Name |
Creature (854) |
1 |
Abbot of Keral Keep
1 |
Abyssal Persecutor
1 |
Academy Rector
1 |
Accorder Paladin
1 |
Acidic Slime
1 |
Adanto Vanguard
1 |
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
1 |
Adorned Pouncer
1 |
Aeon Chronicler
1 |
Aether Adept
1 |
1 |
Aeve, Progenitor Ooze
1 |
Ahn-Crop Crasher
1 |
Ajani's Pridemate
1 |
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
1 |
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
1 |
Ammit Eternal
1 |
Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
1 |
Anafenza, the Foremost
1 |
1 |
Anax, Hardened in the Forge
1 |
Ancient Hydra
1 |
Angel of Despair
1 |
Angel of Invention
1 |
Angel of Jubilation
1 |
Angel of Sanctions
1 |
Angel of Serenity
1 |
1 |
Anurid Brushhopper
1 |
1 |
Arbor Elf
1 |
Arcane Artisan
1 |
Arcanis the Omnipotent
1 |
Archangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the Purifier
1 |
Archangel of Thune
1 |
Archon of Cruelty
1 |
Archon of Valor's Reach
1 |
Arclight Phoenix
1 |
Armada Wurm
1 |
Arrogant Wurm
1 |
Ash Zealot
1 |
Ashen Rider
1 |
Asylum Visitor
1 |
Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths
1 |
Augur of Autumn
1 |
Augur of Bolas
1 |
Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice
1 |
Avacyn, Angel of Hope
1 |
Avacyn's Pilgrim
1 |
Avalanche Riders
1 |
Aven Mindcensor
1 |
Avenger of Zendikar
1 |
Azure Mage
1 |
Baleful Strix
1 |
Ball Lightning
1 |
Bane of the Living
1 |
Baneslayer Angel
1 |
Banisher Priest
1 |
Baral, Chief of Compliance
1 |
Basking Rootwalla
1 |
Beanstalk Giant // Fertile Footsteps
1 |
Beast Whisperer
1 |
Bedlam Reveler
1 |
Benalish Marshal
1 |
Benalish Trapper
1 |
Benevolent Bodyguard
1 |
Biogenic Ooze
1 |
Birds of Paradise
1 |
Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty
1 |
Black Knight
1 |
Blade Splicer
1 |
1 |
Blazing Rootwalla
1 |
Blazing Specter
1 |
Blightsteel Colossus
1 |
Blinding Angel
1 |
Blistering Firecat
1 |
Bloodbraid Elf
1 |
1 |
Bloodgift Demon
1 |
Bloodline Keeper // Lord of Lineage
1 |
Bloodsoaked Champion
1 |
Bloodwater Entity
1 |
Bloom Tender
1 |
Body Double
1 |
Body Snatcher
1 |
Bomat Courier
1 |
Bone Shredder
1 |
Bonecrusher Giant // Stomp
1 |
Boon Satyr
1 |
Borderland Marauder
1 |
Boreal Druid
1 |
Boros Reckoner
1 |
Bottle Gnomes
1 |
Brago, King Eternal
1 |
Braids, Cabal Minion
1 |
Brain Maggot
1 |
Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft
1 |
1 |
Brimaz, King of Oreskos
1 |
Broodmate Dragon
1 |
Burning-Tree Emissary
1 |
Burning-Tree Shaman
1 |
Bygone Bishop
1 |
Caller of the Claw
1 |
Carnage Tyrant
1 |
1 |
Carrion Feeder
1 |
Cathar Commando
1 |
1 |
Chainer, Nightmare Adept
1 |
Champion of Wits
1 |
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh // Chandra, Roaring Flame
1 |
Chandra's Phoenix
1 |
Channeler Initiate
1 |
Charming Prince
1 |
Chasm Skulker
1 |
Chatterfang, Squirrel General
1 |
Circle of Dreams Druid
1 |
Clattering Augur
1 |
Clever Impersonator
1 |
1 |
Cloud Spirit
1 |
Cloudgoat Ranger
1 |
Coalition Honor Guard
1 |
Coiling Oracle
1 |
Cold-Eyed Selkie
1 |
Conclave Naturalists
1 |
Consecrated Sphinx
1 |
Consuming Aberration
1 |
Containment Priest
1 |
Cosima, God of the Voyage // The Omenkeel
1 |
Courser of Kruphix
1 |
Covetous Dragon
1 |
Crater Hellion
1 |
Craterhoof Behemoth
1 |
Creakwood Liege
1 |
Crypt Ghast
1 |
1 |
Cunning Sparkmage
1 |
Curator of Mysteries
1 |
Custodi Lich
1 |
Dark Confidant
1 |
Dauntless Bodyguard
1 |
Dauthi Horror
1 |
Dauthi Marauder
1 |
Dauthi Voidwalker
1 |
Daxos of Meletis
1 |
Deathrite Shaman
1 |
Deceiver Exarch
1 |
Deftblade Elite
1 |
Delver of Secrets // Insectile Aberration
1 |
Demonlord Belzenlok
1 |
Den Protector
1 |
Deranged Hermit
1 |
Desecration Demon
1 |
Desolation Angel
1 |
Devoted Druid
1 |
Dimir Infiltrator
1 |
Dire Fleet Daredevil
1 |
Diregraf Ghoul
1 |
Dismissive Pyromancer
1 |
Distended Mindbender
1 |
Dockside Extortionist
1 |
Doom Whisperer
1 |
Doran, the Siege Tower
1 |
Dragon Hunter
1 |
Dragon's Rage Channeler
1 |
Dragonlord Atarka
1 |
Dragonlord Dromoka
1 |
Dragonlord Ojutai
1 |
Dragonlord Silumgar
1 |
Drana, Liberator of Malakir
1 |
Dread Shade
1 |
Dread Wanderer
1 |
Dreadhorde Arcanist
1 |
Dream Eater
1 |
Dream Trawler
1 |
Dreg Mangler
1 |
Dryad Greenseeker
1 |
Dryad Militant
1 |
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
1 |
Dualcaster Mage
1 |
Dungeon Geists
1 |
1 |
Dusk Legion Duelist
1 |
Duskwatch Recruiter // Krallenhorde Howler
1 |
Dwarven Blastminer
1 |
Earthshaker Khenra
1 |
Ebondeath, Dracolich
1 |
Edric, Spymaster of Trest
1 |
Eidolon of Obstruction
1 |
Eidolon of the Great Revel
1 |
Elder Deep-Fiend
1 |
Elder Gargaroth
1 |
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
1 |
Elite Spellbinder
1 |
Elite Vanguard
1 |
Elves of Deep Shadow
1 |
Elvish Mystic
1 |
Elvish Visionary
1 |
Ember Hauler
1 |
Embereth Shieldbreaker // Battle Display
1 |
Emeria Angel
1 |
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1 |
Emrakul, the Promised End
1 |
Emry, Lurker of the Loch
1 |
Enclave Cryptologist
1 |
1 |
Erebos, Bleak-Hearted
1 |
Erebos, God of the Dead
1 |
Esper Sentinel
1 |
Etali, Primal Storm
1 |
Etched Oracle
1 |
Eternal Dragon
1 |
Eternal Witness
1 |
Ethersworn Canonist
1 |
Exalted Angel
1 |
Exclusion Mage
1 |
Experiment One
1 |
Faceless Butcher
1 |
Fairgrounds Warden
1 |
Falkenrath Aristocrat
1 |
Falkenrath Gorger
1 |
Fallen Shinobi
1 |
Fanatic of Xenagos
1 |
Fauna Shaman
1 |
Feather, the Redeemed
1 |
Feldon of the Third Path
1 |
Felidar Guardian
1 |
Fiend Artisan
1 |
Fiend Hunter
1 |
Fierce Empath
1 |
Figure of Destiny
1 |
Fire Imp
1 |
Firedrinker Satyr
1 |
Firemane Angel
1 |
1 |
Flametongue Kavu
1 |
Flametongue Yearling
1 |
Flamewake Phoenix
1 |
Fledgling Djinn
1 |
Fleecemane Lion
1 |
1 |
Flinthoof Boar
1 |
Forgotten Ancient
1 |
Foul Imp
1 |
Foundation Breaker
1 |
Frenzied Goblin
1 |
Frost Lynx
1 |
Frost Titan
1 |
Frost Walker
1 |
Fyndhorn Elves
1 |
Gaddock Teeg
1 |
Gadwick, the Wizened
1 |
Gatekeeper of Malakir
1 |
Geist of Saint Traft
1 |
1 |
1 |
Genesis Hydra
1 |
Geralf's Messenger
1 |
Ghalta, Primal Hunger
1 |
Ghitu Slinger
1 |
Ghor-Clan Rampager
1 |
Gideon's Lawkeeper
1 |
Gifted Aetherborn
1 |
1 |
Gilded Drake
1 |
Gilded Goose
1 |
Giver of Runes
1 |
Glen Elendra Archmage
1 |
Glint-Sleeve Siphoner
1 |
1 |
Glory-Bound Initiate
1 |
1 |
1 |
Goblin Arsonist
1 |
Goblin Bushwhacker
1 |
Goblin Chainwhirler
1 |
Goblin Cratermaker
1 |
Goblin Dark-Dwellers
1 |
Goblin Electromancer
1 |
Goblin Guide
1 |
Goblin Legionnaire
1 |
Goblin Patrol
1 |
Goblin Rabblemaster
1 |
Goblin Vandal
1 |
Goblin Welder
1 |
Goldnight Castigator
1 |
Goldspan Dragon
1 |
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
1 |
Gonti, Lord of Luxury
1 |
Gore-House Chainwalker
1 |
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV
1 |
Grand Architect
1 |
Grave Titan
1 |
Graveborn Muse
1 |
1 |
1 |
Graveyard Marshal
1 |
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
1 |
Greater Gargadon
1 |
1 |
Grim Lavamancer
1 |
1 |
Gurmag Angler
1 |
1 |
Hallowed Spiritkeeper
1 |
Hangarback Walker
1 |
Hanweir Militia Captain // Westvale Cult Leader
1 |
Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
1 |
Harbinger of the Tides
1 |
Harsh Mentor
1 |
Harvester of Souls
1 |
Havoc Demon
1 |
Hazoret the Fervent
1 |
1 |
Heir of Falkenrath // Heir to the Night
1 |
Heliod, Sun-Crowned
1 |
1 |
Hellspark Elemental
1 |
Herald of Torment
1 |
Hero of Bladehold
1 |
Hero of Oxid Ridge
1 |
1 |
Hidden Dragonslayer
1 |
Hooting Mandrills
1 |
Hornet Nest
1 |
Hornet Queen
1 |
Hostage Taker
1 |
Hullbreaker Horror
1 |
Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells
1 |
Hydroid Krasis
1 |
Hypnotic Specter
1 |
1 |
Icatian Javelineers
1 |
Icefall Regent
1 |
Ignoble Hierarch
1 |
Immersturm Predator
1 |
Imperial Recruiter
1 |
Imposing Sovereign
1 |
Incubation Druid
1 |
Indrik Stomphowler
1 |
Inferno Titan
1 |
Ingot Chewer
1 |
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
1 |
Inkwell Leviathan
1 |
Inverter of Truth
1 |
Iona, Shield of Emeria
1 |
Ire Shaman
1 |
Isamaru, Hound of Konda
1 |
Isareth the Awakener
1 |
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy // Jace, Telepath Unbound
1 |
Jackal Pup
1 |
Jadelight Ranger
1 |
Jeska, Warrior Adept
1 |
Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
1 |
Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
1 |
Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse
1 |
Joraga Treespeaker
1 |
1 |
Junk Golem
1 |
Jushi Apprentice // Tomoya the Revealer
1 |
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
1 |
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
1 |
Kamahl, Pit Fighter
1 |
Kami of Ancient Law
1 |
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
1 |
Karmic Guide
1 |
Karn, Silver Golem
1 |
Kavu Titan
1 |
Keldon Champion
1 |
Keldon Firebombers
1 |
Keldon Marauders
1 |
Keranos, God of Storms
1 |
Kessig Prowler // Sinuous Predator
1 |
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
1 |
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy
1 |
Kiora's Follower
1 |
Kird Ape
1 |
Kitchen Finks
1 |
Kitesail Freebooter
1 |
Klothys, God of Destiny
1 |
Knight of Autumn
1 |
Knight of Meadowgrain
1 |
Knight of Stromgald
1 |
Knight of the Ebon Legion
1 |
Knight of the Holy Nimbus
1 |
Knight of the Reliquary
1 |
Knight of the White Orchid
1 |
Kogla, the Titan Ape
1 |
Kokusho, the Evening Star
1 |
Koma, Cosmos Serpent
1 |
Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon"
1 |
Kor Hookmaster
1 |
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1 |
Kozilek, the Great Distortion
1 |
Krark, the Thumbless
1 |
Krosan Tusker
1 |
Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger
1 |
Kuldotha Forgemaster
1 |
Kytheon, Hero of Akros // Gideon, Battle-Forged
1 |
Laquatus's Champion
1 |
Legion Loyalist
1 |
Legion Warboss
1 |
Leonin Arbiter
1 |
Leonin Relic-Warder
1 |
Leovold, Emissary of Trest
1 |
Liesa, Forgotten Archangel
1 |
Lifebane Zombie
1 |
Lightning Angel
1 |
Lightning Mauler
1 |
Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
1 |
Liliana's Specter
1 |
Linvala, Keeper of Silence
1 |
Linvala, the Preserver
1 |
Lion Sash
1 |
Llanowar Elves
1 |
Loam Lion
1 |
Lodestone Golem
1 |
Longbow Archer
1 |
Lonis, Cryptozoologist
1 |
Looter il-Kor
1 |
Lorescale Coatl
1 |
Lotus Cobra
1 |
Lovestruck Beast // Heart's Desire
1 |
Loyal Warhound
1 |
Lu Xun, Scholar General
1 |
Luminarch Aspirant
1 |
Luminous Broodmoth
1 |
Lurrus of the Dream-Den
1 |
Lyra Dawnbringer
1 |
Magda, Brazen Outlaw
1 |
Magus of the Moon
1 |
Magus of the Wheel
1 |
Magus of the Will
1 |
1 |
Managorger Hydra
1 |
1 |
Manic Vandal
1 |
Mantis Rider
1 |
Mardu Woe-Reaper
1 |
Masked Admirers
1 |
Massacre Wurm
1 |
Master of Death
1 |
Master of the Feast
1 |
Master of the Wild Hunt
1 |
Master of Waves
1 |
1 |
Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
1 |
Meloku the Clouded Mirror
1 |
Menacing Ogre
1 |
Meren of Clan Nel Toth
1 |
Merfolk Looter
1 |
Mesmeric Fiend
1 |
1 |
Midnight Reaper
1 |
Mikaeus, the Lunarch
1 |
1 |
Mindless Automaton
1 |
Mirran Crusader
1 |
Mirror Entity
1 |
Mist Raven
1 |
Mogg Fanatic
1 |
Mogg Flunkies
1 |
Mogg War Marshal
1 |
Molten-Tail Masticore
1 |
Monastery Mentor
1 |
Monastery Swiftspear
1 |
2 |
Mother of Runes
1 |
1 |
Murderous Redcap
1 |
Murderous Rider // Swift End
1 |
Murktide Regent
1 |
Myr Battlesphere
1 |
Mystic Crusader
1 |
Mystic Enforcer
1 |
Mystic Snake
1 |
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
1 |
Nantuko Husk
1 |
Nantuko Shade
1 |
Nantuko Vigilante
1 |
Nashi, Moon Sage's Scion
1 |
Nearheath Pilgrim
1 |
1 |
1 |
Nest Invader
1 |
Nested Shambler
1 |
Nezumi Graverobber // Nighteyes the Desecrator
1 |
Nighthawk Scavenger
1 |
Nightscape Familiar
1 |
Nightveil Specter
1 |
Nimble Mongoose
1 |
Nimble Obstructionist
1 |
Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animist
1 |
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
1 |
Noble Hierarch
1 |
Nomads en-Kor
1 |
Noxious Gearhulk
1 |
Nullhide Ferox
1 |
Obosh, the Preypiercer
1 |
Obstinate Baloth
1 |
Obzedat, Ghost Council
1 |
Odric, Lunarch Marshal
1 |
Ohran Viper
1 |
Okiba-Gang Shinobi
1 |
Old Stickfingers
1 |
Olivia Voldaren
1 |
Omnath, Locus of Creation
1 |
Oona, Queen of the Fae
1 |
Oona's Prowler
1 |
1 |
1 |
Opposition Agent
1 |
Oracle of Mul Daya
1 |
Orcish Lumberjack
1 |
Order of the White Shield
1 |
Ornithopter of Paradise
1 |
Overgrown Battlement
1 |
Pack Rat
1 |
Painter's Servant
1 |
Palace Jailer
1 |
Paladin en-Vec
1 |
1 |
Palladium Myr
1 |
Perilous Myr
1 |
1 |
Phantasmal Bear
1 |
Phantasmal Image
1 |
Phantom Centaur
1 |
Phantom Nishoba
1 |
Phoenix of Ash
1 |
Phyrexian Colossus
1 |
Phyrexian Delver
1 |
Phyrexian Metamorph
1 |
Phyrexian Obliterator
1 |
Phyrexian Plaguelord
1 |
Phyrexian Rager
1 |
Phyrexian Revoker
1 |
Phyrexian Scuta
1 |
Pia and Kiran Nalaar
1 |
Pia Nalaar
1 |
Pianna, Nomad Captain
1 |
Pilgrim's Eye
1 |
Pitiless Horde
1 |
Plague Engineer
1 |
Plague Sliver
1 |
1 |
1 |
Plated Geopede
1 |
Polukranos, World Eater
1 |
Porcelain Legionnaire
1 |
Pouncing Jaguar
1 |
1 |
Precinct Captain
1 |
Precursor Golem
1 |
Predatory Nightstalker
1 |
Priest of Fell Rites
1 |
Prime Speaker Vannifar
1 |
Primeval Titan
1 |
Progenitor Mimic
1 |
1 |
Prophet of Kruphix
1 |
Protean Hulk
1 |
1 |
1 |
Puppeteer Clique
1 |
Purphoros, God of the Forge
1 |
Putrid Imp
1 |
Qasali Pridemage
1 |
Questing Beast
1 |
Quicksilver Dragon
1 |
Quirion Dryad
1 |
Radha, Heart of Keld
1 |
Radiant, Archangel
1 |
Radiant's Dragoons
1 |
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
1 |
Raging Goblin
1 |
1 |
Rakdos Cackler
1 |
Rampaging Baloths
1 |
Rampaging Ferocidon
1 |
Ramunap Excavator
1 |
Ranger of Eos
1 |
Ranger-Captain of Eos
1 |
Rankle, Master of Pranks
1 |
Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
1 |
Rathi Dragon
1 |
Rattleclaw Mystic
1 |
Raven Familiar
1 |
Ravenous Baboons
1 |
Ravenous Baloth
1 |
Ravenous Chupacabra
1 |
Reckless Bushwhacker
1 |
Reclamation Sage
1 |
Recruiter of the Guard
1 |
Reflector Mage
1 |
Remorseful Cleric
1 |
Restoration Angel
1 |
1 |
Rhonas the Indomitable
1 |
Rift Sower
1 |
Riftwing Cloudskate
1 |
Rishadan Dockhand
1 |
Rishkar, Peema Renegade
1 |
River Boa
1 |
Rix Maadi Reveler
1 |
Robber of the Rich
1 |
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
1 |
Rorix Bladewing
1 |
Rotting Regisaur
1 |
Royal Assassin
1 |
Runaway Steam-Kin
1 |
Rune-Scarred Demon
1 |
Ruthless Ripper
1 |
Sakura-Tribe Elder
1 |
Sanctum Prelate
1 |
Satoru Umezawa
1 |
Savannah Lions
1 |
Scab-Clan Berserker
1 |
Scavenging Ooze
1 |
1 |
Scrapheap Scrounger
1 |
1 |
Sea Gate Oracle
1 |
Sea Gate Stormcaller
1 |
Sea-Dasher Octopus
1 |
Seasoned Hallowblade
1 |
Seasoned Pyromancer
1 |
Sedgemoor Witch
1 |
Seedborn Muse
1 |
Seeker of the Way
1 |
Selfless Spirit
1 |
Serendib Efreet
1 |
Serra Angel
1 |
Serra Avenger
1 |
Serra's Emissary
1 |
Shadowmage Infiltrator
1 |
Shard Phoenix
1 |
Shardless Agent
1 |
Sheoldred, Whispering One
1 |
Shivan Dragon
1 |
Shivan Wurm
1 |
1 |
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
1 |
Siege Rhino
1 |
Siege-Gang Commander
1 |
Silver Knight
1 |
Silverblade Paladin
1 |
Silvos, Rogue Elemental
1 |
Simic Sky Swallower
1 |
Sin Collector
1 |
1 |
1 |
Skyclave Apparition
1 |
Skyclave Shade
1 |
Skymarcher Aspirant
1 |
Skyshroud Elite
1 |
Slimefoot, the Stowaway
1 |
Sling-Gang Lieutenant
1 |
Smoldering Egg // Ashmouth Dragon
1 |
Snapcaster Mage
1 |
Soldier of the Pantheon
1 |
Solemn Recruit
1 |
Solemn Simulacrum
1 |
1 |
Soltari Champion
1 |
Soltari Monk
1 |
Soltari Priest
1 |
Soltari Trooper
1 |
Soltari Visionary
1 |
Soul Warden
1 |
Soul-Scar Mage
1 |
Soulfire Grand Master
1 |
1 |
Sower of Temptation
1 |
Spark Double
1 |
Spectral Lynx
1 |
Spell Queller
1 |
1 |
1 |
Sphinx of Jwar Isle
1 |
Sphinx of the Steel Wind
1 |
Spike Feeder
1 |
Spike Weaver
1 |
Spikeshot Elder
1 |
Spiketail Drakeling
1 |
Spirit of the Labyrinth
1 |
Spirit of the Night
1 |
1 |
Squee, Goblin Nabob
1 |
Staunch Defenders
1 |
Steel Hellkite
1 |
Steel Leaf Champion
1 |
Steppe Lynx
1 |
Stillmoon Cavalier
1 |
Stonecoil Serpent
1 |
Stoneforge Mystic
1 |
Stonehorn Dignitary
1 |
Stormblood Berserker
1 |
Stormbreath Dragon
1 |
Stormchaser Mage
1 |
Strangleroot Geist
1 |
Stratus Dancer
1 |
Street Wraith
1 |
Stromkirk Noble
1 |
Student of Warfare
1 |
1 |
Sublime Archangel
1 |
1 |
Sun Titan
1 |
Sundering Titan
1 |
Sungold Sentinel
1 |
Sylvan Advocate
1 |
Sylvan Caryatid
1 |
Sylvan Safekeeper
1 |
Symbiotic Wurm
1 |
Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
1 |
Talrand, Sky Summoner
1 |
1 |
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
1 |
Tatyova, Benthic Druid
1 |
Taurean Mauler
1 |
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
1 |
Tempest Djinn
1 |
1 |
Tetzimoc, Primal Death
1 |
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1 |
Thalia, Heretic Cathar
1 |
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling
1 |
Thassa, God of the Sea
1 |
Thassa's Oracle
1 |
The Gitrog Monster
1 |
The Reality Chip
1 |
The Scarab God
1 |
Thelonite Hermit
1 |
Thief of Sanity
1 |
Thieving Magpie
1 |
Thieving Skydiver
1 |
Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror
1 |
Thopter Squadron
1 |
Thorn Lieutenant
1 |
Thornscape Battlemage
1 |
Thraben Inspector
1 |
1 |
Thrashing Brontodon
1 |
Thrashing Wumpus
1 |
Thriving Grubs
1 |
Thrun, the Last Troll
1 |
Thunderbreak Regent
1 |
Thundermaw Hellkite
1 |
Thunderscape Battlemage
1 |
Tide Shaper
1 |
Tidehollow Sculler
1 |
Timeless Dragon
1 |
Tin Street Hooligan
1 |
Tireless Tracker
1 |
Titania, Protector of Argoth
1 |
Tithe Taker
1 |
1 |
Torch Fiend
1 |
Torrential Gearhulk
1 |
Toski, Bearer of Secrets
1 |
Tourach, Dread Cantor
1 |
Tovolar's Huntmaster // Tovolar's Packleader
1 |
Tradewind Rider
1 |
Trinket Mage
1 |
1 |
Troll Ascetic
1 |
Trophy Mage
1 |
Trostani Discordant
1 |
True-Name Nemesis
1 |
Trygon Predator
1 |
Twisted Abomination
1 |
Uktabi Orangutan
1 |
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
1 |
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
1 |
Ulvenwald Tracker
1 |
Undead Gladiator
1 |
Undergrowth Champion
1 |
Urabrask the Hidden
1 |
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath
1 |
Urza, Lord High Artificer
1 |
Usher of the Fallen
1 |
Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor
1 |
Vampire Hexmage
1 |
Vampire Lacerator
1 |
Vampire Nighthawk
1 |
Vendilion Clique
1 |
Venerated Loxodon
1 |
Venser, Shaper Savant
1 |
Verdant Force
1 |
Verdurous Gearhulk
1 |
Vesuvan Shapeshifter
1 |
Vexing Shusher
1 |
Viashino Sandstalker
1 |
Vine Trellis
1 |
Vinelasher Kudzu
1 |
Viridian Emissary
1 |
Visara the Dreadful
1 |
Viscera Seer
1 |
Vizier of Many Faces
1 |
Voice of All
1 |
Voice of Resurgence
1 |
Voidmage Prodigy
1 |
Voltaic Brawler
1 |
Voltaic Visionary // Volt-Charged Berserker
1 |
Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
1 |
Vryn Wingmare
1 |
Wake Thrasher
1 |
Walking Ballista
1 |
Wall of Blossoms
1 |
Wall of Omens
1 |
Wall of Roots
1 |
Wanted Scoundrels
1 |
War Priest of Thune
1 |
Warkite Marauder
1 |
Warrior en-Kor
1 |
1 |
Waterfront Bouncer
1 |
Weathered Wayfarer
1 |
1 |
1 |
Whirler Rogue
1 |
Whisperwood Elemental
1 |
White Knight
1 |
Wickerbough Elder
1 |
Wild Dogs
1 |
Wild Mongrel
1 |
Wild Nacatl
1 |
1 |
Wilt-Leaf Liege
1 |
Windborn Muse
1 |
Winding Constrictor
1 |
Withered Wretch
1 |
Woe Strider
1 |
1 |
Wood Elves
1 |
Woodfall Primus
1 |
Woodland Bellower
1 |
Wretched Anurid
1 |
Wurmcoil Engine
1 |
Yasova Dragonclaw
1 |
Yavimaya Elder
1 |
Yavimaya Granger
1 |
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
1 |
Yorion, Sky Nomad
1 |
Young Pyromancer
1 |
Youthful Knight
1 |
Zealous Conscripts
1 |
Zulaport Cutthroat
1 |
Zurgo Bellstriker
Instant (252) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Abrupt Decay
1 |
1 |
Agony Warp
1 |
Ancient Grudge
1 |
Anguished Unmaking
1 |
1 |
Arcane Denial
1 |
Assassin's Trophy
1 |
Atarka's Command
1 |
Bant Charm
1 |
Beast Within
1 |
Become Immense
1 |
1 |
1 |
Blessed Alliance
1 |
Blink of an Eye
1 |
Blue Sun's Zenith
1 |
1 |
Boros Charm
1 |
Brain Freeze
1 |
1 |
Brimstone Volley
1 |
Burst Lightning
1 |
Cabal Ritual
1 |
1 |
1 |
Careful Consideration
1 |
Cast Down
1 |
1 |
Chaos Warp
1 |
1 |
Chord of Calling
1 |
Circular Logic
1 |
Collected Company
1 |
Colossal Might
1 |
Commit // Memory
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Corpse Dance
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Crop Rotation
1 |
Cryptic Command
1 |
Cyclonic Rift
1 |
Dark Banishing
1 |
Dark Ritual
1 |
1 |
Dead // Gone
1 |
Demonic Consultation
1 |
Desperate Ritual
1 |
Destructive Revelry
1 |
Devour Flesh
1 |
Diabolic Edict
1 |
Dig Through Time
1 |
1 |
Disdainful Stroke
1 |
1 |
1 |
Dismantling Blow
1 |
1 |
1 |
Dissenter's Deliverance
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Doom Blade
1 |
Dovin's Veto
1 |
Dromoka's Command
1 |
Eat to Extinction
1 |
Eladamri's Call
1 |
1 |
Enlightened Tutor
1 |
1 |
1 |
Essence Scatter
1 |
Expansion // Explosion
1 |
Fact or Fiction
1 |
Far // Away
1 |
Fatal Push
1 |
Fiery Temper
1 |
Fight as One
1 |
Fire // Ice
1 |
Fire Covenant
1 |
1 |
1 |
Flame Spill
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Forbidden Alchemy
1 |
Force of Negation
2 |
Force of Will
1 |
Force Spike
1 |
Forsake the Worldly
1 |
Frantic Search
1 |
Funeral Charm
1 |
Giant Growth
1 |
Gifts Ungiven
1 |
Go for the Throat
1 |
Golgari Charm
1 |
Grapple with the Past
1 |
1 |
Gut Shot
1 |
1 |
Heartless Act
1 |
Hero's Downfall
1 |
High Tide
1 |
1 |
1 |
Infernal Grasp
1 |
Into the Roil
1 |
1 |
Izzet Charm
1 |
1 |
Kaya's Guile
1 |
Kolaghan's Command
1 |
Krosan Grip
1 |
Lapse of Certainty
1 |
Lash Out
1 |
Lightning Bolt
1 |
Lightning Helix
1 |
Lightning Strike
1 |
Liliana's Triumph
1 |
Lim-Dûl's Vault
1 |
Logic Knot
1 |
Magma Jet
1 |
Magma Opus
1 |
Makeshift Mannequin
1 |
Mana Drain
1 |
Mana Leak
1 |
Mana Tithe
1 |
1 |
Memory Deluge
1 |
Memory Lapse
1 |
Mental Misstep
1 |
Mental Note
1 |
Miraculous Recovery
1 |
1 |
1 |
Moment's Peace
1 |
Momentary Blink
1 |
1 |
Muddle the Mixture
1 |
Murderous Cut
1 |
Mystic Confluence
1 |
Mystical Teachings
1 |
Mystical Tutor
1 |
1 |
Nature's Claim
1 |
1 |
Nexus of Fate
1 |
Noxious Revival
1 |
1 |
1 |
Orim's Chant
1 |
Pact of Negation
1 |
Path to Exile
1 |
1 |
Peer Through Depths
1 |
Power Sink
1 |
Power Word Kill
1 |
Price of Progress
1 |
Prismari Command
1 |
1 |
Prophetic Bolt
1 |
Psionic Blast
1 |
Pull from Tomorrow
1 |
Punishing Fire
1 |
Pyretic Ritual
1 |
1 |
1 |
Radiant's Judgment
1 |
Rakdos Charm
1 |
Ray of Command
1 |
1 |
Red Elemental Blast
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Return to Dust
1 |
Reviving Vapors
1 |
Rite of Harmony
1 |
Rune Snag
1 |
Rushing River
1 |
Scatter to the Winds
1 |
Searing Blaze
1 |
Searing Blood
1 |
Searing Spear
1 |
Seething Song
1 |
Selesnya Charm
1 |
Settle the Wreckage
1 |
Shivan Fire
1 |
1 |
Shred Memory
1 |
Silumgar's Command
1 |
Simic Charm
1 |
Sinister Sabotage
1 |
Skeletal Scrying
1 |
1 |
Slaughter Pact
1 |
Smash to Smithereens
1 |
1 |
Snuff Out
1 |
Spell Pierce
1 |
Spell Snare
1 |
Sphinx's Revelation
1 |
1 |
1 |
Steam Augury
1 |
Stoke the Flames
1 |
Stroke of Genius
1 |
Sublime Epiphany
1 |
Suffocating Blast
1 |
Sundering Growth
1 |
Supreme Will
1 |
1 |
Swords to Plowshares
1 |
1 |
Temur Battle Rage
1 |
1 |
1 |
Think Twice
1 |
Thirst for Knowledge
1 |
Thought Scour
1 |
Through the Breach
1 |
Tragic Slip
1 |
1 |
1 |
Ultimate Price
1 |
1 |
Unexpectedly Absent
1 |
Unholy Heat
1 |
Urza's Rage
1 |
Utter End
1 |
Valorous Stance
1 |
Vampiric Tutor
1 |
Victim of Night
1 |
Volcanic Geyser
1 |
Volt Charge
1 |
Vraska's Contempt
1 |
Wear // Tear
1 |
Whispers of the Muse
1 |
Wing Shards
1 |
Worldly Counsel
1 |
Worldly Tutor
1 |
Zealous Persecution