A couple months ago you limited the amount of line items per page, when questioned you sited 'forever loading times' to be at fault and accused me of being overly sarcastic in an attempt to figure out the reason for the change.

Now you are going to expand the line item per page, but only for people that purchase premium accounts? 


This is where I cut ties with deckbox.  This latest 'update' could not make it any clearer what this page was and is designed to do.

When sorting inventory by 'edition', there is no long an automatic sort by rarity as well.  Reading through someone else's tradelist seems to lack organization now.

Mistbeaver wrote:

I'd like to see the cards for trade with other users as the home page.

Choose stream -> interesting cards for trade.

" - Improved the sellers list on a card's page, it is now paginated"

Pages is not an improvement.  I can think of no thing that benefits from splitting data out into multiple pages and listings vs. a single list.  I find this very inconvenient.

If I open a new trade with someone I need that list in a separate window anyway, reminding me of the cards we match.  Now the cards that match are (uselessly?) sorted into small pages of data, instead of an actual list.

Unless there is a way to import 'trading opportunities' directly into a new trade, I feel I am missing something.

Subnote: is there any way to control how many items are listed into a page of data?  Why is my inventory limited to 30 per page?  It would be fantastic, especially considering multiple line items per single card with multiple printings, to be able to view 100 items, 250 items per page?  Or filter to reduce line item of inventory to show total number of cards and a tooltip describes each printing?

It seems updates are making it harder to sort and trade my inventory, which is the main reason I've an account.

EDIT: Saw Sebi's reply.  I don't think 'never finish' is an accurate time estimation, but there is most likely a serverload/loadtime vs. total line item count that should be calculated.  I don't think 15 is the magic number, can we raise it to 30?  50?  100?  If 100 line items would 'never finish' can one page be 99 line items for less than never?


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Is this post leading anywhere?  Fists of Ironwood are $25.  Errors are everywhere.  Etc etc etc.

It was intended as a joke.  Finger pain?  Cut off your hand!

I posted a similar complaint is all.

Just remove your wishlist.  It collapses quite nicely.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Main deckbox page, not the forums.  All the recently changed decks and comments are buried beneath things on my wishlist that are available for sale, and things on my wishlist that are available for trade.

I really much more enjoyed the main page when these things were below the comments and deck updates.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I really have to scroll through all the things attached to my wishlist before I see the decks my friends have been working and commenting on? 

Well that's too bad - I kind of enjoyed having a wishlist. 

Can I at least have the option of putting what I want to see on top?  It is almost like you are encouraging cash sales of cards instead of everything you have listed in the 'About' section of the homepage.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yup.  Chrome here.