811 Advocate of the Beast Deck.

by legendarychina

812 gruul aggro post rotation help

by TBittenbender

813 Orzhov Extort Lifegain Post Rotation

by legendarychina

815 Help on a Extort deck

by taporsnap17

818 Colorless deck.

by Pickled_Fetus

820 R/W Swarm help

by 100000997392565

821 Black Red Sacrifice

by Tinynaught

825 Opinion on these 2 decks?

by BigChipLead

827 Advice/Opinions Requested

by rmeltzer47

828 Export decklist?

by Natibah

831 Some fun help

by FmLiff

832 Need Advice/Opinions please

by VampireArmy

836 Is this a good Merfolk build?

by Pickled_Fetus

837 Search decks with only your cards

by SupremeSteak1

838 DDFT Help

by Profanity

839 Trolling Vampires

by 100005037343704