(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Depends on the inventory. If it's a smaller inventory and/or one that has lots of cards in each set rather than just a handful from most sets, then your method is probably best.

For large inventories with lots of sets represented, it would be easier to scan them all into TCGP, convert the resulting exported list into a Deckbox-compatible CSV file, then add the cards to DeckBox via the "From CSV file" import.

Without seeing the exported TCGP list, I can't comment on how easy / difficult it'll be to turn into a CSV file. You're welcome to attach one and I'll look at it.

I can see the usefulness of this when wanting to see the total quantity for a given card, e.g. you want to see which cards you own more than 2 playsets of (regardless of edition) so that you can get rid of the rest. In such a scenario, it would be useful to sort by the Count column but with other qualities ignored. In the ideal version, you'd be able to choose which qualities to ignore and which not. For instance, you might not want to include foils in that count, since you deal with them separately. Same goes for language. Or, you may not care one bit about any of those things, and you want to combine cards no matter their edition, condition, language, and foiling.

I don't see how useful it is with something like price, since price can often be very dependent on which edition a card is from (things like it being an old, low-print-run set or a unique art for that card can drastically increase the price of a card; for example, the Guildpact art of Godless Shrine costs twice as much as its Gatecrash and Allegiance variants, while a $3 Underworld Dreams costs $80 when it's from Legends). Even if cards WERE collapsed and sorted by price, which price would it default to using -- the high or low price?

In any case, the following guide is how you can achieve it manually.

  1. Export your inventory to CSV.

  2. Make a copy of that file as a backup; store it somewhere safe.

  3. Open the other copy of that CSV in Excel.

  4. Delete any columns that you don't care about.

  5. Save and exit.

  6. Back on Deckbox, in your Inventory go to Tools > Remove Everything. (Don't worry; we have the backup from earlier!)

  7. Go to Add Cards > From a CSV File and import the file you edited above.

  8. Play around with it to your heart's content!

  9. When you're done, Remove Everything again and re-import from the original backup. Done!

If you do this type of filtering often, but don't add/delete cards from your inventory often, then I recommend keeping the edited CSV file around for later use. In fact, you could make multiple versions of it — one that ignores foiling, one that keeps it distinct, one that ignores language, one distinct, and so on — based on your specific needs.

Eldritch Moon doesn't have any basic lands. If you have any trouble identifying it, could you attach a good picture of it so we can help you?


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This is a premium feature. As a premium member, you can mark your decks as "built" instead of just "ideas".

When building decks as ideas, they don't represent actual cards you own (which is why you can't specify things like edition), so it would make no sense for cards in deck ideas to go back into your inventory -- they're just ideas. What you're wanting are built decks, and specifically the ability to set each card in the deck to a specific card you own.

Then as a premium member, you have the option to auto-trade any cards that aren't in built decks. This solves the second part of your problem.


(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thank you, sir! This allowed me to get the Precon CSVs for those products finalized.  smile


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rules aside, I think that it would be a very bad idea for any marketplace to engage in the practice of altering seller feedback on the basis of fairness. I agree fully that the buyer's reaction and subsequent feedback weren't fair or mature. I as a buyer would have greatly respected and appreciated your stated handling of the transaction, despite any negative feelings about missing out on a card. However, alterations to feedback should occur solely in cases of site errors (e.g. feedback being incorrectly linked to the wrong seller ID in the database) or the like, or else buyers will lose confidence in the system.

One of the risks that comes with being a seller is that you're almost guaranteed to encounter buyers who will leave you negative feedback no matter what you do. I read a good article a while back (specific to eBay, but applies here as well) that addressed this concern very well. If I can find it again, I'll link it. But the gist of it was that ultimately a track record of good customer service will win out. It definitely hurts you more when you get the negative feedback early on, as it represents a higher percentage of your score. But slow and steady will win the race.  smile


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


At this point, everything except the many, MANY Intro/Theme decks and Starter/Welcome decks have been added. I will not be aggressively creating and adding CSVs for all those products as I have been for everything else, simply because there's so many of them and the task is a tad daunting. I will gladly add any CSVs submitted by others, and I will continue to add new products as they come out.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Oh wow! I'm so sorry!

I've never had this happen to me, so I have no idea how easily it can be fixed, but I recommend submitting a support ticket from the Help page, since the developers don't necessarily check the forums for these sorts of issues.

I hope it's fixable! If you don't mind, post an update so others can know in the future whether this is something that can be fixed.

As far as I know, you can only add notes and tags to cards in decks, but they won't show up in the Inventory. The addition of tags in decks is a relatively recent feature (see post from Sep 2018), and it's still in a very primitive form.

I think what current premium users do to track location is to create "location decks", like Binder #1. Now that you can make it a Built Deck and specify which specific card you're using in it, it's a little easier to use decks as locations than it used to be.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would recommend opening a support ticket, since the developers don't usually look through the forums to answer such issues. Go to "Help" at the top then look for "Contact, Support, & Feedback" on the left.

RabidWombat wrote:

Steps 1, 2 and 12 are to help me verify where I am at so I don't enter the same expansion twice.  If I see no cards listed when I update the filter for the next expansion I am good to go.

Ah, oK, that makes sense. While it's not necessary for importing, I can see how it would help in your personal process.

RabidWombat wrote:

I still have to go back to remove "ghost" cards (the ones with the light symbol) when I didn't update the default expansion while importing.

Since you've already been utilizing the inventory filters, you probably already know this, but just in case, I wanted to mention that there's a "No edition set" filter that helps you quickly find those "ghost" cards (love that description!!  XD).

RabidWombat wrote:

Note that I have my entire inventory in a spreadsheet including foils/promos on separate lines with same name as non-foils.

Since you already have your inventory in a spreadsheet, it might actually be easier to just figure out what you need to do in order to convert it into a Deckbox-compatible CSV file. I'd recommend exporting your current inventory to CSV, opening the downloaded file in Excel (or whatever), and comparing it to your spreadsheet. The main columns you need are:

  • Count -- how many you own of that specific edition, collector number, condition, language, and foiling of a card

  • Name -- card name (in English, even if you have a foreign version of the card)

  • Edition -- most likely column to cause you errors upon import, if your edition name doesn't exactly match what's used by Deckbox; whenever you encounter such an error, just look up Deckbox's edition name and Find/Replace it in Excel

  • Card Number -- can be left blank and will be filled in by Deckbox, except in the case of variant artwork (so things like basic lands or the variants of a single card name in sets like Alliances) *

  • Condition -- fill in if you track condition (I don't, so I just left this column blank)

  • Language -- just like with Condition, if you don't have this column or leave it blank, it'll show up as an unknown language in Deckbox

  • Foil -- keep this value blank for non-foils, or enter "foil"

You can reorder those columns however you'd like in your spreadsheet, and it won't affect import. You can also delete any columns you don't want to worry about.

Even if you decide to continue adding them via Card List in batches, you can cut out steps 1-2 and step 12. Applying those filters doesn't matter for importing; only setting the defaults in step 4 needs to be done.

* A few cards don't have unique card numbers in Deckbox, so you may have to manually set them in Deckbox if the default isn't correct. For instance, the basic lands from Battle for Zendikar have both normal and full-art versions of each, but each full-art basic land shares a card number with its normal counterpart. Some of the lands will default to full-art; some will default to normal art. It's annoying, because anytime I re-import via CSV, I have to re-update those.

Let me just make sure I understand your need correctly.

Say you do want 1x Cryptic Command from the Invocations for your Egyptian-themed EDH deck, but you also have two other EDH decks that require Cryptic Command. For those, you merely want the artwork that is used for Lorwyn / Modern Masters / Modern Masters 2015, but you don't care about edition.

You would want to be able to input them into your wishlist as follows:

1 | Cryptic Command | Invocation
2 | Cryptic Command | LRW or MMA or MM2

You would NOT want to input it as follows...

1 | Cryptic Command | Invocation
1 | Cryptic Command | LRW
1 | Cryptic Command | MMA
1 | Cryptic Command | MM2

...because you only need 2 copies of the non-Invocation artwork, not 3 copies.

Is that the idea?

I believe that anytime you offer a user more granular control, it's better. So I'm all in favor of this change. That said, I bet it would entail fairly foundational changes to Deckbox's database tables and SQL queries, so it would probably be a long time coming. But still a great idea!


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Gereth wrote:

Any particular reason why not to include starter decks, welcome decks etc. ?

Mostly just because it was a lot of work as it was! LoL. And I figured it would be better to focus on the major products first.

At some point I'll probably get them all listed as a new category, so if you wanted to proactively submit a CSV for the Spellslinger set or any other starter products you may have, feel free and then I'll already have them on-hand at the time I update the listings.  smile

Gereth wrote:

I went through my Mind vs. Might duel deck and I can confirm, that the .csv is correct. I verified that all cards are included, that they have a correct amount of copies and a correct collector number. Let me know if there is something else to check.

Thanks so much! I'm about to commit a new version within the next couple days, so I'll mark that product as verified as soon as I do.

As to other products to check, just glance through the lists, and double-checking anything that you own that's marked in red would be greatly appreciated!

((I actually own all of the duel decks except the Ajani half of Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas, but most of them I'm keeping as sealed product. Only the ones currently marked in blue were opened to where I could check them.))


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sounds like a bug. I'd submit a support ticket for that. Go to the Help page and look for Contact, Support, & Feedback on the left. Be sure to mention what device you were using.

Also, have you tried using "Remove selected" from the "Card Actions" menu? That might work in your case.

I just tested it on my account, and I was able to type a zero then refresh, and the card had been permanently deleted from my Tradelist. So it's not a site-wide bug.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

MAJOR UPDATE: I created a web page (hosted on GitHub) that should be a 99% comprehensive listing of all preconstructed products that WotC has ever released (excluding some of the most basic starter decks, like the Two Player sets and Welcome Decks). If there's a product that I haven't listed, please let me know and provide a link to the source!

And yes, I borrowed Deckbox's styling, just for fun.  big_smile

Doing this allowed me to clean up / shorten the original post in this thread (since this forum software doesn't include spoiler blocks), including only the most recent products that the majority of people will want to be adding.

Page: bit.ly/MTGprecons (note that capitalization matters with Bitly links!)

Tested on Chrome (desktop and Android), Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.

Internet Explorer 11 does not support the Javascript, so instead the page displays a "jump menu" in place of the dropdowns.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Gereth wrote:

Here are two preconstructed Commander decks I own

Thanks once again! They have been tested for successful import and added to the original post.

Gereth wrote:

I was not sure what to do with tokens. There are no double-sided tokens available as with e.g. Guild Kits, so I just added both sides separately.

I am not a fan of the current token system for commander products. They should be re-done to be like the guild kits. I chose not to include the tokens in the CSVs due to this issue—either your inventory reflects double the amount of tokens that you actually own, or you're listing multiple of a single token face, when in fact they may have different backs and thus be different cards from each other. I don't think either option makes for good inventory tracking, so until this gets fixed, I'm leaving the tokens up to each individual user.


(113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Gereth wrote:

Thanks a lot for making all the effort. It is a great help for casual players like me.

Here are two Challenger 2018 decks I own: [...]

[...] I will try to contribute the rest of preconstructed products I own. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much for contributing! It's comments and assistance like this that make the project feel worth doing.  smile

I have added the CSV files to the original post. I made a couple tweaks:

  • More clearly labeled the sideboard within the CSV file (the "Sideboard" heading doesn't affect import at all).

  • Reordered the cards in Edition > Coll.# order (just to match the ordering of all the other CSVs).

  • Merged a couple other duplicates (Renewed Faith, Aethersphere Harvester). I also threw in a column called "Deck Count" to note how many of a merged card should be in the maindeck vs sideboard (column is ignored during import).


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

deckfun101 wrote:

I dont know where to report bugs

Submit a support ticket from the help page. Look for "Contact, Support, & Feedback" on the left.

Those tickets go directly to the developer, Sebi. He doesn't always have the time to check all the forum threads.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Please reply with the CSV file attached so that we can look at it and help you figure it out.  smile


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)

Pmintz wrote:

Is it possible to have the Guildkit symbol instead of the Guilds of Ravnica symbol?

Not if all 5 guild kits share an edition on Deckbox, no. Each edition has a single corresponding symbol. Sebi would have to split each Guild Kit edition into 5 editions, thereby allowing him to assign a separate symbol to each guild kit.

That's actually how all the cards are listed on Gatherer, with edition names like "Guild Kit: Simic". I personally think that Sebi should make Deckbox match this system.


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

reezel wrote:

Please update the remaining Guild Kits.

As you've probably seen, they've been updated today. Yay!

Just wanted to mention in case it would help: I've uploaded CSVs for each of the decks in this thread so that it's easier to import the entire deck into your Inventory. Let me know if there's any issues with it, but they all worked fine for me!


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

Tokens are also up, many thanks to meldon44 for the detailed listing of the double-sided images!

Glad I could be of some help!


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

bburrows wrote:

Thanks so much. This was a huge help.

I thought it was so useful, I wrote an Excel macro to run the steps noted above to make it easier for others

Dude, this is awesome! I always love it when everybody from the community bands together to offer different solutions. I'm not a macro person, so I didn't even think of this. So cool.

Curious, though -- I thought that Sebi had added a native Deckbox feature to import from a Decked Builder CSV. If you go to your Inventory > Add Cards, it's one of the options for import. Is it not working properly right now?

Goliath89 wrote:

Any word on what's going on with the RNA Guild Kits?  They've been out for a week now, and the deck lists have been out since the 15 of last month.

They're up now!

Also, I've uploaded CSVs for all 5 decks in this thread to help you quickly import each deck, if that would help.