things, I'm seeing several sub-optimal creatures.  For instance, Firefist Striker is just better than Bomber Corps, Goblin Shortcutter, and Riot Piker.  You could easily slide Burning-Tree Emissary in here to help beef up the board presence on T2.  Additionally, you only have four one-drops.  Where are the Rakdos Cacklers, Foundry Street Denizens, and other one-drops?

Having said all of that, I would suggest trying to figure out post-rotation plans as both Goblin Arsonist and Lightning Mauler are rotating.  Rotation hits in two weeks and Theros has been fully spoiled, so it's worth a go to figure out what you're doing.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Profanity wrote:

So to replace Pillar of Flame, I was thinking 2 God's Willing in the main, and a single Chained to the Rocks in the board. Thoughts?

The question is what you really think you're going to need.  If you need removal, I would say to change to Chained to the Rocks for all the slots.  If you're after protection, Brave the Elements is a better spell hands down.  The only non-white creature you have in the entire build is Purphoros... so Brave either protects all of them from damage for a turn or gives you likely a completely free swing at the opponent.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Profanity wrote:

I'm a huge fan of Truefire Paladin as almost a "poor man's Boros Reckoner" as it leaves you options on the turns you play Temple of Triumph and are holding a turn to move up your curve.

Is Pantheon automatically better than Boros Elite? I was having trouble there

I'm admittedly not seeing how Truefire is anything even close to Reckoner, but perhaps you have some experience with it that I'm not aware of.  Firefist Striker, Gore-house Chainwalker, Wojek Halberdiers, even Daring Skyjek all strike me as better options.  You might not be able to pump them, but in an aggro build you're going to need all that mana for other stuff.

Pantheon strikes me as better than elite simply because of the protection and, perhaps more importantly, because it will be one of your primary sources of life-gain.  Without it in there, you might as well not be running Archangel of Thune.

Don't forget Spear of Heliod, Legion's Initiative and even potentially Path of Bravery if you're looking to pump your guys.


(18 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Now something like Boros Charm CAN zap a PW... food for thought.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Keep in mind that Pillar of Flame is rotating.

I also don't know that I would run Truefire Paladin, but that's just me.  Firefist Striker is big in constructed at the moment for a reason.

I would probably also swap one Mizzium Mortars for a second Boros Charm.

Aside from those things, there's some promise here.  The two-color decks like this that wouldn't really do much before are going to pick up some serious steam once rotation hits.

If you're looking to take away discard steps and whatnot, toss in Black Vise rather than the rack.  Misers' Cage can also fill in some here.