1,381 Trim card names before search

by cyclotis04

1,382 Print wishlist's spoiler

by Quake004

1,384 Oversized Cards

by Bobidybob

1,386 search filter by language

by catweaseloz

1,387 Did passwords get reset?

by jonev11

1,388 Future features

by Mateframtg

1,390 Location issues

by Myysterio

1,393 Regarding Cancelling Orders

by 853394920

1,395 Basic Lands not modern enough

by cynapsia

1,397 bulk entering trades

by catweaseloz

1,398 Privacy and Friends

by yearofglad

1,399 Adding Basic Lands to Trade

by JimFear237

1,400 Multiple edtions in inventory

by chefman987

1,401 Card/Oracle Database

by Myysterio

1,402 Sent/received misclicks

by Gugliacci

1,404 Bug: Server encounterd error

by zerochill

1,408 Tools Drop Down

by Talus21

1,409 Incorrect link

by TheWaxMann