Unless you really need Deckbox's particular listings, maybe MTGJson is what you want to use?

3) I liked that before I could edit my wishlist while editing my tradelist.. by clicking to edit an entry it would show them both. Now if I remove a card from my tradelist and want to add it to my wishlist I need to now navigate over to my wishlist page first (or I suppose I could go to the card's page and edit it from there.) Again from an "extra clicks" perspective this is a step backwards, but maybe not many people were doing this sort of thing.

I'll add more feedback as I have it..

1) Definitely not a fan of not being able to directly see my inventory/wantlist on a card by visiting its individual page. Now I have to click extra buttons just to show the exact editions of a card I have? What problem is this solving?

2) Not sure why I can see "Edit" buttons on someone else's tradelist. Thankfully I can't actually edit them...


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

So I just was evaluating a trade proposal with like 4 cards whose individual Deckbox prices were $125 in total but the sum total shown on the trade page was more like $130. Never seen this before. I narrowed down the issue to the Wrenn and Six copy on the trade - a MH1 W6 will show as $95 in a trade configuration right now but will contribute $100 to a package total. See the attached screenshot. [Edit: I guess I can't attach screenshots after all? Just take my word for it for now, or try to replicate the issue.]

I'll note that on W6's card page it shows that a generic copy (no set selected) has an index price of $101.95, but the Deckbox market price is $95.28. I can only conclude that for some reason the index price is being used in the total calculation but the market price is being used for the individual card price on the trade page? Huh? I'll note that this only seems to affect W6 and not other cards.

sebi wrote:
Dnemo28 wrote:

I love the trade cleanup update! Will canceled and completed trades with unread messages show separately as well?

Yes, whatever trade has unread comments will be on top of the page.

There's one more thing I forgot that was requested, to show feedbacks that a user left, or highlight the trades where feedback can be still left. Have it written down for next week.

I think it would be nice to have "Accepted Trades" broken down into "Unsent" and "Sent" as well, actually.

I like the trades page cleanup. Especially since I have thousands of trades and a couple months ago someone sent me a message on one of them and I would have to dig through hundreds of pages to try to find where it was... now the notification is finally gone. tongue


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The inability to hold off on a potential order pending some sort of inventory verification is why I stopped using the market - since you can't have a separate sell list from your tradelist, it means you have to either cultivate your tradelist very carefully or risk cancelling orders and incurring negative feedback. It's just not worth it to me and it's clear that there are no plans to improve the system.


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If you were at a shop you'd NEVER say those words out loud

Wrong, I've done this. Because it's not a scam and I have zero moral reservations about treating the people like adults who can decide what sorts of trades are in their interest or not and if someone wants to give me shit for this I'm perfectly comfortable throwing it right back at them. If you don't want to trade with me, then fine blacklist me - see if you can find someone else that will trade you ZEN fetches for your WAR rares without a premium. But people who act like I'm doing something wrong simply for expecting it to be worthwhile for me to trade are just being narrow-minded. You don't expect to throw down cards on both sides of a trade and say "values are equal, you have to trade me" - your partner may have all sorts of reservations, and it's not wrong for them to ask for additional value on your end rather than just rejecting the trade.

I do find it amusing though that the 30% ask has been picked up by other traders.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I have an inventory of thousands of cards and I've dipped my toes into the marketplace, but the dealbreaker for me is that there's no way to flag a subset of a given number of cards as for sale without doing something janky with the flags to split up my inventory. If a sale list were separated out from my tradelist then I would happily start using the market again.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I mostly use the picture upload functionality of the site to document the wear on cards I mark as SP or lower in condition; however today when I tried to upload pictures the upload hung... I recall a maximum space allocation on this feature being discussed before, and I'm pretty sure I hit that and it was causing my uploads to silently fail. I deleted some of the less-important pictures I've uploaded, but I don't want to start deleting other SP and lower cards because.. that defeats the main purpose of the feature for me.

Can I get my limit increased? Or will I have to look into better image compression on my uploads? Maybe I can get increased with the promise of better image compression in the future so I don't have to edit old images? I'm not going to immediately hit a new ceiling, I just imagine my space usage has slowly grown over time and now it hit a critical threshold.

This change is inconvenient for me but that's because I'm usually open to taking foils on cards that I have non-foils listed. Now I'll have to go and add foils to all of these entries on my wishlist, which I imagine I'll gradually do over months... I wish there was a way to indicate that you're open to either version.

bptrumpet's question is a good one though. Like, a lot of people don't bother flagging foil-only cards (eg. masterpieces) as foil. Does this mean I won't be matched to them if I have foil masterpieces on my wishlist? Will I have to list both foil and non-foil copies of foil-only cards to ensure maximum visibility? Seems silly.

valdor wrote:

What I dont get or condone (but I dont blame anyone or think differently of them) is the people that ask for this same premium when trading Modern for Modern/high end card for high end. These people are what I dont understand why they are asking extra for those trades. We are trading cards that have basically the same value. I think these are the people that most users complain about.

These is just my two cents. People are going to trade how they want, and as long as they are upfront about it, I dont fault them.

I think one implicit assumption in some of these scenarios is that both sides value the cards on their wishlist at more than what's on their tradelists. So a proposal should represent a win-win scenario at roughly even amounts and there's no need to squabble over who splits the surplus - just call it even.

That's not the case for me. If I have a playset of Snapcasters on my tradelist and you offer me a playet of Bobs on my wishlist I'm just going to see $200 in value on both sides of the trade and have no reason to accept it and incur the costs/risks associated with negotiation/shipping/whatever. I'd actually flip the entitlement argument around here - the person proposing the trade is not *entitled* to me finding it desirable just because the values are even on tcgmid. And if I don't find it desirable and so you offer me extra to induce acceptance, how is that wrong?

I just throw out a figure up front (30%) to streamline the entire process. I originally started at 20% but went up over time because managing trades on various platforms was basically becoming a part-time job and that's not something I'm going to do for free.

Obviously I'm one of these value traders. Maybe *the* value trader on this site and some others.

Let me relay a story. I started off here when I got into Magic again during Theros block. I was a poor grad student and wanted to trade my draft cards into a Pod deck. Which meant I needed Noble Hierarchs. Those ran about $70 at the time, but guess what no one would trade those $70 Hierarchs for 10 $7 Temples or whatever. People didn't want to "trade down". People didn't want to trade "standard for modern", etc. I eventually got the Hierarchs through various channels, and then Pod was banned.

At that point I decided that I pivoted would be the guy who would trade you Hierarchs for your standard cards. Yes I would ask for extra value. Because this recognizes the obvious fact that tcg mid prices do not reflect individual valuations for cards and people who would willingly trade value when baselined to a market index derived from a very different dynamic (sales) are not naive or being subject to exploitation. They're often doing the best that they can. And so I'm simply a tool that people can use to achieve the inventory transformations you want, at a price.

I'm "entitled" to this extra value because because I'm providing a service that requires a substantial amount of time and money investment - I need to keep my inventory updated, I need to prepare packages, I need to pay shipping fees. I have a day job and the margins I make do not really justify the amount of time I put into this - it's still largely a community service and not a profitable endeavor. If you reduce those margins than I quit the site. If I quit the site then who wins? Certainly not the people with whom I've completed over 1000 trades with on those terms. I don't have a store but this is exactly the sort of argument that an LGS would use to defend the notion that it should be able to charge margins that allows it to pay its employees and keep the lights on.

I'm not looking to shark anyone. My terms are upfront because I don't want to waste anyone's time. I let people come to me with offers. I am 100% comfortable ethically with what I'm doing and I think those who would not merely avoid me but actively castigate me are extremely misguided with whatever trade ethics that they're trying to promote. Again, the alternative to me doing what I'm not doing is that I suddenly decide to trade Noble Hierarchs for Temples (or Noble Hierarchs for Kaladesh fastlands in 2017..), it's that I just quit trading on here. If you think that would represent an improvement for the community than I think you really need to question your values. If you wouldn't trade your Hierarch for 10 temples but you would trade it for 15 and you propose this option, this doesn't make you a monster.

I think there is a line to draw between "good" value trading and "bad" value trading but people seem to draw it very reluctantly, perhaps because people believe that admitting that the former is possible somehow provides cover for people who do the latter.

I meant to write this a while ago but it slipped my mind. I took a break from trading at the end of last year and got back into it in late December. Prior to this break, I had used Deckbox's market features a bit and had many many sales. After coming back, though, I haven't bothered.

For me, the main reason for this is an inability to seperate my tradelist from my sell list on cards where a price is defined. In general, I only want to market cards that I'm pretty certain I have and are in the stated condition. For other cards, I can be a bit more careless since the worst thing that can happen is that someone will express interest in a card and I'll say "oops I don't have it anymore" and life goes on. With the market this is not an option - if I cancel a sale for these reasons I'm open to negative feedback. As a result of this I ended up having to run to local stores to buy cards a few times, and in general I was wary of putting my whole collection up for sale (but I like having it on my tradelist!)

The closest thing to a workaround for this is to split your card listings up by one of the available flags like "promo" - I can mark some cards as promos and some as non-promos and then just assign a price to one side of those and this works. Unfortunately, that's also probably confusing for users so I've avoided this.

My ask: Please make some sort of generic or sale-specific tag alongside the current set of tags that can be used to create separate inventory listings. I imagine that this would be very simple to do, and it would cause me to start making sales using the site again, which will translate into $$$ for sebi. Great, right?


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'll note that this should probably only be the case with adding cards for your Trade / Have lists - I like the editionless marker for the Wishlist, however, since it means if there's a reprinting then I'll automatically be matched with the new copy.

I wouldn't mind if it always *defaulted* to a singleton edition, but I think the ability to manually specify editionless at least when dealing with Wishlist entries is still important.

Another comment on this feature: I don't like how it automatically crops images. I'm not sure what the point of it is but I feel like it might be a problem if people don't know to click on the cropped versions in order to see the full version. Why crop rather than resize the image to meet some size limit?

I think you should at least be able to rename photos from the default, to allow users to point to "Plateau #1" instead of "Plateau #2" without your having to actually upload a file called "Plateau_2" or something. I don't want to tell stories about cards, but if I have multiple copies under the same listing I want to at least have a way of indicating which is which.

Also, one other important thing that I can't do under the current database settings is make it so that if I have 2 copies of Plateau, perhaps I only want to put one up for sale but not the other while also having both on my tradelist. Right now you can't do this, let alone do something like have different prices on different copies, which becomes more-rationalizable if you can upload different pictures on different copies.

Right now I do this in a janky way: If I have 2 Plateaus on my tradelist and I only want to have one up for sale, then I just remove the condition from the one I don't want to sell to force the Plateaus onto 2 separate rows. Stupid, but it works.

Whoa, this is great. imo *this* is the best killer app for premium traders. I can finally upload pictures of my shitty Mox Pearl instead of having to send them to each user who inquires about it.

Photos are attached to a given inventory row. Question: What happens to the photos when I trade a card or remove a row with attached photos? Are they removed from my storage limit?

And not to rain on the parade, but imo this feature really underscores the fundamental need that Deckbox has to restructure its database so that each entry is an individual *card*, not a quantity listing. If I have 2 Plateaus and want to upload pictures and trade, I should be able to have 2 listings each with their own pictures. Not one listing with 2 pictures and then someone will have to say "hey send me that one." But I realize that this is a much deeper change to implement... but it really should be done.

That does lead to a thought, though: Can you make it so that users can add captions and/or notes to photos? Right now you can see the photo names, but you can't edit them or anything. It would be better if the user could provide their own labels. Shouldn't be too hard to implement, right?


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I considered making a new thread to update my concerns here, but I decided I'd rather just bump this one. As this is essentially a continuation of the concerns explicated in the OP.

My international trading has largely been successful, but right now there are 4 trades where I've sent cards with tracking where there seems to be a hangup somewhere in the shipping process: One to Canada, one to Norway, and two to Romania. All of the trades have used the same method I've always used: stamps.com labels on bubble mailers and first-class international shipping. I interpret the recent hangups to bad luck. In one of the cases my partner's package also hasn't arrived, so maybe we'll both take a loss.

But it feels terrible to take these to cases. Everyone has the intuitive understanding of rule 2.2 that is outlined above: That senders are only protected by tracking if a package is shown as delivered. But in practice this is wrong. The language is contradictory and people get upset over it, understandably so. And it's bad for the site if people get angry at the process.

I think it's pretty obvious that the rules should work like 2.2 implies. I really think this policy should be changed ASAP for all future trades. It's not a hard policy and I can't think of anyone who would oppose it, if only because everyone assumes things work as they should.

Also, here's one additional scenario under the current system that bothers me: There are many countries I can ship to where I can get tracking but the tracking will stop at the border. The tracking will *never* show a package delivery. I think it's very odd that I would still apparently be protected in this instance. Also, the rule that requires the sender to open a formal case on a tracked package just doesn't work in many instances: Namely, on first-class international packages, you cannot open a formal case.

Basically, the verbiage on the dispute window should be brought in line with the plain meaning on 2.2, and the requirement that the sender open a case should be dropped. The current policy is advantaging me on net, but in a way that feels like shit.

If anyone has advice for me on how to try to get the PO to look into packages that have apparently been dropped in to a pit in Chicago, it would be appreciated.


As an update, all my packages eventually ended up arriving except the Norway one. My concerns still apply, though.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

sebi wrote:

The big stores also reserve the right to cancel orders that have been made immediately after spikes.

It should be no problem to simply cancel and refund. There will be a small paypal fee that is annoyingly not returned to the seller, but aside from that, it is well within the right of the seller to cancel. It is true that buyers might then leave angry feedback, but the spike occurrences should be rare enough that this should not influence the score too much.

I think you're underestimating the impact of having just one negative feedback.

Also feel free to use the report tool for blatant cases of users that are just trying to clearly take advantage of price inconsistencies. We do not look kindly on those kinds of "predatory" practices, and I will email warnings for repeat cases.

This is actually a bit dangerous to say in an unqualified manner. The buyer in this situation is someone familiar to me - he's bought from me under similar circumstances. Basically, if a card starts trending up in price Deckbox will be slow to update and he'll buy these cards off of users who pegged their prices to the lagged Deckbox prices or who haven't updated their prices yet. This isn't exactly predatory (not like the guy who tried to trade for all the mispriced Polukranos copies a couple years ago), but it does illustrate why the Deckbox market is very risky for casual sellers - there's the dream that someone will come and buy all your bulk, but the reality is that instead people will just buy the cards that you've priced too low and this will lead to salty interactions.

My guess is that this sale in particular concerned Dark Petition or Seasons Past or one of the cards that went up in price by 500% during the Pro Tour. The OP had probably pegged his prices a couple weeks ago, so when some card shot up from $1 to $10 the buyer came in to snag all the underpriced copies on Deckbox. I don't think it's wise to punish buyers for this, but it sucks for sellers. Marketplaces like MCM and TCGPlayer have started warning merchants around Pro Tours to be vigilant in order to avoid cancelled orders. Or if you can't be vigilant, take down your cards for Pro Tour weekend.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't think so, because I think it's less-reasonable to expect the OP to maintain thousands of price listings than it is to maintain one.

If it's pretty much always a bad idea to use the mass pricing tool then that says something about whether the feature should be improved.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

TCGPlayer and Ebay do not provide easy tools to new users that allow them to list tens of thousands of cards at algorithmically-generated prices with a couple button clicks. This is something that Deckbox makes easy but also very risky.


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:

I disagree with this. No other online marketplace uses a feature like this and I don't think Deckbox should either. You are responsible for keeping the prices for your cards up to date.

No other online marketplace encourages users to both maintain and mass-price their inventory in the way that Deckbox does.

OP is out of luck, but I've long maintained that Deckbox isn't TCGPlayer and shouldn't be trying to be TCGPlayer. The "hack" to do what the OP wants is to just set shipping at $1000 and instruct potential buyers to open orders for discussion, at which point he'll provide a $1000 discount. This isn't perfect but it will stop the sort of order he's worried about.

I only keep about 100 or so cards listed for sale whose prices I can watch relatively easily. Listing your entire collection is pretty risky since a lot of your sales will essentially go to vultures that are just trying to pick off systematically-underpriced cards.


(19 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

anselan wrote:

Just joined here today, and have loaded up my collection. The classification of promos seems a bit crude: in my own database I have a more refined taxonomy. e.g. what kind of media was a Media Insert inserted in? Also Junior Super Series seems to be missing - they are physically different from regular Super Series.

I think a lot of this categorization is taken from TCGPlayer. Do you just wish the labels were more precise, or are there actual ambiguities you're running into, eg. there's a card in both the Super Series and Junior Super Series with the same name that can't be distinguished under the current system? That is, there's only a real problem here if the name + set labels are not sufficiently unique for a given card.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PerfectSpecimen wrote:

if someone waits 4 days after you send your cards to tell you they dont have one of theirs. Or puts a bfz foil land up but not the full art version having me think it is then sending a random edition foil land is this misrepresentation?

Eh, there are a lot of reasons why a person can make an inventory mistake without their intending to defraud you. You can always hold the mistakes against them perhaps but I wouldn't call it misrepresentation. Like a little over a week ago I made 2 trades involving Jace, the Mind Sculptor, and I accidentally swapped which version I was sending to each party. Does that mean I'm guilty of misrepresentation? I'd argue "no".

I'm not sure what you mean by the BFZ land case though. The non-full arts don't have foils iirc. If he put up a land as a BFZ foil land and then just sent out a random foil land instead without saying anything, then yeah that's definitely shitty.