(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can subscribe to premium, and then from the Editions page, you can add 1 of every card or a playset of every card in that set. This obviously doesn't filter between C/U and rare/mythic. But you could add a playset, then filter your inventory by "Guilds of Ravnica" and rarity, then delete all of the rare/mythic playsets.

The easiest way to do it non-premium is via editing a CSV in Excel. I just did that for you, and it took me just a couple minutes. If you're curious how I did it, I would be willing to type up some instructions. Let me know!

But go ahead and download the CSV attached to this post. First, I'd recommend backing up your current inventory by exporting a CSV. Once you've done that, just go to Add Cards > From a CSV File and select the downloaded one. Doing this won't replace the current contents of your inventory -- it'll just add the C/U playsets in addition.

NOTE 1: The attached CSV includes the C/Us included in the Planeswalker Decks for this set (Precision Bolt #267, Ral's Staticaster #268, Kraul Raider #270, and Attendant of Vraska #271). If your playsets didn't include these cards, then prior to import, open the CSV and delete those 4 lines.

NOTE 2: I set the Condition column to Near Mint, with the assumption that that's the condition you purchased. Obviously, alter that column if need be.

NOTE 3: Doesn't include basic lands, since a lot of C/U lots don't include those.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

massivecreature wrote:

Just signed up for Premium, as well. Would appreciate a reply. Thanks!

I'd recommend submitting a support ticket via the help page > "Contact, Support & Feedback" on the left.

settlerjoe wrote:

This takes about 20-30 minutes of my time, and then it gradually gets out of date.

meldon44 listed a method he uses but I'm hoping for something even easier than that.

Did you give the Deck Checker a shot? I'm not sure what would be even easier, other than a native feature developed by Sebi.

You said changing decks requires 20-30 minutes of your time -- my method takes mere seconds to make a single change to a deck.

- Making changes to 5 of your pauper decks? Open both Deckbox and the Deck Checker, and change quantities or card names in both. (So a few more seconds per tweaked card than a native method.) And then your list of "cards to buy" is instantly up-to-date and easily viewable.

- Added a bunch of your cards to your inventory? Export a CSV of it anywhere on your computer.

- Want to see that list of missing cards because you're about to go to the card store? Open the inventory CSV and Deck Checker simultaneously, and the list populates for you. Copy and paste the list into Word and print off your list. Doing that takes hardly any longer than clicking on a link in Deckbox would.

So the ONLY extra work at this point is having to export your inventory each time you change it (which is smart to do anyways), and having to type a card name / quantity twice instead of once any time you change a deck.

Give my method a shot! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is.  smile


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Unfortunately, there's not an in-site way to do this yet. I believe that it has been requested before....

The best way to do it is to Export your inventory to CSV, open that CSV in Excel or another spreadsheet editor, and then sort or filter by the Signed or Misprint column.


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

ActualButt wrote:

... whats the search term for the white mana symbol?

{W} White
{U} Blue
{B} Black
{R} Red
{G} Green

{WU} White or blue
{WB} etc.

{2W} etc.

{WP} White Phyrexian mana
{UP} etc.

{X} or {1} etc. for generic mana
{C} Colorless
{E} Energy


CasualMTGSeller wrote:

Except it says there are 1553 cards, not 1563. Are the 10 missing the irrelevant ones like the oversized (I have 6 of those) and something else?

Hmm, I only saw 3 oversized in the inventory you provided, not 6. Guess there might be 3 missing from your Deckbox inventory!

In any case, there's actually only 1562 unique cards (it goes to row 1563 in Excel due to the header row on row 1). Of the 9 unique cards missing:

  • 3 oversized commanders

  • 1 World Championship Deck card -- Urza's Rage

  • 5 alternate arts from Fallen Empires

    • 3 different Basal Thrull (merged down to 1), so -2 unique

    • 2 different High Tide, so -1 unique

    • 2 different Initiates of the Ebon Hand, so -1 unique

    • 2 different Mindstab Thrull, so -1 uniqure

CasualMTGSeller wrote:

if there are 4 missing it won't matter.

Especially since 3 are oversized commanders which you have the normal size for, and 1 is a World Champ card with gold border and nonstandard back, so.... some people might not even be cool with you playing it! Haha

CasualMTGSeller wrote:

Thank you SO, SO much for helping me with this! You're awesome.

You're welcome! I know it's the sort of help I'd hope for if it were me.  smile

CasualMTGSeller wrote:

I should just manually add each card to TO and DB separately, otherwise I'll end up with these same problems, right?

I think the main reason to add them separately is because of how much you'd have to edit the CSV to fix edition names, change "Near Mint" to "NM" and "English" to "EN", add the extra foil column, and watch out for oddities like alternate art and other unsupported cards.

That said, if you end up with a LOT of new cards..... might be worth the work to edit a Deckbox CSV file rather than add each card twice. That threshhold will depend on you -- how long it takes you to add cards on TO.net vs how comfortable you are with editing the CSV.

Now that I know what I am doing, it took me less than 2 minutes to make all the changes to the CSV file EXCEPT replace incompatible edition names. How long that'll take will depend on the size of the inventory, how many edition names are incompatible, how many you've memorized (e.g. now I know that "Magic 2010" needs to be changed to "2010 Core Set"), and how fast you are with Excel's Find-n-Replace. (For your current inventory, I'd suspect it would take anywhere from 5-10 minutes.)

How many individual cards can you enter into TappedOut in 10 minutes? Maybe 5-10 cards per minute, so max 100 cards?

CasualMTGSeller wrote:

Could the problem be because before I uploaded it, I put a 1 in the "Qty column" field, a 2 in the "Card column" field, and a 3 in the "Set name column" field?

Yep! You nailed it! Enter as follows:

Qty column -- 1
Card column -- 3
Set TLA column -- <blank>
Set name column -- 4
Language column -- 6
Condition column -- 5
Foil qty column -- 2
Multiverse id column -- <blank>

oK, so I'm not exactly sure what caused your specific error, since I'm looking at the original exported CSV from Deckbox, and not the CSV you modified in order to upload on TappedOut.

My only guess is that, when editing it, you somehow got an extra row added at the end? You wouldn't necessarily see such an issue in a spreadsheet program (such as Excel), but if you open it in a text editor (I used Notepad++), look for a line of just commas. I was sorta able to replicate a "line 1564" error in this way, by manually adding an empty row.

You also need to remove the header row that Deckbox has, but considering you had already tried the "ignore errors" checkbox, I'm betting you already did that as well (although you mentioned your inventory going to line 1563, but really, it only goes to line 1562 once the header row is gone, so... double check that!).

The attached file worked perfectly for me on TappedOut. Some notes about going from DB.org to TO.net (in case you hadn't figured these out yet):

  • I had to remove the oversized commanders as well as the World Champ Deck card, as TO doesn't seem to support them (not that I found). So that's 4 less total count and 4 less unique.

  • TO also doesn't support the alternate arts in sets like Fallen Empires. If you upload a CSV with 2+ lines of the same card/edition/language/condition that only differ in the Collector Number field, TO will only use the last instance of that card in the CSV. So e.g. you had 3 lines of "1 NM Eng Basal Thrull from Fallen Empires", for a total of 3 Basal Thrulls, but TO only showed 1. So in the attached file, I merged all those lines to show the total count, regardless of alt art. That's 5 less unique cards.

  • Had you figured out how to deal with foils? TO is weird, in that it *exports* to CSV with a DB-style CSV (with a single Count column and a Foil column that works just like DB's). But for *import*, it requires you to have two separate Count columns (a la Decked Builder -- a normal and foil count). For the benefit of everyone, I'll share what I found to be the quickest way to do this below.

I hope the file works for you. Let me know if you have questions!

Convert Foils  (in Excel)

Deckbox defaults to column A being Count, col B being Tradelist Count, and col H being Foil.

Insert a new column next to col B (making the Foil column now be col I), then type the following formulas into the now columns B and C:

Column B:

=IF( I1="foil", 0, A1)

Column C:

=IF( I1="foil", A1, 0)

((You can quickly enter the formula into each cell by either a) entering it in the top row and then copying it down, or b) my preferred method, already having all the needed rows in column B/C highlighted, then pressing Ctrl+Enter after typing the formula.))

Then copy cols B and C and paste them right back where they were, except you'll choose "Paste Values" from the paste options.

Finally, delete col A. The new col A is now the Normal Count column, and col B is the Foil Count column.

CasualMTGSeller wrote:

That's exactly what I thought and did--I forgot to mention that--but that didn't work either.

Thank you so much for responding, by the way.

You're welcome! Sorry that the obvious didn't work.  :\

I work with CSVs all the time and would love to help if possible. Would you be opposed to uploading the inventory to a file sharing site (a temporary one would be fine) so that I could download it?

When you go to Inventory > Edit > As CSV, there's a checkbox to Ignore Errors. Since the supposed error line references an irrelevant line, it should be fine to use this checkbox.


(43 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

I will also add a bit later today 1 week of trial available for all free accounts as well so that they can also test this.

I would love to do some more testing of the features. I hope my feedback has been useful thus far! I don't see an option in account settings or on the Premium page to enable the free trial. Will you be updating this thread once this extra week has been made available?


(43 replies, posted in Announcements)

TechnicolorMage wrote:

New features sound cool. If I have 3 MM versions of Dark Confidant and a Ravnica versions as well. Will my deck be able to show case both editions?

Yep! Click the "Edit" button and choose "Add new row". You'll have two rows of Dark Confidant, and can set the editions (and counts) separately for each row.


(30 replies, posted in Announcements)

sebi wrote:

I want to do the release on monday morning.

Hey Sebi,

So I realize the release of the new feature is imminent, but I wanted to check whether concerns #4 and #5 from my feedback would be addressed in the final version. In the current alpha environment, they don't seem to be.

#4 in particular is a major usability issue, which will cause confusion for every new user to this site. If a user own 2 of a card that are separate versions, the column should intuitively display 2, not 1. We're going to be seeing duplicate forum posts about this for the lifespan of Deckbox if care is not taken to display this important bit of info in the most clear and intuitive manner possible. I still advocate a fourth column as the solution -- the interface already easily supports that.

#5 is less of a concern, but is just a solid design choice. Having the word "Edit" on every single line is superfluous, merely adding clutter, not clarity. Simply replacing the word with the edition icon as I showed significantly cleans up the the interface, and saved space (perhaps for the 4th column mentioned above?).

ZiggyManSaad wrote:

... is this on the horizon?

Yes  smile  Alpha testing: Details in decks


(30 replies, posted in Announcements)

wonderdog79 wrote:

I am trying to use this feature and I am getting an error stating it is only for premium members.

Yep. Same issue. Premium was given to every alpha test account for testing purposes, but at least in my case, I noticed it was set to expire on the 26th. So I did all the testing I could before then.

Sad though. Kinda defeats the whole point, unless he wanted to limit how long alpha testing ran for.... Considering the alpha site is still up, though, I'm hoping he'll reactivate premium for everybody.

Another example -- right now Birthing Pod shows $30.59 as the price, 3x what it's worth. A few days ago it was over $40 and I reported it (I don't know if that helped).

I had also noticed that a Deckbox seller had it listed for over $80!!! When it's only a $10 card. Today that seller's card seems to no longer be listed. I had checked out that seller's other cards, and he consistently had cards priced at about twice what Deckbox was saying the price should be (which is usually too high as it is).

Sorry -- I know a valuable card is off-topic from the OP. But since others were bringing it up, I figured I'd chime in.  wink


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Bupp wrote:

If I change cards in a deck, how to I move cards from between inventory and decks, and keep my counts accurate?

Does everything just show up in inventory by default?

Correct. "Inventory" is a list of every card you own, regardless of where it's located. You don't "move cards out of" your inventory and into decks. You simply list all cards -- both used in decks and currently unused -- in your Inventory, and then build your deck.

TL;DR -- Just list 37 Mountains in your Inventory, if that's the total amount that you have, and then put 8 in your Deck Idea. This means that 8 are used, 29 are unused or "extra". However, you will not able to see how many total you have in decks unless you're a Premium user.

For a non-premium user, all decks will just be "Deck Ideas" -- i.e. none of them "count against" your Inventory. In your Inventory view, the Deck Count column will just show the highest number you would need for any one of your deck ideas (so this number usually won't be higher than 4, obviously, except for basic lands and cards like Relentless Rats). So if one deck idea needs 2 Lightning Bolt and another deck needs 4, this column will show 4 (not 6, the total of the two decks).

A premium user can create "Built Decks", not just deck ideas. If a premium user goes into his settings and un-checks the option to "Share cards between decks", then the additional column in the Inventory for "built deck count" will show the total of that card in all built decks. In the above example, it would show 6, not 4.

The only shortcoming in this system is that, currently, there is no way to specify that a specific version of a card is used in a deck (e.g. your Signed NM Foil M10 Lightning Bolt). This is a feature that has been requested for a loooooong time. GOOD NEWS, though! It's on the horizon. Please see this thread in the Announcements forum and go test out the alpha version of this feature.

Note that it will still not enable you to "move" cards from your inventory to a deck, but it WILL count against a specific version of a card in your inventory. Note also that it will still require Premium, along with the Built Decks feature and the ability to choose to not share cards between decks.


(30 replies, posted in Announcements)

As an expansion on #3....

It would actually be great to not only see (in the Edit dropdown) how many of each version of a card we own (in Inventory), but how many are currently in built decks. Something like this:



(30 replies, posted in Announcements)

Some points of feedback:

  1. The "Add new row for this card" option is inconsistent about where the row gets added. The new row should always be added below the current row being edited, IMO.

  2. I concur with everybody else the need to see an indicator for foil / signed / altered / etc. just like we would in Inventory.

  3. I also agree with @ArtosKincaid that the Edit dropdown should include the counts for each version of the card. Currently, I have to click on the green inventory count square ("Click for more information") to see these counts, then go back to the Edit dropdown to select the version of the card that has enough available.

  4. Related to the above, going from a version of the website in which the Inventory Count column shows the TOTAL count of the card (regardless of version), to one that shows only the count of that card for the selected version, is confusing. @Pmintz's post showed that this caused him confusion as well. It isn't intuitive that this column would show 1 of a card, when in fact he owns 2 of that card.

    I know we're short on space for table columns, but perhaps add an additional count column -- one to show total of the card, one to show total for that version of a card? Or instead of a new column, you could use a slash -- 10/2 -- which would mean 10 total of e.g. Acidic Slime, 2 of the NM Foil M12 version?

  5. Related to lack of space and the need for foil/etc indicators, I highly recommend placing the edition icon inside of the dropdown, in place of the unnecessary word "Edit". If need be, you can have reminder text at the top of that column. See the attached / linked image. https://image.ibb.co/eug0VT/Example.png


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

You can do the same filtering from your inventory as you can from the card database -- the filtering options just don't show up automatically. After you go to your inventory, look in the upper right corner for "Search & Filter" -- this will bring up the exact same interface.

Note that if you search for Name Contains "Vampire" and Type Line Contains "Vampire" and Rules Text Contains "Vampire", this will have AND logic, meaning that you will only see cards in which all three of those are true, not just one of them. You'll have to search each individually.... which will obviously create a lot of overlap.

But at least it's possible.  smile

ReliquaryTower wrote:

Not sure if this will get you closer to what you want, but search for rules text containing "{X}".

This only finds it in the rules text, not the casting cost, unfortunately. So it won't find e.g. Fireball.

DevSQL wrote:

Are the Challenger Decks added or am I completely missing it?

From my understanding, the Challenger Decks aren't their own set/edition -- all the cards contained within retain the set symbol of the normal block sets.

That is a premium feature:

"Deck tags - specify variants: Specify exactly what variant your deck is - Commander, Cube, Tiny Leaders, and more! For some of them you also get additional functionality, like highlighting your commander."

Since you are the owner of the email that's already in use, how about you try logging into Deckbox with it? You have to do a "Forgot password" thing, but once into the unneeded account, you could either switch your inventory over to that account since it's already using the correct email, OR (probably preferred) change its email to something else or delete the account entirely.

It's possible that you may have to contact Deckbox directly, which you can do from Help.


(6 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

oK, so my curiosity got the better of me, and I actually created multiple versions with all the available Notepad character encodings, and attempted to import them all. That was indeed the issue, with the results as follows:

UTF-8 is what produced your error

Unicode and Unicode Big Endian both produced a different error, stating that it needed to be a plain text CSV file.

Therefore, the only encoding that works (at least of the 4 in Notepad) is ANSI.