(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Getting around this problem takes a bit of work, but can be done.  This whole process is much easier if you have a premium account.  Then when you can go to the Editions section under MTG Database, you get useful stats.  The overview page lists whether you have all of the cards for a set (or how many you're missing).  But, more importantly, the actual set pages list how many copies you own of that card, of that card from that set, and then the same information for your wishlist and tradelist (edit: my screenshot won't upload right now, but you can look here - https://deckbox.org/premium).  When you're looking at that view you can easily see if you need a specific card from that set -- like where I have a foil Bruna but need a regular one.  There you can see that I have a Bruna from this set, but I also need a Bruna from this set as well.

Another helpful thing to do is to create a built deck for each set that you are putting together.  Then when you look at various sections of the site you can see how many copies of the card you own and how many you need for built decks.

This doesn't get the multiple copies, but if you want a fast way to add a lot of cards, you can go to the editions page for Commander 2020 and select 'mass input':


Inventories and decks are completely separate and there isn't a way to add to both at the same time.  Your inventory is cards you own, and a deck list is just that -- you may or may not own the cards for the deck.  Deckbox will tell you if you own the cards to make a given deck, but other than that, it really has nothing to do with your inventory.

If you have a premium account you can mark specific cards as being in given decks, but that doesn't apply to most people, and you still can't add a card to your deck and have it show up in your inventory.  The card must exist in your inventory first before you can mark it as being in a certain deck.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you need advanced searching, the answer is always to use scryfall:


Cleggy89 wrote:

im not sure what to do for just casual gaming with people?

Where I am Commander has pretty much taken over casual gaming.  I can head in with a Commander deck and usually find games, but other than that everyone wants to test their Standard, Modern, or Pioneer decks, so you'd be playing tournament Magic, just not in a tournament setting.  If I'm not playing Commander I would draft instead, as then I don't need to have a deck ahead of time.  My store drafts every Friday and some Saturdays, so there are plenty of chances to play.

Are you looking at Magic as mainly a game to play or something to collect?  What formats are popular at your local store?

If you're looking mainly to play, I would skip collecting sets and instead purchase or trade for cards as you need them rather than trying to build up a large collection.  You'll end up getting a decent collection anyways over time as you modify decks, retire decks or draft.

I do happen to collect sets, and I like to pick them up as they rotate out of Standard.  They're a lot cheaper then as a lot of people just focus on Standard and don't want the cards any longer.

Cmarch82 wrote:

I don't need the money so I can sit on them but it is hard not to think of extra mad money sitting there collecting dust. I got on here to help me get pieces for new ideas but seeing the value of what I have has me thinking if I don't play enough is it worth having them around?

Personally, I would save your high-value cards for a few years and trade for some booster boxes so that you can draft with everyone, and just sell/trade a few cards at a time.  I think of cards that I'm not playing as value just waiting until I have a use for different Magic cards or I want to get some new board games or something like that.

Yes, that is what you have to do -- you have to move them to be built decks.  Deckbox will only use built decks as counting against your inventory.  Any card that is in your sideboard will also count against your inventory, but the scratchpad area will not.

The site wasn't built with a way to manage where you inventory might be stored.  People have proposed various schemes, such as being able to tag cards, but so far nothing has been implemented.

Depending on the age of your kids, I would recommend keeping your cards around.  I played a lot with my daughter between 12 and 18 and it is always fun to run into families that play at my FLGS.  12 seems to be a really good age for getting kids into Magic and there are a fair number around that age or slightly older at my local store.  My daughter is so much better than me at the rules, remembering triggers, etc., just because she grew up with it.  She doesn't play much now (other than when she is home to visit), but it did likely get her into D&D, which is her favorite hobby.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If you have a premium account you can add pictures to your cards.  That would be an easy way to denote graded cards.  Other than that, I second the idea of using some of the flags to mark special cards.  I've seen people use the 'textless' option, which works really well for most cards, because there is no textless version of most cards.

The prices that are listed are Deckbox's attempt to give you a market value, but they are sometimes wrong.  I wouldn't suggest using Deckbox prices for trades.  Most people use TCGPlayer and say so in their bio.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This site is much like MTGO.  Your inventory is just cards that you own.  Any decklists are ways to use your cards, but you never actually move cards from your inventory into a deck.  Each decklist will show where you are short cards in your inventory to fully build the deck (including sideboard cards).  The site assumes that you are OK with sharing cards between decks, and will just look at whether your inventory has enough cards to fulfill the needs of that deck.  The totals at the top of a decklist are just quick summaries of what you own by value and what you would still need to purchase or trade for in order to complete the deck.

Some of what I said doesn't apply if you upgrade to premium, but for most people the above is true.

Would it be possible to add a filter for the number of copies of a card/printing that are owned?  I'd like to look at cards where I have more than one copy and then do some sorting after that.

Thanks for all of your work on keeping the site updated.  Wizards has been throwing a lot at people recently.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's just Sebi running the site.  I'm sure he'll add the cards when he has time.

Decorated Knight hasn't been added yet:

https://shop.tcgplayer.com/magic/specia … d%20knight

zga wrote:

I have not had premium so I can't speak to that.

But in regular deckbox 'in-use' cards only count between the main deck and sideboard of a single deck. It has never reached across multiple decks in the way you describe, for me anyway.

If you have premium then you can turn off the option that says "Share cards between decks" and then it will work like described above.  It will count only cards in built decks and will consider both sideboards and main deck cards.

I would submit a report of this through the "Support and Feedback" section.  This used to work for me exactly as you describe, at least when I had premium previously.

Would it be possible to have an enhanced way to filter our inventory?  I would like to view a list of cards that are legal in Modern but not legal in Pioneer.  Currently it doesn't seem like there is a way to make this search, as you would need to have two instance of the format field.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Evil Presence is from the base set, so it is either Alpha or Beta if it is black-bordered.  Beta cards look just like normal Magic cards.  Alpha cards have more rounded corners than a regular Magic card.  It will be readily apparent from just looking at the card (or lining it up with another card).


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you're looking to get in on this, you have a day or two left to do so.  The set of tokens is now up to 72 and it seems like there is a shot at getting to the masked foils like a standard Magic foil has.

This is a great looking Kickstarter project that is going on:

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/21 … escription

So far the set of tokens is up to 44 and should keep getting larger.  Take some time to find some of the larger views of the artwork, like on Terese's twitter feed, as they are wonderful.  Also some are available as playmats and all are available as art prints.


(1 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

I have a variety of Portal: Three Kingdoms to offer.  I have most of the commons, and a few uncommons and rares.  All are NM.  It would be nice to find a home for the extras that I have accumulated while working to complete this set.


(7 replies, posted in Set Collectors)

Hi, all.  I'm Paul and I've been playing since Fallen Empires/Revised.  Most of the time I've been trying to spend little money beyond postage for trading, so I'm missing some of the higher value cards.  For a while I was trying to get one of each card by name (regardless of set), and at one time I was about 20 cards short of completing my goal.  I haven't really kept up with sets since Avacyn Restored, so there is currently a lot that I'm looking for.  My aim in collecting has generally been focused on having the cards to play with, so condition isn't a huge deal for me.  My most recent milestone was finishing Legends about six months ago.

I'm looking for some Walking Ballistas to finish off a deck.  Open up a trade if we might be able to work something out.

Thanks for getting this feature rolled out.

Clicking on the "Edit" drop-down doesn't do anything for me.  I tried both Firefox and Chrome.  Are other people able to set the edition?