Thanks for this! I was actually using the site when this went live, and was surprised (and very happy!) to see that option appear in the popup menu!
1 2024-03-06 19:26:53
Re: Remove from Deck+Inventory; Split row in decks (3 replies, posted in Announcements)
2 2024-02-07 17:27:22
Re: Murders at Karlov Manor (21 replies, posted in Announcements)
Looks like we might have an issue with Pick Your Poison.
The card's currently showing as not legal in constructed card pools because there was a playtest card in the mystery boosters by the same name. They're (obviously) not the same card.
May have to differentiate this one somehow.
3 2024-01-25 23:31:07
Re: New feature: Deck - Collection matching (and more) (55 replies, posted in Announcements)
mwl wrote:This is an interesting and complex change, wow! While I'm still getting used to it, some initial thoughts:
1. There should be a "Add a new row for this card" like feature that splits the row, i.e., subtract one from count of the existing row. That'd make it easier to associate cards in a deck with their respective collection copies when going from idea to built deck.
2. Exporting decklists should collapse multiple entries for a card into one. Judges don't care that some of my cards are EX, others are NM, it's not even reflected in the text export/decklist. This may have been a problem before but since I always use the same printing/language for a card in a deck, and didn't care about the selected condition (see also below), I may just never have noticed.
3. It is not possible to revert from a specific printing to the default one. It counts as a custom printing, including showing the yellow highlight. I have 17 Archaeomancers, and the row reverted to "default" claims that I don't have enough of the card in this specific printing, probably because all of them have set and language defined.
4. It would be nice to get back the red indicator for not owning enough of a card in any printing / all versions combined. That's different from having to improvise wrt printings to a significant enough degree to get a separate indicator IMO.
5. Language, set, version, all are more significant for deck building than condition, but it's still useful to track condition for cards when my expensive cards differ there. In particular for premodern or legacy decks I have old cards in multiple wildly different conditions, but otherwise (language, set) identical. Needing up to four rows to correctly reflect this in a built deck seems unnecessary, especially when I own exactly as many as I put in a deck. Perhaps the UI could be streamlined for this case, so internally it's still 4 entries/"rows", but it only shows as one, perhaps with a more complex Edition column?Will think more about 1. and 5.. Waiting to see if any other users also mention similar wishes, before changing this.
2,3,4 should be fixed now.
I would very much like to see #1. That's my primary use case for "add new row for this card."
4 2024-01-16 18:29:30
Re: New feature: Deck - Collection matching (and more) (55 replies, posted in Announcements)
I'm not sure if this bug is related to the changes in this thread, but as I've only seen it after these were implemented, I'm guessing so.
On the Inventory screen, if I filter by "Edition Printed In" -> "Is one of", it gives me too many results. I get ALL the editions I own of the cards that are from the selected set.
For example, selecting Ravnica Remastered I see thirteen different printings of Act of Treason, instead of just the one I have from Ravnica Remastered.
Thanks for all the hard work on the site!
5 2022-11-12 17:05:43
Re: The Brothers' War (14 replies, posted in Announcements)
Woohoo! Thanks, Sebi!
6 2021-07-13 19:57:47
Re: Maintenance downtime (13 replies, posted in Announcements)
Some problems occurred with a major mysql upgrade today causing close to 2 hours of downtime, sorry about the inconvenience.
I'm still investigating potential issues, please let me know if you notice slow pages or any other new bugs.
Thanks for all your work, Sebi!
I have noticed something that's popped up since the downtime: it doesn't seem that sorting on decks is working. Clicking on any of the headers in a deck doesn't seem to change the order of the entries at all.
7 2021-06-30 22:50:38
Re: Promo imports, deck csv export fix, etc (7 replies, posted in Announcements)
- fixed a couple of long-standing issues with the deck export to csv, the printings should now correctly match the inventory or the custom set ones (instead of the 'default printing') in all cases
Great news! This one was my big bugaboo.
Feature request: Right now, as a premium feature, we can select multiple cards in a deck, and move them to and from any of the three sections within a deck, or remove them entirely. I'd _love_ to be able to move them to another deck.
8 2020-10-01 00:38:13
Re: Zendikar Rising Commander, The List, mobile tweaks (13 replies, posted in Announcements)
Possibly a niche request, but after having entered the ZNR commander decks as "[Unknown Edition]" with the faded icon, I'm wondering if its possible to add [Unknown Edition] to the "Edition Owned" filter to more easily identify and correct these listings (or make this the default behavior for Edition Owned is none of [Any])? I currently am relying on working backward through the date modified, but this is complicated by having also started entering ZNR proper at the same time.
Thanks for all of your work sebi!
If you go into your inventory, hit Search & Filter. Under Add More Filters, scroll down to find "No Edition Set" and choose that. Apply the filters, and boom. Bob's your uncle.
9 2020-09-25 18:20:44
Re: Zendikar Rising (16 replies, posted in Announcements)
It's missing the commander deck exclusive cards, like Anowon.
But I guess they technically just came out today.
Well, ZNC in total, reallly. There are a lot of reprints such as Admonition Angel, Nissa's Renewal, etc. that have new ZNC printings.
10 2020-09-01 19:13:11
Topic: combining decks (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Is there a way to merge the contents of two decks? I know I could export to text and re-import, but that does not retain set/condition information. And, as there's no way to import a CSV into a deck, that just leaves merging.
Also... any way to put the contents of a deck onto my tradelist?
11 2019-12-19 14:53:29
Re: Mystery Booster, Pioneer bans, Pauper fix, etc (9 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thanks for everything, Sebi!
Along the way, recently, you also fixed import/export of cards with Adventures, and that made my experience a lot nicer. Thanks for that!
12 2019-07-14 15:49:32
Re: Card database updates and fixes (11 replies, posted in Announcements)
Thanks a ton for this, Sebi!
13 2019-07-11 19:48:48
Re: Database fixes and additions (3 replies, posted in Announcements)
Is there any way we can get the Modern Horizons Art Series cards to have different names than the cards themselves?
Right now, if I try to build a deck with, say, 3 Yawgmoth, the site thinks I only need one copy because I own two of the art cards, and none of the card itself.
Just appending (Art Series) to the name of the card would do it, I think. Something to differentiate them from playable cards when building decks.
14 2019-06-10 17:10:27
Re: Modern Horizons (21 replies, posted in Announcements)
For reference sake, here's the double-sided tokens I got. (FWIW, all my foil tokens were single-sided, all non-foil were double-sided.) Listing by collector number in what I believe is front/back.
15 2018-08-28 13:40:05
Re: More deck filtering options (12 replies, posted in Announcements)
Boogada wrote:Sebi,
Any chance you could add a new deck type of "Storage"? I'm using the new edition/condition feature in my decks and it's working out pretty well for keeping track of what's in my binders. I've discovered a number of errors in my inventory as a result.
After this, the only thing I'd be missing would be the ability to move specific editions/conditions of a card from one deck to another. My ultimate inventory management tool would exist!
I added a new Variant named "Other". Would that work?
Sure, that'll work.
16 2018-08-24 21:38:57
Re: More deck filtering options (12 replies, posted in Announcements)
Any chance you could add a new deck type of "Storage"? I'm using the new edition/condition feature in my decks and it's working out pretty well for keeping track of what's in my binders. I've discovered a number of errors in my inventory as a result.
After this, the only thing I'd be missing would be the ability to move specific editions/conditions of a card from one deck to another. My ultimate inventory management tool would exist!
17 2018-07-31 16:08:50
Re: Details in decks (printing, foil, etc) (43 replies, posted in Announcements)
Boogada wrote:Or, alternatively, shade the Decks Count cells in the Inventory listing if they're higher than the inventory. Similar to how decks work if I'm short a card to build the deck.
Should be fixed & visible in inventory now.
I think this will work. Thanks, Sebi! (and, eventually, I'll get to the point where all my storage is listed as decks... then I'll be cooking with gas!)
18 2018-07-30 21:15:31
Re: Details in decks (printing, foil, etc) (43 replies, posted in Announcements)
Boogada wrote:Is there a way to find cases where "copies in built decks" is greater than "copies in inventory"?
If you enable the "Decks Count" in the inventory listing, you should see the difference there. Is that not what you were looking for?
That sorta works, but when I'm looking at 84 pages of inventory, it would be easier if Decks Count was available in the exported Inventory CSV. Then I could manipulate it in Excel. Or, alternatively, shade the Decks Count cells in the Inventory listing if they're higher than the inventory. Similar to how decks work if I'm short a card to build the deck.
19 2018-07-30 04:55:34
Re: Details in decks (printing, foil, etc) (43 replies, posted in Announcements)
Is there a way to see if I've got more copies of a card in my decks than I have in my inventory?
For example, when adding details information to the decks I have built, I discovered I have two more Wooded Foothills than were listed in my inventory. Is there a way to find cases where "copies in built decks" is greater than "copies in inventory"?
20 2018-07-30 04:52:45
Topic: Bulk extract of decks? (0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Over the years, I've accumulated a lot of decklists on the site that were ideas, old decks I'm no longer running, etc. I'm at nearly 900. Before, this wasn't a problem, but with the new details in decks feature, I'm finding all those old non-built decklists are getting in the way of managing my inventory. I don't want to lose them, though. There's some cool stuff in there I may still want to build/update/reference.
Is there a way to bulk extract these lists into text? I'd hate to have to open them one-by-one, extract to text, copy/paste, go to the next one.
Thanks for any pointers...
21 2018-06-12 18:36:46
Re: Alpha testing: Details in decks (30 replies, posted in Announcements)
First blush response: this looks fantastic! This is definitely a missing piece towards my ultimate idea of inventory tracking/management.
I second the request for a foil and/or artist alter indicator in the deck display.
The other premium feature I'd _love_ to see is cards in a deck's stratchpad having a different icon than those in the maindeck/sideboard. The latter I expect to be sleeved up with the rest of the deck, but not the former.
22 2018-04-06 03:58:29
Re: Batch 'move to section' in decks, import last Duel Deck (10 replies, posted in Announcements)
This is a fantastic update. Thanks!
23 2016-02-09 21:17:05
Topic: W: Noble Hierarch x2 H: Chalice of the Void x2, Regionals Mat, stuff (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Per the subject, I'm looking for two Noble Hierarchs.
Hot items I've got include two Chalice of the Void (Mirrodin) and the SCG Regionals playmat (valuing at $50, given eBay sales)
Most things in my inventory are up for trade, frankly. Let's start something.
24 2015-11-14 02:16:15
Re: database: Added Commander 2015 (20 replies, posted in Announcements)
Boogada wrote:Tawnos wrote:This is available with a pro account. Well worth the few dollars a month if you engage in collection management at the level to which you refer.
How? I haven't been able to figure this out. (I've got a Premium account.)
Edition checklist, then choose an edition, and then click the Mass Input button at the top of right.
That gets you partway there, but still doesn't for precons where numbers vary (like there's five Sol Rings in the set of C15 precons, for example). It's still easier to copy/paste decklists into your inventory.
25 2015-11-13 23:07:13
Re: database: Added Commander 2015 (20 replies, posted in Announcements)
flettir wrote:As always, awesome work!
Had a thought about a future functionality though: ability to just add all cards from a pre-built sealed product (Commander, Duel Decks, etc.) to your inventory. For example I've bought the full set of C15, but at this point pretty much have to add it all in card by card, and hopefully remember that there are 3 Lightning Greaves across the 5 decks.
Alternately, the option to "view text card list" in the full card database, given your current filters, would allow a rudimentary version of that.
Not sure how difficult this would be, just food for thought!This is available with a pro account. Well worth the few dollars a month if you engage in collection management at the level to which you refer.
How? I haven't been able to figure this out. (I've got a Premium account.)