just wondering, what would it take to buy one of your ISD boxes? in the next few paychecks I might be into buying a box of something.

I made a R/W Norin the Wary Soul sisters deck. It look amazing on paper and does well against MOST match-ups but lately I feel myself questioning the decks ability. I THINK i'm playing to the best of my ability but I find myself unable to really answer the opponent fast enough when i'm up against tokens or aggressive mirror matches. My sideboard I feel is solid but hey if anyone has played this deck in a serious setting, please tell me if i'm missing something.

THE DECK : http://deckbox.org/sets/623617


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

1. Yes (you can proliferate any counters that are there, +1's -1's poison, anything that is a counter can be proliferated and you can add 1 to everything that has a counter if you want.  For example:

If you have a planeswalker, a creature with a +1/+1, a land with a counter on it, and your opponent has a creature with a -1/-1 counter on it and a poison counter you can add 1 counter to all of those at the same time when you cast something that has proliferate.

2. no (Glorious Anthem gives a field bonus of +1/+1 while on the field which is not a counter.  Anything that gives counters will literally say "Counter" on the card)  Hope that helps!


(2 replies, posted in General Discussion)

honestly I was always told it was 2 weeks of NO communication.  If the person is communicating and things aren't getting out of hand (I.E. excessive arguing or ect.) then why open one?


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hobbes487 wrote:

I haven't been able to find any guidelines on the timelines for when a bad trade report would be appropriate.  What should I do in my situation?

I am new so I sent cards first with tracking.  The cards arrived on March 3rd and the person I am trading with had not marked them as received and has not sent his cards. He has not responded at all to my inquires.  Is this normal?  Should I give him a few more days?

Read through this: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5650 it has everything to do with BTRs.  the general wait is 2 weeks time with no communication.  Sometimes people are forgetful.  If it's been more than 2 weeks with no communication then you may need a MOD to get involved (Via filing a Btr)


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sooooo Moving, Paying what little money I had into my failed apartment, and life drama made me sell my collection down to my collection to the bare bones but luckily I'm left with a few choice survivors.  I'm also in better standings now so I think I can get away with a little trade action.  Here's What I need!

Wants:  http://deckbox.org/sets/318284

The best I have to offer (Sorry it's Not much for now!)

PreRelease Hero of Bladehold (1)
MMA Arcbound Ravager (1) - TRADED
Duel Deck Phyrexian Arena (1) - TRADED
C12 Spell Crumple (1)
M11 Birds of Paradise (1)
M11 Honor of the Pure (3)
DST Darksteel Citadel (1)
Duel Deck Spectral Procession (2)
Duel Deck Profane Command (1)

Custom Spirit ISD Painted Token (I value it 5$) (1) Pic here: http://imgur.com/aerPxBG

The rest is sadly less than a buck


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sooooo Moving, Paying what little money I had into my failed apartment, and life drama made me sell my collection down to my collection to the bare bones but luckily I'm left with a few choice survivors.  I'm also in better standings now so I think I can get away with a little trade action.  Here's What I need!

Wants:  http://deckbox.org/sets/318284

The best I have to offer (Sorry it's Not much for now!)

PreRelease Hero of Bladehold (1)
MMA Arcbound Ravager (1) - TRADED
Duel Deck Phyrexian Arena (1) - TRADED
C12 Spell Crumple (1)
M11 Birds of Paradise (1)
M11 Honor of the Pure (3)
DST Darksteel Citadel (1)
Duel Deck Spectral Procession (2)
Duel Deck Profane Command (1)

Custom Spirit ISD Painted Token (I value it 5$) (1) Pic here: http://imgur.com/aerPxBG

The rest is sadly less than a buck


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bighappyblocker wrote:

I do believe in order to map a box you need to open it to use the box mapping because it needs to know where some of the cards were in order to "map" what the rest of the box should be, which would result in you filling your box with other mapped packs. I may be wrong don't quote me I am not a wizard.

Neither am I but hey it was just a friendly warning out there for my fellow MTG player.  I'm always wary when buying from anyone except a store when it comes to sealed product.  Maybe I'm just paranoid


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Careful of mapped boxes.  I've seen posts where people do that hmm

My honest advice for you would be is playtest both the decks in proxy first and find out which deck you understand more.  The template of both decks are very good but it all comes down to one thing: Do you know how to pilot the deck?  If you want to win, you have to learn every little piece of a deck and learn to adapt to every situation with it.  Play the deck you have most skill with!


(6 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

would seem a lot easier just to be aggressive with the reckoner an attack, when the block cast boros charm and Mortal's Ardor for 3 mana of 2 colors instead of 4 mana with 3 colors


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

TFugitive wrote:

Hey, does anyone know anything about tappedout.net being down?  I haven't been able to get in there for the last 3 or 4 days and I really want to playtest some decks.

From their facebook: KrazyCaley here. Yes, we know the site has been down. Yeago, unfortunately, is on vacation, and he is the ONLY MAN WHO CAN SAVE US. We're trying to get in touch with him; will keep you posted.


(2 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Well as far as those colors are concerned, you only have 3 generals to choose from.  Oros, the Avenger being the cheapest of the 3. but you could easily also do a Tariel, Reckoner of Souls Reanimator build for cheap as well.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I'm no lawyer or moderator here but I would say that's cause for you to file a complaint against the postal service and see what they will do hmm by the way why would they even mail something that was clearly cut open and messed with.  I thought it was illegal to open someone else's mail.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Has anyone else been noticing the increased spam posting thats been happening around here?  I found this even today posted by a member with a brand new profile and no "games" added  It seems spam bots are creating accounts or something.  the poster of this was bubxena.  viewing thier profile it becomes very evident that they are not a real person.

TRZ wrote:

They look fine I didnt notice anything major that I thought you could add... Maybe Olivia or Falkenrath Aristocrat in the Vampire deck?

You said you've played 100+ games with the soldier deck. What sort of decks do you typically see? What have been your best and hardest match ups? How competitive are you looking to go with these?

Ihave played a little of every top tier on there.  Ican say for sure the trickiest situations come from tron out pacing you or american control wipping the field repeatedly can be a nuesance.  My advice on this is play enough guys to pressure but leave a few in hand just in case you need them later.  Also hyper fst devotion decks are starting to be seen around modern i've noticed. I may need to adjust to those.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I'm assuming you're aiming for Modern?

If that's the case I can't really comment too much given my lack of familiarity with the format more generally, but I would imagine they would perform alright... although probably not up there with the tier 1 decks... but that's just a guess on my part.

I've taken the Soldiers onto Cockarice at least 100 times by now.  It really comes down to the skill of the player.  These decks I've concluded are ABLE to win against any tier deck but at times it becomes a really tricky spot.  Other times, yeah a bad draw ruins your whole night and you aren't going anywhere but hey.  What deck doesn't flop at least once in a while?

I've been working over the last year on a perfect formula for competitive play.  Seems to work very well for me.  Always adjusting for Meta's of course!  What do you guys think?  I have a Vampire, Soldier, and Knight Template I tried just to make sure it worked well.  The decks are meant to take down even the best of decks and under a good pilot have done so on many occasions!

Vampires: http://deckbox.org/sets/585526

Knights: http://deckbox.org/sets/585464

Soldiers: http://deckbox.org/sets/585459


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bmil wrote:

I'd give you like, $1.50 for the terminus and then bulk buy other rares, wouldnt be interested in most of the commons/uncommons but i'd bulk some of em.  Theres just not much of anything there.

Discussion started

drgolovacroxby wrote:

I really do think that a separate thread, or better yet, a separate forum for people selling would honestly make a lot of difference here.  I think some people (myself included) get a bit frustrated wading through a bunch of people mindlessly bumping the same selling thread just to get to a few legitimate trading posts.  The result is people being more aggravated, and taking it out on a few sellers.

Maybe just a pipe dream, but it costs nothing and would do these forums a lot of good.

i can get behind something like that.  it would make it easier on everyone


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

joecat wrote:

" Hello everyone,
Due to the recent and increasing occurrences of people being 'called out' because someone else doesn't agree with how they are valuing their cards, I am forced to make this post. It is the seller/trader's own prerogative to value his/her cards at whatever value they deem fit, and it is an interested buyer/trader's prerogative to privately negotiate for a price a they deem fit. Publicly 'calling out' or harassing someone in their thread because you don't agree with how that person is valuing their cards is poor judgement, harassment, and will no longer be tolerated in this community as it is causing many problems. I will start to enforce this if I continue to see it, first editing posts and giving out warnings, and after that taking it on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly." - UnstableFlux
If this makes you feel any better.

^ well put and the true reason for what id said before.  thank you


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

nullkarmaexception wrote:

Is this your first time selling your whole collection?  You say people have called your price "unfair", it's not unfair, just unrealistic.  No one likes to hear someone say their prices are to high, or they want to much, I get it.  And when you say that someone, who is simply trying to steer you in the right direction to help you make some money, is being "unfair", then that is extremely unfair to them.  Especially when integrity matters. 

I hope you get where I'm coming from here.

Well to explain. The edit had no intention on offending anyone but there IS a trend of people coming onto a thread just to cry about the prices. For those people, the extra line about that helps.  honestly, ive used this site less and less over the months due to the udder rudeness of the mtg community whether it be on here, other sites, or even at the lgs and one does become a little sick of it. I'm not saying anyone is wrong for trying to put a lower price on it or even saying that calling me out cant be done but wouldn't it be easier for the sake of integrity to do this in a private matter so that the thread isnt full of arguing and such? like ive said before, if no one on this forum wants it, i can happily take it to ebay


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

arsonisfun wrote:

Not to offend, but you're over-valuing your collection by a large margin.  If it's worth under $2 or so mid and its part of a lot, you're looking at getting bulk prices for it (~.25 for mythics, ~.10 for rares, C/Us at ~$5 per 1000).

maybe so but the stuff is sorta good or sorta bad not sure where the line is i mightend up just selling to ebay as someone suggested before if im not offered anything in a weeks time or so. no offense taken though.  i've ben around these forums enough to know that price is a touchy subject for most im just trying to unclutter my place and pick up some bill money


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mbknight wrote:

What methodology did you apply to come to a price tag of 115?

Set it down to low and added a little for the cost of shipping them all.  prices are negotiable of course.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Wanting to get rid of my collection in one bulk go!

*Disclaimer* the collection is mostly uncommons and bulk rares but there are plenty of each!  my asking price is 115$ shipped through usps flat rate box tracked if you have any questions let me know smile

~~EDIT~~ Some say this is an unfair price and ect.  If you feel this way, I understand but please refrain from posting on the forum about it, I'd be more than willing to discuss it via private message if you feel you have a more fair offer.