Topic: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation
Hello everyone,
Due to the recent and increasing occurrences of people being 'called out' because someone else doesn't agree with how they are valuing their cards, I am forced to make this post. It is the seller/trader's own prerogative to value his/her cards at whatever value they deem fit, and it is an interested buyer/trader's prerogative to privately negotiate for a price a they deem fit. Publicly 'calling out' or harassing someone in their thread because you don't agree with how that person is valuing their cards is poor judgement, harassment, and will no longer be tolerated in this community as it is causing many problems. I will start to enforce this if I continue to see it, first editing posts and giving out warnings, and after that taking it on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly.