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Main Deck - 52 cards, 20 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (22)
3 Anlec Lookout Dark Elf Unit 3 + City of Winter
2 Bride of Khaine Dark Elf Unit 3 + Days of Blood
3 Corsairs of Ghrond Dark Elf Unit 3 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Dark Elf Infiltrator Dark Elf Unit 2 + Omens of Ruin
2 Elkana Dark Elf Unit 4 + Vessel of the Winds
3 Seasoned Corsair Dark Elf Unit 3 + March of the Damned
2 Thief of Essence Dark Elf Unit 2 + Legends
3 Toxic Hydra Dark Elf Unit 5 + The Eclipse of Hope
1 Vile Sorceress Dark Elf Unit 2 + Core Set
Legend (3)
3 Malekith Dark Elf Legend 6 + Legends
Tactic (14)
3 Call of the Kraken Dark Elf Tactic 0 + City of Winter
3 Call the Blood Dark Elf Tactic 1 + Path of the Zealot
2 Countermoves Dark Elf Tactic 2 + The Iron Rock
3 Sacrifice to Khaine Dark Elf Tactic 2 + Chaos Moon
3 We Need Your Blood Dark Elf Tactic 1 + The Skavenblight Threat
Quest (3)
3 Offering to Hekarti Dark Elf Quest 0 + The Fourth Waystone
Support (10)
3 Barbed Whip Dark Elf Support 1 + The Fourth Waystone
3 Chill Sea Watchtower Dark Elf Support 1 + Days of Blood
1 Hydra Blade Dark Elf Support 2 + Warpstone Chronicles
3 Temple of Spite Dark Elf Support 2 + Vessel of the Winds
Sideboard - 9 cards, 4 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (9)
2 Angi'arie Dark Elf Unit 4 + Bleeding Sun
3 Cold One Chariot Dark Elf Unit 3 + Tooth and Claw
3 Dwarf Slaves Dark Elf Unit 2 + The Silent Forge
1 Lokhir Fellheart Dark Elf Unit 5 + Assault on Ulthuan

Unit control deck
- Sacrifices: Malekith, Sacrifice to Khaine, Countermoves
- Call the Blood
- Negative HP
- Call of the Kraken + Malekith = play any unit for free

Based on Malekith's Sacrifice with a bit different approach. We'll see which one works better and is more enjoyable to play.
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