I have a Reaper King deck. It is all artifact and Myr with Conspiracy in it. It's a blast! I suggest the reaper king only if you are going to try for the scarecrow tear affect though.
I also have a Sliver Overlord deck, it is slivers pure and simple. Fun to play, I love seeing the look on my friends faces when I pull it, and then they switch decks trying to counter it before any are even on the filed lol
Horde of Notions is my other Penta colors general. I went the elemental route with this and I love it. I run it mostly lowyn/shadowmoor themed but there are so many elementals in magic that you can put whatever flavors you desire in it, it is also a hasty 5/5 general great for sneaking in commander damage.
I also used to run a Scion of the Ur Dragon deck, dragon themed of course and that was fun. Had whenever I couldn't find that dragon I needed, I would clutch him has scion, got the beats when I needed it. Won with commander damage mostly in that deck. Careful thought it gets expensive to cast.
Last edited by AmarusCameron (2014-08-07 15:34:02)
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