Very interested in breeding pool, sp is great smile

Ive got 4 inkmoths and some other stuff on your list interested in your twilight mire, shoot me an offer if youre interested

tails616 wrote:

Very little, what were you looking for?

Enlightened tutor or edh staples, sol ring, command tower, ect or some older planeswalkers

Well since that's sitting at 5 mana I'll speak up and throw in x4 Mana Elves (I prefer Llanowar but since rotation is approaching Arbor might be better sad )

I've got a glimpse for trade but I don't see anything on your list I'd trade it for, would you trade from inventory?

Stuff I'm looking to trade:
Godless Shrine X1
Glimpse of Nature

Looking for anything NON-Standard from my wishlist for them, I'm ok trading down but I'd expect the value to favor me by a decent amount (up for discussion) also I'm open to pretty much any offer to trade up, regardless of if I need or even want the card and I'll look at any offers for even value if the cards are in equal demand and you want the one I have, since I'm not using them I'd rather they find a happy home.

Most interested in Noble Hierarch (Also equally interested in Elspeth KE and the original Mirrodin Swords, but I'm not too optimistic about that

I've also got some standard stuff for trade that I'll trade for anything standard or non-standard, again don't really want to trade down tho
Thundermaw Hellkite
that's pretty much it, main thing I'm looking for is a Sublime Archangel

Also bonfires are only for trade for Non Standard stuff traded at even value, I know it isn't really fair but they're going to keep going up IMO and I hate trying to track down new ones for my deck.

Hopefully we can trade smile

I think the only glaringly strange thing for me is the Drogskol Captain, you've only got GoST as far as spirits and he's already hexproof, I'd rather just use something like Honor of the Pure or Angel of Jubilation or something.

I've also never seen Avacyn played outside of a ramp deck or a quicksilver amulet deck (or maybe Pod??) anyway I wouldn't include it.

More GoST is always better, there's a reason that card is worth 20$, lets be honest.

I would never use index before ponder unless you have miracles, so I'd always use 4 ponders before I even considered an index.

also you should not be using sunpetals just to try to get Gavony township online, that card isn't worth anything near that much commitment.

Finally consistency works out better for me, I almost never include just one of a card only include 2 if I'm using it cause it's the closest thing i can find to 6 of a different card tongue, others on here would say that variety helps you to handle any situation, I disagree but it's worth testing out


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have some of the commons/uncommons and 4 inkmoths lmk if interested


(41 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a couple Godless Shrines and a Glimpse of nature coming in if you want to work something out


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Go figure, Talrand, for all his epic awesomeness, is difficult to build around.

Tell me about it, I wish he was just one mana cheaper (and maybe 2 colors), as he is I just can't find a good place for him sad


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

It all looks good to me accept I feel like there's not much point in having  the Treasure mages and Wurmcoil in there, you'll either have an unblockable swinging for game and if not a Wurmcoil probably won't help you out, I'd say you're better off with Mana Leaks and IDK if the mages are even worth it to bring out elbrus...


(5 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Merfolk mill needs to be slowed way way down, you'll get killed way before you ever get a chance to mill someone to death, IMO, you just don't have any early blockers that can stop anything aside from the Phantasms which don't really do too much for you unless the deck is doing pretty well anyway.

To slow it down you'll probably have to pull away from merfolk tribal, and add Fog Bank and unsummon (Not vapor Snag you'll often want to save your own creatures and you don't care about damage) cause otherwise I don't see it working out too well since they'll just run right through you

To be honest people who comment on here aren't really big on the Delver + Snapcaster Strategy and while the deck isn't quite a traditional delver deck it's still got all of the most important components, leaks, ponders, gitaxian probes, gut shots, vapor snags, and it should have all of those things, they're what make a deck like this so good but it's not really that interesting to comment on, I'd help out if I could but the things that would make it better are just the things that make it into the tournament quality delver deck, add Mirrodin Swords, drop green and add white, add restoration angels and Geist of saint traft, blah blah blah, otherwise you could go to RUG delver and make it a burning vengance deck and add Noxious Revival and the like, Good luck to you and hopefully someone'll be able to help out more

P.S. I'm not saying that there is a single thing wrong with Delver Decks, it's just hard to make them creative and most decks on here are designed more to be creative and center a deck around one "Bad" card that's really fun and the deck either runs perfectly and the combo is unstoppable or more likely the deck just sputters out, and we try to make the combo more effective, a deck with the "Delver" strategy doesn't really need much help, you're going to win quite often as it stands IMO

EDIT: also take torpor orb out of sideboard, it wrecks your dryad and all of your snapcasters, it's never worth sideboarding in

I  don't think it's worth splashing green in the current build, now a playset of huntmasters can change things alot but green for 2 garruks just seems like a bad call IMO


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The video is pretty low res, i couldn't recognize any cards, what are some of the specific high value cards you've got?

I use Minimum prices but specific to the edition it's printed in if that's a relevant factor, I'd also offer above value given that you'd probably be trading down

Got an avacyn and x2 talrand lmk if youre interested in those or others ive got


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As it says, I'm willing to offer considerably more than it's worth in trade value, if you have one please send me an offer

TehPokedex wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

I might be able to do a similar trade for a Sigarda rather than Garruk, you'd be able to balance out the values of course, shoot me an offer if you're interested

If i wasn't currently using Sigarda in my deck, I'd love to sad

No Problem, just saw it on your tradelist so I thought i'd offer, good luck finding the cards!

I might be able to do a similar trade for a Sigarda rather than Garruk, you'd be able to balance out the values of course, shoot me an offer if you're interested


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got a couple of the FTV Legends for trade, Progen, Visara, Captain Sissay, and Kresh, I have the whole set and might be persuaded to trade others as well Hit me up if you're interested all are Box Fresh

In my opinion any mill deck should have some sort of annoying wall, and we currently have Fog Bank in standard, unless your opponent draws spot removal or has tramply creatures this will stop them dead in their tracks. It would also let you attack with the Ooze more easily without concern of not having enough blockers.

Also there's no excuse not to have at least 1 Jace, Memory Adept in here, some decks I'd say he's expensive and you don't want to drop the cash/trade but you've got a playset of Hinterlands, as such you need a jace or two.

NullParameter wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

So, having tried a similar Golem deck myself I can say that you shouldn't use Glassdust Golem, you're not always going to be casting artifact spells and the splicers don't work since you aren't casting the artifact part.

Unless I'm looking at something wrong, Glassdust Hulk says "Whenever another artifact comes into play under your control...", so it should work just fine in this deck.

Whoops, my bad, you're absolutely correct, I'm just dumb lol


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I've got 3-4, feel free to send me an offer I'd like to make it a larger trade if possible tho

I don't really see the point of the Elvish Archdruids at this point unless you only want to boost the elves, the extra mana doesn't seem very useful since your curve tops out at 5 so it would probably just let you have your entire hand on the field a turn faster if you're lucky.

I agree with Craterhoof Behemoth, it's pretty beasty (no pun intended) Also given that Krenko's Legendary I'm not sure if you need 4 since most of the time you'll have a dead one sitting in hand but maybe since he's such a huge removal target he's worth keeping 4 of

I thinnk Goblin Arsonist is way better than Mogg Flunkies personally since you can use it to take out their utility creatures Birds of Paradise and the like, or an unflipped delver, and if you add arms dealers then it'll be an awesome target for saccing