Re: Request for Comment: Trading restrictions&User levels to promote trust
What about people like me, who can't use PayPal for one reason or another?
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Deckbox Forum » Announcements » Request for Comment: Trading restrictions&User levels to promote trust
What about people like me, who can't use PayPal for one reason or another?
I think this is a good concept overall.
I am not a fan of restricting the level 4 traders from trading with a level 1. If anything a level 4 is more experienced on how to deal with a new trader and to make them ship first etc. I just don't see how a new trader potentially scamming a level 4 trader is a more serious offence than scamming a level 2 trader.
I like the level scale for restricting dollar values. As scammers are less likely to target deckbox in the first place with rules like that. Then if they do try to scam other traders they scam 1 trader for $40 not 10 traders for $400. To me it adds a level of protection.
I don't think a system can be created that will prevent all issues, but this will clean up some issues in my opinion. Thankfully, so far I have not had any unresolved issues with my trades.
sebi wrote:So you consider the community a useful tool for you but you would not even consider supporting it by becoming a premium member, thus you wish that the idea be scrapped
I've chosen not to become a premium member because I don't feel the need to utilize the premium features, not because I don't support the site or feel it isn't a useful tool. I do my part in other ways, like getting my friends to sign up and start trading here. And I suggested scrapping the idea entirely only if you were opposed to the notion of changing the criteria of the "level scale." What, am I not allowed to give input just because I don't put money towards the site?
I think you are a bit out of line Sebi, I am a budget player and most of us are just here for good fun. My friends and family all know to buy me magic cards as gifts when the occasion calls for it. Then I need to trade down to finish the decks I am building. I am unable to fit a monthly fee into my budget but have recommended this site to other traders who purchase through deckbox and others who have become premium members. Plus they can sell the add space for when I am logged on. So just because I am not putting physical dollars into deckbox does not mean I am not helping to support this site.
If you choose to put a higher value on the opinions of those who pay for Premium that is your business but maybe should not be targeting that in a public post.
Last edited by BOOM (2016-03-15 01:18:48)
I would not appreciate a system that restricted my trades to under $50. I currently have 2 trades and several purchases. My trades were both large and of course, I sent first to someone with significant feedback. This seems more than enough protection without placing some arbitrary cap on trade value. I won't be trading that often and will take some time to build up a high score - but with caps in place, I am likely to never trade nor maintain my Premium Status.
As a new user, I think that the financial restrictions are a bit harsh. Many people that I know of are looking to trade individual cards worth anywhere from $20-$50, i.e Dark Confidants, Blood moons, Fetches, etc etc. I would have to make numerous separate trades in order to actually trade up into lets say a Tarmogoyf or Liliana of the Veil.
I get that rep doesnt transfer from say MTGSalvation or Ebay or TCGPlayer etc as a trader/seller, but by putting such stringent boundaries on what I can or cannot trade is more likely to turn me off to this site, and stick with the aforementioned ones where I have enough rep to do whatever I want.
Basically, If you really want to set up some parameters to protect users on your site, I would personally suggest the following:
1) New users should not be allowed to sell any cards on here whatsoever. If they really want to circumvent e-bay fees/tcgplayer fees, then they should just try craigslist or somewhere else.
2) Users who have at least [x] feedback can start selling cards. At the lower end, if you would like to set it up where they have to use some sort of mediation, i.e they send cards to the mediator, payment is sent, mediator sends to buyer, that's fine, but seems extreme.
3) Lower feedback should always send first unless another arrangement is made. People who have higher feedback should assume *some* responsibility if a trade goes south because they decided to simulsend with someone with less than 10 feedback. Sorry, but people should always be wary. New users should understand that they should be sending first, and in turn should try to trade with people who have lets say 25 feedback or more. This way they are trading with people who are established, and can build rep that way, instead of getting ripped off new user to new user. The person who is active on here has more to lose overall with bad rep, so they are more likely not to try to scam a new user.
I always know that I am likely to be sending first. That has never been an issue for me. I usually try to trade with people who have a good amount of feedback, and like to go back to those same people should I want to trade again to build rep that way.
I am not understanding how limiting the financial risk will mitigate the frequency of scams, and I am not understanding how adding things like "must be a member trading for x months" will really help too much. Someone could just make an account, make a few trades, sit on their account, and then start scamming.
It all really comes down to the individual. If I'm not comfortable with how a trade looks, or if there hasn't been a good amount of communication or pictures exchanged etc., then I usually just pass on the trade. A good tool that I use is I tell them to take a picture of the cards, along with a household object or basic lands (since who doesn't have a ton of basics floating around). This way, i can say something along the lines of, "Hey, shoot me a picture of your Gaea's Cradle, with a plains and a mountain in the picture". It's really hard to pull something like that off the internet, and this way I know they have the card in hand.
Overall, there is no good way to stop scamming and ripping, and the best you can hope for is to trust established users to make good trades, new users to understand the rules and regulations, and for everyone to use their common sense. There will always be some amount of scams or rips, as no medium will ever be perfect. It's a fact of life, and if you really want to make a trade that's worth $1000, use a mediator so that there is no question of who has what card, what condition it is in, and if they actually have it in hand.
I dont particularly like that i would have a cap placed on the upper limit of what i can trade. I have done multiple trades of over $250, some with individual cards in that price range, and have done upwards of $1,500 in trades in a week.
This limit means that i cant trade for blue dual lands, some of the better judge promos, alpha and beta stuff or power.
What if you never do anything but small trades ? Some people regardless of how many trades they do might never reach that amount cap to go up a level .
This sort of system would make it unfair to those who do smaller trades .
Most of the people I trade with have high trade scores now with the system that's being talked about it might not be able to find theverything things I need on this website anymore.
Isn't this idea a bit unfair to honest people with no rating or low rating ?
Perhaps instead of having a dollar amount you have to reach before going up a level making it a trade count instead and not quite as high either.
I have been on this site a few years now and only done 32 trades and the Grand total of said trades most likely isn't up to 200 dollars so if I read right I would most likely still be stuck in level one and limited to who I could trade with.
Last edited by kathirene89 (2016-03-15 05:52:44)
9700377 wrote:I am absolutely unwilling to sacrifice 25% of my trades for the "benefit" of being subjected to paternalistic restrictions. Your point that messy situations arise regardless of experience only motivates against this system. When I ask a new trader to send first, the risk of my being scammed is very low. I have never been scammed under this situation, and if I felt like the risk was high enough than I would just not trade with newer users.
Agree to the sentiment, let's keep the tone friendly though
. I appreciate the fact that established users are able to care for their interests, but many newer users give up on online trading because of bad experiences with people who get to 15 positive score and then scam 10 people.
I want to get rid of them and provide as safe an environment as possible to all newcomers
(while also providing proper tools to non-newcomers too)
Sorry, my tone got somewhat severe because no one else was criticizing what I saw as some very deep flaws with this proposal. But now other people are echoing these concerns.
It seems like there are mainly two goals here. The first one is to protect users from scammers. As others have said, the main scamming risk comes from simulsending. I'm pretty okay with preventing simulsends on low-feedback traders by restricting their ability to deal with eachother. I'm not okay with restricting their ability to trade with more-experiences users though and I think it would really damage the attractiveness of the site to new users if it became infeasible to use it to get valuable cards immediately. The second one is to push premium memberships again. Obviously a lot of people are going to be annoyed by that and I think that just needs to be handled carefully.
sebi wrote:9700377 wrote:I am absolutely unwilling to sacrifice 25% of my trades for the "benefit" of being subjected to paternalistic restrictions. Your point that messy situations arise regardless of experience only motivates against this system. When I ask a new trader to send first, the risk of my being scammed is very low. I have never been scammed under this situation, and if I felt like the risk was high enough than I would just not trade with newer users.
Agree to the sentiment, let's keep the tone friendly though
. I appreciate the fact that established users are able to care for their interests, but many newer users give up on online trading because of bad experiences with people who get to 15 positive score and then scam 10 people.
I want to get rid of them and provide as safe an environment as possible to all newcomers
(while also providing proper tools to non-newcomers too)
Sorry, my tone got somewhat severe because no one else was criticizing what I saw as some very deep flaws with this proposal. But now other people are echoing these concerns.
It seems like there are mainly two goals here. The first one is to protect users from scammers. As others have said, the main scamming risk comes from simulsending. I'm pretty okay with preventing simulsends on low-feedback traders by restricting their ability to deal with eachother. I'm not okay with restricting their ability to trade with more-experiences users though and I think it would really damage the attractiveness of the site to new users if it became infeasible to use it to get valuable cards immediately. The second one is to push premium memberships again. Obviously a lot of people are going to be annoyed by that and I think that just needs to be handled carefully.
I still think it comes down mainly to common sense and the general feel of the trade. If i have 50 feedback, and someone else has 15 i would feel that I am more than within my right to ask that you send first. I think you should still be able to deal with people who are just starting out, so long as they are willing to send first. If not, then pass on the deal.
In terms of the premium membership, you could make it so people who want to sell have to get premium, although im not sure how that will go over with everyone. It would also pretty much completely eliminate scams from selling, as it would be tied to a paypal account or cc.
Not knowing what goes on outside of my trading experiences leave me at a bit of a loss towards the bigger picture of any scam problems. You alluded to new traders with new traders was the most problematic so address that first and foremost. "Send first" has established itself in the culture here so maybe spelling it out for new users would be sufficient enough rather than creating an enforcement mechanism. As for buying online, I do get nervous every time I do a purchase and usually only deal with people I have swapped cardboard with previously or have an established brick and mortar storefront and then I call them on their publicly listed number to make sure they are not impersonating a real legit storefront.
I'd just have to recommend that it is very clear and easy to understand for users new and old. 4 levels might be overkill. Simplify as much as possible however this is implemented.
Just force new users to send first... I've been doing this since the start and have had zero problems with scamming / fraud in over 200 successfully completed trades with 100% positive feedback.
The value cap / inter-level trading restriction seems convoluted and problematic to me.
Also, implying that people who don't want to be premium members don't support Deckbox is ridiculous. Perhaps if the additional features were more appealing, people would sign up.
Last edited by beacon (2016-03-15 09:43:33)
I think one issue with this request for comment is also that users who have been scammed or are the ones that the feature would target are not reading or replying to this post
Why not limit this to a warning? Instead of prohibiting trades as detailed in the first post just have a highly visible warning every time a trade would violate the propositioned rules. E.g.: "Yes, I've read and understood that this trade with $50+ worth of cards is with a user with 0 feedback and I'm at risk here if I don't get him/her to send first. Click checkbox." That would kind of get the best of both worlds, you'd grant an extra level of security, since, let's face it, most scams come down to social engineering anyways, so a simple warning is actually a real security asset. (There's a reason why banks repeat over and over "don't give your PIN to anyone".) But at the same time, you'll allow people who are willing to take risks the freedom of trading what they want with who they want.
Some comments about the specifics of the rules, rather than their general nature:
Is it really intentional that level 1s are unable to trade with level 4s? Why would I ever want to be a level 4 (instead of level 3) trader if that meant that the vast majority of traders wouldn't be able to trade with me? Apart from lifting the $250 ceiling, that seems like a downgrade.
I understand that the value limits are arbitrary and, no matter where you put them you'll end up with some awkward results. But with current values you can get Marsh Flats for just under $50 and Verdant Catacombs for over $50. Similarly there's Jace, the Mind Sculptor for just under $100 and Liliana of the Veil for just over. This ends up feeling very strange, where, if you want to get rid of your BW tokens deck for a Jund deck in modern you can trade off your marsh flats, but can't get Verdant Catacombs. It just feels weird, and would ultimately make deckbox a much weaker tool Since the "trading opportunities" is one of the strongest features here and I really don't think it'd be good to limit trades along such arbitrary lines.
Finally the good stuff: Limiting the highest level to users with an active and verified credit card or paypal account seems like a good idea. There's a ton of safety in connecting the accounts to actual, real world, IDs. Espescially because this limits the swapping and borrowing of accounts. Even though I'm not a premium user I support this part of the idea.
Why not limit this to a warning? Instead of prohibiting trades as detailed in the first post just have a highly visible warning every time a trade would violate the propositioned rules. E.g.: "Yes, I've read and understood that this trade with $50+ worth of cards is with a user with 0 feedback and I'm at risk here if I don't get him/her to send first. Click checkbox." That would kind of get the best of both worlds, you'd grant an extra level of security, since, let's face it, most scams come down to social engineering anyways, so a simple warning is actually a real security asset. (There's a reason why banks repeat over and over "don't give your PIN to anyone".) But at the same time, you'll allow people who are willing to take risks the freedom of trading what they want with who they want.
Interesting idea, I like this a lot at first glance.
Some comments about the specifics of the rules, rather than their general nature:
Is it really intentional that level 1s are unable to trade with level 4s? Why would I ever want to be a level 4 (instead of level 3) trader if that meant that the vast majority of traders wouldn't be able to trade with me? Apart from lifting the $250 ceiling, that seems like a downgrade.
Unintentional, I rephrased now to clarify. Level 4 also has absolute freedom.
I understand that the value limits are arbitrary and, no matter where you put them you'll end up with some awkward results. But with current values you can get Marsh Flats for just under $50 and Verdant Catacombs for over $50. Similarly there's Jace, the Mind Sculptor for just under $100 and Liliana of the Veil for just over. This ends up feeling very strange, where, if you want to get rid of your BW tokens deck for a Jund deck in modern you can trade off your marsh flats, but can't get Verdant Catacombs. It just feels weird, and would ultimately make deckbox a much weaker tool Since the "trading opportunities" is one of the strongest features here and I really don't think it'd be good to limit trades along such arbitrary lines.
Agreed. This would however not be an issue anymore if the limits are simply warnings as you suggested, and users can just click "I understand".
Finally the good stuff: Limiting the highest level to users with an active and verified credit card or paypal account seems like a good idea. There's a ton of safety in connecting the accounts to actual, real world, IDs. Espescially because this limits the swapping and borrowing of accounts.
I think so too.
I think you are a bit out of line Sebi, I am a budget player and most of us are just here for good fun.
Sorry if I offended, did not mean to.
I'm at work so I skimmed through the posts in this thread, but I assume the change would be retro active?
A couple other things...
Magic is a game that has a, sometimes large, entry barrier depending on the format. Making it difficult for new users to get into the game is problematic. If someone with no rep wants to come on here and trade $100s worth of cards they inherited or pulled from boxes and ship first; they should be able to. Restricting trades and users won't do anything to bring fresh people to the site.
I use deckbox regularly and recommend it to anyone that talks about trading. A friend of mine wants to sell his collection and I'm trying to persuade him to sell it on deckbox. I"m not opposed to activating a paypal account to level up or buying premium to support the site. However, I think most people are like me. I'm primarily a trader. I don't purchase many singles online at all, never really have, I don't sell my cards, and the market place and premium don't offer anything that feels "worth" it to me.
I think one issue with this request for comment is also that users who have been scammed or are the ones that the feature would target are not reading or replying to this post
I have been scammed before but not on here. My practices for trading are now as follows and as I briefly mentioned in my post before.
1) anyone with 10 feedback or less they send first no questions asked.
2) any trade over $40 must be sent with delivery confirmation in a bubble mailer. Generally speaking I only do two types of trades. Small trades for about $5-$20 and bigger trades from 75+. This way I know when theirs will get to me. If they want to send in a pwe they must send first regardless of feedback.
3) any international trade they send first as long as my feedback is higher.
4) always ask for pictures of higher end cards like jtms, lotv, etc. I usually ask for something random in there as well so I know they have physical possession of the card.
5) try to stick with people I know or have traded with before.
6) if something doesn't feel right, or if there is a severe lack of communication then I'll pass on the trade.
7) generally I try to keep initial purchases and trades with new users limited to smaller values. This way if I do get ripped off at least it won't cost me too much overall. Then once we have done a couple trades then I will start going into the higher end of trades with them.
8) if any problems do arise, attempt to work it out with the individual and If that doesn't work seek out staff of the website.
Basically a lot of this is common sense to me at least. There are rules and regulations for trading on sites for reasons, and a lot of the time people don't always read them all the way though. It's feels crappy getting ripped off or scammed but it does happen, and usually it ends up being my fault because I didn't protect myself enough on my end.
For reference, I got scammed purchasing from a seller with 0 feedback, and one other time when I decided to simul with a user with 0 feedback when mine was around 25.
New user here. First post on the forums, in fact. Figured this was a good reason to actually make a post.
A bit of background: I bought a large collection on CraigsList which included some higher value cards I don't want for myself, so I am trading for cards to finish a couple decks. So far, two of my first four trades have been >$50, with the most recent ~$150. On both of these (as well as a ~$20 trade), I traded with users who had good reputations and clear, pleasant communication, and had no major concerns about shipping first. If Deckbox had limited my ability to make these trades until I had a feedback score of [X], I am not sure I would have bothered with trying to trade on the site at all.
On the proposal: I would have to agree with 9700377, hailing_frequency, Amurphcs, etc. I think the 'common sense' suggestions make the most sense -- ask newer users to send first, add clear warnings about trades that are outside of proposed guidelines. Adding too much structure is overly limiting, and forces users to make trades they might not really want to make just to 'gain levels'.
I do think adding a 'verified account' mark (really, this should be the checkmark, and the premium account designation should be a blue ribbon or something -- but that's beside the point) for people who verify using a credit card / PayPal is a good step. I am not a premium user yet (I still haven't even played in a constructed event, even FNM, so first things first...), and I'm not sure I would want to buy from sellers on this site rather than TCGplayer, but I would definitely be willing to link a credit card to the site to verify my authenticity/good intentions/etc.
In short, I like the idea of:
* Clear warnings & guidelines on trade page
* Verified account mark
* Leave the rest up to common sense
My $0.02, for whatever they're worth.
I do think adding a 'verified account' mark (really, this should be the checkmark, and the premium account designation should be a blue ribbon or something --
Brendan wrote:I do think adding a 'verified account' mark (really, this should be the checkmark, and the premium account designation should be a blue ribbon or something --
+1 as well
I'm a bit on both halves regarding this, as I can see where sebi is coming from with this, and I think the intention is right, but the execution needs to be polished.
One suggestion I didn't see was having the same custom preferences as sellers have with minimum purchase amount, but for ordinary users;
Let users decide if others can initiate a trade if some parameters are not met, like the amount of trades ("You cannot initiate a trade with this user as they require you to have completed at least 5 trades"). And then leave these parameters optional - does it make sense?
On magic card market you need to wire money to your account in order to get verified (paypal does the same thing) - and I figure as some of the other guys mentioned, this will be another implementation that we could all benefit from (combined with the suggestion above 'You cannot initiate a trade with this user as they require you to be verified or premium')
I'm a bit on both halves regarding this, as I can see where sebi is coming from with this, and I think the intention is right, but the execution needs to be polished.
One suggestion I didn't see was having the same custom preferences as sellers have with minimum purchase amount, but for ordinary users;
Let users decide if others can initiate a trade if some parameters are not met, like the amount of trades ("You cannot initiate a trade with this user as they require you to have completed at least 5 trades"). And then leave these parameters optional - does it make sense?On magic card market you need to wire money to your account in order to get verified (paypal does the same thing) - and I figure as some of the other guys mentioned, this will be another implementation that we could all benefit from (combined with the suggestion above 'You cannot initiate a trade with this user as they require you to be verified or premium')
You can also just decline the trade as well and choose to only trade with verified accounts. I dont believe adding an option will really make a difference. They can outline their trade preferences in their profile page.
Is there any adjudication here? Im not 100% sure if there is but having an active mod that handles disputes and has the power to suspend ban or implement a way to make them pay if a scam or rip occurs that might be helpful.
I dislike this whole idea. Trading restrictions (value and levels), levels, how levels are advanced, all of it.
Levels: L1s can't trade with other L1s. Wanna trade your Drana, Liberator of Malakir for 2x Cinder Glade? Tough. As a user with low feedback who loves janky rares, I'm mostly interested in low-value (which carry an inherently lower risk) trades. This rule would seriously limit my ability to trade random little junks for other random little junks.
Advancing: Having advancement be tied to the value of cards traded seems bad. I'm far more likely to be comfortable trading with a dude who has made a dozen $10-15 trades than one who traded away a playset of Aether Vials and a pair of shocks. A "number of trades or $xx, whichever comes first" threshold makes far more sense.
Value Limits: This feels downright hostile to new users. I would be disinclined to trade a Magus of the Moon to a Canadian L4 since his $30 price tag would eat up the majority of my L1 limit for a full month. Did I get lucky and pull an Expedition at draft? Looks like I can't trade it locally or here. Sure, I could pay money to get the restriction lifted, but that feels an awful lot like bullying.
Foreign Users: I don't live in the US. I have no problem trading worldwide since postage is 0.90€, but all trades to North America take about a month to complete (send first, 2 weeks until receipt, 2 weeks until my cards arrive). It took a while to cross the 5-Trade threshold, and that was without additional limits being set on my ability to trade. While I heartily recommend Deckbox to my buddies, my recommendation would change to "It's nice for inventory management, but you really have to work to get anything out of the trading system" under the suggested changes.
How about a simple 'The person with less feedback always sends first' rule?
A person with feedback under a set threshold must send first seems like it would solve this.
I do like the idea of 'verified users'. Users who have done something to confirm their information.
edit: +1 to this:
elpablo wrote:Brendan wrote:I do think adding a 'verified account' mark (really, this should be the checkmark, and the premium account designation should be a blue ribbon or something --
+1 as well
Also, implying that people who don't want to be premium members don't support Deckbox is ridiculous. Perhaps if the additional features were more appealing, people would sign up.
I also don't want to pay montly for premium features. But I do sometimes sell cards here, and have paid Deckbox for that privilege. So even though I don't have 'premium' you are making money from me (even if it's only a little). I love this site, but I have no interest in the current premium features.
Last edited by gumgodMTG (2016-03-15 19:00:20)
dawsonjay wrote:How about a simple 'The person with less feedback always sends first' rule?
A person with feedback under a set threshold must send first seems like it would solve this.
I do like the idea of 'verified users'. Users who have done something to confirm their information.
edit: +1 to this:
Amurphcs wrote:elpablo wrote:+1
+1 as well
I think a threshold is better served as a benchmark. Something to the extent of:
"Traders who have 25 feedback or more should use their discretion for simulsending with people who have 24 feedback or less unless they have traded with them prior. Members who have 24 feedback or below should be prepared to send first in any trade."
25 seems like the trader would be "well established" enough on here, as Im finding it difficult to even get past the 5 mark, though I have not updated my entire invantory yet .