(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm honestly not 100% sure what caused the second problem. I think it has something to do with the character encoding used when saving the file.... but don't quote me on that.  wink

You have to be careful with what program you use to edit it. I had a lot of issues early on due to this.

I was able to open it in Excel and Save As... to a new CSV file, which imported fine (attached).

I thought that maybe Notepad was the issue, so I opened the new CSV file I'd created in Notepad, and did a Save As from Notepad, but that also seemed to upload fine (I left character encoding at ANSI; I did not test the other encodings). So I wasn't able to replicate what caused your error.

In any case, whether you use Excel or Notepad, try to Save As... a new version if you get this error again, and it should work.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Good day!

The issue is that the CSV file imported into Deckbox needs to have a header row, which tells Deckbox what each column contains. The TCGPlayer CSV has no header row, and just starts with the first card. You need to open the file in Excel (or a similar spreadsheet program) to edit it.

I've converted the CSV you attached and have done a test import to make sure it went smoothly. However, here's some notes in case you have others like this one:

  • The first column is how many of that specific printing of the card you have, and needs to be labeled "Count".

  • The next two columns both have card names in them. I'm not sure why there's two. My bet is that one of the columns (probably the first) is for the English name, while the other would be for the localized card name. All yours are English, so can't be sure. You would need to delete one of the columns, and label the other one with "Name".

  • Fourth column needs to be labeled "Edition" (you don't necessarily have to have this column, but if you didn't include it, all of them would be imported with no edition set).

  • Fifth column appears to be "Card Number". NOTE: TCGPlayer uses different card numbers for older sets. This won't affect import, except in the case of alternate versions of the card within the same set. See final note below.

  • Sixth column is the 3-letter code for the edition and isn't used by Deckbox. Deleted.

  • Not sure on the seventh column, but I'm betting this is for indicating foil / nonfoil. Your list doesn't appear to include foil cards. If you have any foil cards, you would need to label this column "Foil", then delete "Normal" from all the non-foils, and make sure just "foil" is in the column for foils (TCGPlayer might use the official term "premium"; change it to "foil").

  • Eighth and ninth columns are "Condition" and "Language", respectively. Like with "Edition", you don't have to have these columns, but if you don't, then your cards will lack a condition or language icon (but I think the pricing will be based on Near Mint, and the language defaults to English).

  • Deleted the rest of the columns. Not sure what those numbers in the final two columns are.

You'll also have to be careful with alternate arts within the same sense, like with your Alliances cards. TCGPlayer adds an extra descriptor to the card name (like "red armor") which will throw an error if it isn't removed. But that means you'll have to check to Deckbox versions of the card to make sure the correct one is selected. IMPORTANTLY, Deckbox uses different card numbers than does TCGPlayer (like TCG had Lim-Dul's High Guard as 55a and 55b, but Deckbox uses 17 and 18; your Stench of Decay is 61b on TCG, but 28 on Deckbox). If you don't carefully correct these cards, Deckbox will display the wrong art, and will also incorrectly group the cards.

jeacaveo wrote:

it's too much work for what I want to do. Thanks anyways.

Hey, no problem! I already had the file created for myself, so I figured I'd share it. (The only work on my part was to type out detailed instructions. LoL)

And to each his own! Honestly, the way you and settlerjoe are doing it sounds like way more work to me. Cuz now that I have all my decks in that Deck Checker, if I make a change to a deck, I just update both the Deck Checker and Deckbox decks (like 30 seconds total). And I've always exported a CSV of my inventory anyways for backup if I make a change to it, so that doesn't take any *extra* time for this Excel-based approach (but even if you're not already doing that, again, takes like 30 seconds, if that). And then all I have to do to see a list of cards I'm missing is to open Deck Checker and my latest Inventory CSV. It's an always up-to-date list of missing cards, with none of the hassle that you and settlerjoe describe.

And adding / removing a deck is super easy and fast. None of that making changes to an "All 14 decks" deck.  :\

You could always give it a shot! You never know. You might like it.

(And now I suddenly have Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" in my head. LoL!)

jeacaveo wrote:

Is there a way to see the cards that I have in my decks, but are not in my inventory? Without having to go to each deck individually?

See if the attached Excel file helps you at all. Not as ideal as a native method, to be sure! But it eases things a bit.


Initial Setup

  1. For any decks you currently have on Dropbox, go to Tools > Export to CSV.

  2. Open the attached Deck Checker workbook, then create a new worksheet for each deck (supports up to 20, with a max of 100 unique cards per deck).

  3. Make sure you right-click each worksheet tab and rename it to match whatever name you put in the "Deck Names" area. I have example decks so you can get the idea. (And you'll get red error formatting if one of the names doesn't match!)

    • Important: The workbook currently doesn't support non-alphanumeric characters in the deck / sheet names. (This could be easily changed if anybody cares.)

  4. Copy and paste the data from the Deck CSV files you exported in Step 1 into their corresponding worksheets.

  5. If you switch back to the "ALL" worksheet, you should be able to see an alphabetized and consolidated list of all cards needed for all decks.


  1. Export your entire Inventory to CSV, and rename it to something easy to type (like just "Inventory"). DON'T alter the file.

    • You don't necessarily have to do this every time, just whenever you need an updated Inventory CSV on your computer.

  2. Have the Inventory open at the same time as the Deck Checker, and on the "Missing Cards" worksheet, type the name of the Inventory file into the designated cell (NO .csv ending).

  3. That's it! Depending on how much data is in your inventory file, the response might be a little sluggish, but you'll see a list populate with any missing cards. The "H" column stands for "Have", "W" is "Want", and the third column "Need" is the important number -- how many of the card you actually need to buy.

Updating Decks

There's no need to export a CSV file for a deck each time you change it. Just go to that deck's worksheet and alter the card names and quantities yourself. (It doesn't matter if there's blank lines between cards.)

If you ever decide to build a new deck, just get its name added to the Deck Names area, get a worksheet created, and either manually enter in the cards into the sheet, or you can export a CSV from DeckBox again.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I first noticed it with the FTV series -- they should be auto-foil.

I feel like solution #2 is more of a "patch job", and it would better in the long run to fix the core issue (solution #1).

That said, there's no reason both things couldn't be implemented, ultimately. It would probably be a useful Wishlist setting -- choose whether to use "Strict mode" for foiling, which is already possible with "Edition" by simply not setting an edition when you add a card to your wishlist.

If we had both, then you could have one be strict and one not, e.g. "I don't care what edition it's from, just as long as it's nonfoil" or "I don't care if it's foil or not, just as long as it's from this edition with the artwork I love". You could also not care about either, or be very specific about both.

But regardless, the main thing is that it doesn't make sense to be able to add a nonfoil FTV or what have you (and conversely, many cards have no foil counterpart).

1564408180322187 wrote:

Is this feature available now in 2018 smile?

It is sadly not available!

However, I had started a thread that I hoped would turn into a community-built collection of precons for easy import. It didn't seem to spark much interest, so I stopped working on creating CSV files for it. But I'd certainly be glad to keep working on this project if others would find it helpful.

Hey, looks like the CSV file failed to upload with your post.  :\

Before attaching it, though, check the CSV to ensure it has "Count" and "Tradelist Count" columns, and that these columns are filled with numbers. Because you can actually include an entry for a card and put a 0 in the Count column (or leave it blank), and the CSV will import without error, but obviously not include that card in your inventory! So your problem might be as simple as that.  smile

If the CSV does include some sort of "quantity" column, but it's just not named "Count", just rename the header and that should fix it.

If that doesn't help, definitely get the file uploaded, and I or someone else would be glad to check it for you!

The only website that I know of that does that sort of thing is ShoeboxMTG. However, it will only find you decks from "Top" lists from events (up to Top 64). If you're looking for something that matches your inventory to a database of user-submitted decks (because you're wanting to find fun, casual decks, not necessarily top-tier decks), then I don't know of any site that offers that feature. That would honestly be great!

Note that Shoebox offers an "import your Deckbox" feature, that allows you to enter a Deckbox username to grab the list of cards in the associated inventory. It doesn't work with private inventories, obviously.

Arena League (Card #2)


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


Tokens will need to be renamed to not include "Token". In Deckbox, it's just "Bird", not "Bird Token".

Ensure the Edition column for all tokens includes the correct "Extras" edition. You'll have to change it for all tokens, since TCGplayer doesn't use a separate edition for them.

So instead of

Bird Token -- # T1 -- Khans of Tarkir

Deckbox uses

Bird -- # 1 -- Extras: Khans of Tarkir

NOTE: Some precon editions have the tokens listed in the main edition numbering, and NOT in an Extras edition. E.g. Duel Decks: Speed v Cunning through DD: Nissa v Nixilis.


As to unrecognized edition names, just check the Editions page for the Deckbox version of the Edition name. In the case of MM2017, you'd change it from "Modern Masters 2017" to "... 2017 Edition". Use the Find & Replace All functionality of whatever program you're editing the CSV in.

Other Columns

And re: the Set Code column.... It's a little unclear from your post whether this column is generating an actual error during import, or whether it's just being ignored. Regardless, you can safely delete the column, as Deckbox doesn't use it.

On the opposite side of things, you may want to add two columns prior to import -- Condition and Language. Their absence won't cause the import to fail, but you also won't get your default condition and language applied to the cards. They'll be listed in your inventory seemingly without a condition or language. (This may be fine with you if you're not tracking condition. Or you could mass-apply "Near Mint" or "Good (Lightly Played".)


(13 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I just went through the following steps, and successfully imported your inventory into Deckbox. I've attached your converted inventory, so that you don't have to actually go through the work, unless you want to try it yourself.

I apologize for the verbosity of these instructions. Many people may not need every step detailed like this, but for those that do, they'll appreciate not having to ask! smile


  1. Change the file extension to .csv (either directly by manually typing it in from your file browser, or by opening the .coll2 file in Notepad and Save As... to a .csv with ANSI encoding).

  2. Open in Excel (I'm using 2010, so some instructions may differ).

  3. Save your file and click "Yes" at the warning.

    NOTE: Stop here and use the macro listed below in bburrows reply. Major time saver! After running the macro, pick back up at Step 12.


  4. Delete column A ("Total Qty"), then delete the new columns E - M ("Mana Cost" - "Price Source").

    • TIP: To fully delete, highlight the columns, right click, and choose Delete. Don't just clear the cells' contents.

    • TIP: If you have any notes saved, keep the "Notes" column. It won't hurt the import into Deckbox, and you can then more easily re-add the notes to Deckbox by filtering this column and going through the cards.

  5. Important: Change the column headers as follows: Reg Qty & Foil Qty > Count, Card > Name, Set > Edition. (Yes, both columns A and B should be named Count. You'll see why in a minute.)

  6. Important: Insert a new column (I usually prefer it after the "Name" column, but it actually doesn't matter), and type "Foil" as the header.

    • TIP: You most likely will also want to insert 2 more columns, named "Condition" and "Language", and fill the entire Condition column with "Near Mint" or "Good (Lightly Played)", and the Language column with "English". If you don't do this, Deckbox will display them without a condition or language, rather than applying your defaults. See step 9 for a tip on quickly filling an entire column.

  7. Right-click the sheet's tab, choose "Move or Copy...", and check the checkbox for "Create a copy".

  8. In the original sheet, delete column B (used to be Foil Qty). In the copied sheet, delete column A (Reg Qty). Now you should only have one "Count" column on each sheet.

  9. Important: On the copied sheet (your foils), fill the entire "Foil" column with "foil".

    • TIP: If you have all the cells selected, press F2 to enable entry in the active cell, type "foil", then press Ctrl+Enter. This auto-fills all the cells.

  10. Now select all the entries in the copied sheet (your foils) and copy it to the end of the data in the original sheet. Don't worry about all the rows with a count of 0 -- they won't matter.

    • TIP: To easily select all the correct data, delete row 1 on the copied sheet (the header row), then press Ctrl+A.

    • TIP: To quickly jump to the end of your regular cards, press Ctrl+A (Select All), which jumps the view down to the final row.

  11. Delete the copied sheet.

  12. Save your file and click "Yes" at the warning.

  13. Attempt a first upload. I say attempt, because you're going to get a long list of errors due to non-matching edition names. (I've provided a list below that I encountered in this specific inventory.) Make note of the incorrect edition names. You'll find the Deckbox equivalent on the "Editions" page.

  14. Use Ctrl+H to Replace All for each affected edition. Then press Ctrl+S (or click the save icon) and click "Yes" at the warning

  15. Re-import (you don't even have to click "Browse" again on Deckbox; just click the "Check file and import" button on the already-selected CSV).

  16. Assuming you caught all the edition name errors, you should be golden! Otherwise, repeat steps 12-15 until you get it right.

  17. When you try to close the file in Excel, it'll ask you to save the changes. Since you just saved it in the previous steps, go ahead and click "Don't Save".

List of Mismatched Editions (in this inventory)


  • Commander 2013 Edition > Commander 2013

  • Duel Decks: Kiora vs. Elspeth > Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora

  • Magic: The Gathering-Commander > Commander

  • Magic: The Gathering-Conspiracy > Conspiracy

  • Planechase 2012 Edition > Planechase 2012

  • Time Spiral ""Timeshifted"" > Time Spiral "Timeshifted" (WHY do they have double quotation marks??)

  • Masterpiece Series: Amonkhet Invocations > Amonkhet Invocations


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Here's the tool for the SOI edition.


  • Export all inventories to CSV. Go to your Inventory, and under "Tools", click "Export". Name the file something short and simple; the filename must NOT contain an apostrophe, but MAY contain spaces. Your friend(s) will have to export their inventories for you, and send you the CSV files.

  • Open the spreadsheets. Open the "Compare Inventory" spreadsheet, as well as all inventory files you want to compare.

  • IMPORTANT: Enable iterative calculations. The exact steps may be different depending on your version of Excel, but in 2010, go to File > Options > Formulas, then click the checkbox on the top right. If you don't do this, you'll get the "Circular Reference" error, and the values won't update properly.

  • Enter the inventory filenames. In the Compare Inventory sheet > Row A, type the filename, NOT including the ".csv" extension.

  • (Optional) Lock the columns. If you want to be able to close the inventory CSV files, or be able to save the card count values for later, then type "x" in Row 3 under the inventory filename. If you ever need the values to update themselves, delete the "x" and reopen the CSV file.

Like I said, this version of the tool counts foils along with regular cards. I could easily filter out foils, so that you only get counts of non-foils. Let me know if this is even helpful at all, and if you'd like any tweaks to it.

EDIT: Another feature I could very easily add is conditional formatting to the rows, depending on what you were looking for. The tool could automatically highlight the highest value (who has the most of a card), highlight mutual cards (to easily pick out shared cards), or other such rules. Again, just let me know what your use-case is!


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Site-Only Methods

Unfortunately, as you have discovered, there's no easy way to do this, not if you're just wanting to quickly scan through a bunch of cards.

The easiest way to do it for a single random card is to click that card's link (opens its detail page in a new tab), then type Ctrl+W to close the tab and go right back to your friend's inventory. (I love keyboard shortcuts! They make things like that quick.)

If instead you're browsing through multiple cards that are in an easily-definable subset (like a specific edition, or foils), I'd probably find it easiest to open my and my friend's inventory in separate tabs, filter each to show just the desired subset (edition, foils, whatever), apply the same sort, then yes.... flip back and forth between the tabs.  :\

That being said.... What's your specific use case? I'm assuming your goal is something that Deckbox's trade functionality doesn't fulfill....

Possible Tool

The reason I ask is that I've created Excel spreadsheets for almost every set up through Khans block (and it would be very simple to create sheets for later sets/blocks). These sheets allow you to see how many of each card in that set is listed in multiple inventories. It works by typing in the filename of an open inventory file, which then populates that column with the counts from that inventory. You can then "lock" that column, so that the values won't disappear when you close the inventory file. You could compare as many inventories this way as you want.

If you think you'd benefit from these sheets, let me know, and I'll put them all in a ZIP and make them available for download. The obvious limitation is that you DO have to go set by set. That's why I asked how you're trying to compare inventories. If you're already doing it this way, then this should be perfect for you!


I created these spreadsheets because I had originally managed multiple physical inventories, and had a separate digital inventory for each of them, but I ultimately combined the physical inventories. So in order to spot check myself (since I did a lot of the work when I was sleep-deprived!), I created these sheets so that I could go through an edition of already-combined physical cards, and compare the quantities to the Total column in my sheets. Yes, I'm a bit OCD about it. wink

EDIT: I should note that I still keep foils and foreign cards in separate inventories, both physically and electronically, so if you have e.g. 1 regular, 1 foil, and 1 foreign version of a card, these sheets are going to show that you have 3 of that card. I could potentially customize this functionality depending on what you were needing.

EDIT 2: I just took the time to glance at your inventory, and I noticed that all of your cards are from Shadows Over Innistrad. So tomorrow, I'll create an SOI version and upload it, then you can get more of an idea what I mean!


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Oh goodness! Yes, this is a bug, and must be a recent one, as I JUST got off Premium less than a week ago and didn't have this issue.

Since I'm not on Premium, I cannot verify this issue. Could both of you (and anyone else) report the issue by opening a support ticket? Go to Help and click on "Contact, Support, & Feedback" from the left side (I'd link to it directly, but it's just a popup dialog, not a full page).


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

There's no easy way to do that on the site once they're imported, unfortunately. The easiest way to ensure it's set correctly is to physically sort your cards prior to typing them in, set the relevant edition, type in only the cards from that edition, click import.... then set the next edition and repeat.

In your case, since they're already entered, do this:

  1. Sort your inventory by edition. (Even though the edition isn't set, it'll still sort correctly.)

  2. Under "Tools", "Export" your inventory to a CSV file.

  3. Keep the original downloaded file as a backup and create a copy of the file to edit.

  4. Open in Excel or a similar editor.

  5. In the Edition column, mass enter the correct edition as appropriate. (Ensure you use the exact spelling and formatting as Deckbox. For instance, "Ravnica: City of Guilds" with the colon, not just "Ravnica".)

  6. Saving is a little weird, at least in Excel 2010. I use Ctrl+S (or the Save icon) and click Yes at the prompt. Then when you actually go to close the file, even if you have JUST saved it, it's gonna ask you to save it again. Ignore this prompt by clicking Cancel. It's fully saved the other way, and going through the Save As dialog and creating a new CSV file has caused import issues for me in the past.  :\

  7. Back on Deckbox, under "Tools", first "Remove Everything" from your inventory, then "Add Cards" using the "Import from CSV File" option. If you get a list of errors, it's usually simple spelling errors in the edition name (or card name, if you had manually typed those in the file, too), or because you have the wrong edition for that card.

  8. If anything goes wrong that you can't fix, just re-import from the backup CSV file.

Let me know if you need further assistance!


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm a little unsure of your question. Are you saying that there are zeroes in those 2 columns for cards you have in the decks? Or zeroes in those 2 columns for all your other cards?

If the former, that would be a bug.

If the latter, then if I'm understanding you correctly, you were expecting to see how many cards are left over after the built cards are subtracted? E.g. If you own 6 Lightning Bolts but none are in decks, you expect those columns to display 6. If you add 4 to a deck, those columns will then display 2. Was that your expectation? I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you.

As you may have already figured out, after further exploration of your own, is that those columns actually display the sum of a given card in decks, not the difference left over -- you'll have to mentally calculate that yourself. So in the above example, the column would go from displaying a 0 (0 Bolts in any decks) to 4 (4 Bolts in decks).

Note that with Premium, you can also choose whether to share cards between decks or not. If you share, then having 2 decks with 4 Bolts each will only show 4 in the Deck Column, whereas that column will show 8 if you don't share.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

10154882304028963 wrote:

the mark cards that represent the double sided cards.

You're wanting the "checklist cards", and I agree with you -- the OCD in me needs to add them, too!

If they were on the site, they'd be in the relevant "Extras" edition (e.g. Extras: Shadows Over Innistrad). Sadly, they are not included.... even though other cards that aren't included in Wizard's official token numbering are on the site, such as the poison counters from Scars of Mirrodin.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I should also note that this IS sort of a feature for Premium accounts. I say "sort of" because it's not a self-service feature. You have to submit a request to support for assistance.

However, I am unsure if a "restore point" would exist for any point prior to going Premium. I.e. I'm not sure if I were to screw up my inventory today, whether I could subscribe to Premium and get it restored tomorrow. It's possible that the site doesn't start auto-backing up your inventory until after you've already subscribed to Premium.


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey! Noticed you never got a reply.  :\  I'm guessing by now you just went ahead and did it manually. That sucks! I'm sorry.

The best thing you can do in the future is manually create an "Undo feature", by exporting your inventory prior to importing from CSV. Then if anything goes wrong with the import, you have a "system restore" point.

In the off chance that you haven't already fixed this manually, or for anyone else that may run into this, here's some ideas, depending on your specific situation:

  • If you didn't have anything in your inventory prior to the triplicate CSV import fiasco, all you'd have to do is Remove Everything (under Tools) and re-Import from CSV.

  • If you were adding a group of cards that wouldn't have any duplicates in what was already present in the inventory (like a new set, or a CSV for all your foils or foreign cards), then do the following:

    1. Export inventory as CSV (including the incorrect duplication).

    2. Remove everything from your inventory.

    3. Copy the exported CSV file and keep the copy as a backup.

    4. Use Excel's sorting and filtering feature to look at the correct group of cards (foils, non-English, specific edition(s), etc).

      NOTE: Use sort to bring the relevant rows together first, or step 7 will fail.* The only reason to use filtering is if it would take a lot of scrolling to get to the entries you want to work on.  smile

    5. In an empty column, enter the formula "=A2/n" (without quotes), where you replace the 2 in A2 with the correct row number of the first affected entry, and n is the number of times duplicated (in your case, 3).

    6. Copy the formula down for all affected entries.

    7. Copy and paste the new values from that column into column A. Press "Ctrl" (or click the popup) to open it, then type V (or click "Paste Values Only").

    8. Delete the formulas you entered in steps 5-6.

    9. Import the new CSV into an empty inventory. Celebrate! Or if something didn't work, and retrying steps 4-8 doesn't fix it, then restore your inventory from the backup CSV. And don't hesitate to ask the community for help!

  • If there is limited duplicates between the original inventory and the inventory after the triplicate-import, and you remember which cards are affected as well as their original Count values, you of course could still utilize the above method while handling those entries manually. Otherwise.... you're SOL, sad to say.  :\

* If there's no way to sort the rows in such a way that will bring all the affected entries together, then sort and filter one group, update the quantities, then sort and filter the next group, etc. E.g. If you're entering your Amonkhet and Hour of Devastation cards, sorting the Edition column won't bring those two editions together.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I don't believe such a thing is readily available, unless another member has already done it. However, you can create your own as follows:

  1. Start with an empty inventory.

  2. Activate the 7 day free trial of Deckbox Premium.

  3. Go to the Editions page.

  4. For each edition, use the Premium feature to add 1 of each card to your inventory.

  5. Once you've added every single edition: a) export your inventory, b) open the CSV file, c) clear the Count column, d) save, then e) make a 2nd copy of the CSV file.

  6. In the copy, fill the entire Foil column with "foil". (Obviously, some printings have either no foil or no non-foil version, so this method does create some non-existent entries. But those entries will never cause an issue.)

Now any time you want to update your inventory, do the following:

  1. Export your current inventory to have a backup.

  2. Remove all cards in your inventory.

  3. Filter and update quantities within the CSV file as needed.

  4. Import both your foils and non-foils via the CSV import.

Note that any CSV entries that have a blank Count will be ignored by the importer, so it's safe to keep all the extra lines in the CSV files.


(31 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

tjdrake719 wrote:

Unsure what the common denominator is, they all worked before.

They all have at least one card whose cost contains hybrid mana. Maybe that's the issue?

Also, Increasing Confusion comes to mind, mostly for its Flashback.

And while It's a bit slow for Modern, Keening Stone is just plain fun in mill. It generally finishes an opponent off by the time you're able to use it.

Glimpse the Unthinkable -- Pricey money-wise, but worth it for a serious mill deck.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hadn't even noticed mine had been bumped off the first page. How time has flown! But I'd like to add mine to the list:



(17 replies, posted in Announcements)

Gravityslave wrote:

I'd really love to see an option to batch add Commander decks to inventory. It takes an agonizingly long time to add all of the cards piecemeal once I've picked up a deck.

Please see my reply above in this thread regarding this exact issue -- current best method of achieving a mass import, as well as my feature request thread.

You definitely don't want to enter these decks card by card! Very tedious.