(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

At some point you may also want the Armory dice.  I'm just going to leave this here and say good luck.  They are my favorite of the MTG dice. 

http://www.dicecollector.com/THE_DICE_T … ERING.html


(1 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Rubina seems like a non-bo  with Prophet of Kuphrix and Seedborn Muse.  I suggest that you consider instead being "that guy" and running some lock down pieces like Winter Orb, Static Orb, Rising Waters or even Stasis.   If you can give your creatures vigilance you'll be doing even better.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There's an indicator for foil, but I don't think you can set it under the default value, I think you have to add the card as normal, then change it to foil.  It is to the right of the language.  You can also indicate artist signed or textless here as well, but don't use the promo one, just select the proper set for the promo to get accurate pricing.



(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

The mouseover image of the card will be the correct one, and if you hover over the edition symbol, it also indicates the collectors number.

Thanks, that's correct and I didn't know that.  I just thought it was odd the image icon went away.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have all the foil swamps from Graveborn, someone asked for one in a trade and I told him to just add the art he liked. After the trade was confirmed it no longer shows me which art/card number was selected, so I don't know which one to package without asking again.  This is a minor inconvenience, but having to ask can cause delays in shipping.  The image was there before we both confirmed, so why is it just showing Graveborn Swamp with no image icon now?


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

Someone has now listed one for sale at $100 on deckbox, so they are definitely no longer worth $400.  XD  Still the $1.50 price remains that Sebi had reverted it to, now there's a huge split between lowest for sale and "mid price".

https://deckbox.org/mtg/Storm%20Crow?pr … ab=sellers

That was my copy. It just sold tonight on TCG for $150.

Very nice, congrats!

Sebi, is there any way we can get separate pricing on different versions of Mishra's Factory and Strip Mine?  In Antiquities the different illustrations were at different rarities and so some are much more expensive than others.


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Looking briefly at your inventory I would say to build a Blue Black shadow deck. Include Mind Twist because it's awesome (at one point it was even vintage aka type 1 restricted), You should play that portal Command of Unsummoning just to mess with him (instant speed Sorcery), Dauthi Horror is still good, Diabolic Edict is still good, Dauthi Marauder is ok, Dauthi Ghoul seems alright, of course counterspell is good and Capsize with buyback can really be obnoxious.  Dismiss seems playable also.  Alternatively if you want something consistent I do see a playset of Mogg Fanatic, I bet you could build a sweet red deck.


(9 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Personally I like it combined.  If you're interested in sales information specifically you can still see that if you click on the number, but it looks much cleaner and is easier to understand for a newer user as it is more like e-bay.  Ebay doesn't display two numbers next to your name (for buying vs selling) so why should deckbox separate selling vs trading?

OMG TOKENS! I'm so happy!  Also the new feedback looks much cleaner.  Thanks!

I've got a ton of saprolings to count and enter... hehehe...

Also I think I suggested it before, but if you're counting votes, I'm all for an artist proof flag.  Altered art and misprints would also be useful flags.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Wizards usually posts the deck list and you can download it as a text file, open that file and go to your inventory screen, choose import a list and paste it, set the default to that duel deck and everything should import fine.  The only thing you'll have to manually change is the arts for the basic lands (if that even matters to you).  I have imported commander decks this way.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Someone has now listed one for sale at $100 on deckbox, so they are definitely no longer worth $400.  XD  Still the $1.50 price remains that Sebi had reverted it to, now there's a huge split between lowest for sale and "mid price".

https://deckbox.org/mtg/Storm%20Crow?pr … ab=sellers

I also mentioned this in the price thread, but there are six cards in Portal that should have two versions.   These were in one of the intro packs (demo game) and have reminder text.  The versions with reminder text are rarer than the booster version which does not have reminder text.  The Storm Crow with reminder text in NM condition is about $7.50 compared to the pack version which is much cheaper.

The following six Portal cards should have two versions available.

  • Armored Pegasus

  • Bull Hippo

  • Cloud Pirates

  • Feral Shadow

  • Snapping Drake

  • Storm Crow

Images can be found on magiccards.info: 
ABU games has some of them for sale also if you're looking for pricing info.

Also I'd love to see all tokens available, particularly promo tokens, but really all tokens from all sets.

A good resource for token info is here:

Thanks Sebi for all your hard work on the site!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

I propose we set it at $20 or $30 or something in the mean time. It's clearly worth at least $10 as it was selling for that 2 months ago. The 7th foil print run was significantly lower than subsequent sets and it was the first set with foils so it's reasonable that the value is at least a few times that of 8th and 9th edition. What do you think?

That sounds reasonable to me.  I'll buy at $1.50 though if you have any for sale at that price XD

Also while on the topic, Storm Crow from Portal actually should have two versions.  There were six cards in one of the intro packs (demo game) that had reminder text.  These are rarer than the booster version which does not have reminder text.  The Storm Crow with reminder text in NM condition is about $7.50. 

The following six cards should have two versions available.
1 Armored Pegasus   
2 Bull Hippo   
3 Cloud Pirates   
4 Feral Shadow   
5 Snapping Drake
6 Storm Crow


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

I don't disagree with you on any point, I just don't think we can put a reasonably confident value on the card with so little up-to-date information. I personally have a foil 7th Storm Crow that I would absolutely be willing to sell for less than $400 tongue

I just think this one is waiting on the market to reset.  If people start listing them again, and undercutting each other it won't take long to find out where they start selling.  I do think it's wrong to edit the price manually down to $1.50 though because I think a lot of people don't realize that it has went up to at least $10.  If you leave the price high, then they can go do their own research and put their own price on it.  But at $1.50 you leave it open for people that trust deckbox to end up in a bad trade.

You could also list yours for sale on deckbox and put your own price on it.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

I don't believe that $400 is accurate, but $1.50 is not accurate any longer either.

Of course cards (and anything else, really) are only worth what people are willing to pay for them. Since there are only 2 copies of the card (that I can find) available it seems reasonable that the going rate is somewhere close to the price of those 2 copies. I agree that $400 is probably high, but we don't have anything else to compare it to at the moment.

But my point is they should be at least $10 because there were people willing to pay that just a short time ago, and there seem to be very few on the market, but I suspect that's because someone hoarded all of the ones that were available and people have not started listing them yet because it's a freaking common joke card and they don't realize it has that much value.

Also I think I ninja edited while you were replying. big_smile

Then I edited again because I wanted to add the second screenshot.  smile 

I'm pretty sure that there are people willing to undercut that $400 price tag... but the $1.50 *fixed* price that Sebi put on it is also wrong unless he has some he wants to sell for that price.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:
knedle wrote:

Foiled Storm Crow from 7th edition shows as $ 435 card, I'm happy that I own such expensive card, but I'm afraid it may be just a mistake. wink

There are 2 copies on TCG right now for $450 and $500 respectively. Ebay has none available. ABU has none available. SCG has none available. Note that SCG doesn't update their prices when they are out of stock. Looks like $400+ is the going rate.

I don't believe that $400 is accurate, but $1.50 is not accurate any longer either.  Dan Bock was asking about them back in June, and they were available for around $5 then.


I'm pretty someone bought out ABU.  I'm not sure where the price on these has settled, but 8th and 9th edition ones are now in the $4-10 range on e-bay.  It's valuable due to the "storm crow" joke aka the reputation of the storm crow.  You'll note that ABU games has none in stock, but they were selling for around $3.79 the last time they had them.  7th edition foils also tend to be more valuable than other core sets for various reasons.

A short time after he sold a couple on e-bay and got around $10 each.


This is the only one from 7th edition showing up in sold items on e-bay.  So if you have one you should contact Dan Bock, he seems to be the go to storm crow guy.

Chaim wrote:
IronMagus wrote:
LovesTha wrote:

But letting people trade on the specialness when there is no way to verify it is a bad idea.

Also true.  My point is just that while there may be no discernable difference between the promo and regular Suture Priests, there is still some difference (in that they come from different sources), but there is no difference at all in the Ajani V. promos because they came from the exact same stock.

But for the purposes of this site, that is not a meaningful distinction, because there is no way to verify it (unless you have it sealed, in which case you would list it differently.)

How would you list it differently?  If you do list it differently, how is anyone going to be able to find it/search for it?  One of the great things about deckbox is that I can search for a specific card and find multiple people that have that available and see at a glance if I have anything they also need.  Sure you could go to other sites and look for this card, but it's much harder to initiate a trade that doesn't involve money using something like e-bay...  Listing this as available and then being open to a discussion about it makes it easier to track down obscure things like this.

LovesTha wrote:

But letting people trade on the specialness when there is no way to verify it is a bad idea.

Actually since they were sent out in packs of two, you could find someone with a sealed pack.  That's the only way I know that you could tell.  I haven't seen this with this particular promo, but other promos occasionally come up on e-bay or other places still sealed.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
gumgodMTG wrote:

The other unglued tokens are also missing images.

Fixed. (You might need to Shift-Refresh for the tooltips to work, browser is caching these).

Thanks for fixing the Unglued Tokens.  Is there any chance of getting other tokens and emblems added to deckbox?  It would make it much easier to find Myr player rewards tokens if I could add them to my wish list... I know I've asked this before, but I just wanted to mention it again as it's been a while.  big_smile 

A good resource for token info is here:

Thanks for all your hard work on the site!


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:
camh wrote:

The Unglued Sheep token card is listed as $500.

Fixed, also added image for it.

The other unglued tokens are also missing images. 

Sheep *fixed already but not showing up here when hovered over.

IronMagus wrote:
sebi wrote:

sometimes I might just want a Lightning Bolt, I don't care if it's foil or not. Or is that not the case?

Sometimes, I might not be interested in paying premium prices for a foil card when all I want is a functional Lightning Bolt for my deck. I think that this probably the case most of the time; if someone doesn't specifically indicate that they want foils, they're probably not interested in trading for them at foil prices. If I've got a single regular Lightning Bolt in my wishlist and all you've got is a foil one, it shouldn't match us for $10 worth of trades.

This seems like it would cause a problem matching promos as some users mark them foil and some do not since generally there's not a non-foil option for said promos.  When I'm looking for a promo I don't care, since they're all foil...  Also sometime I see a foil and decide I'd trade for that, even though I didn't put foil in my wish list.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

This would be a great feature.  Having pattern matching like this in chat, or a way to add tracking to a trade would also be useful. 

For now I put tracking info in the chat and double click (to highlight) > right click > search Google > Google prompts me if I want to track the package and provides a link.

sebi wrote:

Fixed Homelands printings not showing correct images, and added collector numbers for them. (For Aysen Bureaucrats, Torture, Giant Albatross, Reef Pirates).

  - mising Arena League lands
  - missing lands from the European Land Program
  - missing lands from the Asia Pacific Land Program
  - SDCC 2014 promos

Awesome!   We need a Thumbs up button in the forum so I can "like" your post without commenting.  smile

Since I commented anyway, I'll say that the sort by edition still did some weird things.  I had some cards marked as no edition when sorting even though I'd had the edition previously specified.  This was less than a page of cards and simply hitting edit and apply put the correct editions back on them, but I thought it was odd.  Also they no longer seemed to be alphabetized after sorting by edition.  (I believe each set used to be in alphabetic order after sorting by edition, now that order seems random).

Kammikaze wrote:

It's amazing to me how many people don't bother to read for a minute before posting something that's already been said a dozen times.

Even though some of these things have been requested before, the more in demand they are, the more likely that they will be addressed.  Simply pointing to the sticky, or ignoring this post would have probably been more constructive.

"Interesting cards for trade" used to only show items I had flagged, but now it seems to show anything from my wish list. 

I like to prioritize cards, and my priorities change as I brew up new things in my head.  So I keep a long wish list (to help me match/even out trades), but only actively seek out specific cards.  The flagging feature used to help with this.  Now I'm not sure what flagging cards even does.  Also previously I flagged things that were harder to find.  Lots of people are opening new sets and new cards flood my "interesting cards for trade" section where previously it would show older cards or specific cards I wanted.