The thing with the Duel decks is that you get a pair of decks for it. They also aren't the more competitive ones.

Event decks are single decks and are fully set up as one that is decently fun to play while being a decent one for standard at release

Not sure if Canada has it, but in the US there is a certified mail option where there is a confirmation from the post office when it goes through and confirms that it was sent, that tends to be the best option in the US for sending and a Canadian version would probably be a good bet as well for future trades.

It shouldn't really effect it in play, I know a few people who do that and it doesn't seem to change anything about playing it.

Most card sleeves are thick enough already that you have no effect with the tiny extra from the translation. Ask the judge at your local area before the tournament though, and then if someone asks, you've already cleared it.

Yeah, Graven Cairns does nothing for you here. If you were a R/B then it would make sense. There are a lot of better options for that bit of mana, but even Mountains are better for this deck.

I'd actually suggest things like Rogue's Passage and similar that still give a Mana and give another option even if you wouldn't be getting an R out of it. Cathedral of War is also pretty good with giving you Exalted

Akoum Refuge might be another decent replacement, while it is a comes into play tapped and has a R or B mana gen, it gives you a life when it comes into play.

But there are several very good lands for giving you options

At the moment it is more of a situation where I want to use Maze's End as the main card of the deck.

And even with your setup, Hold the Gates would be a really effective thing because with Maze's End decks, you're going to have a lot of gates and giving everything Vigilance is normally a good thing, and with a toughness boost equal to the number of gates you have on the field...

Part of me is also trying to make it a deck that will largely stay competitive post set rotation, and work for the couple block format going this summer for the RTR block

Made a few changes and added a possible sideboard

Just noticed that the Dragon's Maze doesn't have the Plains card as part of the set even with the promo one that has its symbol


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

They're supposed to be 6.99 a pack compared to the 3.99 a pack for normal ones. It's supposed to have a higher number of cards that were rarer even in their original set.

I'm wanting a competitive deck using Maze's End, and I think that I have one I can use.

Any opinions on improving it?


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I'd say ditching the red would probably be the easiest way to go.

If not, you might want to consider replacing 4 of your forests with Transguild Promenade and possibly working a Chromatic Lantern into your deck somewhere.

varble wrote:

If you use Certified Mail on a letter it'll run around $3 total. They will need to sign for it when it arrives, so this might be a deal breaker for this method. Otherwise just a plain letter has never failed, although it will take a week or three to arrive. Keep in mind you will need to fill out a Customs form, which is easy to do here. The AES Exemption will be NOEEI 30.37(a).

Certified Mail tends to work rather well. Essentially the easy way to do it is by taking two 3x5 cards and sandwiching your card between it

You skipped the Extended format, it tends to be another big one around where I live. It's basically Standard with double the number of sets.

There's also Commander and Vangard as well as Planechase, though they tend to have smaller groups. Vangard tends to have more people using proxies though with how old the commanders are for it while Commander can use pretty much any Legendary for one.

Made some small modifications, swapped out two plains for another Transguild Promenade and a fourth Azorius Keyrune. Also swapped out a Stealer of Secrets for a Azorius Charm in the sideboard.

I keep pondering upping the deck size with a few things though.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Some of the cheaper Azorius cards could work pretty well with this, there are a few easy to cast ones with Detain that lets you keep targets locked down well enough for a round while being cheap to cast

You're going to want more mana there, you don't have that much. Fill it back up to 60 with swamps or other lands with black mana

Took me about two hours.

I've had it sorted by set (except basic lands [separate section with all of them] and older cards reprinted for Standard [Combined area for all of them]), then color and type.

I tend not to trade very often, so far it was a current Serra's Angel for one of the really old art and I'm wanting to trade another for a 7th/8th art one just because I like the card so there isn't really that much for me in sorting by rarity


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Most places seem to just use Standard for FNM, at least they do around here. And this deck is really anything but a standard deck. For the most part it seems more of one for casual play anyway.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Selesnya cards with populate seem like they'd be a good choice. Basic lands are probably good as well. And that's without bumping the other cards you have less than 4 of to 4.

Mainly just to make it more playable and the cards seem to be primarily ways to get squirrel tokens out.

If you're playing more friendly games rather than official ones, there are two other squirrel cards you can add in (squirrel farm and form of the squirrel).

While my collection isn't a massive one at the moment, I've been playing around with what I do have for decks. Until recently I've been focused more on Red/Blue, but I'd spotted the Angel of Glory's Rise promo in walmart and I have always liked the various Angels so I've been working a deck out.

So far, it's had more wins than losses with local games with a 4 wins, 2 losses, and a draw over two weeks with 4 round tournaments (had a by for the last). For totals in those its been 11/7 wins to losses over the 18 individual games.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One other useful thing to have is either Ring of Evos Isle or Mask of Avacyn (Mask is better) to give Krenko Hexproof because he is a major target due to his ability to produce tokens like mad


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Only changes that I can think of is to drop the Selesnya Sanctuary for either the Selesnya Guildgate, Sunpetal Grove, or the shock land (the shock land is the better option, just can't remember which one the W/G one is atm). Essentially, that would give you a faster access to mana since it wouldn't be removing a mana to give you an option between two mana types and the shock lands one can be used the same turn it was played. Sunpetal Grove comes in tapped like the guild gate and untapped if you have a forest or plains which you have a lot of, making it the best of the three.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just remember that it tends to become a very long game if both sides are using similar decks here. Take a few spells like Electrickery and similar for that sort of situation.

And it tends to work better to have a few D10s of different colors because you can quickly end up with a TON of goblins.

I've been using the case from the Christmas boxed set, and carrying that in a satchel. I've got a couple cheap ultra-pro deck boxes for the two decks I tend to use and a bag for dice (I tend to find spin downs and d6's of various colors to be easier for me to handle things). The dice bag and deck boxes are sometimes taken out of the main box if I'm planning on playing and not dealing with anything else.

Haven't been playing all that long though, and it's only half full.

Now, there are other things from other games I've played. The big one being from the old Decipher Star Wars CCG, where I've primarily been using these clear plastic cases (can't remember who makes them, the box had that on a sticker) that has two slots where you can fit a deck and three larger ones. I'd used those for several things, walmart sometimes carries them


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Red/Blue tends to be the easier one, Krenko tends to be very good at creating legions of them combined with Goblin Rally and Krenko's Command to add more and more of them. Frenzy buffs them pretty well, and there are a lot of other options with R/U due to Overload

Was at the local Walmart and noticed something I hadn't before a few days back. There's the smaller booster pack size they carry that's 5 cards (with the added art/token and land), however, while looking at them I didn't see a rarity spread for them, anyone know what it is for them?