Type: Deck Idea
Format (legal 👍)
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Avg. CMC 2.4
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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 13 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (18)
4 Akroan Crusader
$0.08 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Foundry Champion
$0.13 Creature - Elemental Soldier
4 Impetuous Sunchaser
$0.03 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Phalanx Leader
$0.13 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Young Pyromancer
$0.27 Creature - Human Shaman
Instant (19)
4 Coordinated Assault
$0.03 Instant
4 Dauntless Onslaught
$0.06 Instant
4 Gods Willing
$0.06 Instant
4 Massive Raid
$0.18 Instant
3 Wear // Tear
$0.75 Instant // Instant //
Land (23)
13 Mountain
$0.09 Basic Land - Mountain
9 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
1 Sacred Foundry
$16.52 Land - Mountain Plains
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

1/1 red elemental
1/1 red soldier

New additions:

Chained to the Rocks (?)

Changes done:
- 4 Akroan Hoplite
+ 4 Dauntless Onslaught
- 4 Lightning Strike
+ 4 Impetuous Sunchaser

Non-Standard (Original)
Attended Knight X 4
Blaze Commando X 4
Foundry Champion X1
Lightning Helix X 4
Rootborn Defenses X 4
Wear//Tear X 1
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Arid Mesa
Clifftop Retreat
  • Shawn | 06-Dec-2013 20:46
    You could consider getting rid of the Blaze commando and spells that burn the opponent and focus on hero friendly spells like:
    Dauntless Onslaught
    Blades of Velis Vel
    • justintryon | 06-Dec-2013 21:02
      Yes, as a Standard deck it suffers from a bit of an idenity crisis, and strattling the line between making dudes because I'm Heroic-ing or because I'm connecting directly (and poor YP is right in the middle, like a child of divorce). Dauntless Onslaught could be good and is (currently) standard. Ideally, I want to get a bunch of dudes, attack a few times, then end it with the Champion or Massive Raid. We'll see...
  • Knuttypoo | 27-Sep-2013 17:42
    I really like the Hoplites. Just get rid of the Stonehorn Dignitaries; they aren't worth it.
    • justintryon | Edited 27-Sep-2013 18:45
      It's a special circumstance creature I'll admit, but the two scenaro's I envision are: 1) Alpha attacking an opponent then playing the Dignitary to prevent retribution, and 2) An opponent goes after another player (or me) and because they're now tapped out, I play the Dignitary and take them out. What would you recommend in their place?
      • Knuttypoo | 27-Sep-2013 19:08
        Village Bell-Ringer is a decent alternative because it will still allow you to attack all-out, costs one less, has the same power/toughness as your rhino does, and it's a surprise since it has flash.
        • justintryon | 27-Sep-2013 19:17
          Agreed, that is pretty good. I don't think I own any VB-R but will consider it.
          • justintryon | 01-Oct-2013 23:07
            Alright, Stonehorn Dignitary is out. Elspeth is in. :-)
  • Shawn | 27-Aug-2013 12:32
    I think lightning bolt would be better than Thunderbolt.

    When you goldfish, do you get metalcraft enough to make concussive bolt worth it?  Seems like it could be an expensive, weaker lava axe most of the time.
    • justintryon | 27-Aug-2013 14:32
      Thunderbolt gives me options and is still a direct damage spell. I feel the same way about Concussive Bolt; It's still direct damage and if I'm also able to use the metalcraft ability it's gravey...
      This isn't one of my better decks, but it was fun playing it for the first time on Friday.
      • Knuttypoo | 27-Aug-2013 15:41
        Thunderbolt won't target ground creatures and costs an extra mana, so Lightning Bolt would give you more options.

        I can appreciate the Concussive Bolt a little more than Shawn does, though I'd still suggest reducing it to 2 copies in the deck because you don't want to be stuck with too many of those early on.
        • justintryon | 27-Aug-2013 16:49
          I gonna stick with the Thunder and play the deck a few more times. Agreed that LB can hit in the air and on the ground, so we'll see. I just have this fear that Serra Angel or Singir Vampire would live if I only hit it with Lightning Bolt. I could maybe come down to 2 Concussive Bolts...but what should I put instead? I do have one Mizzium Morters?
          • Knuttypoo | 27-Aug-2013 17:02
            Hmm... do you have any more low-cost creatures that poop out creature tokens when the hit the battlefield?
            • justintryon | Edited 27-Aug-2013 20:10
              I did a search online to find more and did not find any that I owned, for example Thraben Doomsayer or Mausoleum Guard. There aren't many creatures that follow the Attened Knight model as it's pretty unfair and not many that follow the Young Pyromancer model, because again it's not really fair. Let me know what you find tho!
              • Shawn | 28-Aug-2013 10:33
                Increasing Devotion would be pretty sweet here.
                • Knuttypoo | 29-Aug-2013 15:19
                  I agree.
                • justintryon | 29-Aug-2013 19:26
                  Don't own one. Sad face :-(
    • justintryon | Edited 27-Aug-2013 20:23
      Would an overloaded Mizzium Mortars with a Blaze Commando on the board be a sick combo or am I not reading it right? Granted my opponents would need to have creatures on the board too, but would that be an outrageous amount of red/white soldiers?
      • justintryon | Edited 27-Aug-2013 20:30
        Nevermind, it won't. Whenever AN instant or Sorcery...
        I need Pyromatics instead.
        • Shawn | 27-Aug-2013 20:47
          • Shawn | 27-Aug-2013 20:48
            Never mind.  I didn't see it at first. B then I searched for red replicate spells and found it.  Drr.  
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