(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Thanks for the idea! I've done CSV importing before with Deckbox but it totally slipped my mind here. Thanks all!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm selling / donating a lot of my inventory. Is there a more efficient way to remove them from Deckbox than going to each individual card and updating it?

Can I do something similar to adding from a list (I'm not opposed to typing in all the card names and quantities) and just using negative quantities?



(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

meldon44's way is more complicated than it needs to be, I think, and this method does all the work in Excel - no need to delete your inventory, re-import it, etc.

1. Export your current inventory to CSV.

2. Open that CSV file in Excel and remove everything but the name column.

3. Select that column by clicking on the column header.

4. Go to Data --> Filter (Advanced). Excel may give you a dialog box - click "OK," which is simply telling Excel you want to use the first row as the header (this row should say "Name," from the CSV file.)

5. In the Advanced Filter box, click "Copy to another location," make sure the list range is correct (i.e., it contains all the cells that contain the card names), and then in the Copy To, just put a reference to the first cell of another column where you want Excel to output the cleaned-up data. For instance, D1 will result in all the data being put into column D.

6. Lastly, make sure to click the checkbox for "Unique Records Only." Then click OK.

This should remove any duplicate names from your list, and then you can see how many you have.


(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

The Emblem for Gideon of the Trials looks like it's entered with the name Emblem: Gideon, Martial Paragon.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, I feel like I'm about finished with this site. I propose trades and people log in multiple times, see my messages, and don't respond. I post little "bump / reminder" messages, although always courteous, and still get no response. Not even a "I'm thinking about it."

It's definitely gotten worse, to the point that I often go out and, sadly (for my wallet) buy the cards I need while my trade binder stagnates. Am considering buylisting a decent amount of stuff from my trade binder because it seems unlikely I'll ever trade it on here (and local trading isn't really useful for me, typically).

I don't know what Deckbox can do to encourage people to respond - nothing, really - or filter out those that don't. These are people that log in regularly - daily, often. When proposing trades, I look at the last login date and last completed trade, but that doesn't seem to help.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Token #1 is entered as Goblin, but is actually Gremlin.

Thanks for the quick import!

I've got an International Collector's Edition Badlands in slightly LP shape (a few nicks, nothing major) that I'm looking to trade for stuff on my Wishlist or who knows - I'm always happy to look through Tradelists. Note that this Badlands has a "normal" front but a gold-bordered back with the words "International Edition" on the back; not legal for tournament play, great for Cube and EDH. Figured I'd post here rather than wade through everyone who wants a Badlands, which is, well, just about everyone. Thanks for looking!


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Opened a trade, got card not in confirmed condition. Posted 2 messages to chat, also sent an email to trader; they've logged in several times in the past couple days with no response. At what point do / should I open a dispute or leave negative feedback? (The value of the card in question is <$10.) Not sure what's appropriate; I've not had this situation on this site.


(14 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm not allowed to post in the actual BTR trade, so I'm posting it here, but referencing:


So the user leaves positive feedback and Deckbox forcibly changes that feedback to negative? If I, as a user, were to leave feedback, that's my feedback for my experience of the trade.

If Deckbox wants to "punish" a user for poor trading practices, find some other way to do it, but don't overwrite user's specific feedback. This is really disconcerting to me, that Deckbox admins are stepping in to mandate feedback left for a trade.

If you think it warrants negative feedback, find some other way to punish the user or ask if the trader who left the feedback really feels positive feedback is warranted and allow them to decide whether the positive feedback should be changed or not.

Very heavy-handed and very disconcerting.

joecat wrote:
sebi wrote:
joecat wrote:

Can we get the old trade opportunities back? The ability to click on the traders name and have a new tab appear was great. Now I have to go back and reset all the setting ( allowing traders with less then 5 feedback to appear) while with the old page it was easier to find trade partners.

I had thought it's a bit confusing if many links open in new windows.

But you can get the exact effect by holding CTRL while clicking on a user link, it will open in a new window. Is that not sufficient?

Great to know, allows users to use personal preference. That is a great design. Thanks

Joe, that's not great design, unless you mean it's great design by whoever designed Chrome (or whatever browser you're using).

I'd much prefer it go back to the same way as before. Now, if I forget and click on a user's name after setting up one of the filters on the Trading Opportunities page (or after going to the next page of results on that page), when I go back I have to reset the trading opportunities filters or click over to the next page. Most people (including me, until Kammikaze helpfully said it) don't know that CTRL opens a new tab.

Also, sebi, I don't understand your reasoning, as now when I CTRL + I to get the popup box and search for a card, the result doesn't open in the popup box like it used to. Where does it open? Confusingly, in a new window. It's far more important to me, if you're trying to limit new windows, that trading opportunities open in new windows rather than cards. Seldom do I need to compare cards all at once across many different windows. I frequently want to compare possible trades all at once across many different windows.

Both of these updates really do affect the usability of the site for me and are, in my opinion, definitely steps in the wrong direction.

Also, the "Clear All" doesn't seem to do anything for me on the Trading Opportunities page.

There are traders on here that I prefer NOT to interact with for various reasons, and traders that I prefer. It'd be nice if I could specify a list of each, or at least a list of the traders I don't wish to deal with and they could be automatically excluded from my trading opportunities.

Maybe I could turn that list off and on, so if I'm really desperate, maybe I could include my "avoided" traders in Trading Opportunities but they wouldn't show up unless I specifically indicated they should.

sebi wrote:
yearofglad wrote:

Makes the site not nearly as usable, opening new tabs and windows and such. Ugh. Bad move.

The feedback on the release where we introduced this was almost 100% negative. Now it seems when we undo it, it is negative again smile.

I know, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just voicing my opinion, but I certainly recognize (as do you) that there are plenty of other voices out there.

We are trying to monetize this website, and the ads you see there are part of our trying to do so. Please understand that the continued development and maintenance of deckbox depends on it being a self-sustaining business, which it is now not, as I am working full time with 0 income, living on my savings as of now. But I do believe in the successful future of deckbox, and I'm trying to make it happen.

I will consider adding an option in your settings so you can disable the ads if they bother people so much.

I'd add on to what someone who posted after me said - don't show me "irrelevant" ads for cards I'm not interested in. That's a definite help - I think there's room on this site for marketing and am happy to "view" it and have it around if it helps pay your bills, but at least make it relevant. (What to do in my case where I have no wishlist? I, helpfully, have no idea.)

In general, and I should've said this in my first post in this thread: keep up the good work. There are always changes I (and other users) won't like, and some we will, but it's nice to see a site that is being actively developed and where feedback is not only considered but encouraged.

Kammikaze wrote:
NullParameter wrote:

Maybe I'm alone here, but I'm actually sad to see this go.

I too am a little sad to see the whiteboxes (I think that's what they're called. Not into web dev) go since 95% of my activity on here is on a desktop, but for the 5% that's on mobile this is a really good change. .

Me too. Makes the site not nearly as usable, opening new tabs and windows and such. Ugh. Bad move.

I never visit the site on a mobile device, though, so maybe it's just me. Too bad that desktop utility and ease is being sacrificed for mobile users.

Also don't like the site pitching cards to me at all, regardless of the price. I have 0 cards on my wishlist, so maybe it's just pitching me random cards? But I don't want any of them and I don't like the selling pitch box even if I WAS in the market for cards.

Both of these changes seem like steps backwards.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

The icon for the Khans expansion seems a little off-center vertically - it goes "over the line" in the table format in which most of the site is presented. Not a big deal, just needs a little nudge.

HikingStick wrote:
Xan wrote:
Fejjgw wrote:

Also, when will khans be available?  Id like to start playing with decklists, but without the cards available i cant do that via this site, which is my prefered method.

Read a few posts up. It is already available.

Fejjgw wrote:

Would it be possible to add a 1 click preconstructed function?  Example : If i buy a modern event deck, it would be nice to click 1 button and all those cards where imported into my inventory.

You can import a list of cards. Grab the deck list online somewhere and import it all at once that way.

Thanks for the ton of updates, sebi!

You can import a list, but it would be nice to be able to add them with all of their attributes (e.g., set) without having to edit each one after they are imported.

Can't you just select the appropriate set when importing a card list? You can select a set, condition, language. I think.

In the Deckbox Trade Index's "Most Collected Rare, Special and Mythic Cards" the #1 card is Disenchant, I guess because of its Special status as a Timeshifted card, but that doesn't make a lot of sense in terms of what I assume the list is really trying to highlight.

One of the first things I look at, even before reading the bio of a potential trade partner, is their current OPEN trades. If they have over 10 open trades, I'd prefer to trade with someone else. Call me impatient - I work from home and so have the luxury of being on Deckbox a lot and like to make trades frequently. I don't LIKE to offer the same card to multiple people, which is something that trading with "slow" responders lends itself to.

So I'd like to see, on the Trading Opportunities page, a new criteria: Number of Open Trades, set up like Trade Score, maybe with dropdown options of "is less than" 5, 10, 25, 50.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

A creature is affected by summoning sickness unless it began YOUR most recent turn under your control.

So, essentially, summoning sickness ends on YOUR next turn.

302.6. A creature's activated ability with the tap symbol or the untap symbol in its activation cost can't be activated unless the creature has been under its controller's control continuously since his or her most recent turn began. A creature can't attack unless it has been under its controller's control continuously since his or her most recent turn began. This rule is informally called the "summoning sickness" rule.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Chaim wrote:

To the best of my knowledge, no it will not work.

Source: Reading the comprehensive rulebook a few times through

What about the actual comprehensive rule I cited? Explain why that doesn't apply.

http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/magi … attlefield

http://www.mtgsalvation.com/forums/magi … d-triggers

http://community.wizards.com/forum/rule … ds/3949536

http://community.wizards.com/content/fo … ic/2766956

http://community.wizards.com/content/fo … ic/3471041

Sorry, but I don't understand why you'd bump a month-old thread with a Comprehensive Rules cite with unsupported misinformation.

(I'm also a certified Rules Advisor.)


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Per the Trade Rules here on Deckbox (http://deckbox.org/help/trade_rules):

2.3 Card conditions. The sender has to make sure to accurately mark the condition of his cards, according to our grading guidelines. If the cards are in a different condition than promised the sender has to compensate for the difference in value. (Failure to compensate the other user will result in negative feedback or a trade suspension.)


So, I suspect you could ask for compensation (look at the price difference between a M/NM and a MP card (which is what I'd say the Stomping Grounds you received is, although I'm not expert; I just used StarCity's guide: http://www.starcitygames.com/pages/cardconditions)).

Alternatively, I believe you can just request that the trade be "undone" - each person returns their cards. This might be preferable if you have no use for an MP Stomping Grounds. But, based on the Trade Rules I quoted, it appears compensation (through other cards or, presumably, PayPal-type transactions) is the primary method.

akfox wrote:

It used to be that you'd go to View -> Show Value and that that'd work on any collection. Now that can't be done.

I guess that feature was removed for privacy concerns, but personally, I liked it. If you want privacy then maybe you should mark your collection as private. Maybe it could be re-added? big_smile

It works for me - I used it on my inventory (which is also marked as private, incidentally) as well as my tradelist and wishlist. Worked on all of them for me.

Is the option not there, or is it that when you click on it nothing happens?

sebi wrote:

I thought that there might be users who wanted it in the same place, and I think a possible solution would be to have entries in the current "News Stream" with an "abstract" of trading oppportunities:

For ex for today you'd see:

New interesting cards to trade: Mountain, Lightning Bolt, Black Lotus. <link>Click here</link> to see more.

Well, for me that doesn't really accomplish much - I have very few things on my wishlist and so can't really imagine a situation in which I would NOT "click here to see more." If a card I want is newly-listed and available for trade, 99% of the time I'm going to want more information on that card. Making me click a link to get that info is mildly annoying, I suppose.

Thanks for the clarification on "My Profile." I had actually confused its function with the "Edit Profile and Settings" on the left-hand sidebar. The "My Profile" button does, in fact, do exactly what it should do - it was early in the morning.

Clicking on "My Profile" seems to just bring me to my homepage with the stream on it.

Also, the only reason I was clicking on My Profile was because I was hoping to be able to set it permanently to the stream I want rather than each time.

In general, I liked being able to see all 3 streams (News, Trades, Sales) at once. I prefer the old way. (But I like how it's more clearly broken up by date now.)

Only one card left on my wishlist - Ajani, Mentor of Heroes.

I have a Ravnica Chord of Calling but in rough shape:


(I picked it up at a garage sale; the condition of it isn't indicative of condition of my other cards, certainly.)

and some other stuff on my wishlist - take a look if you've got an Ajani you want to trade out.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Purphoros will trigger for each Ornithopter that enters the battlefield at the same time as it, per 603.6a.

603.6a. Enters-the-battlefield abilities trigger when a permanent enters the battlefield. These are written, "When [this object] enters the battlefield, . . . " or "Whenever a [type] enters the battlefield, . . ." Each time an event puts one or more permanents onto the battlefield, all permanents on the battlefield (including the newcomers) are checked for any enters-the-battlefield triggers that match the event.

[emphasis mine]

So all the permanents, including Purphoros, are checked for any ETB triggers that match the event. Purphoros's ETB trigger therefore goes off, since creatures were put onto the battlefield. It will trigger 4 times (since it doesn't trigger for itself, the ability reading "Whenever another creature...").

All the permanents DO enter the battlefield at the same time; the order has no effect on triggering abilities, since triggers are essentially checked once all the permanents are on the battlefield.

Also, @Nighthawk: you're not "resolving" any of these creatures. You're resolving Protean Hulk's triggered ability. As part of the resolution of that ability, the Ornithopters and Purp enter the battlefield.