Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 3.27
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 374 cards, 230 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (198)
1 Agent of Masks
$0.19 Creature - Human Advisor
1 Alpha Myr
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Anodet Lurker
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Arcbound Hybrid
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Beast
1 Arcbound Stinger
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Insect
1 Arcbound Wanderer
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Arcbound Worker
$0.18 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Auriok Siege Sled
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
1 Autochthon Wurm
$2.39 Creature - Wurm
3 Azorius First-Wing
$0.04 Creature - Griffin
2 Azorius Guildmage
$0.19 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
4 Battered Golem
$0.32 Artifact Creature - Golem
4 Blind Hunter
$0.14 Creature - Bat
2 Blizzard Specter
$0.19 Snow Creature - Specter
2 Borborygmos
$0.32 Legendary Creature - Cyclops
1 Boros Guildmage
$0.26 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Bottle Gnomes
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Gnome
1 Brass Gnat
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Insect
5 Burning-Tree Bloodscale
$0.05 Creature - Viashino Berserker
1 Centaur Safeguard
$0.03 Creature - Centaur Warrior
1 Clockwork Beetle
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Insect
1 Clockwork Hydra
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Hydra
1 Composite Golem
$0.43 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Copper Myr
$0.16 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Dimir Guildmage
$0.09 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Djinn Illuminatus
$0.09 Creature - Djinn
1 Dralnu, Lich Lord
$0.35 Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard
2 Drooling Groodion
$0.03 Creature - Beast
2 Dross Golem
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Dross Scorpion
$0.32 Artifact Creature - Scorpion
1 Dune-Brood Nephilim
$1.06 Creature - Nephilim
1 Duplicant
$0.25 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Eater of Days
$0.92 Artifact Creature - Leviathan
3 Etched Oracle
$0.28 Artifact Creature - Wizard
4 Frogmite
$0.28 Artifact Creature - Frog
2 Gelectrode
$0.78 Creature - Weird
1 Gleancrawler
$0.41 Creature - Insect Horror
1 Glint-Eye Nephilim
$0.14 Creature - Nephilim
1 Goblin Flectomancer
$0.27 Creature - Goblin Wizard
1 Goblin Replica
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Goblin
3 Goblin War Wagon
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
6 Gold Myr
$0.45 Artifact Creature - Myr
2 Golgari Guildmage
$0.20 Creature - Elf Shaman
3 Golgari Rotwurm
$0.07 Creature - Zombie Wurm
2 Gruul Guildmage
$0.10 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Hematite Golem
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Iridescent Angel
$0.98 Creature - Angel
1 Isperia the Inscrutable
$0.29 Legendary Creature - Sphinx
5 Izzet Chronarch
$0.20 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Izzet Guildmage
$0.16 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Jhoira's Timebug
$0.28 Artifact Creature - Insect
1 Junktroller
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Golem
5 Leaden Myr
$0.35 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Leashling
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Dog
1 Lodestone Myr
$0.92 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Lunar Avenger
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Lurking Informant
$0.09 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Malachite Golem
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Minister of Impediments
$0.21 Creature - Human Advisor
1 Mirror Golem
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Mourning Thrull
$0.22 Creature - Thrull
2 Myr Adapter
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Myr
3 Myr Enforcer
$0.95 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Myr Landshaper
$0.20 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Myr Moonvessel
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Myr
2 Myr Retriever
$1.21 Artifact Creature - Myr
2 Myr Servitor
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Mystic Snake
$0.66 Creature - Snake
1 Nim Replica
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Zombie
1 Omega Myr
$0.13 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Orzhov Guildmage
$0.14 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Oxidda Golem
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Patagia Golem
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Petrahydrox
$0.03 Creature - Weird
1 Pewter Golem
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Phyrexian Ironfoot
$0.14 Snow Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Construct
1 Phyrexian Snowcrusher
$0.21 Snow Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Juggernaut
1 Rakdos Ickspitter
$0.15 Creature - Thrull
2 Razor Golem
$0.13 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Razorgrass Screen
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Rumbling Slum
$0.14 Creature - Elemental
2 Sawtooth Thresher
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 Scab-Clan Mauler
$0.21 Creature - Human Berserker
1 Selesnya Guildmage
$0.05 Creature - Elf Wizard
2 Shambling Shell
$0.19 Creature - Plant Zombie
2 Silver Myr
$0.43 Artifact Creature - Myr
1 Simic Guildmage
$0.14 Creature - Elf Wizard
2 Skarrgan Skybreaker
$0.07 Creature - Giant Shaman
2 Sky Hussar
$0.12 Creature - Human Knight
1 Skyknight Legionnaire
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
4 Skyreach Manta
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Fish
1 Soldier Replica
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Soldier
1 Souls of the Faultless
$0.57 Creature - Spirit
1 Soultether Golem
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Spinal Parasite
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Insect
2 Spire Golem
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Steel Wall
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Wall
3 Streetbreaker Wurm
$0.07 Creature - Wurm
1 Suncrusher
$0.44 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Suntouched Myr
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Myr
3 Tangle Golem
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Teneb, the Harvester
$0.60 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Thermal Navigator
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Titanium Golem
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Toymaker
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Spellshaper
2 Vigean Hydropon
$0.08 Creature - Plant Mutant
1 Watchwolf
$0.22 Creature - Wolf
5 Wee Dragonauts
$0.06 Creature - Faerie Wizard
1 Wild Cantor
$0.32 Creature - Human Druid
1 Wilderness Elemental
$0.24 Creature - Elemental
1 Wizard Replica
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Wizard
1 Woodwraith Corrupter
$0.28 Creature - Elemental Horror
2 Woodwraith Strangler
$0.06 Creature - Plant Zombie
Instant (17)
1 Aethermage's Touch
$0.13 Instant
1 Clutch of the Undercity
$0.23 Instant
1 Cytoshape
$0.35 Instant
1 Electrolyze
$0.26 Instant
1 Leap of Flame
$0.05 Instant
1 Lightning Helix
$0.23 Instant
1 Mortify
$0.17 Instant
1 Overrule
$0.10 Instant
2 Putrefy
$0.21 Instant
2 Rally the Righteous
$0.14 Instant
1 Recoil
$0.14 Instant
1 Schismotivate
$0.10 Instant
1 Seeds of Strength
$0.08 Instant
1 Trial // Error
$0.12 Instant // Instant //
1 Vigean Intuition
$0.10 Instant
Sorcery (8)
3 Conjurer's Ban
$0.12 Sorcery
2 Consult the Necrosages
$0.17 Sorcery
1 Fiery Justice
$0.17 Sorcery
1 Pure // Simple
$0.13 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Savage Twister
$0.13 Sorcery
Artifact (143)
2 Aether Spellbomb
$0.18 Artifact
2 Arcane Spyglass
$0.10 Artifact
1 Arcum's Weathervane
$0.16 Artifact
2 Avarice Totem
$0.30 Artifact
4 Baton of Courage
$0.07 Artifact
2 Blasting Station
$9.01 Artifact
1 Bullwhip
$0.26 Artifact
1 Chimeric Coils
$0.09 Artifact
3 Chromatic Sphere
$0.35 Artifact
1 Chromatic Star
$0.25 Artifact
1 Coldsteel Heart
$1.08 Snow Artifact
1 Cranial Plating
$0.31 Artifact - Equipment
1 Darksteel Ingot
$0.30 Artifact
5 Darksteel Pendant
$0.13 Artifact
1 Dead-Iron Sledge
$0.16 Artifact - Equipment
3 Demon's Horn
$0.15 Artifact
1 Dragon's Claw
$0.18 Artifact
1 Drake-Skull Cameo
$0.24 Artifact
3 Energy Chamber
$0.42 Artifact
1 Ensouled Scimitar
$0.24 Artifact - Equipment
1 Farsight Mask
$0.25 Artifact
1 Fodder Cannon
$0.16 Artifact
1 Foriysian Totem
$0.13 Artifact
1 Gemstone Array
$0.83 Artifact
1 Genesis Chamber
$2.80 Artifact
1 Goblin Cannon
$0.22 Artifact
2 Grifter's Blade
$0.14 Artifact - Equipment
1 Grinding Station
$27.00 Artifact
1 Healer's Headdress
$0.13 Artifact - Equipment
3 Heliophial
$0.07 Artifact
1 Horned Helm
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
1 Icy Manipulator
$0.10 Artifact
4 Infused Arrows
$0.16 Artifact
1 Ivory Crane Netsuke
$0.16 Artifact
1 Jade Idol
$0.10 Artifact
1 Krark-Clan Ironworks
$24.79 Artifact
2 Lantern of Insight
$2.40 Artifact
2 Leonin Bola
$0.10 Artifact - Equipment
1 Leonin Scimitar
$0.25 Artifact - Equipment
1 Lifespark Spellbomb
$0.09 Artifact
1 Locket of Yesterdays
$3.40 Artifact
2 Long-Forgotten Gohei
$0.30 Artifact
1 Mindstorm Crown
$0.12 Artifact
1 Mourner's Shield
$0.19 Artifact
1 Myr Matrix
$9.09 Artifact
1 Necrogen Spellbomb
$0.17 Artifact
2 Neurok Hoversail
$0.11 Artifact - Equipment
1 Neurok Stealthsuit
$0.88 Artifact - Equipment
1 Nine-Ringed Bo
$0.13 Artifact
2 No-Dachi
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
1 Opaline Bracers
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Ornate Kanzashi
$0.42 Artifact
4 Pentad Prism
$0.27 Artifact
1 Phyrexian Totem
$0.17 Artifact
1 Pithing Needle
$0.51 Artifact
3 Pyrite Spellbomb
$0.17 Artifact
1 Reito Lantern
$0.29 Artifact
2 Rod of Ruin
$0.06 Artifact
1 Salvaging Station
$0.66 Artifact
1 Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII
$0.42 Artifact
1 Scale of Chiss-Goria
$0.14 Artifact
1 Scroll Rack
$23.52 Artifact
1 Serum Powder
$1.49 Artifact
2 Serum Tank
$0.13 Artifact
2 Shuko
$2.35 Artifact - Equipment
1 Skullmead Cauldron
$0.14 Artifact
1 Skyshaper
$0.29 Artifact
1 Slagwurm Armor
$2.38 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sparring Collar
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
3 Spawning Pit
$2.12 Artifact
2 Spectral Searchlight
$0.04 Artifact
2 Spellweaver Helix
$2.33 Artifact
1 Sword of the Paruns
$1.03 Artifact - Equipment
4 Talisman of Dominance
$1.15 Artifact
3 Talisman of Impulse
$1.54 Artifact
1 Talisman of Indulgence
$2.12 Artifact
1 Talisman of Unity
$0.59 Artifact
3 Tanglebloom
$0.07 Artifact
1 Thought Prison
$0.22 Artifact
1 Thunder Totem
$0.16 Artifact
1 Thunderstaff
$0.18 Artifact
2 Tooth of Chiss-Goria
$0.18 Artifact
1 Tower of Fortunes
$0.40 Artifact
1 Ur-Golem's Eye
$0.94 Artifact
1 Viridian Longbow
$2.62 Artifact - Equipment
1 Vorrac Battlehorns
$0.93 Artifact - Equipment
1 Vulshok Battlegear
$0.10 Artifact - Equipment
2 Vulshok Morningstar
$0.19 Artifact - Equipment
1 Weatherseed Totem
$0.18 Artifact
1 Welding Jar
$0.70 Artifact
2 Whispersilk Cloak
$2.42 Artifact - Equipment
1 Wirefly Hive
$0.25 Artifact
1 Wurm's Tooth
$0.11 Artifact
Enchantment (8)
1 Palliation Accord
$0.42 Enchantment
3 Plumes of Peace
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
3 Riot Spikes
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
1 Shielding Plax
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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