Type: Deck Idea
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Avg. CMC 3.32
Card Color Breakdown
Card Type Breakdown

releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 549 cards, 548 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (287)
1 Abzan Battle Priest
$0.28 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Ainok Bond-Kin
$0.05 Creature - Dog Soldier
1 Ainok Survivalist
$0.08 Creature - Dog Shaman
1 Akki Coalflinger
$0.14 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Amrou Scout
$0.08 Creature - Kithkin Rebel Scout
1 Anger
$1.72 Creature - Incarnation
1 Anointer Priest
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Arcbound Fiend
$0.37 Artifact Creature - Horror
1 Arcbound Reclaimer
$4.26 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Ashenmoor Liege
$0.84 Creature - Elemental Knight
1 Aven Redeemer
$0.14 Creature - Bird Cleric
1 Aven Riftwatcher
$0.04 Creature - Bird Rebel Soldier
1 Avian Changeling
$0.23 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Axebane Guardian
$0.23 Creature - Human Druid
1 Azorius Herald
$0.15 Creature - Spirit
1 Baleful Eidolon
$0.06 Enchantment Creature - Spirit
1 Balustrade Spy
$0.03 Creature - Vampire Rogue
1 Banisher Priest
$0.05 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Benthic Infiltrator
$0.09 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Blessed Spirits
$0.09 Creature - Spirit
1 Blightspeaker
$0.12 Creature - Human Rebel Cleric
1 Blind Hunter
$0.14 Creature - Bat
1 Blinding Souleater
$0.02 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Cleric
1 Blistering Firecat
$2.65 Creature - Elemental Cat
1 Blitz Hellion
$0.22 Creature - Hellion
1 Bloodwater Entity
$0.06 Creature - Elemental
1 Bolrac-Clan Crusher
$0.05 Creature - Ogre Warrior
1 Boneknitter
$0.22 Creature - Zombie Cleric
1 Bottle Gnomes
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Gnome
1 Bringer of the Green Dawn
$2.04 Creature - Bringer
1 Broodhatch Nantuko
$0.20 Creature - Insect Druid
1 Brutalizer Exarch
$0.20 Creature - Phyrexian Cleric
1 Burrenton Bombardier
$0.06 Creature - Kithkin Soldier
1 Cabal Archon
$0.25 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Cairn Wanderer
$0.31 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Caligo Skin-Witch
$0.03 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Canal Dredger
$0.30 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Cavern Lampad
$0.05 Enchantment Creature - Nymph
1 Cemetery Reaper
$0.80 Creature - Zombie
1 Centaur Healer
$0.10 Creature - Centaur Cleric
1 Changeling Berserker
$0.77 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Changeling Hero
$0.25 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Changeling Titan
$2.61 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Chronomaton
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Clockwork Hydra
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Hydra
1 Corpse Connoisseur
$0.33 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Crimson Mage
$0.02 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Crypt Angel
$1.09 Creature - Angel
1 Crypt Creeper
$0.04 Creature - Zombie
1 Crypt Ghast
$7.23 Creature - Spirit
1 Daru Sanctifier
$0.08 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Daunting Defender
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Deadeye Tracker
$0.37 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Deepfire Elemental
$0.14 Creature - Elemental
1 Defender of the Order
$0.20 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Defiant Salvager
$0.02 Creature - Aetherborn Artificer
1 Devoted Caretaker
$3.06 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Diluvian Primordial
$0.33 Creature - Avatar
1 Dimir Doppelganger
$0.82 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Doomsday Specter
$0.80 Creature - Specter
1 Doorkeeper
$0.04 Creature - Homunculus
1 Dowsing Shaman
$0.22 Creature - Centaur Shaman
1 Dragon Egg
$0.06 Creature - Dragon Egg
1 Duergar Hedge-Mage
$0.60 Creature - Dwarf Shaman
1 Dwarven Priest
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Cleric
1 Eidolon of Blossoms
$1.26 Enchantment Creature - Spirit
1 Elvish Archdruid
$0.77 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Elvish Harbinger
$5.68 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Emblazoned Golem
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Embraal Gear-Smasher
$0.09 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Entomber Exarch
$0.08 Creature - Phyrexian Cleric
1 Esperzoa
$0.13 Artifact Creature - Jellyfish
1 Etched Oracle
$0.28 Artifact Creature - Wizard
1 Eternal of Harsh Truths
$0.10 Creature - Zombie Cleric
1 Extruder
$0.40 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
1 Faerie Macabre
$5.20 Creature - Faerie Rogue
1 Fatespinner
$3.99 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Fatestitcher
$1.18 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Fathom Feeder
$0.17 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Fathom Seer
$0.07 Creature - Illusion
1 Felidar Sovereign
$3.66 Creature - Cat Beast
1 Festering Goblin
$0.19 Creature - Zombie Goblin
1 Filigree Angel
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Angel
1 Fireslinger
$0.18 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Fleetfoot Panther
$0.29 Creature - Cat
1 Flickerwisp
$0.19 Creature - Elemental
1 Game-Trail Changeling
$0.24 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Gangrenous Goliath
$0.16 Creature - Zombie Giant
1 Garna, the Bloodflame
$0.09 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Geist of the Archives
$0.16 Creature - Spirit
1 Generator Servant
$0.18 Creature - Elemental
1 Geralf's Mindcrusher
$0.21 Creature - Zombie Horror
1 Ghitu Chronicler
$0.04 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Ghostblade Eidolon
$0.27 Enchantment Creature - Spirit
1 Ghostly Changeling
$0.06 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Ghoulsteed
$0.10 Creature - Zombie Horse
1 Glassdust Hulk
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Gleaming Barrier
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Gnarled Scarhide
$0.15 Enchantment Creature - Minotaur
1 Goblin Banneret
$0.08 Creature - Goblin Soldier
1 Goblin Chieftain
$3.59 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Electromancer
$0.08 Creature - Goblin Wizard
1 Goblin Legionnaire
$0.14 Creature - Goblin Soldier
1 Goblin Replica
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Sledder
$0.24 Creature - Goblin
1 Golgari Decoy
$0.10 Creature - Elf Rogue
1 Golgari Guildmage
$0.20 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Golgari Rotwurm
$0.07 Creature - Zombie Wurm
1 Graceful Antelope
$0.43 Creature - Antelope
1 Grand Architect
$0.63 Creature - Vedalken Artificer
1 Greater Sandwurm
$0.02 Creature - Wurm
1 Grixis Slavedriver
$0.06 Creature - Zombie Giant
1 Grotag Siege-Runner
$0.06 Creature - Goblin Rogue
1 Guttersnipe
$0.18 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Gyre Sage
$3.96 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Hammer Dropper
$0.02 Creature - Giant Soldier
1 Hand of Justice
$1.31 Creature - Avatar
1 Haunted Cadaver
$0.12 Creature - Zombie
1 Hedron-Field Purists
$0.21 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Helium Squirter
$0.04 Creature - Beast Mutant
1 Hidden Dragonslayer
$0.22 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Horde Ambusher
$0.06 Creature - Human Berserker
1 Ill-Tempered Cyclops
$0.02 Creature - Cyclops
1 Imperious Perfect
$0.45 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Inspired Sprite
$0.22 Creature - Faerie Wizard
1 Intimidator Initiate
$0.25 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Ire Shaman
$0.13 Creature - Orc Shaman
1 Iron League Steed
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Jeering Instigator
$0.20 Creature - Goblin Rogue
1 Karona's Zealot
$0.04 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Keldon Overseer
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Kingpin's Pet
$0.07 Creature - Thrull
1 Krosan Tusker
$0.03 Creature - Boar Beast
1 Krovikan Horror
$2.29 Creature - Horror Spirit
1 Laboratory Maniac
$3.06 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Leafcrown Dryad
$0.05 Enchantment Creature - Nymph Dryad
1 Leonin Relic-Warder
$0.31 Creature - Cat Cleric
1 Lich Lord of Unx
$4.80 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Lightning Reaver
$0.53 Creature - Zombie Beast
1 Llanowar Dead
$0.20 Creature - Zombie Elf
1 Lobber Crew
$0.10 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Masked Admirers
$0.09 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Master Apothecary
$0.78 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Master of Etherium
$0.26 Artifact Creature - Vedalken Wizard
1 Maulfist Squad
$0.02 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Merciless Eternal
$0.09 Creature - Zombie Cleric
1 Millikin
$0.25 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Mindeye Drake
$0.04 Creature - Drake
1 Mindless Automaton
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Mistform Shrieker
$0.09 Creature - Illusion
1 Mnemonic Wall
$0.15 Creature - Wall
1 Mockery of Nature
$0.10 Creature - Eldrazi Beast
1 Mogg Fanatic
$0.17 Creature - Goblin
1 Molten Hydra
$0.58 Creature - Hydra
1 Monastery Loremaster
$0.06 Creature - Djinn Wizard
1 Monk Idealist
$0.10 Creature - Human Monk Cleric
1 Moonglove Changeling
$0.25 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Mystic of the Hidden Way
$0.03 Creature - Human Monk
1 Mystic Snake
$0.66 Creature - Snake
1 Nantuko Husk
$0.12 Creature - Zombie Insect
1 Nantuko Shade
$0.18 Creature - Insect Shade
1 Neurok Replica
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Wizard
1 Nightscape Familiar
$0.60 Creature - Zombie
1 Nimbus Naiad
$0.04 Enchantment Creature - Nymph
1 Nivix Cyclops
$0.19 Creature - Cyclops
1 Noble Templar
$0.04 Creature - Human Cleric Soldier
1 Noggle Hedge-Mage
$0.14 Creature - Noggle Wizard
1 Nucklavee
$0.04 Creature - Beast
1 Nyx Weaver
$1.64 Enchantment Creature - Spider
1 Oasis Ritualist
$0.02 Creature - Naga Druid
1 One-Eyed Scarecrow
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Scarecrow
1 Orcish Librarian
$0.29 Creature - Orc
1 Phyrexian Debaser
$0.12 Creature - Phyrexian Carrier
1 Phyrexian Revoker
$0.20 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Horror
1 Pine Walker
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
1 Plaguemaw Beast
$0.25 Creature - Phyrexian Beast
1 Platinum Angel
$7.09 Artifact Creature - Angel
1 Porcelain Legionnaire
$0.12 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Soldier
1 Prosperous Pirates
$0.04 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Purphoros's Emissary
$0.03 Enchantment Creature - Ox
1 Pyre Hound
$0.04 Creature - Elemental Dog
1 Rage Forger
$0.40 Creature - Elemental Shaman
1 Razor Hippogriff
$0.03 Creature - Hippogriff
1 Reassembling Skeleton
$0.09 Creature - Skeleton Warrior
1 Returned Centaur
$0.04 Creature - Zombie Centaur
1 Rhys the Exiled
$4.79 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Riptide Director
$0.58 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Riptide Survivor
$0.22 Creature - Human Wizard
1 River Hoopoe
$0.04 Creature - Bird
1 Roaring Primadox
$0.05 Creature - Beast
1 Sage of Fables
$0.75 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Sage's Row Denizen
$0.04 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
1 Sanctum Gargoyle
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Gargoyle
1 Sandsteppe Outcast
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Sawback Manticore
$0.40 Creature - Manticore
1 Scryb Ranger
$0.46 Creature - Faerie Ranger
1 Selesnya Evangel
$0.14 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Selhoff Occultist
$0.04 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Serene Steward
$0.12 Creature - Human Cleric Ally
1 Serpentine Basilisk
$0.23 Creature - Basilisk
1 Sewer Shambler
$0.04 Creature - Zombie
1 Shambling Shell
$0.19 Creature - Plant Zombie
1 Shapesharer
$6.60 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Shepherd of Rot
$0.78 Creature - Zombie Cleric
1 Silent Arbiter
$5.75 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Silumgar Sorcerer
$0.06 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Skeletal Changeling
$0.28 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Skinbrand Goblin
$0.07 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Skirk Commando
$0.03 Creature - Goblin
1 Skizzik
$0.05 Creature - Elemental
1 Skullmulcher
$0.21 Creature - Elemental
1 Sky Hussar
$0.12 Creature - Human Knight
1 Skyknight Legionnaire
$0.03 Creature - Human Knight
1 Snapping Thragg
$0.11 Creature - Beast
1 Snarling Undorak
$0.08 Creature - Beast
1 Somnophore
$0.62 Creature - Illusion
1 Spearpoint Oread
$0.04 Enchantment Creature - Nymph
1 Spike Breeder
$0.32 Creature - Spike
1 Spike Colony
$0.14 Creature - Spike
1 Spike Feeder
$0.70 Creature - Spike
1 Spirit of the Labyrinth
$0.71 Enchantment Creature - Spirit
1 Spitting Gourna
$0.08 Creature - Beast
1 Splinterfright
$0.32 Creature - Elemental
1 Steppe Glider
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
1 Stern Mentor
$0.07 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Stonecloaker
$0.17 Creature - Gargoyle
1 Stoneshock Giant
$0.14 Creature - Giant
1 Stormcrag Elemental
$0.07 Creature - Elemental
1 Subterranean Scout
$0.03 Creature - Goblin Scout
1 Sunhome Guildmage
$0.21 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Sunscourge Champion
$0.04 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Suspicious Bookcase
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Wall
1 Suture Priest
$1.74 Creature - Phyrexian Cleric
1 Swarm Guildmage
$0.08 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Taurean Mauler
$2.25 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Tel-Jilad Archers
$0.08 Creature - Elf Archer
1 Terastodon
$0.43 Creature - Elephant
1 Thelonite Hermit
$0.14 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Thermo-Alchemist
$0.23 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Thopter Engineer
$0.13 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Thraben Gargoyle // Stonewing Antagonizer
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Gargoyle // Artifact Creature - Gargoyle Horror
1 Thrashing Mossdog
$0.04 Creature - Plant Dog
1 Thunderscape Battlemage
$0.26 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Tidehollow Sculler
$0.24 Artifact Creature - Zombie
1 Tidewater Minion
$0.19 Creature - Elemental Minion
1 Tinder Wall
$0.85 Creature - Plant Wall
1 Torchling
$0.34 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Tree of Redemption
$4.73 Creature - Plant
1 Tribal Golem
$0.30 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Trinket Mage
$0.62 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Triskelavus
$0.27 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Undead Gladiator
$0.08 Creature - Zombie Barbarian
1 Undercity Informer
$0.29 Creature - Human Rogue
1 Undercity Necrolisk
$0.03 Creature - Zombie Lizard
1 Underworld Coinsmith
$0.30 Enchantment Creature - Human Cleric
1 Valley Rannet
$0.09 Creature - Beast
1 Vampire Hexmage
$0.47 Creature - Vampire Shaman
1 Vedalken Entrancer
$0.01 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
1 Vedalken Outlander
$0.04 Artifact Creature - Vedalken Scout
1 Venomspout Brackus
$0.16 Creature - Beast
1 Vent Sentinel
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
1 Verdeloth the Ancient
$1.41 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
1 Veteran Armorer
$0.09 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Victual Sliver
$0.51 Creature - Sliver
1 Viral Drake
$4.68 Creature - Phyrexian Drake
1 Viscera Dragger
$0.14 Creature - Zombie Ogre Warrior
1 Visionary Augmenter
$0.05 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
1 Vizier of Tumbling Sands
$0.21 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Vizkopa Guildmage
$0.56 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Voidstone Gargoyle
$0.24 Creature - Gargoyle
1 Voyaging Satyr
$0.07 Creature - Satyr Druid
1 Wall of Blossoms
$0.20 Creature - Plant Wall
1 Wall of Deceit
$0.23 Creature - Wall
1 War Priest of Thune
$0.12 Creature - Human Cleric
1 War-Spike Changeling
$0.15 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Weathered Bodyguards
$0.29 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Wellwisher
$1.38 Creature - Elf
1 Werebear
$0.14 Creature - Human Bear Druid
1 Whipcorder
$0.30 Creature - Human Soldier Rebel
1 Whisper, Blood Liturgist
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Willbender
$0.14 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Wistful Selkie
$0.18 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Woodland Changeling
$0.43 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Yavimaya Dryad
$0.21 Creature - Dryad
1 Zacama, Primal Calamity
$1.26 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Zameck Guildmage
$0.23 Creature - Elf Wizard
1 Zo-Zu the Punisher
$20.55 Legendary Creature - Goblin Warrior
Instant (79)
1 Absorb
$0.20 Instant
1 Artisan's Sorrow
$0.07 Instant
1 Beacon of Immortality
$6.60 Instant
1 Betrayal of Flesh
$0.12 Instant
1 Blink of an Eye
$0.08 Instant
1 Burst of Strength
$0.07 Instant
1 Cackling Counterpart
$0.64 Instant
1 Captain's Maneuver
$0.17 Instant
1 Careful Consideration
$0.19 Instant
1 Cerulean Wisps
$2.51 Instant
1 Chastise
$0.09 Instant
1 Common Bond
$0.03 Instant
1 Costly Plunder
$0.11 Instant
1 Crib Swap
$0.26 Tribal Instant - Shapeshifter
1 Crushing Canopy
$0.02 Instant
1 Dance with Devils
$0.15 Instant
1 Dark Bargain
$0.03 Instant
1 Darkblast
$0.35 Instant
1 Destructive Revelry
$0.16 Instant
1 Dimir Charm
$0.41 Instant
1 Dive Down
$0.09 Instant
1 Dragonscale Boon
$0.05 Instant
1 Dragonshift
$0.28 Instant
1 Dream Twist
$0.09 Instant
1 Echoing Truth
$0.26 Instant
1 Elephant Ambush
$0.15 Instant
1 Embolden
$0.17 Instant
1 Evacuation
$0.54 Instant
1 Forbidden Alchemy
$0.03 Instant
1 Fungal Infection
$0.06 Instant
1 Gilt-Leaf Ambush
$0.15 Tribal Instant - Elf
1 Gnaw to the Bone
$0.30 Instant
1 Golgari Charm
$1.02 Instant
1 Grapple with the Past
$0.20 Instant
1 Grisly Salvage
$0.18 Instant
1 Grisly Spectacle
$0.04 Instant
1 Harrow
$0.43 Instant
1 Inner Struggle
$0.05 Instant
1 Integrity // Intervention
$0.08 Instant // Instant //
1 Judge Unworthy
$0.05 Instant
1 Magma Jet
$0.10 Instant
1 Miscalculation
$0.48 Instant
1 Molder
$0.15 Instant
1 Moment of Heroism
$0.02 Instant
1 Moment's Peace
$3.64 Instant
1 Momentary Blink
$0.09 Instant
1 Mystical Teachings
$0.14 Instant
1 Nameless Inversion
$0.15 Tribal Instant - Shapeshifter
1 Oona's Grace
$0.08 Instant
1 Pollen Remedy
$0.17 Instant
1 Prophetic Bolt
$0.11 Instant
1 Radiant's Judgment
$0.21 Instant
1 Raise the Alarm
$0.05 Instant
1 Rakdos Charm
$1.73 Instant
1 Rally the Peasants
$0.11 Instant
1 Repeal
$0.07 Instant
1 Reviving Vapors
$0.04 Instant
1 Riddle of Lightning
$0.04 Instant
1 Ride Down
$0.07 Instant
1 Scatter to the Winds
$0.15 Instant
1 Scour from Existence
$0.13 Instant
1 Scrap
$0.15 Instant
1 Seed Spark
$0.21 Instant
1 Selesnya Charm
$0.32 Instant
1 Shelter
$0.09 Instant
1 Shivan Fire
$0.02 Instant
1 Simoon
$0.18 Instant
1 Snakeform
$0.28 Instant
1 Sonic Assault
$0.03 Instant
1 Soul Manipulation
$0.19 Instant
1 Supreme Will
$0.08 Instant
1 Sylvan Might
$0.03 Instant
1 Titan's Strength
$0.08 Instant
1 Triton Tactics
$0.10 Instant
1 Uncaged Fury
$0.05 Instant
1 Voidslime
$0.93 Instant
1 Volt Charge
$0.06 Instant
1 Wax // Wane
$0.25 Instant // Instant //
1 Winds of Rebuke
$0.11 Instant
Sorcery (54)
1 Battle at the Bridge
$0.28 Sorcery
1 Blast of Genius
$0.13 Sorcery
1 Blood Feud
$0.11 Sorcery
1 Chainer's Edict
$0.27 Sorcery
1 Coastal Discovery
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Consume Spirit
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Damnable Pact
$0.27 Sorcery
1 Dawn to Dusk
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Decree of Justice
$0.12 Sorcery
1 Destructive Tampering
$0.03 Sorcery
1 Dragon Fodder
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Dread Summons
$0.71 Sorcery
1 Exert Influence
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Faithless Looting
$0.40 Sorcery
1 Fumarole
$0.19 Sorcery
1 Genesis Wave
$1.37 Sorcery
1 Give // Take
$0.08 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Goblin Barrage
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Goblin Rally
$0.22 Sorcery
1 Gravitic Punch
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Hijack
$0.04 Sorcery
1 Hordeling Outburst
$0.33 Sorcery
1 Hunting Triad
$0.25 Tribal Sorcery - Elf
1 Ichor Slick
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Legerdemain
$0.44 Sorcery
1 Mephitic Vapors
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Mind Funeral
$1.15 Sorcery
1 Morbid Hunger
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Mutilate
$1.07 Sorcery
1 Notion Rain
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Portent of Betrayal
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Promise of Power
$0.72 Sorcery
1 Read the Bones
$0.36 Sorcery
1 Reckless Charge
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Remember the Fallen
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Revel of the Fallen God
$0.09 Sorcery
1 Revival // Revenge
$0.29 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Rise from the Grave
$0.08 Sorcery
1 Ritual of the Machine
$2.74 Sorcery
1 Rupture
$0.26 Sorcery
1 Saproling Migration
$0.10 Sorcery
1 Savage Stomp
$0.11 Sorcery
1 Shamanic Revelation
$1.32 Sorcery
1 Spider Spawning
$0.22 Sorcery
1 Spread the Sickness
$0.15 Sorcery
1 Stir the Sands
$0.07 Sorcery
1 Tezzeret's Gambit
$0.20 Sorcery
1 Time to Feed
$0.02 Sorcery
1 Time Warp
$12.13 Sorcery
1 Toil // Trouble
$0.09 Sorcery // Sorcery //
1 Tormenting Voice
$0.06 Sorcery
1 Torrent of Souls
$0.16 Sorcery
1 Unburial Rites
$0.21 Sorcery
1 Urban Evolution
$0.14 Sorcery
Artifact (34)
1 Altar of Dementia
$10.20 Artifact
1 Ashnod's Cylix
$0.96 Artifact
1 Blade of the Bloodchief
$6.54 Artifact - Equipment
1 Bubble Matrix
$7.05 Artifact
1 Chromatic Lantern
$2.65 Artifact
1 Clearwater Goblet
$0.57 Artifact
1 Cloudstone Curio
$8.37 Artifact
1 Codex Shredder
$0.34 Artifact
1 Contagion Clasp
$0.34 Artifact
1 Culling Dais
$0.20 Artifact
1 Cumber Stone
$0.10 Artifact
1 Dragon Blood
$0.12 Artifact
1 Engineered Explosives
$6.69 Artifact
1 Everflowing Chalice
$0.43 Artifact
1 Expedition Map
$1.08 Artifact
1 Helm of Obedience
$29.35 Artifact
1 Helm of Possession
$5.56 Artifact
1 Infused Arrows
$0.16 Artifact
1 Kitesail
$0.03 Artifact - Equipment
1 Mourner's Shield
$0.18 Artifact
1 Mycosynth Wellspring
$0.30 Artifact
1 Retrofitter Foundry
$9.35 Artifact
1 Runed Stalactite
$0.18 Artifact - Equipment
1 Scrabbling Claws
$0.12 Artifact
1 Shrine of Loyal Legions
$0.29 Artifact
1 Skull of Orm
$1.90 Artifact
1 Slate of Ancestry
$1.33 Artifact
1 Snake Basket
$3.21 Artifact
1 Sorcerer's Wand
$0.08 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sylvok Lifestaff
$0.19 Artifact - Equipment
1 Thunderstaff
$0.19 Artifact
1 Trading Post
$0.37 Artifact
1 Trepanation Blade
$0.25 Artifact - Equipment
1 Wand of Denial
$0.57 Artifact
Enchantment (28)
1 Assault Formation
$0.71 Enchantment
1 Bound in Silence
$0.15 Tribal Enchantment - Rebel Aura
1 Capture Sphere
$0.02 Enchantment - Aura
1 Collective Restraint
$12.45 Enchantment
1 Deep Freeze
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Ethereal Armor
$0.25 Enchantment - Aura
1 Furnace Celebration
$0.02 Enchantment
1 Goblinslide
$0.15 Enchantment
1 Island Sanctuary
$2.74 Enchantment
1 Lignify
$0.81 Tribal Enchantment - Treefolk Aura
1 Malfunction
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
1 Oblivion Ring
$0.28 Enchantment
1 Ongoing Investigation
$0.08 Enchantment
1 Ordeal of Heliod
$0.13 Enchantment - Aura
1 Pillory of the Sleepless
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
1 Propaganda
$1.89 Enchantment
1 Purgatory
$1.32 Enchantment
1 Riddleform
$0.06 Enchantment
1 Shadows of the Past
$0.16 Enchantment
1 Sigil of the Nayan Gods
$0.27 Enchantment - Aura
1 Smoldering Tar
$0.16 Enchantment
1 Sphere of Safety
$3.50 Enchantment
1 Squire's Devotion
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Sterling Grove
$3.66 Enchantment
1 Teferi's Moat
$0.92 Enchantment
1 The Mending of Dominaria
$0.21 Enchantment - Saga
1 Tombstone Stairwell
$24.16 World Enchantment
1 Triumph of Gerrard
$0.08 Enchantment - Saga
Land (67)
1 Arcane Sanctum
$0.46 Land
1 Barbarian Ring
$1.87 Land
1 Barren Moor
$0.19 Land
2 Battlefield Forge
$0.95 Land
1 Blood Crypt
$15.23 Land - Swamp Mountain
1 Breeding Pool
$17.90 Land - Forest Island
1 Cabal Coffers
$24.41 Land
1 Canyon Slough
$0.35 Land - Swamp Mountain
1 Caves of Koilos
$1.74 Land
1 Copperline Gorge
$4.11 Land
1 Crumbling Necropolis
$0.46 Land
1 Darksteel Citadel
$2.03 Artifact Land
1 Drifting Meadow
$0.10 Land
1 Fetid Pools
$0.35 Land - Island Swamp
1 Forgotten Cave
$0.12 Land
1 Frontier Bivouac
$1.31 Land
1 Gilt-Leaf Palace
$4.13 Land
1 Godless Shrine
$12.00 Land - Plains Swamp
1 Grand Coliseum
$5.87 Land
1 Hallowed Fountain
$9.39 Land - Plains Island
1 Irrigated Farmland
$0.17 Land - Plains Island
1 Jungle Shrine
$0.26 Land
1 Jwar Isle Refuge
$0.22 Land
1 Kjeldoran Outpost
$7.39 Land
1 Llanowar Reborn
$0.20 Land
1 Lonely Sandbar
$0.18 Land
1 Lotus Vale
$35.59 Land
1 Memorial to Genius
$0.05 Land
1 Mystic Monastery
$0.16 Land
1 Nomad Outpost
$4.00 Land
1 Opulent Palace
$0.50 Land
1 Overgrown Tomb
$11.96 Land - Swamp Forest
1 Polluted Mire
$0.30 Land
1 Reflecting Pool
$8.99 Land
1 Remote Isle
$0.17 Land
1 Sacred Foundry
$17.88 Land - Mountain Plains
1 Sandsteppe Citadel
$0.51 Land
1 Savage Lands
$0.69 Land
1 Scattered Groves
$0.34 Land - Forest Plains
1 Scoured Barrens
$0.08 Land
1 Seaside Citadel
$0.49 Land
1 Seat of the Synod
$1.35 Artifact Land
1 Secluded Steppe
$0.08 Land
1 Sejiri Refuge
$0.21 Land
1 Selesnya Sanctuary
$0.22 Land
1 Sheltered Thicket
$0.28 Land - Mountain Forest
1 Shivan Reef
$0.82 Land
1 Simic Growth Chamber
$0.20 Land
1 Slippery Karst
$0.26 Land
1 Smoldering Crater
$0.13 Land
1 Steam Vents
$15.75 Land - Island Mountain
1 Stomping Ground
$12.30 Land - Mountain Forest
1 Sulfurous Springs
$5.87 Land
1 Swiftwater Cliffs
$0.07 Land
1 Temple Garden
$11.69 Land - Forest Plains
1 Terramorphic Expanse
$0.09 Land
1 Thawing Glaciers
$17.12 Land
1 Tranquil Thicket
$0.17 Land
1 Vivid Crag
$0.62 Land
1 Vivid Creek
$0.35 Land
1 Vivid Grove
$0.21 Land
1 Vivid Marsh
$0.58 Land
1 Vivid Meadow
$0.38 Land
1 Watery Grave
$15.09 Land - Island Swamp
1 Woodland Cemetery
$1.10 Land
1 Yavimaya Coast
$0.60 Land
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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