Very cool stuff!

Thanks for reporting. It's now fixed.

Thanks a lot guys for your feedback. It really helps a lot!

We fixed some of the reported issues, and we still have a bunch to fix smile

We take it people are missing the deck count warnings, and Laura has implemented a red highlight for the deck counts in the cases where they're bigger than inventory counts.

We are still monitoring feedback for the Add Widget, which - I agree - could be made a bit more intuitive. Still thinking about what improvements to make there.

Also it looks like a lot of people were fans of the sortable count columns, so we will try to bring them back.

Notably some issues still open and which have high priority are bugs related to sorting collections by price / edition and deck indicators.

Bug fixes have priority right now, we'll post more about "design" type issues in the coming days (add widget, grouping of cards, trading opportunities etc)

Thanks again for all your input, we couldn't do this without you guys smile

Yep, looks like a sort issue. Looking into it.

preypacer wrote:

The "this card is present in your decks icon" seems very inconsistent. There are cards I know are in decks for which it is not displayed. What exactly are the rules governing when this icon is or isn't displayed?

Sounds like a bug. Do you have a quick example of cards for which it is not displayed in your listing?

Hmm, this was reported on the preview too, I thought we fixed this. Looking into it.

grodytoadie wrote:

I absolutely love this site, and even more so after these new changes. But I must say, it's still quite difficult to use the "Trading Opportunities" section.

Yes, you are quite right. I've briefly touched on the issue in a reply to marumari above.

The short version of the answer is that rewriting the trading opportunities is at the top of the list for this january smile

NullParameter wrote:

From the Trading Guidelines, these two links don't lead where they say, and I don't think that either place even actually exists on the site, or at least it isn't visible to the general public.

Yep, didn't get to creating them yet smile. Now they should be up and linked.

TrinketMage wrote:

If I try to login while viewing my inventory page, I can't because there is a lower case 'f' in my password. Instead of typing in the 'f', it keeps opening up the filter options when I type 'f'.

Thanks for reporting. It's fixed now.


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

By trading on you implicitly agree to abide by our policies as described in our official rules document:

Please carefully read them, claiming ignorance will not save a user from a ban or negative feedback.

To solve trade disputes, or to leave negative feedback to a trade partner please create a post in the Bad Trading Report following the guidelines described in the rules document.

Additionally, the following links contain more information about trading guidelines and site rules:

Morseth wrote:

I am having one small issue so far.  If I try to Export my collection and include the "Price" column in the Export, nothing happens.  The file download does not trigger.  Any other combination of included columns seems to work just fine.

Yep, sorry about that. It's fixed now.

dorvaan wrote:

Here is something that I am definitely not a big fan of:  I am in my inventory. I click Import Cards. I start to type "Lightning Angel" (for example), and it starts suggesting cards for me. I mean to click Lightning Angel, but instead I hit Lightning Axe. Then the detailed information pops up so I can change version, quality, etc. There is an "Apply" and "Close" button at the bottom. I realize my mistake, and click close. But, guess what? The card is already in my inventory. Now I have delete it and then add the correct one.

Thanks for the feedback. I've responded on as well, but I'm posting here too, maybe other users will chime in with their opinion on the Add Widget.

We chose to add cards by default when you select them from the autocompleter because users generally want to add things really FAST to their inventories, and this speeds up the process.

You can type for example: Mounta, hit enter for Mountain, and you've already added an M13 mountain to your inventory, which is faster than it was in the old version.

If you type Mount and click by mistake on Mount Keralia instead of Mountain, then you can press TAB, type 0 and ENTER. And it's gone from the inventory again, the focus is back in the card input and you can start typing Mountain again.

This is of course flexible, we might change it if people find it not nice / intuitive, so we appreciate all the feedback we get. Looking forward to other users' opinions on this.

jpgleg wrote:

I also posted a thread on Reddit (apologies if I jumped the gun, didn't know whether you guys have an account there) which might get some more feedback as people in the US wake up: … w_version/

We'd have posted it probably tomorrow after ironing out some of the first post-release bugs, but it's ok if it's posted today as well smile. We'll try to respond to people's issues there.

I think I agree with your points. Will try to change some things soon.

Hello marumari, thanks again for the in depth posts. We have indeed read your feedback on the preview thread as well, and there are a lot of great ideas there. If we do not respond to feedback posts it is not because we ignore them, but because we really don't have time to answer all posts. I personally read each and every one of the threads on the forum, even if i can't always answer smile

@trading opportunities issues: You are right, the trading opportunities section on user profiles and card pages is incomplete, slow and not as good as it could be. It's one of the very first things we want to reimplement now that the release is out. We really like the idea of a separate page for it! There's possibly going to be a "teaser" / "summary" widget on the profile still, with some information, and then for more details a user will navigate to a separate "find trades" page.

We'll prototype some stuff and get back to you guys about that, with an announcements / "request for feedback" post at some point in january.

@clicking in count inputs - it's now fixed, the number of cards should now select itself when you click

@issue with cards showing in different places: can you please link a listing which shows this? I'll take a look at why that happens. Mostly I'm interested what the filters / sort order is, as that might affect it.

Or is it not the CSV export that is used?

The export output should be identical, i have thought of apps using the csv export.

I will test it this evening and post back. You don't need to submit a new app.

Hello Zalathar, thanks for the feedback.

We've implemented some changes which should take care of this issue. Please let us know if it happens again.

Thanks for the nice words brightmatrix.

The M13 card prices have been updated and should be fine now.

some of the newest features (such as selecting the edition from the icon in the card details page) make me perform an extra step to do what I need from a touchscreen

I'm not sure I follow your example, are you referring to selecting an edition in the card details panel? I admit we haven't really tested it too much on tablets, we'll try to do it soon (because tablets rock and we would love deckbox to work great on them tongue).

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

Price issue has been fixed, M13 cards now all should have prices again.

With the new version, I no longer get the yellow warning or red alert icons in my deck lists which indicate that I don't have enough cards in my library and/or wishlist to complete that deck.

We've removed them, thinking the listing was looking a bit cluttered  because of them, we thought you could see the counts on the left side anyway. Maybe that's too little though...

How about if we just highlight the count column in decks if there are fewer cards than in inventory? A red background or something similar?

the vertical spacing on the individual items in a given deck list feels like it's way too much.

To me, the interface feels cleaner with more padding for the table cells. But you're right, we might have gone overboard with the padding. We'll think about it, and maybe tone it down a bit.

Anyone else feel the same about this?

Hello everybody. We are very pleased to announce a new release of, with a ton of changes and improvements. It's been a long time coming, but we're finally there.

For more information about what has been changed, read below.

MtG Collections

The biggest focus and challenge was to allow easier import and management of detailed cards in MtG collections. The old "Edit details" dialog was not cutting it.

You will find in the Add Cards dialog that we have merged the simple card input with the advanced one, bringing - we hope - the best of both worlds.

We now have "defaults" selectors for edition, condition and language, so you can set them once and have them applied to all cards you add from then on. Defaults can be set to empty if you do not want to have extra information about your cards. The defaults are present also in the add card list input.

A new input option is the CSV import. The CSV file format is conveniently the one we export, so exporting your collection works as a backup too, since you can import it again with one click, with all the card information, like editions, conditions, foil etc.

Some other related changes, in no particular order:

  • aside from foil, textless and promo, we now have a new flag: signed

  • card languages are now written in english

  • we have added 2 new card conditions, as described here:

  • as an effect of the collection changes, trades now show detailed cards, with edition and condition, if you have selected them in your inventory

  • Inventory has now the option to Mark all cards as tradeble

  • You can now sort and filter by the edition you set on cards, and by foil status

  • Cards in your inventory that are used in decks or are present in current ongoing trades are marked with an icon (a clickable icon tongue)


There has been much discussion about pricing in deckbox, and for good reason. The average price over all printings of a card was not accurate or useful enough. From now on, in all cases where you specify an edition for a card, we will show the price for that edition. (The card tooltip should also show the proper printing for that edition).

Also, in all cases where you do not specify an edition, the card price becomes its price in its last main set (i.e. not in Duel Decks, Commander packages etc). Estimated values for decks and collections will go down a bit because of this.


Our trading rules have significantly changed. Please read the following documents if you intend to trade cards on deckbox:

Individual trade pages have changed to accomodate the new detailed card conditions. You will now select specific versions of cards from your inventory when adding them to trades (if you have set details in your inventory, of course).

A user's feedback score is now displayed a little differently. A total score is shown, and a percentage of trades that had positive feedback. It is important to note that neutral feedback no longer influences the feedback score in any way. 1 positive trade, 1 negative will still count as score 1, 100% positive. But 3 positive trades,  1 negative will yield a score of 2, 75% positive.

Local trades and trades that have been canceled before being accepted do not count for feedback. They are now displayed in a separate section on a users trades page.

Trades canceled after being accepted DO count for feedback. In case of hanging trades that are still in your Pending section, do not hesitate to cancel them.

Negative feedback can now only be assigned with moderator approval. For this to happen a user must post a thread in the Bad Trading Reports forum describing the trade problems. Please consult the rules documents linked above for details about this. (They are also stickied in the trade forums for easy access.)

If you have received a negative feedback score in the past that you feel was not fair according to the new trade rules, please send us an email at describing the situation, and we will change it to neutral.

Other features

  • Facebook login - You can now login with your facebook account if you connect it from your profile page, or just by using the Facebook button in the login dialog. Be advised though that you should have your deckbox email identical to the one you use on facebook for the login button to work.

  • Terms and Conditions - We have updated our Terms and Conditions 1 and Privacy Policy2.

  • Infrastructure - last but not least, we have a very large number of infrastructure changes on all levels of the stack - database migrations, programming language version upgrades, web framework upgrades and structural changes. You guys don't see all that, but you have to take our word for it that all this makes it easier for us to deliver faster, stabler, nicer features in the future. smile

As always, looking forward to your feedback, positive or negative, it really helps us build a better website. There's issues we already know about, but probably there are more issues that we don't yet know about, so if
something crashes, we'd love to know smile



Happy New Year,

rfioren wrote:

30th December I'm guessing? or are you planning downtimes 11 months in advance now? big_smile

Yep, fixed. smile

Hello everyone,

We will have downtime on the 30th of December at 8:00 am GMT (01:00 am EST) for maintenance, upgrades and the release of version 2.0 of

We'll be down for an estimated 5 hours during which the website and forum services will be unavailable.

Happy holidays!

Later edit: changed date mistake big_smile


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Mail Fraud

What is mail fraud?

The first important link is to the USPS postal inspectors website More specifically, this is the link to Title 18 of the USPS Postal Code regarding Mail Fraud, Swindles, and the use of a Fictitious name for mail delivery in cases of fraud: USPS Postal Code

In synopsis, mail fraud is a felony offense and for every individual instance of fraud the ripper “shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both”. Remember that each individual letter that is stolen and each instance of ripping that occurs is considered a separate prosecutable felony offense! Once convicted of a felony, the felon will have to disclose their felony offense on all job applications throughout their life. Felons are also automatically barred from certain sensitive government and civil jobs that involve classified information and employer trust. In short, a felony lasts a lifetime.

It is also important to note that the Postal Code specifically references those using a false name to obtain delivery. If someone misrepresents their identity for the purpose of obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, they will be found guilty of mail fraud.

How do I file for mail fraud?

If you are indeed the victim of mail fraud, you have a couple of different options, all of which are extremely easy to use and not time-consuming at all:

  • You can call or visit your local post office to obtain help and to file the Mail Fraud Complaint Form.

  • You can find a postal inspector near you who can help more with your problem: USPS locator

  • You can use this link to an online Mail Fraud form and file your mail fraud complaint in a couple minutes!: Mail Fraud Complaint

  • There is even a toll-free number that you can call to obtain help! 1-800-372-8347 Mail Fraud Hotline


Keep all evidence that you have regarding your complaint. Print out and include all unedited original emails, physical addresses, supposed names, lists of all items involved, names and contact information for any other people with similar problems, etc. All these things are vital to a successful prosecution and compensation for your loss. If you choose to file mail fraud using the online form, you will receive an automatic letter acknowledgement and your claim will then be processed. If you have all the information neatly organized and well presented, your claim will be processed faster. Similarly, if your loss is monetarily large or involves multiple parties, your claim will be prioritized accordingly.

For fraud cases within the US, I would contact the local police department of the ripper (or contact your local PD and request an “agency assist” to an investigator in the city where the ripper lives). They will take your complaint information and send a detective to physically interview the ripper (or his parents). Remember that the law is there to work for you.


This guide is reproduced with permission from ein's excellent post on mtgsalvation.

Hi. You don't have to click any button, just remove the cards you want removed (by clicking on the count and typing 0) o add new cards. You will be able to propose the new version of the trade afterwards.

HikingStick wrote:

If you have only a few items in your inventory (so that the list is not very long--doesn't require a lot of scrolling), if you try to edit the version of the card (via card details), the edition chooser bleeds off the bottom of the page, making it impossible to see edition options that fall below the bottom bound of the screen.

I also tried this in Chrome and FF, but for me the page becomes a bit longer when the menu appears, and you can scroll it a bit more. This is on a mac though, might be a different behaviour on windows I suppose. Will check again when fixing the IE bugs smile