I'm looking to complete my a 2X2 Set, so I'm only looking to trade 2X2 ( https://deckbox.org/sets/1462936?f=c3680 for 2x2 wants (https://deckbox.org/sets/1462937?f=c3680. I will also happily trade other cards on my haves (not 2X2) for 2X2 cards I want.

I'm also willing to give you some trade advantage here, for instance:

- If you want a specific foil and I need the non-foil, I'll probably give you some amount of trade advantage in your favor for the swap.
- If you want a 2X2 card from me and can trade using cards from other sets with someone else to get a 2X2 card I need, I'm cool with holding the 2X2 card you want while you have an active trade going to get my wanted card.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have quite a few of your wants.  Here's my haves for the set:

Foils only:

I'm looking to complete a non-foiled ver. set so I have a bunch of mostly non-foil wants:

I'm only looking to trade 2X2 for 2X2 but absolutely willing to go non-foils for foils.

Let me know if you're interested.

Thanks so much, Sebi!  Are you able to also add the pre-release cards from SNC?

ninja edit: it looks like the new Promo pack cards for SNC are missing too.

I've been using Deckbox exclusively for my Collection/deckbuilding needs since 2016.  Generally speaking, it's a very powerful tool, and the site and the trading community are fantastic. This is why I constantly refer people to join.  I am a premium account user, and am happy to pay for additional features, especially those that occasional users wouldn't care about.

I'd love to get community feedback on some recommendations/ideas I have for improving collection management and card management for those who are managing their entire collection on Deckbox.

1. Provide "Locations" not just Decks.  I currently have a deck representing every collection binder (one for each set, trade, premium/special, The List, etc), and technically everything not in those places has a permanent home in large organizer boxes. Below that, I have temporary collections (cube, battlebox, EDH Toolbox, etc) and built decks. I would love to have a storage home for cards and be able to temporarily move it to a temporary collection or deck location, then know where to move it back to when the deck is deleted. An interesting addition to locations vs. decks could be customisable dividers.  So where we have Maindeck/Sideboard/Scratchpad - we could have Box 001, Box 002, Green Binder, whatever makes sense in your collection storage process.

2. With or without locations, I would love to be able to move cards from one deck to another from the card screen.  For instance, if I'm looking at Wheel of Fortune, and I see it's in the Premium Binder deck and I want to move it to the Cube, it would be great to just be able to click on the current location details at the bottom left of the card page and move one or more copies from the one location to the next. In this example, it would be removed from the Premium Binder and added to the Cube. Right now I have to make changes in both locations.  If something like Locations was implemented, the home location would be stored during the move from deck to deck and shown differently - preferably that it is not currently in the home location.  This same technique would be awesome for things like lending cards to friends - make a borrow location and move from home to the borrowed list.  Now it's not available in your collection, but you know where it is.

3. A small log of moves and activities for any given card would be great.  Again, I could see this being a premium feature and only have so many moves available, but knowing that a card was in the cube > moved to Deck A (deleted) > returned to binder would be very helpful when trying to track down a missing card. 

I'm not sure how many other people would use any of these features, but for me, they would be incredibly useful.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi Mikes,

Think of Collection as everything you physically have.  Then you can break that down into Tradelists, Binders, Decks, whatever.  What you want to do is add all of your cards.  Tag the ones available for trade, and maybe even make a Deck of your physical Tradebinder (if that's different than all of the cards you have for trade).  Then when you trade something you should be able to remove it from your inventory and binder if relevant.


(0 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Pricing, especially for Alternative ARt printings seems to be substantially off from the Market.

A few quick examples:

Grab a Foil Space Godzilla - Death Corona for $1.17 ( https://deckbox.org/mtg/Void%20Beckoner … mp;lang=us ) or on TCG for $33.60 (https://shop.tcgplayer.com/magic/ikoria … d-beckoner)

Or Vivien, Moster Advocate - Borderless for $9.36. That's cheaper than the non-borderless pack printing. ( https://deckbox.org/mtg/Vivien%2C%20Mon … omqs=true) On TCG it's almost 30% more for the extended art printing (https://www.tcgplayer.com/search/magic/ … 20Advocate)

In fact many of the Comic-Art Monsters appear to be cheaper on Deckbox than the original printing:
Dirge Bat - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Dirge%20Bat?printing=49914
Brokkos - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Brokkos%2C%20Ap … ting=49924
Snapdax - https://deckbox.org/mtg/Snapdax%2C%20Ap … ting=49931

Where those same cards get a premium on other platforms:
Dirge Bat - https://www.tcgplayer.com/search/magic/ … irge%20Bat
Bokkos - https://www.tcgplayer.com/search/magic/ … %20Forever
Snapdax - https://www.tcgplayer.com/search/magic/ … the%20Hunt

Can you please check and see if there is something configured incorrectly, or if your data source has an issue as these prices make it very time consuming to do a trade when they are so far off.


(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:


You can now import collections exported from EchoMtg, there is a new tab in the "Add Cards" widget in inventories.

There are some cards that they represent quite differently than us, mostly cards with multiple printings in the same set, that cannot be imported. The importer will report what those cards are, and provide a clean csv with the ones that we can import, and another one with the list of cards that have to be manually imported.

Let me know if it all works well. You can send any csv files that don't work properly to support@deckbox.org, I will test them out.

This is great! one of the big benefits of that platform is the ability to track buy price and sell price for your collection.  That is the only reason I'm paying for both.  I'd be happy to pay additionally for that functionality here.

Any chance you could add it as an add-on or premium feature (and allow us to import that data)?

Hi All, looking to complete an UMA set.  Willing to trade 1-4-1 against older sets.  Happy to expand trade for more value too.

All is Dust (H: MM15 NM, ISO: UMA)

Ancient Tomb (H: Tempest LP , ISO UMA)

Bitterblossom (H: MM15 NM, ISO UMA)

Dark Depths (H: Cold Snap LP, ISO UMA)

Disrupting Shoal (H: BoK NM, ISO UMA)

Glen Elendra (H: MM13 NM, ISO UMA)

Kozilek (H:MM15 NM, ISO UMA)

Manavault (H: 4thE MP, ISO: UMA)

Phyrexian Tower (H: Urza's Saga NM/LP, ISO:UMA)

Raging Ravine (H: Worldwake NM, ISO:UMA)

Vengevine (H: World Magic Cup NM, ISO: UMA)

Land Tax (H: 4thE LP, ISO: BBD)


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

GraveyardSlim wrote:

Not crazy about the fact that it takes into account supplemental products like planeswalker decks, etc.  I find it a little misleading since I have collected every set since M15 but this tool shows I am short cards for each set due to inclusion of the supplemental products.  That being said, should those supplemental products really be considered part of the set?  I can see reasons for including/excluding on both sides of the fence.  I wish wizards would have just kept them completely separate.  I mean, they should know  they are messing with OCD Magic collectors ability to track their collection as they wish.  C'mon Man!

This!  I really dislike how both Wizards and Deckbox handle this. The complete set should be counted for the cards included in that editions boosters and included in the set numbering.  If you get a set redemption this is what you get.  Everything else could be included either in Supplemental sets - by product name (Intro pack, Planeswalker Deck Name, etc.)

This is especially frustrating when using the add one want of each set, add one of each set function!

No I do not want to add one of each of the planeswalker and intro deck cards... Please make this optional or seperate it off completely!


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

rfioren wrote:
sebi wrote:
rfioren wrote:

Any chance this would be available for trades as well?

Would be doable, but less useful I think since sadly we don't save the card prices as they were at the time the trade was made.

Which would also be awesome if it were possible.

One thing that I do, though, is to periodically go back and look at trades that were usually made at even-value, and see which trades I've done well on and which I haven't. If we could manually export historical trades at current prices, then like, say, once a month, we could see which trades were going up or down in relative value. Not sure if anyone else does that though. I try to look at my historical trades to learn about future trends. and to sometimes smack my head for being dumb smile

+1 This is a feature I really want! Right now I have to use a seperate service (echomtg.com) to track the change in value of my collection and how much I bought or traded cards for.  Having a function to change the purchased traded value for a card, and when it's traded away have a sell / traded value recorded would be the major feature that this site is missing (for me!).  With this information you can get all kinds of reports on value.

Defintiely worth paying for!


(30 replies, posted in Announcements)

Is the testing environment currently down? I cannot seem to access it.

Great addition! Cheers!


(17 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thank you!