1,382 mono colored decks

by Hellnikko

1,383 Multiplayer havoc

by Vyr1s

1,386 All the cool kids

by Vyr1s

1,387 Cheap Combo (?) [Noob, Opinion, Help]

by whoknewvoodoo

1,390 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas deck

by sgtmcmuffin77

1,397 Grimgrin EDH Help

by Dr_Killinger

1,400 My First Deck

by Chameleon

1,404 Bird Deck (opinion, legacy)

by TyWooOneTime

1,405 REMOVE-

by Archylte

1,406 Type 4

by jlipscomb89

1,407 Tweaking the Dragons Deck

by HikingStick

1,408 First Deck

by spyder5555