Which precon(s) specifically? Did some downloads work and some not, or did every one you try give you that error? I just tried a few sample links and they all worked for me, so a list of the exact ones would be helpful!
52 2021-12-25 03:22:43
Re: Best way to go about.... (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
First, what would be the easiest way to add 4 of every common from a specific set without adding them one at a time?
Assuming you haven't added any cards to your inventory from that set yet...... Go to that set's edition page, and in the top right corner click Mass Input. Choose 4 of each. Then go to your inventory and add filters for that edition and all rarities except commons. Delete all the filtered results. If it's a recent set that has lots of commons outside of the base set that you also need to remove, then sort by E/# and delete all rows after the correct collector #.
If you've already added cards from that set, then the easiest method would probably involve Excel or similar. I can go into more detail if you'd like.
Second, I am using Delver to scan in my rares and uncommon cards. Basically, every time I scan in new cards there I just delete my entire inventory from deckbox and import the full list again from Delver. Is there a better way to go about this?
If you can live without maintaining your full inventory on Delver, then it would be a lot easier for your Delver list just to include newly scanned cards. Then you could just import that into Deckbox without messing with the inventory that's already there.
If you do want your full inventory to be maintained in both places, then there's really no other better way to do it. Unless Delver includes a "date added / scanned" field that you can include in the export and sort by. Then you would export the full inventory, but edit the exported file prior to importing in order to remove all entries prior to the latest scan.
53 2021-12-23 19:00:08
Re: How come I cannot sell cards on this site? (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Is this only allowed for stores or sharks? I cant finf a wat to sell my cards anywhere on this site.
You can enable a seller account.
54 2021-12-19 20:17:37
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
jmlima wrote:Missing:
Just realized, but I think all of the Arena 'online only' cards are missing from the database.
Why would they be added here? They have no "value" and can't be "traded".
I 100% agree. Arena-only cards have no place on Deckbox. Maybe if one day WotC actually implements trading into the Arena economy.... but even then, Deckbox isn't currently setup to differentiate between digital and physical inventories.
55 2021-12-18 18:42:17
Re: How to Import Your PucaTrade Haves to Deckbox (6 replies, posted in PucaTrade Refugees)
56 2021-12-16 05:49:51
Re: How do I add different printings of the same card? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
You're welcome, and welcome to Deckbox! It definitely has its missing features and little flaws, but I think the more you dig into it, you'll find it's pretty dang robust. Please reach out, though, if there's anything you're wanting to do but can't find an obvious solution for, since sometimes options can be a little hidden.
One tip I want to highlight is that you can quickly add any preconstructed products you own to your inventory by importing them via CSV file. There's a repository of these CSVs, and it makes adding a precon waaaay easier. Here's the thread for that resource.
It's unfortunately missing many of the older theme decks (and I noticed you have mostly vintage MTG in your inventory, at least at the moment). So if you happen to have any of those theme decks still intact and want to contribute to the repository, I'd definitely welcome the contributions!
57 2021-12-16 02:06:10
Re: Newbie Deck - "Shield of Stomping" (1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)
Welcome to MTG, and welcome to Deckbox! Glad you're starting to discover your preferred playstyle. A lot of the frustration you describe other players having is just the standard reaction to control. LoL
Were there any aspects you were wanting feedback on?
Also, I'd suggest adding a note about your wincon to the post. A control deck generally wants to thwart the opponent in the early game as you described, then deploy some sort of finisher in the mid- to late-game. What is your finisher? That info will help others understand your deck.
58 2021-12-16 00:49:36
Re: How do I add different printings of the same card? (3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Definitely possible! Let's say you want to split 2x Aliban's Tower into 1x of each artwork. From your inventory, click the Edit button within the Details column, click the "split" icon to the left of the quantity boxes, then set each row separately and save. There's also the Add New Row button, in case you DO have 2x of one of the artworks and need to add a quantity of the other artwork. All of this same functionality is available in the Add Cards widget. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.
59 2021-12-13 03:28:19
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Mysterious Blood Illness VOW #339
It's not missing. It's the card Vampires' Vengeance. "Mysterious Blood Illness" isn't the actual card name.
60 2021-12-11 21:59:14
Re: This appears to be a dead site (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I found the emails regarding the trade. It is the same person. Who and Where and how do I send it to?
It would be Sebi. Best way is to open a support ticket from the help page (Contact, Support & Feedback on the top left of that page), so the emails can be handled discreetly.
61 2021-12-11 08:17:06
Re: This appears to be a dead site (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Yes I was ripped off on this site. A trade sent to the UK. Please do not say otherwise. Its one of the reason I have not returned in such a long time.
Dude, I would also be super ticked if I got ripped off, so I get it. But we're all just trying to discuss it with you and potentially help, and you're being rather antagonistic.
All we can go on is what we see in your trade history. I presume the other trader you're referencing is Joseph Brown? Considering that's the only repeated trade partner and he's in the UK. And as you said, the Dec '21 trade with him was cancelled. However, the old trade from 2012 also shows as cancelled before addresses were ever exchanged.
Having said that, no one is discounting your story -- just pointing out our confusion based on what we can see. What is needed from you, instead of detail-less expressions of frustration, would be data that reveals facts that are not shown in the trade history that's available on the website. For instance, how was it that you both exchanged addresses and initiated a trade without completing it on Deckbox? Again, not discounting your story, but there's no way to further discuss this in a meaningful way without more details.
62 2021-12-11 00:05:08
Re: Card pricing fixes, database fixes (19 replies, posted in Announcements)
Well, include other places like eBay and cardmarket, they latter list many offers and have a "price history" plotted for sold listings.
eBay is one of the best places to look it up "by hand", I agree, but it's very difficult to programmatically get accurate data from there, as evidenced by MTGGoldfish's list of eBay recently sold (which have often included playsets, wrong languages, and other anomalies that are not true representations of sold listings for a given card).
I'm not at all familiar with CardMarket, so perhaps it's a very different story.
My hunch though is that, even if you could get accurate sales data from places other than TCGPlayer, the sales would likewise be so low volume as to make data derived from them unreliable and somewhat meaningless.
To be clear, I'm not at all against adding this information to Deckbox. Like I said in my first response, I'm kinda excited to find somebody else who actually knows and cares about this niche printing! I'm just warning against the likely pitfalls in trying to add pricing data for such low-transaction cards. I'd rather the data not be added at all than to have misleading data.
63 2021-12-09 21:32:45
Re: Dark Mode (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
You're not alone! This has definitely been discussed before. Here's a thread with a DIY solution, and a second from earlier this year.
If you're able and willing to use browser extensions, you can create your own custom dark mode. The first linked thread gives some idea how, with a screenshot of what mine looked like.
64 2021-12-09 07:24:31
Re: Card pricing fixes, database fixes (19 replies, posted in Announcements)
Speaking of card prices, do you have any idea about Japanese (Black border) Chronicles?
I feel like this is such an unknown little corner of vintage Magic! I never see this get referenced in groups, to the point that I had a hard time identifying my one black-bordered Chronicles card (Recall) before I was aware of the existence of the black-bordered Japanese printing.
Given the extremely low frequency of transactions (only 2 on TCGP in the last 3 months) and the fact that other marketplace sites don't separate BB Chronicles from WB Chronicles*, I doubt there's any meaningful way to extrapolate enough data points for any sort of accurate pricing.
* Checked TCGP, CK, CFB, SCG, CSI, ABU, Troll & Toad, and MTGGoldfish
65 2021-12-09 06:55:15
Re: This appears to be a dead site (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
400+ haves. You saw someone elses list or something.
I'm wondering if they were referring to the "Trading opportunities" section on your profile, which will only show cards from your tradelist that are in someone's wishlist. Makes sense why they'd only see 6 then; I see zero for myself.
While you do indeed have 400+ cards for trade, their point still stands -- the more cards you have listed for trade, especially desirable cards, the more matches there will be with other people's wishlists. And that's what increases the visibility of your tradelist.
You can also always post in the trading forums asking for trades. Then people might browse your list specifically and find stuff that's not on their wishlists.
Hell, there is not any real activity on the boards. Is this site just for sharks and/or stores?
Define real activity? These forums may not be anyone's central place for chatting about MTG at the end of the day. But it's certainly not dead. When there's site announcements, people respond. When someone suggests a feature request, if it's universal enough, you'll see others chiming in. When people post haves and wants as I suggested above, there may not be a ton of responses on the thread itself, but you can tell by how they update their wants list that people are seeing the post and sending them trades.
Probably the one forum that's actually really sad is the deck building forum. Very few people post in it, and when they do, they may not even get a response. I could wish there were more participation there, but ah well -- other sites have a greater focus on being for deck building, and I think people interact on those other sites instead of here.
66 2021-12-09 02:02:27
Re: Upload Issues (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in line 1
It's possible the wrong encoding type was used to create the file, or was introduced during editing. CSV file, correct? Where did the file come from, and how did you edit it (if you did)?
If possible, post a share link to it from Google Drive / Dropbox / etc. so we can take a look!
67 2021-11-30 15:59:00
Re: Feature Request - Multiple edit (1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
+1. Good feature request idea!
68 2021-11-29 01:40:55
Re: All single 15%off! (2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Well dang, the glitches continue! When I tried to post the above reply, I received an error, so I thought it hadn't posted. Then I saw the new post you made and stopped worrying about it. Apparently my glitchy reply got through somehow on this glitchy post! Haha
69 2021-11-28 08:48:32
Re: Crimson Vow Commander, Secret Lair (10 replies, posted in Announcements)
Commander deck CSVs have been added.
Sebi, the commander deck token information is listed in the Wizard's article. Hope that helps!
70 2021-11-28 08:15:33
Re: [Resource] Precon / Sealed "Quick Add" (113 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
M12-Illusionary-Might ... Contains invalid rows
Dang Excel auto-incrementing cell values! I thought I had caught all those — thanks for pointing this out! It's corrected now.
I noticed you didn't have the following pre-con available, so I made one for you.
Event Deck - Battle For Zendikar - Rallying Cry (Hero of Goma Fada)
You had me worried for a second that I had somehow missed the existence of a whole other event deck! LoL. That's actually an intro pack, not an event deck. So I feel better now.
And yes, most of the intro packs are missing, nor do I plan on creating CSVs for them (there's just such a huge quantity of intro and theme decks). So thank you for taking the time to create a CSV for it — that's how they'll get added.
Unfortunately, Deckbox's forum attachments are still broken. It gives me a SQL error when I try to download it. If you're able to provide it via a cloud storage share link (Dropbox, Google Drive, whatever is fine), I'll get it added.
71 2021-11-27 22:20:55
Re: total value of cards drop on site (12 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Maybe it's just the seasonal drop in singles prices. Holidays tend to be a buyers' market more than a sellers', with a lot of price dropping. Don't know how much Deckbox's pricing algorithm gets affected by that, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Check again late January and see if it's reinflated.
72 2021-11-27 22:11:43
Re: All single 15%off! (2 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)
Weird. The post is blank.
73 2021-11-21 20:47:34
Re: First batch of Crimson Vow imports, fixes (8 replies, posted in Announcements)
Hey Sebi, per this forum post, looks like there's a bug with Crimson Vow in search (both the search box at the top of the page and the Add Cards functionality, including Add From List). It's affecting at least some cards; perhaps all of them? I don't have time to check and test right now.
74 2021-11-21 20:43:46
Re: Missing cards in database (3 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Looks like there's a bug in card search. Until it's fixed, you can go to the Crimson Vow edition page and add cards from there.
75 2021-11-13 23:04:46
Re: Missing printings, card numbers, editions for specific cards (853 replies, posted in Site Discussion)
Guild Kit: Golgari (it's actually this swamp https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card eid=456079)
Does the site support this expansion?
Here's the Swamp you're after!
The site does support the guild kits, but not as individual guild editions. Deckbox has two editions — Guilds of Ravnica Guild Kit (which contains your Golgari guild kit) and Ravnica Allegiance Guild Kit. This is because, even though the cards use different expansion symbols based on their guild, they have the same set code and consecutive collector numbers. For instance:
Dimir GK1 #001-025
Izzet GK1 #026-049
Golgari GK1 #050-076
Boros GK1 #077-101
Selesnya GK1 #102-127