(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Brimbooze wrote:

I just verified the CSVs for PC2009 Zombie Empire, Commander (2011) Counterpunch, Commander (2011) Devour for Power, and Commander (2011) Mirror Mastery and the CSVs you have are correct with counts, including basic lands.

Thank you so much! I'll get that updated at the same time I add the Commander 2019 decks.  smile

cervelo19 wrote:

I've been wanting to brew up a U/B deck that uses the abilities of Siren's Call and/or Maddening Imp (or variant) for a while for kitchen table shenanigans.

That's awesome! This is very much like a deck I've been working on, except I didn't know about Maddening Imp and never thought of splashing black.

cervelo19 wrote:

Problem I've encountered through some goldfishing is that I don't have a win condition - I can tap and destroy creatures all day long, but can't reduce the "opponent"'s life total fast enough to maintain card advantage.

Looks like you do to me! You have 9 creatures worth attacking with (this assumes you wouldn't want to attack with your Spellkeeper Weirds before sac'ing them), and the Riddlemaster Sphinx is actually a pretty heavy hitter. That said, see below for some ideas.

And if you'd like a sudden jump in card advantage mid- to late-game, try out Theft of Dreams!

cervelo19 wrote:
  • Can I get rid of the Imps and just use 4x Siren's Call to open spots for some bigger power creatures?

  • Some sort of Etrata the Silencer and/or Szadek, Lord of Secrets combo to hit cards or mill out?

I would personally prefer Siren's Call over the Imps, simply because the Imps don't have haste and your opponent will see it coming. That said, do you tend to play more multiplayer or one-on-one? Because in multiplayer, having multiple and repeatable Imp-bodied Siren effects may actually be better. A lot of suggestions will depend on whether or not you play multiplayer or not.

One card I would ditch is Arcum's Whistle -- it only affects a single creature rather than their whole board, and at a much higher cost than the Imp, too.

As to the mill wincon, my gut reaction is no. Not because I don't love a good mill deck, but because mill takes full-deck commitment -- you're having to deal 60 "mill damage" rather than just 20, so you can't just have a couple slots in your deck for a mill "finisher" like you can with regular damage.

cervelo19 wrote:

I've pondered a few things, but would like to open it up to the community

My suggestion? Ditch black in favor of white. You only have two different black cards, and although the Imp is great, you could stick with 4x Siren's (and maybe even Mystical Tutor to ensure you draw it). And Murder doesn't really synergize with the deck at all.

Instead, you get some great finishers in white with Sunblast Angel (another reason you can forego the Imps) and Gideon's Avenger. And there's also Feeling of Dread -- gotta love Flashback! Feel free to check out my W/U version of the deck on TappedOut. I recently went through ALL of the options for tapping creatures and have been in the process of narrowing it down to the best cards. I by no means consider the currently posted decklist finished -- it's been a while since I've updated the actual decklist. Mostly I've just been adding stuff to the Maybeboard.

If you really still wanna keep black, consider making the deck an Esper version with a white splash. But also, consider replacing Murder with Murderous Compulsion -- 1 mana cheaper and synergizes. Or if you do splash white, then maybe Swift Reckoning instead, since you're very likely to achieve Spell Mastery. Another possibility is going for tempo with Select for Inspection.

Cards to cut:

Wall of Runes -- I don't see the point of him in this deck. Tapping things down is your defense, not 0/4 defenders. The Scry 1 is nice, but not worth the card, IMO.

Teferi's Time Twist -- I can see why it's in here, but with a white splash, you could instead use Cloudshift (1 mana cheaper and the creature comes back instantly).

Clear the Mind -- I don't see the purpose, unless you commonly face mill decks.

Misstep -- You don't have enough spells in here that also tap down creatures. Basically, just Gigadrowse and Mind Over Matter. You also have Tempest Caller, but since it's not instant-speed, you have to have 6 mana to cast both the Caller and Misstep in the same turn for Misstep to matter. Speaking of...

Tempest Caller -- I have this in my Maybeboard, too, but I've been discovering that it isn't actually that great unless you're on the offensive or can play something else with it. Otherwise, you play it on your turn, and then they untap all those same creatures on their turn -- nothing accomplished, and no ability to cast Siren's Call now. If the Caller had Flash, I'd like it way more.

So including Arcum's Whistle, that's a good 13 cards I recommend cutting in favor of more tapping synergy and finishers. Try out Ensnare -- the ability to tap everything for free will definitely catch your opponent(s) by surprise!


(22 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I +1 this feature request. It has definitely been suggested before in the forums!

A couple comments:

I agree that the backend server "tech" is already there in the form of condition valuation. However, I don't think that "proxy" should be a condition, but rather a flag like "foil" or "signed". Sebi would just have to have the flag hook into the same code that the conditions currently hook into. One reason I like this better is it'll be much more readily visible which cards are proxies when there's an extra icon (kind of like picking out foils is easy), rather than just a differently colored star icon.

One thing to note is that in the current system, the condition-based prices of cards aren't actually what show up in the Avg. price column of your inventory or decks (or in the Approx. Value / Cards Not Owned fields of decks). Those prices are based on NM. The only place that the condition-based price matters is in Inventory > View > Total Set Value. I'd personally like to also see all the other prices adjusted (or have an option to choose whether you're shown NM-based or condition-based), but in the meantime, it's not actually all that important for a proxy flag to affect the price (in other words, if that would be a major deterrent to implementing this feature, then don't let it be!).


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hole1 wrote:

I found the following information: FWB uses a slash above lowercase i and j in the card titles, 4th Edition uses a round dot; in 4th Edition cards, the dots of ä, ö and ü in the card titles are shifted to the left.

First card is "Amrou Kithkin" in german, white borderd and copyright 1995.
The lowercase i uses a round dot.
So it should be 4th edition.

Second card is "Amrou Kithkin" in english, white borderd and copyright 1995.
The lowercase i uses a slash above.
So it should be FWB edition but what I know, FWB only uses french, german and italian language.

You are correct -- Revised FWB is only for the French, German, and Italian languages, while 4ed Edition FWB is only for Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. To identify English cards, you only need to look at the copyright line -- Revised uses the large-print copyright "Illus. © [Artist Name]" style, whereas 4th Edition uses the small-print, two-line copyright. There's no need to check the typography of English cards.

The test you are referencing is only necessary because Revised edition foreign cards no longer used the original large-print copyright line, but instead the 4th Edition style copyright. Because of both that change and the fact that they share a copyright date, the only way to distinguish FWB Revised from foreign 4th Edition cards (French, German, Italian only) are tests like the above one, as well as comparing alignment and line breaks.

TL;DR -- Both of your cards are from 4th Edition.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So I watched an unboxing video of the M20 Spellslinger Kit in order to verify the CSV, and one oddity stuck out to me -- while the Mountains in the red deck had the standard distribution of 7,7,6,6 across the art variants, the Plains in the white deck had a weird distribution: 8,6,6,6. There was only a single unboxing video at the time that showed the lands, so I couldn't check if this was a consistent deviation, but I went ahead and marked the CSV as verified. Please let me know if there's an issue with these land counts!


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Another great thing about this suggestion is that it should prove fairly easy to transition people's current inventories over to it. If they have single-sided tokens that are supposed to be double-sided, like you said, those tokens should remain in their incorrect single-sided form until the user decides to implement this new feature. However, if they have double-sided tokens, these can be converted into paired tokens. In this way, current double-sided tokens could be safely removed from Deckbox once all inventories have been converted.

The only thing that would be negatively affected are any already-exported CSV files. I for one utilize CSV files a whole lot in conjunction with the site. However, the worst that this conversion would do for such CSVs is cause an error to be thrown when attempting to import a CSV containing an old double-sided token. But this error would allow me and others to view the affected tokens and a) convert them manually within the CSV if we so desire, or b) simply delete them from the CSV and add them within Deckbox.

That said, this brings up an important point about the relationship of these tokens internally / on the backend, which gets represented by the CSV file. I would want the CSV to mirror my online Inventory. In other words, I should be able to construct a single row for a single double-sided token, and I should be able to enter all necessary info for that token so that Deckbox will correctly recognize and implement the pairing schema indicated by the CSV. However, we're now dealing with not only more than one card name, but also more than one collector number, and in rare cases, more than one edition. (See for instance the Guild Kit tokens, which have a combination of Guild Kit edition token faces and GRN/RNA token faces. E.g. the RNA Guild Kits include the Bird // Thopter, where the Bird is GK2 #1 while the Thotper is RNA #11.)

One approach would be to add more CSV columns, labeled something like Paired Name, Paired Number, and Paired Edition. Then I could have:

Count | Name | Card Number | Edition                              | Paired Name | Paired Number | Paired Edition             | Language
1     | Bird | 1           | Extras: Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit | Thopter     | 11            | Extras: Ravnica Allegiance | English

However, this complicates the CSV and, I would assume, the backend database structure, as well.

Another approach would be to allow multiple values in a single CSV column, so instead of changing the database structure, Sebi would instead have to alter how the values are interpreted to account for this new case. The above could look like:

Count | Name           | Card Number | Edition                                                           | Language
1     | Bird / Thopter | 1 / 11      | Extras: Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit / Extras: Ravnica Allegiance | English


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Giumbus wrote:

If possible, add here a reference to your previous conversation on this topic with the dev.

It was in a support ticket, not in the forums. I sent him a list of all the token pairs for C14 - C18, then followed up with this discussion:


How will you handle transitioning everybody's inventory? Because some people have already added the tokens in their current single-sided versions, but those tokens can't simply be renamed as they could with the Modern Event Deck tokens.Will the incorrect single-sided tokens disappear from their inventory? Or will you maintain the incorrect tokens for "backwards compatibility"? If so, will they be visible on the Editions page along with the new double-sided tokens, or will you keep them in the database but hidden from view and inaccessible from card searching?


Yeah, this is tricky, which is also why i have avoided fixing this until now, I'm really not sure how to migrate the old ones to the new sad


My recommendation? Let it be decided by the people it'll actually affect. I would create a poll in the Announcements forum, with the following 3 options:

  • Immediate Migration = old tokens disappear from inventories

  • Delayed Migration = old and new will both be in the database for [a year], at which point old tokens will disappear

  • No Migration = old and new versions will be maintained indefinitely

I don't know how feasible this is for you, but another thing you could consider is sending messages to all affected accounts prior to migrating, to inform them that their single-sided tokens will soon disappear.


Yeah...  complicated. I'm not convinced yet it's worth the data loss... sad I'll think about this some more.


I definitely understand your concern! And I apologize for bugging you with it -- I'll leave you alone to think about it.

One final thought on the matter: If data loss is your primary concern, then the best option seems to be to just support both token versions. I personally (and I know there's others like me) am very picky about my collection, tracking even basic lands and checklist cards! So it is very important to me that I be able to correctly add all the double-sided tokens. There's just no way to meaningfully add them as single-sided tokens.

There's several ways you could go about this. You could:

  • add both versions to the existing Extras editions, resulting in both a single- and double-sided token name for each collector number (e.g. Extras: C14 would have #1 Angel, #1 Angel // Cat, #2 Cat, #2 Kor Soldier // Pegasus, etc.)

  • change the edition name of the current single-sided edition for legacy support (something like Extras: Commander 201x [Legacy]) and add the double-sided to the official Extras: Commander 201x editions

  • or vice versa -- keep the current edition name intact for single-sided, and instead add the double-sided tokens under an aptly-named edition like Extras: Commander 201x [Double-Sided]

I'm sure everyone would have their own preference, but I'd honestly be fine with any of them (though the last option seems the least good to me).

However, those recommendations I made were based on the existing system. I did not even attempt to come up with a new system....

Giumbus wrote:

I think these double sided tokens require a new internal card type, something like a "token pair" which should:

  • let every one choose the card numbers forming the pair such as  T001 + T003 (Manifest + Angel)

  • should add 1 to both tokens on the "Extras - Tokens & Emblems" list (this may imply that one can no longer add these particular tokens to his inventory by "plusing" them on the "Extras - Tokens & Emblems" list since it would require a simultaneous "plusing" of two cards, unless the dev implements something specific for this usage)

  • count as a single card

  • for search purposes should have the token type and searches (by name, by card text, etc.) must consider the content of both sides of the card

I won't expect an automatic setting of the existing cards in peoples' inventories since that would require so many tests and may lead to this feature remaining not implemented but rather let every user correctly set its cards.

....which is why I really like this suggestion!

This would actually be an amazing system. It would simplify import for Sebi, and it's also flexible and robust enough to cover all situations. And importantly for the precedent set by Modern Horizons, if that continues as a trend, this system would greatly simplify the situation. The Modern Horizons situation creates a very complicated token environment. Already 76 combinations are in the Extras: Double Sided edition for Modern Horizons (alongside the single-sided, foil-only Extras edition), and still people have been reporting even more combinations that aren't listed.

In contrast, in the system you're proposing, there'd be a mere 21 tokens for Modern Horizons, all listed in a single, unified edition on Deckbox. But from those 21 tokens, people could create any conceivable combination (even if it didn't actually exist, which I think is an acceptable "side effect", because it's up to a user to be accurate when entering cards).

To potentially eliminate some amount of user error, Sebi could mark some editions as being single-sided only, double-sided only, or both permissible. So when adding tokens to the first type of edition, no pairing would even be possible, and vice versa -- when adding tokens to the second type, Deckbox would require a pairing. Sets like Modern Horizons would allow both. (That said, considering the fact that we're still waiting on a feature to be added that would ensure that the database requires or disallows foil for certain editions / cards, e.g. FTV series or promos, we probably would be waiting on this functionality for tokens as well, since it's a similar type of setting. I'm sure it would entail changing a fundamental aspect of his database design, so I understand why it wouldn't be something he'd implement quickly.)

Another way to keep things organized would be a standardized way of displaying the paired tokens, regardless of how they are entered. For example, I could add a C14 Angel token first, then pick the Cat token to pair it with, or I could first add the Cat token then pair that with the Angel token. But in either case, Deckbox would display it as Angel // Cat, and never Cat // Angel.

Giumbus wrote:

(this may imply that one can no longer add these particular tokens to his inventory by "plusing" them on the "Extras - Tokens & Emblems" list since it would require a simultaneous "plusing" of two cards, unless the dev implements something specific for this usage)

As to your concern about it messing up the current ability to "plus" a card from the editions page, I think the best approach may be the simple one:

If I "plus" an Angel token from Extras: C14, I'll initially get a single-sided Angel token (which doesn't exist, but Deckbox could allow it). Then I just need to click on the green Count box next to the plus, and in that dialog would be the new "Pair" dropdown (similar to the language dropdown). Once I pair the Cat token to it, I can look at the count for Cat on that edition page, and it should have increased by 1. Opening the green Count dialogs for either token will show a row that's distinct from any other pairings (or from incorrectly created single-sided versions). So e.g. in C14, I could click on the Zombie token and see something like the following (imagine icons and count boxes in place of the brackets!):

[2] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Demon #12]
[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Germ #14]

From there, I could change counts for specific pairings as desired, or use the current split feature to split that example first row into the following two rows and change the language thus:

[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Demon #12]
[1] [0] [NM] [DE] [Paired with Demon #12]
[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Germ #14]

If I were to click the "Add New Row" button in the dialog, just as with the plus button, it would initially add a single-sided token with the current defaults:

[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Not paired]
[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Demon #12]
[1] [0] [NM] [DE] [Paired with Demon #12]
[1] [0] [NM] [EN] [Paired with Germ #14]

Meanwhile, in my Inventory, if I filtered down to the Extras: C14 edition, I should see:

[1] [0] Demon // Zombie [Price] [C14] [NM] [EN]
[1] [0] Demon // Zombie [Price] [C14] [NM] [DE]
[1] [0] Germ // Zombie  [Price] [C14] [NM] [EN]
[1] [0] Zombie          [Price] [C14] [NM] [EN]


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

reezel wrote:

I would really like a way to get sorting that correlates with how WotC sorts their sets when sorting by color.


This is how I sort my cards based on the fact that sets are sorted this way. However I can never sort my selection of cards this way because there's a different sorting technique that combines all colorless cards together (Land and Artifact), multicolor cards are combined into their color combos, and other minor changes that cause issues and make it take a lot more time to do work than I would normally expect.

Yeah, I've never found it useful to use Deckbox's Color criteria to sort my inventory online. I'm like you -- I sort my physical cards per WotC collector number.

You can mostly get Deckbox to sort this way by using the (E/#) sort criteria. However, it doesn't work for old sets that were produced prior to printed collector numbers (Stronghold and earlier). I still physically sort these early sets by modern WotC ordering, but on Deckbox, they get sorted thus:

Land *
Gold **

* Except for 4th Edition. Deckbox sorts the lands between green and red!
** Except for Visions. Deckbox sorts the gold cards between white and the artifacts.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This would be awesome!

I doubt, however, that a public API would be on the horizon anytime soon. What I'd recommend in the meantime is for your app to have the option to export a Deckbox-compatible CSV file.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Well it looks as if you figured it out on your Trostani deck, but in case not, you just need to become a premium member and then you can select Commander as a deck variant.

moepossum wrote:

thank you so much!
I can't believe you actually took the time and fixed my file, i really appreciate it.

No problem! That's the sort of help I'd hope to receive if I were in that spot. Let me know if you do encounter any issues with future CSVs!

moepossum wrote:

It looks like TCGP in general might not be the best choice when it comes to importing cards to deckbox.
Do you have any alternatives?

If you're using the card scanning technology that TCGPlayer offers, then the main other one I know of is Delver Lens (mobile app). However, you have to pay in order to export a collection, and I have no idea if the resulting export would be easier or harder to convert into Deckbox than TCGP's export was.

Supposedly, Decked Builder also offers card scanning, though I've never used that service so I can't say, but if that's true and the scanning works well, then that might be your best bet, since Deckbox already offers a native feature for importing Decked Builder CSVs, so you wouldn't have to convert the file.


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

cjm52873 wrote:

I know what's been done and unless there is an official update from Sebi himself your opinion isn't resolving anything.

Well dang.... Sorry for trying to help and voicing my thoughts? I didn't know Sebi was the only one who was allowed to respond to you.... I was under the impression that Deckbox is a community where we all can help each other.

And that's all I did—offered an option (with zero claim that it would resolve anything), which you could either take or leave. If you didn't like the option, then just.... ignore it? Why did you feel the need to say anything? Or a polite response would have been, "Thanks for the idea, but I'd rather wait until everything is completely updated."

I'm sincerely sorry if you're really frustrated by the delay in site updates and that's the real reason behind the tone of your response, but you don't need to take it out on other members.


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

cjm52873 wrote:

When can we expect you finishing ... the art cards for this set?

The art cards are already there -- they're just lacking the correct artwork and collector numbers. However, Sebi changing the artwork and collector number behind the scenes shouldn't affect your inventory if you already have them in there. So I'd just go ahead and enter them without bothering to wait.

The double-sided tokens, though, may be more of a wait.

@Sebi -- There's currently 76 double-sided tokens listed for sale on TCGPlayer as well as on StarCityGames. It's possible more actually exist and just no one has listed them for sale yet.... but considering two major stores both agree on those 76, that might be a definitive list. It's at least good enough to start entering.

Yep, it's been a problem before! You can read a previous answer of mine helping somebody else with this same issue.

In short:

  • You have to change the labels in the header row to be compatible with Deckbox (e.g. Quantity becomes Count).

  • You have to remove the word "Normal" from the Foil column (originally called "Printing" in the TCGP CSV).

  • You have to Find/Replace all incompatible TCGP set names to change them to Deckbox edition names.

  • You have to look for anomalies like alternate art in old sets (Antiquities, Fallen Empires, Homelands, and Alliances) and other special printings.

One thing that I learned since that last post of mine is that you want to delete TCGP's "Name" column and keep its "Simple Name" column (changing its header label to just "Name"). However, before doing that, you can compare the two columns in order to find anomalies like alternate arts. Inserting a temp helper column after column C (Simple Name), then entering the formula =B2<>C2 into cell D2 and copying it down the helper column, and then filtering column D on TRUE values is the easiest way I know of to compare two columns.

Making the edition names compatible is probably one of the more time-consuming aspects. There were several in yours, including all core set names, all promo set names, and several others.

One especially weird anomaly in yours to note -- In 10th Edition, any cards with reminder text had that text omitted in their foil versions, sometimes adding flavor text. So the foils are basically alternates of those cards. However, if you look at the 10E entries in your CSV, those cards aren't marked as foils. Instead, they have a star after the collector number, like 78★ for Dehydration. So for those cards, I had to manually enter in "foil" for them. Note that Deckbox doesn't display the correct foil-specific artwork for them.

I hope the above info plus the attached Deckbox-compatible CSV (fully tested out) helps you! Let me know if you have any questions.


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

wonderdog79 wrote:

they all do not have the same card on the other side. For instance i have 7 Elephant tokens with 3 having soldier on the other side, 2 have elemental #8, 1 goblin and one with shapeshifter.

That won't be a problem, as that's also the case in several other editions with double-sided tokens. He can just have all of those combinations available on the editions page:

Elephant // Soldier
Elephant // Elemental
Elephant // Goblin
Elephant // Shapeshifter

The main challenge, and I believe the thing he's waiting for, is finding a definitive list of what combinations are available, so that he can base his edition on it.

I'd personally just add each token-combination to Deckbox whenever it shows up on TCG Player / Card Kingdom / the like.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I've realized for a while now that the extra clicks to have the links first take you to my Dropbox, then to actually download the files, were unnecessary. However, the task of updating all the links to be direct ones was going to take me a little while, so I've been procrastinating on it. But I finally got all links successfully updated to directly download the desired CSV file!

Please let me know if there are any broken links or links that point to incorrect CSV files.

It's still a bit rudimentary compared to other sites, but yes, this feature was added recently!

Dnemo28 wrote:

In addition would it be possible to add “is promo” to filters? And this could filter cards marked as promo in addition to prerelease-type cards where their set is the promo symbol?

The promo flag is deprecated. It's maintained on the site for old accounts that still use it, but now you no longer need to distinguish between e.g. a prerelease version of a card and the regular version by setting the promo flag. Instead, you'll just add the card with the  edition set to the prerelease edition. If later you need to filter to those promos, you can filter based on "Edition owned".

Note: An exception to this are the recent Buy-a-Box promos, which are listed within the main edition rather than a Buy-a-Box edition, so it's harder to tell at a glance that these cards are promos. It's also harder to filter, because filtering edition owned to e.g. War of the Spark in order to show Tezzeret would also display all your other War of the Spark cards.

@Sebi, it would be nice to have all of the Buy-a-Box promos in their own edition (though keeping the correct collector #).

Good news! Due to a recent site update, this process just got a WHOOOOLE lot easier! See the revised steps. I've already tested it out and it worked without issue for me.  smile

sebi wrote:

Also today a fix wasf deployed for the csv import in inventories, to merge duplicated entries (the same card with the same details) appearing multiple times in a csv. Should take care of some types of csv exported collections that show cards one per line instead of with counts.

Best fix ever! This has been driving me nuts since the early days and was the cause of countless hours of work trying to track down discrepancies when I was initially merging a whole bunch of inventory CSVs.

This will also allow me to simplify the CSVs for decks that contain the same card in both the maindeck and sideboard.



(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

OldGreen wrote:

Same question- this makes importing my 30k cards from another DB into Deckbox a pain, as I have to guess what the set names are that Deckbox expects (which don't match my current DB)

The Editions page lists them all.

Are you fairly good with Excel? If so, it'd be easy enough to quickly find the non-Deckbox-compatible edition names in your current database and change them to their Deckbox equivalents. There's multiple ways to accomplish this, I'm sure, but the first thing that springs to mind would be pasting all the Deckbox editions into a single column in Excel, turning it into a named range, then using ISERROR and MATCH to check which of your editions exist in that range. Finally, use Filter to go through all the unmatched editions and Find/Replace the correct values.

If that's all gibberish to you, feel free to attach your inventory from the other database, and I'd be happy to help convert it for you!


(17 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Are these also available in foil? [...] Second question would be if they were available as stamped prerelease promos too?

It might be too early to know. TCGPlayer currently has a listing for the JP Alts with both the normal and foil price (both of which still say N/A of course), as well as a listing for the alts as prerelease cards (though no cards are actually listed for sale, so these are sort of "placeholder" listings). E.g. Karn, the Great Creator. However, big sellers like StarCityGames, CardKingdom, and ChannelFireball don't even list the JP Alts yet. Scryfall has the JP Alts listed, but doesn't have the prerelease cards listed yet.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

It's funny you're bringing this up right now! I've actually just been having a conversation with the developer regarding this issue.

Basically, the holdup is that in order to update the Extras editions for C14 - C18, the single-sided versions of the tokens as currently listed would ideally be removed from the database, but this means that they'll also be removed from people's inventories. The tokens can't simply be renamed, because there's no one-to-one relationship between the token faces and the physical cards.

There's two options:

  1. full migration from single- to double-sided tokens (possibly with an alert sent out to affected users and/or a transition period where both versions are supported), or

  2. adding the double- while (permanently) maintaining the single-sided versions in order to maintain backwards compatibility

Hopefully one of these options will be implemented in the not-too-distant future. Because I'm also very anal about my collection! LoL. I won't add Commander tokens until the double-sided versions are available.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

lounumber4 wrote:

It would be awesome if you could just paste this in the “import from list” and it take the set.

I agree! It would even be nice to set foiling, language, and condition in the list with flags like *F* (foil), *DE* (German), or *HP* (heavily played), kind of like TappedOut allows.

In the meantime, I whipped together an Excel spreadsheet that lets you paste in your TCGPlayer list and extracts the count, card name, and set code, then converts the set code into a Deckbox-compatible edition name. Then just copy the output into a CSV file (choose to "Paste Values") and import into Deckbox from that CSV file.

Note 1: Importing from a CSV file won't replace whatever's currently in your inventory. Instead, it'll add to whatever is there, perfect for a case like yours where you've already partially imported your collection.

Note 2: Not every edition is currently listed in the Excel spreadsheet I made. So in the "Sets" worksheet, you can add any missing ones. Just type the info on the first blank line, and the dynamically-named range I created will automatically include the new entries in the formulas, so you won't have to edit anything else. (Just make sure you don't have any blank lines in the set list, or it WILL break.)


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

What does it export to? Because even if it's a basic TXT file, it can probably be converted.