(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Yeah. Voice of Resurgence is an excellent card against decks that love to counter your spells. And people are slowly realizing that it isn't just a Zoo card. If I had the money, I'd get a playset while it's still this cheap.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

If you're running a Zoo deck, there are a few staples. Noble Hierarch, Scavenging Ooze, and Knight of the Reliquary are all considered absolute necessities, though these are probably over your budget (especially those Hierarchs--ouch!).

Some of the ones I'd consider adding to that would be Aven Mindcensor in the sideboard to hate out people who tutor for combos and win (like that pesky Tarmo Twin we see everywhere), Loxodon Smiter, and Voice of Resurgence.

Now all this is going to be expensive, of course. But some of them can be swapped out for cheaper versions. Like maybe Knotvine Mystic instead of the Hierarchs. Or maybe throw in some Fleecemane Lions for extra creatures that can block forever.

(Keep in mind with this reply that I usually play with whatever I can cobble together on the cheap - my current modern deck cost me $5 and my current Commander deck cost me $38-ish)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You are right about the rule that says that the commander never enters the graveyard when it dies and goes to the command zone. However, since these cards were created before the Elder Dragon Highlander format, many of their oracle texts have been updated. For example, many legendary creatures have had "is put into a graveyard from play" replaced with a simple "dies" so that their death effect can still trigger as your commander. (A notable exception to this is Emrakul, the Aeons Torn because his graveyard effect says "from anywhere", and is simply meant to prevent using graveborn cards on him. Also, he is banned as a commander last time I checked.)


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So, I got this idea that a good EDH deck could be built out of nothing but cards under $1 and a cheap commander. With this in mind, I created a mono-blue control deck based around Keiga, the Tide Star (who is the only card in it above $1, weighing in at a hefty $3).

Deck list is here: https://deckbox.org/sets/905446

Now I'd like your opinion: how can I improve this deck? Keep in mind that with the exception of Keiga, every card has to be under $1 (so, for example, I can't throw in my spare Remand even though it would cost me under $1).

Basic win-cons:
-Commander damage with Keiga in 4 turns
-Taking what I want of theirs if they kill Keiga (or with any of my other ways)
-Shifting Sky, call blue, Faerie Swarm
-Blighted Agent poison victory

Everything else is really just board state control.

Looking over it, you could probably switch in a couple scry lands rather than Caves of Koilos. Also, since Standard is generally a fast format, you might want to consider sideboarding those planeswalkers in favor of some fast little creatures that you can also sac into Butcher in a pinch. Like Monastery Swiftspears. Maybe even some Prophetic Flamespeakers.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Keep the Guardian Seraphs. They help prevent green giant beasts from rampaging all over you. But as for the equipment, it could probably go. And since it seems to have been put in to give the Kor Duelists doublestrike, we may want to take out the duelists and replace them with a nice Heroic trigger, such as Akroan Skyguard or Fabled Hero. These make for very nice targets for instants and sorceries such as Mortal's Ardor or Ajani's Presence.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

In reply to your first question/statement/thing, he's not my style. I personally run Riku, and his playstyle really seems to mesh with how I play EDH or Magic in general. (My favorite thing to do, as anyone who looks at my decklists will see, is to find a little thing about one creature I like and get a lot of it.) But I can definitely see him as a viable commander in casual settings.

Second part of your question, I have to answer with a question: why limit yourself to standard cards? Legacy has some beauties that will work wonderfully here, such as Endless Ranks of the Dead and Doubling Season, not to mention lots more grave-pull. Especially from Innistrad. Really, the entire Dark Ascension block is your best friend in the world, giving you wonderful creatures like Diregraf Captain and Gravecrawler, instants and sorceries like Gravepurge, Zombie Apocalypse and Army of the Damned. And we haven't even touched on the blue or the green cards from the set that would mesh well.

Now that we know we want to run a deck based around zombies, we look to blue and green to help us get more zombies faster. For example, we grab Geralf's Mindcrusher, because a 5/5 for 6, with a mill effect, that becomes a 6/6 when it dies, is a steal. We grab ourselves Call to the Kindred, because we are definitely going to have a zombie on the field to use so we can pull a bunch of zombies out of our deck. We throw in Ghoultree because we will be filling up our graveyard fast. And at that point, a 10/10 for 1 is fabulous. We throw in a Screeching Skaab and an Armored Skaab to help us put more creatures in our graveyard, an Undead Alchemist because it lets you make an unfair amount of zombies, Llanowar Dead to ramp mana, et cetera. Throw in some retrieval like Regrowth and March of the Returned, a couple extra-fun cards like Kheru Lich Lord and Vulturous Zombie, and some removal and mana-ramp, and you have yourself graveborn zombie-hatred deck.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It's pretty good, on the whole. One thing I'd change, though, is add a few more instants, like perhaps Mortal's Ardor or something like that. Just so that you aren't totally dependent on creatures.

Also, if you are playing at a casual level, this deck plays very nicely and fits your budget. If you want to stick to a mono-white strategy, though, your deck looks pretty nice, though it could possibly use a secondary win condition. (Of course, there is no need to plan for that in most casual play.)

Cheers and best of luck with your budget deck!

I have a Riku of Two Reflections deck that I play casually around my college campus. The competition is pretty stiff, though: I've played against a Sen Triplets deck that ran Elesh Norn and Linvala, a Child of Alara plus Elspeth, Knight-Errant deck, and a couple other annoying ones too.

My biggest obstacle to making my deck competitive is the cost of cards I want to put in. For example, as much as I'd love to put Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker or Flusterstorm in there, I can't afford it.

So, if I said that I have a budget of $20-30 to improve this deck, what cards would you suggest I put in? (The sideboard are cards I expect to receive as part of a trade; I will likely use them.)

Best suggestion? Fabled Hero. Also, if I were running this deck, I would drop in some counterspells and maybe something that lets you prevent an assault (like Hour of Need, where you turn all their creatures into sphinxes with summoning sickness). Beyond that, it looks pretty good.

Okay, love to help, but first I need to know 3 things about your deck:
1) What are the win conditions you are looking for? Just simply dropping them to 0 life? Or something like milling their entire library?
2) What format are you looking to play? (Basically, are my suggestions limited to what is in Standard, or can I suggest other cards?
3) Is your color choice set in stone? Or are you open to, say, switching to red-black if it fits what you want better?

Best of luck, hope I can help.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My main win condition is making the enemy run out of deck, by putting Deadeye Navigator soulbound with Jace's Mindseeker. Or really, anything with CiP or ETB effects paired with Deadeye Navigator. For example: if my opponent pulls out a Witchbane Orb and stymies my mill strategy, I simply use either Acidic Slime or Mist Raven to deny them permanents. And after about 5 or 6 turns of having me destroy every single land that they put into play, forfeiting becomes a very attractive option.
Everything else is basically deck control and stall, to give me enough time to get my combos online.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Course, that's contingent on how much money I can scrounge up xD
I'll see what I can do though.

I would drop in some Centaur Battlemasters, maybe a Fabled Hero. The heroic mechanics on these are even better.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)


Any feedback on it would be welcomed. (FYI, it has yet to lose a duel, and has only ever lost once. The decks that beat it were a mono-red running Hostility and Jaya Ballard, an Azorius, and a werewolf deck that all teamed up on me.)


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Thanks for the tips.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

The fact that Murder isn't standard anymore saddens me almost as much as the loss of Doom Blade. But there are still plenty of good removal spells.

And yes, Champion is a better placement in your deck, especially since you intend to aggro.


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

So I've had this deck since Theros block first came out, and it's been going through a few changes lately to phase out the cards that left standard. I am thinking of entering it in a few Constructed tournaments. Any thoughts on what would cause this deck problems and ideas to fix that?



(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in your Kiki-Jiki and your Palinchron.


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Glad to help.

Illusionist's Bracers to equip to Phenax. I have a friend who runs Phenax, and the Bracers are devastating. Basically, for every creature, when you tap it to mill, they mill its toughness like normal, but then Bracers makes them do it again. I have only ever seen that deck lose to two EDH decks: Sliver Legion and my own Riku deck. And it lost to my Riku only because of Psychic Spiral.

If you want it to stay cheap, I would keep fetch lands out of it. Just cause they're expensive.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You have some fancy cards in that deck. (My entire collection isn't worth that much.) Not really much to say, other than you might want a Mind Funeral in there too. Maybe some instants. Or Prophet of Kruphix.


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Maybe Cruel Feeding? That might be a nice sideboard addition, especially if you have problems with needing more life. Pharika's Chosen makes an excellent blocker, especially if the creature doesn't have trample.

Beyond that, no real problems with your deck. Except one huge, glaring problem. Give it a sideboard.

Best of luck at your FNM!


(3 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Best bet? Throw some cards with Proliferate in there. An Inexorable Tide wouldn't go amiss, helping you stack filibuster counters way faster. (I'm assuming that's the preferred win condition.) Maybe look at throwing in Fuel for the Cause and Steady Progress.

Also, I don't see Daxos fitting into the playstyle you seem to be going for here. Maybe sideboard some Angelsongs as extra defense against attacks and not getting your Peacekeepers. Of course the best stall move ever is to enchant Guardian of the Gateless with Sandskin.

Also, needs more Azorius Arrester. A wonderful card that I was sad to see leave standard.