(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Quoting from your profile:

" Right now I'm only looking to trade if the value is significantly (20%, or 25% if international and less than $100) in my favor. If your proposal doesn't meet this criteria I'll probably pass on it. Also, I prefer larger trades to smaller ones, and I will likely pass on trades worth less than $50 unless they are particularly attractive."

Yeah, if you're gonna shark(whether your trade partner knows the skew or not, it is sharking) a trader for 20 bucks in your favor, even if only one package out of 100 gets lost on its' way to you, you can afford to lose those cards, as you've profited enough from all the packages that arrived.

Additionally, I'm going to have to assume that if the package you sent out got lost, you'd happily keep your trade partner's cards, as tracking would show that the cards were sent.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You could reduce the cancel/refund portion of "I won't ship under 5 bucks" by creating a metric that tracks how often sellers do that, and create a threshold that, if they go over it, automatically suspends them. TCG player and Amazon both do that.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm pretty sure I submitted a report about this, but never received an answer.

Anyone else not getting any thread titles at the sub forum level?


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Actually, I have a plugin that autocorrects bitcoin to buttcoin, simply because I find it impossible to take seriously anyone speaking of bitcoin as being the most amazing thing ever, and that it's the savior of the economy, and I didn't go back and correct it in every spot. You'll notice I did go back and fix it this time.

In the passage you quoted of mine, if you'd go back and read it, I said that there was a "higher percentage of shady folk" involved in Bitcoin. You'll notice I didn't say everyone involved in Bitcoin was a criminal. You mentioned Dell, newegg and Microsoft accept Bitcoin, as does ABU Games, as mentioned in a previous post. You also mentioned that banks are interested in it, too, but you didn't mention that some malware that locks up your computer if you don't pay them accepts Bitcoin as well. You also don't mention the Bitcoin exchanges that have shut down and disappeared with peoples' bitcoins, or that the main currency used on Silk Road was Bitcoin. Here's one writeup on a scam from the New York Times. http://nytimes.com/2015/07/26/business/ … =&_r=0
I'm going into this assuming you personally, and most, if not all, of the people you deal with are not scammers or shady folk. Please don't respond as though I accused you of being a thief.

I was using Jesus Crist as a term of exasperation because of all the possible drawbacks of trying to set up a small business to be able to use bitcoins. It seems like too much of a headache to try to set up a marketplace for, considering there's one coder running this site, and he's trying to support himself off of the site, and if you really want to use Bitcoin to buy a magic card, you can go to ABUgames.

I suggested the automatic conversion of bitcoins to cash because it'd be easier to set up a payment system that treated bitcoins as an alternative form of payment, and not have to set up a completely different payment system that deals in Bitcoin exclusively. If it's all on one payment system, then it's a simpler site, with less to go wrong, not to mention, if the site converts one way, Bitcoin to cash, then Sebi would be able to also go the other way, for sellers who prefer to be paid in Bitcoin in lieu of cash.

There's also that the site has its' own selling fees, and the site may not want to end up having to turn them from Bitcoin into actual money that can be spent literally anywhere.

Ultimately, my problem with this site switching to accept Bitcoin is that the site is still really small, with 92k+ of registered users, of which I'd have to assume a very large portion are inactive. The one seller that is most active is adventureson, and they've only made 788 total sales since the marketplace went up. The marketplace is very low traffic, and, as such, the Bitcoin Deckbox marketplace would involve a much smaller subset of users. Implementing Bitcoin transactions seems like it would create way more trouble than it is worth for the Deckbox team.


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If buttcoins became acceptable currency on Deckbox, then Deckbox should accept the buttcoins and pay the equivalent value out in cash to the seller. Over the Internet. We could have a (M)agic: (T)he (G)athering (O)nline currency e(X)change!

Except for the part where there's a higher percentage of shady folk involved in the unregulated Bitcoin market because it's unregulated, and the minute that someone got screwed in a deal on here, there'd be a huge amount of drama because you can't do chargebacks on bitcoins, and the value of a Bitcoin is more likely to fluctuate between when the buyer submits the transaction and when the seller sends out the card, so it's harder to put an actual price on the card pegged to dollars, so Sebi has to either put a lot more work into maintaining basically two marketplaces and two register systems, and at this point, if you absolutely have to use bitcoins to buy magic cards, just go do it at ABU games, Jesus Christ.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's an FNM promo, not an origins promo.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

GreenNori wrote:

Atarka's Command Prerelease promo still shows up at $12 when foil is not selected but shows up as N/A when foil is selected (even though it's only available as a foil).  To make it clear it's the Prerelease promo version that has the issue.

Don't be dense. The prerelease promo is only available as a foil, so don't check foil on it. There, it's fixed.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

No, you set the value to 50 cents.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bitterblossom's foil in mm2015 is averaging out around 100 bucks.

Here's TCG prices: Foil 
High: $160.00
Median: $52.00
Low: $42.96

I haven't trusted card prices here since Sebi started the market and tcgplayer cut him off, and I strongly doubt that I ever will be able to. It sucks, because I joined up here so that I could manage my inventory and have a document available in case of insurance claim. I don't know how much Sebi is clearing from the market, but I doubt that it was enough to allow him to quit his job and work on the site full-time, as the premium level memberships started fairly soon after the market. I do think that if there's a card that doesn't have a price on here, that he should be setting it manually, as otherwise, it is a disservice to those who are paying members of the site.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Scg has promo siege rhino at 25, out of stock, TCG player has it around 28 low.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

me3darkhydra wrote:

Is there a command to indicate sideboard when importing lots of decks?

Put "sideboard" between the regular deck and the sideboard when importing the list of cards


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Neither do the ugin's fate, or the intro pack alt arts. I marked my promos with the deprecated promo symbol, and the ugin's fate and intro pack promo so I'm hoping that Sebi will throw another notice to fix cards with the deprecated promo symbol up on our newsstream screens when they're in the system. Also, maybe a notice for altered art cards that we can either click to change or click to ignore.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm holding off on entering them until we find out.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
fengler21 wrote:

Can we please get the prices changed back to tcg pricing?
I am tired of people trying to rip me off and the current system is super flawed since anyone can go list cards for a super low price thus lowing the average to trade at and rip people off.

As the others have said, we will never go back to using prices from tcgplayer.

Please report bad prices you find via the support system, we will check them.

I reported these via support and I created a thread when nothing was done, then created a second support report when my thread was deleted, so I'm calling it out here, now.

Lines one, two, four, and seven are the alternate art promo intro pack rares. SCG prices on each is 99 cents. I'm perfectly willing to go buy all of the intro packs, sell the rares for way more than what they're worth, and get two packs on top of the profit from the rares, but we all know that they are worth 99 cents each, at the most, and probably closer to 50 cents each. Can we get this fixed?


(10 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Pewter wrote:

What does anyone else think about using bitcoins for purchases? No paypal fees. Fast transaction times. No messing around with different currencies. Easy to implement and easy to use. Personally, I would love if this site would/could implement bitcoins as an alternative to fiat currencies.
Thoughts, comments?

Bitcoin is ridiculous and nearly impossible to transfer from fake money to money backed by real governments. At least you can spend money acquired from PayPal in real stores.

Seriously, try changing your Bitcoin to dollars.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The khans intro pack rares all list prices of over 15 dollars.

gumgodMTG wrote:

I noticed that on the wishlist "edition printed in" is no longer a filter option, but "edition owned" seems to do what I wanted.  Not sure if this was an intended change.

Edition printed in lists all cards in your collection that were printed in that set, plus all your other printings of that card. So, if you wanted to see what cards you have that had been printed in M15, then selecting Edition Printed In: M15 would show that you have an M15 copy of divination, as well as one from born of the gods and m14 and m13 and m12, whereas edition owned: m15 would just show your copies printed in m15.

For me, I generally only keep around 5 of each card, or 1 or 2 of each printing for cards like naturalize, so if I buy a number of packs from a set, I like to know if I already have 5 or more of a card, so edition owned: m15 won't show me that I have previous printings of divination.

Can we get the edition printed filter back for main inventory?


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'd love for the ability to compare two decklists side by side. Maybe add decklist comparison as a tool on an individual decklist page, which takes you to a page that shows the current decklist on the left, your list of decks on the right column, and when you select a deck from the right, it loads that list, then in a box underneath the two lists, shows a parsing of what's removed from the left decklist in red, and what's added to the left decklist to get to the right decklist in green.

Ex: R burn deck in the left column, RW burn deck in right column, underneath, it has a red colum with the list of removed cards, and a green column with the list of added cards.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Nighthawk wrote:
terrafrost wrote:

JSS Lord of Atlantis is $300 on deckbox.org, $14.99 on SCG and has a tcg high of $29.98.

To be fair, there's one listed at that price on the Deckbox market.  In poor condition. Not sure why that person thinks it will sell for that much, but I guess he just needs one person willing to spend that...

I think he has it listed at poor because it's signed, and he doesn't want people who don't give a shit about signatures to jump on it, and then be pissed off.

Personally, I see only three really good reasons to cancel a sale on this or any other website.

One: went to pull the card, and had no copies/not enough copies to fill that order. In that case, there should be a specific button to click that takes the seller to a page that you type the quantity you are short by. Once you click OK on that page, it takes the seller to another page with a script that automatically unlists that card from their sale list, if they have no copies at all, or reduces the sell list by that number of copies, and locks them out of adding that card back to their sell list under any price for 24 hours, minimum, to prevent users from abusing the cancel order button. It would also generate an email to the buyer/s to either let them know their order was cancelled, or they'd be receiving fewer copies of the card, and they have to confirm whether or not they still want the order.

Two: there should be a button that says: "report suspected deckbox pricing error/issue with order".This would generate a hold on the order, email Sebi or another admin of the issue, and give them the chance to look at the report, judge whether there is an error, and confirm or deny the cancellation. If they deny it, the order comes off hold, and you are on the hook for shipping the card anyway. It would also give you the opportunity to alternately send an admin a bug report/other cancellation reason, such as customer on ban list or suspected scammer, or even "outside of seller's shipping limits. The number of times you use this cancellation method would be recorded, as would the number of times the admins judged your use as valid, and would be used to  whether you're abusing the button or not.

Three, a button that says "family emergency". This button would cancel all pending orders that had not been paid, would put your account on an automatic minimum two to three day, although you could specify longer, trading, buying, and selling suspension, similar to vacation mode, but more broad in scope.

These three suggestions have extreme effects, obviously, but they would also ensure that people are only using them when absolutely necessary, as abuse would disrupt the abuser's use of the site. If you don't have the card, then, barring buying the card, why would you be relisting it for sale right away? Are you clicking the pricing error issue because there's an actual issue, or because the price of the card shot up overnight, and you want to back out? Is there a real family emergency? If so, you won't mind suspending all sales for a day or two anyway, to take care of your family or recover from your issue.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

On iPhone Safari, the pull down menu that lets you select different search categories such as color and casting cost has disappeared.

I don't know. If, as a magic player, I were inclined to steal from another player, I'd absolutely want to get the 40 dual lands, and I'd probably sort the collection to find out if he had anything good at all before I did it. I'd also probably go on craigslist, buy a collection of random cards of a similar size off of some random dude that lives 8 hours away, pitch a bunch of crap, and if it ever came down to me being accused of stealing the original guy's collection, claim that it was in that guy's 200 dollar collection, and he must not have known what he had. See, here's the emails we sent. No, I never asked his name.

If I were a thief looking for something to steal from someone, and I wasn't a magic player, I wouldn't be looking on Deckbox for something to steal, because I never would have heard of deckbox. I'd probably just wait for someone to throw out a TV box or a PS4 box and hit that house.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Remember, coat of arms helps your opponent's rats as well. Hall of triumph might be a better choice.