Sideboard - 281 cards, 261 distinct
commander: hogaak, Arisen Necropolis
Plan: use combination of tokens,self mill,and dredge to power out Hogaak repeatedly. Use effects that sac/check P/T/or cmc to draw a ton of cards, use that draw engine to win somehow?. Side/complementery strategies of recursion and light voltron (few creature protection spells MAYBE)
Wincons: gravestorm,storm, token stuff?
B Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + any creature that brings in more than one token when it ETB/dies (e.g. Wurmcoil Engine,Grave Titan) = infinite mana and infinite tokens
Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar + a zombie = infinite ETB triggers and infinite gravestorm
G Necrogenesis + Ashnod's Altar = infinite exile target creature from a graveyard and a number of tokens equal to the number of exiled creatures
(MAYBE)Korozda Guildmage + Phyrexian Altar + Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest/Death's Presence + Reassembling Skeleton/Skullbriar, the Walking Grave + six or more tokens = infinite infinitely large tokens and infinite colored mana
(MAYBE)Nath of the Gilt-Leaf + Sadistic Hypnotist = recurring discard and token generation
(MAYBE) Greater Good + Lifeline = recurring draw and recurring creatures at EoT
(3 llanowar's are placeholders for hogaak and DEEP FOREST HERMIT,WINDING WAY fro mh1 added
Plan: use combination of tokens,self mill,and dredge to power out Hogaak repeatedly. Use effects that sac/check P/T/or cmc to draw a ton of cards, use that draw engine to win somehow?. Side/complementery strategies of recursion and light voltron (few creature protection spells MAYBE)
Wincons: gravestorm,storm, token stuff?
B Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle + any creature that brings in more than one token when it ETB/dies (e.g. Wurmcoil Engine,Grave Titan) = infinite mana and infinite tokens
Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Altar + a zombie = infinite ETB triggers and infinite gravestorm
G Necrogenesis + Ashnod's Altar = infinite exile target creature from a graveyard and a number of tokens equal to the number of exiled creatures
(MAYBE)Korozda Guildmage + Phyrexian Altar + Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest/Death's Presence + Reassembling Skeleton/Skullbriar, the Walking Grave + six or more tokens = infinite infinitely large tokens and infinite colored mana
(MAYBE)Nath of the Gilt-Leaf + Sadistic Hypnotist = recurring discard and token generation
(MAYBE) Greater Good + Lifeline = recurring draw and recurring creatures at EoT
(3 llanowar's are placeholders for hogaak and DEEP FOREST HERMIT,WINDING WAY fro mh1 added
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