DARTHERLIK's profile
- MTG DECKS (509)
vin _Don Krenko, Combo Goblins
vin _Ezuri Elves EDH
vin _Sigarda, Heron's Grace EDH
vin A Guide To Alesha Who Smiles At Death Commander / EDH
vin Anowon, The Ruin Sage EDH
vin Breya - build2
vin Breya - check
vin Breya - check
vin Breya - EDHREC most used
vin Breya average deck from EDHREC
vin breya buy
vin Breya check2
vin Breya check3
vin Breya Comboless-ish Control
mod BW Tokens (1st place at PPTQ)
vin Copy of _Krenko EDH - BUILD
vin Copy of Derevi multiplayer rev 04
vin Copy of Licia
vin EDH - Breya Tokens
vin Feldon of the Third Path EDH
vin Gisa and Geralf EDH
vin Jurassic Park
leg Karametra, God of Harvests - Commander - Land
vin Krenko - CMR: Bad Company
leg Krenko - Commander VS (Aug 1, 2018)
vin Krenko - do I have
vin Krenko again
vin Krenko average deck from EDHREC
vin Krenko check delete
vin Krenko, check
vin Krenko, check2
vin Krenko's Mafia
vin Omnath 2.0
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana
vin Red Esper Breya Control
vin Sigarda, Host Of Herons - EDH
vin Zur
A_ Commander [EDH]
2013 Edition
2014 Edition
2015 Edition
Commander VS: $200 Updated Commander
com 2015: Call The Spirits
com 2015: Plunder The Graves
com 2015: Seize Control
com 2015: Swell The Host
com 2015: Wade Into Battle
2016 Edition
2017 Edition
2018 Edition
2019 Edition
2020 Edition
leg Back in black (and white) - Artheos
vin Budget Kaalia
leg Budget Xenagos
vin Canadian Enchantress - EDH
vin Daxos Returned EDH
vin Daxos' Hatebear Tax Army
vin Derevi tokens, EDH
vin Dethrone - Marchesa, the Black Rose
vin Gitrog Monster On Budget
leg Gods - EDH
vin Grand Arbiter EDH
vin Horde of Notions
vin Iroas, God of Victory EDH
vin Kaseto - Snake Tribal EDH
vin Kozilek, Butcher of Truth - EDH
vin Linvala, Queen of the pillow fort
leg Mikaeus Counting
vin Oloro EDH
vin Rafiq EDH
vin Rakdos EDH
vin Rakdos EDH
vin Sen Triplets EDH
vin Sliver Queen
vin Talrand
vin Teysa
vin Trostani EDH
vin Trostani EDH - from SCG
vin Vampires - EDH
leg Yeva, Nature's Herald
vin Zada Storm EDH
vin Zurgo Helmsmasher EDH
vin Goblin EDH
vin Krenko EDH
vin Krenko EDH
vin Krenko, Kombo Boss
vin Krenko, Mob Boss: Goblins and Gangbangers
vin Krenko's Kommunism
vin Wort EDH
Nahiri - Modify
vin Omnath
vin Omnath - from r/EDH
leg Omnath EDH
vin Omnath Locus of Mana
leg Omnath Rage Machine
vin Omnath Rage recursion
leg Omnath, Holder of Mana
leg Omnath, Locus of Mana
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana - EDH Primer
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana - Go Green
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana EDH
vin Omnath, Locus of Mana EDH
leg Omnath, Locus of Rage Primer
vin Omnath, Mana Baron
vin Omnath, Rage Budget
vin Omnath/ Eldrazi EDH
vin Rats all folks
B_ Duel Decks
mod Blessed: Blessed vs. Cursed
leg Chandra: Jace vs. Chandra
leg Cunning: Speed vs. Cunning
leg Cursed: Blessed vs. Cursed
vin Demonic: Divine vs. Demonic
leg Divine: Divine vs. Demonic
leg Eldrazi: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi
leg Elspeth: Elspeth vs. Kiora
leg Elves: Elves vs. Goblins
leg Elves: Elves vs. Inventors
leg Garruk: Garruk vs. Liliana
leg Goblins: Elves vs. Goblins
leg Goblins: Merfolk vs. Goblins
leg Heroes: Heroes vs. Monsters
leg Inventors: Elves vs. Inventors
vin Jace: Jace vs. Chandra
leg Jace: Jace vs. Vraska
leg Kiora: Elspeth vs. Kiora
leg Liliana: Garruk vs. Liliana
leg Merfolk: Merfolk vs. Goblins
leg Might: Mind vs. Might
vin Mind: Mind vs. Might
leg Monsters: Heroes vs. Monsters
leg Speed: Speed vs. Cunning
leg Vraska: Jace vs. Vraska
mod Zendikar: Zendikar vs. Eldrazi
Casual _Any Format
leg Black <50
leg Blue <50
mod GB Aggro - Budget
leg Green <50
leg Red <50
mod Red deck - STD
mod Selesnia Aggro $20
leg White <50
Legacy _Mixed
leg Axebane Hellfire
mod Krark-Clan Combo
leg Mono-Red Burn
leg Sliver (from Tappedout)
Legacy Casual
leg Release the Kraken
leg The Worst Deck
vin Budget High Tide Storm
vin Manaless Dredge
Abzan Modern
Ad Nauseam
mod Ad Nauseam
Affinity Modern
mod Affinity
mod Affinity
mod Affinity
mod Affinity
mod Affinity
mod Affinity
mod Affinity - 1st Place
mod Budget Affinity
vin Budget Affinity
mod Budget affinity
mod Ensoul Robots
Amulet of Vigor Modern
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom
leg Amulet Bloom - Tariq Patel
leg Amulet Bloom by Jeff Hoogland
leg Amulet Bloom Sideboard Primer
leg Amulet of Vigor
vin Amulet of Vigor
leg Amulet of Vigor by Chris VanMeter
leg Amulet of Vigor by Justin Cohen
leg Amulet of Vigor by Micah Greenbaum
leg Copy of Amulet of Vigor by Justin Cohen
leg PrimeTime
Artifacts Modern
mod Budget Artifact
leg Budget Artifact
mod Budget Artifact
Bogles Modern
mod Bogles
mod Bogles
mod Bogles
mod Bogles
mod Bogles
mod Bogles - READ
mod Bogles on a Budget
mod Communist Gnarlids
mod GW Auras - Ellen Cantor
Burn Modern
mod 4C Burn Modern
mod Blistering Rage
mod Burn
mod Burn
mod Burn
mod Burn
mod Monored Burn
mod Naya Burn
mod Naya Burn
mod RB aggro
mod RDW - Budget
mod RW Burn
mod RW Burn
mod RW Burn
mod RW Burn - cheap
mod RW Burn by Seth Manfield
BW Tokens Modern
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens
mod BW Tokens (semi finalist)
mod BW Tokens (tourney winner)
mod BW Tokens by a Hall of Fame Player
mod BW Tokens by Martin Juza
mod BW Tokens Cifka
mod BW Tokens w/Gideon
mod BW Tokens w/Gideon FNM
mod BWg Tokens
mod Modern Event Deck Project
mod Modified Modern Event - Expensive 2
mod Modified Modern Event Deck - 01
mod Modified Modern Event Deck - 02
mod PACK RAT - Modified Modern Event Deck
mod Swarm and Conquer V 2.0
mod United We Stand
Casual Modern
mod Abyssal Trader
mod Boros Act Combo
mod Budget Goblins
mod BW Exalted
mod Cake and Ice Cream
leg Choices
mod Cipher Tricks
mod Deathtouch Lure
vin Goblins
mod Golgari Splinterfright
mod Liliana's Zombie Hoard
mod Mono Blue Robots
mod Mono Green Zoo
mod Mono Red Burn
mod Mono White Equipments
mod Mono White Soul Sisters
mod Notorious Rogues
mod Orzhov Humans
mod Rakdos Aggro
mod Rakdos Goblin Tribal
mod Rakdos Vampires
mod Selesnya Hexproof
mod Selesnya Ramp Fatties
mod Simic Ramp/Polymorph
mod The Kiln Fiend Surprise
mod Treefolk
mod Zombies in two color
Death&Taxes Modern
mod Death and Taxes
Eater of Days - Modern
leg Eater of Days
mod Eater of Days
leg Hunted Days
Elves Modern
mod BG Elves
mod Collect Elves
mod Collected Elves
mod Company of Elves
mod Elves
Emeria Control
mod Emeria Control
Evoke Control
mod Evoke Control
Faries Modern
mod Fae are Bae
G Devotion Modern
G Stompy Modern
mod G Gruul - Mana Ramp
mod G Stompy
mod G Stompy
mod Mono G Aggro
mod Mono G Stompy
mod Mono G Stompy
mod Mono Green Stompy
mod Mono Green Stompy
Goblins Modern
mod 8 Whack (Goblins)
mod BR Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
mod Goblins 3rd place
mod Land of Stench
mod No Lords Goblins
mod No Lords Goblins
mod The Goblin Horde
GW Knights
mod GW Aether Knights
mod GW Vial Knights
HateBears Modern
mod GW Hate Bears
mod GW Hatebears
mod GW Hatebears
mod GW Hatebears - Budget
mod GW Hexproof
mod HateBears
mod Hatebears
mod Hatebears
mod Hatebears
mod HateBears Budget
mod HateBears by Brian Kibler
mod Little Abzan Hatebears Tax
Infect Modern
mod BG Infect
mod G Infect Budget
mod Green Infect
vin Infect
vin Infect
vin Infect
vin Infect
vin Infect
vin Infect BUG
mod Infect UG
mod Mono B Infect - Budget
mod Mono Green Infect
vin UG Infect
vin UG Infect
Liege Rhino
mod Liege Rhino
Loam Pox Modern
leg Loam
leg Loam Pox by Raphael Levy
Merfolk Modern
mod Budget Merfolk
mod Budget Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk - PPTQ 1st
mod Mono-Blue Merfolk
mod UW Merfolk
Mill Modern
mod Altar of the Brewed
mod UB Mill
Modern _Mixed
mod Alesha Modern
mod Black Infect
mod BU Zombie Hunt
vin Copy of UR Storm (Budget-ish)
vin Elemental Combo
mod Esper Mentor
mod Flashbirds
mod Goblins
mod Goblins
vin Lantern Control
mod Mardu Tokens
mod Massacre
mod Mono Red midrange/skret
vin Mono White Enchantment Control
mod Mono-Black Control + Isochron Scepter
leg Necrotic Ooze Combo
mod Norin the Wary
mod Shortest Deck
vin UR Prowess
mod UW Artifacts
mod UW Pillow Fort
mod Warriors Modern
mod Zombie Hunt Enhanced
Modern Hero
Modern Ideas
mod GR Aggro Modern DRAFT
mod GW Modern idea
My - Modern
leg Amulet Bloom
mod Burn
vin Burn
vin Jeskai Ascendancy
vin Jeskai Flash by Jeff Hoogland
vin Krark's Thumb
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk - Trial winner
mod MG Devotion
mod Modern Rats
mod Mono-U Tron (Modern<$300)
mod Pack Rack in Modern
mod Slivers
mod Slivers
vin Storm
vin UR Delver
RG Tron Modern
leg GR Tron
leg RG Tron
leg RG Tron Primer
Slivers Modern
Soul Sisters Modern
Norin's Sisters
mod Competitive Soul Sisters
mod Secure Soul Sisters
mod Soul Sisters
mod Soul Sisters
mod Soul Sisters
mod Soul Sisters
mod Soul Sisters (big)
mod Soul Sisters 4-1 PPTQ
mod Soul Sisters Artifact
mod Soul Sisters budget
mod Soul Sisters from Primer
mod Souls Sisters
mod Souls Sisters
mod WR Soul Sisters - Norin
Storm Modern
vin Storm
vin Storm budget
UR Delver Modern
vin Budget Delver - WiP
vin Izzet Modern
vin UR Aggro
vin UR Aggro
vin UR Delver Modern
UTron Modern
UW Titan Modern
mod Azorius Titan
mod UW Titan
mod UW Titan
White Weenies Modern
mod All hail the Obelisk
mod Humans
mod Mono W Kithkin
mod Mono W Soldiers
mod Quick Humans
mod White Weenies
mod White Weenies
mod White Weenies
Zombie Modern
mod Blood Artist
mod Zombieland
Zoo Modern
mod 1 drop Zoo
mod Naya Aggro Zoo
mod Landfall Combo - Modern
mod Modern Goats
mod R/G Aggro
mod Troll Worship
leg UR Eldrazi
vin UR Unstorm (w/ Gifts Ungiven)
mod WB Control
sta Breya - 2016: Invent Superiority EDITED
sta krenko - draft
sta krenko - draft - w/proxies
sta omnath mana - draft
Avg. CMC 1.67 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature (19) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Master of Etherium
![]() |
$0.26 | Artifact Creature - Vedalken Wizard | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$2.99 | Artifact Creature - Construct | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$0.23 | Artifact Creature - Thopter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Signal Pest
![]() |
$0.48 | Artifact Creature - Pest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Vault Skirge
![]() |
$0.29 | Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Imp | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sorcery (6) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
![]() |
$6.42 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$0.95 | Sorcery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Artifact (13) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Cranial Plating
![]() |
$0.31 | Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Ghostfire Blade
![]() |
$0.26 | Artifact - Equipment | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Springleaf Drum
![]() |
$2.91 | Artifact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Welding Jar
![]() |
$0.70 | Artifact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enchantment (4) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Ensoul Artifact
![]() |
$0.23 | Enchantment - Aura | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Land (18) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Darksteel Citadel
![]() |
$1.89 | Artifact Land | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14 |
![]() |
$0.14 | Basic Land - Island |
Sideboard - 15 cards, 5 distinct
Maybeboard (12)
1x Arcbound Ravager
1x Blinkmoth Nexus
1x Bone Saw
1x Etched Champion
1x Glimmervoid
1x Inkmoth Nexus
1x Mox Opal
1x Spellskite
1x Steel Overseer
1x Steel Sabotage
1x Stoic Rebuttal
1x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
A budget Affinity deck, built around Master of Etherium.
The Maybeboard mostly contains card that are too expensive :(
On to the deck! The main strategy with this deck is to vomit out artifacts and use Master of Etherium and/or Cranial Plating to deal lethal.
Cranial Plating is one of the core cards of the deck. You can get out a metric ton of artifacts, and Cranial Plating abuses them.
Ghostfire Blade is an huge buff for two mana. Pretty damn good.
Welding Jar is one of the better zero drop artifacts. It gets you an artifact, and later you can regenerate key creatures.
Master of Etherium is another one of the core cards for this deck. He pumps your other artifact creatures and can be buffed to insane heights with all the artifacts you've got. He's also the most expensive card in the deck.
Memnite is a great zero drop artifact. The 1/1 body means it needs no buff to start swinging, and, well, it's a zero drop creature. Artifact creature.
Ornithopter is secretly Memnite's little brother! While it does need pumping to deal damage, it has evasion.
Signal Pest helps with pumping. While Master of Etherium is chilling out in your library, Signal Pest is hard at work making your meager creatures into slightly bigger threats.
Vault Skirge is a great Cranial Plating target. It has evasion and can gain life (if the Cranial Plating doesn't kill your opponent outright).
Fabricate gets me any artifacts I want- mostly Master of Etherium or Cranial Plating. It is a bit expensive though.
Gitaxian Probe is the classic zero mana cantrip. I like it better than Peek.
Thoughtcast is a great draw spell. I don't think anyone in the history of Magic has ever said "Two cards for one blue? No thanks."
Darksteel Citadel is another artifact. It's indestructible, but sadly it isn't Seat of the Synod.
Maybeboard (12)
1x Arcbound Ravager
1x Blinkmoth Nexus
1x Bone Saw
1x Etched Champion
1x Glimmervoid
1x Inkmoth Nexus
1x Mox Opal
1x Spellskite
1x Steel Overseer
1x Steel Sabotage
1x Stoic Rebuttal
1x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
A budget Affinity deck, built around Master of Etherium.
The Maybeboard mostly contains card that are too expensive :(
On to the deck! The main strategy with this deck is to vomit out artifacts and use Master of Etherium and/or Cranial Plating to deal lethal.
Cranial Plating is one of the core cards of the deck. You can get out a metric ton of artifacts, and Cranial Plating abuses them.
Ghostfire Blade is an huge buff for two mana. Pretty damn good.
Welding Jar is one of the better zero drop artifacts. It gets you an artifact, and later you can regenerate key creatures.
Master of Etherium is another one of the core cards for this deck. He pumps your other artifact creatures and can be buffed to insane heights with all the artifacts you've got. He's also the most expensive card in the deck.
Memnite is a great zero drop artifact. The 1/1 body means it needs no buff to start swinging, and, well, it's a zero drop creature. Artifact creature.
Ornithopter is secretly Memnite's little brother! While it does need pumping to deal damage, it has evasion.
Signal Pest helps with pumping. While Master of Etherium is chilling out in your library, Signal Pest is hard at work making your meager creatures into slightly bigger threats.
Vault Skirge is a great Cranial Plating target. It has evasion and can gain life (if the Cranial Plating doesn't kill your opponent outright).
Fabricate gets me any artifacts I want- mostly Master of Etherium or Cranial Plating. It is a bit expensive though.
Gitaxian Probe is the classic zero mana cantrip. I like it better than Peek.
Thoughtcast is a great draw spell. I don't think anyone in the history of Magic has ever said "Two cards for one blue? No thanks."
Darksteel Citadel is another artifact. It's indestructible, but sadly it isn't Seat of the Synod.
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