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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 3 cards, 3 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
1 Inga and Esika
$1.22 Legendary Creature - Human God
Instant (1)
1 Gifts Ungiven
$1.00 Instant
Enchantment (1)
1 Simic Ascendancy
$0.78 Enchantment
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Scratchpad - 0 cards, 0 distinct
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Pulled from the MOM box and basically ignored at the start - I put it in the binder but figured it wasn't worth a lot. Now, with a second glance, I am curious to see if there is a way to make I&E work as a Simic Ascendancy deck.
The obvious problem is finding SA - how do you make sure you can get it each game, and protect it? I&E's second ability means you'd be drawing cards at a decent rate, but a decent rate isn't really enough to make sure you get to a particular card. You'd need white to be able to search for an enchantment, or black for any card. I'll have to posit on this.
In the meantime, we'll put in as many creature cards that create tokens as we can find to go super wide and try to plow through the deck, then add in ways to put +1/+1's on all of them in green to make SA get to 20. Proliferate is easy to come by in blue, and counter-adders or multipliers are green's domain. Proliferate is especially good with SA - you can proliferate the +1/+1's to add growth counters, then proliferate the growth counter as well.
UG is a tough color combo to use for something like SA in EDH because there is going to be a lot of hate being thrown at the enchantment and a somewhat limited arsenal to let you prevent it from being destroyed (although the Ozolith helps a little, as it will replenish some things). You'd need to be packed up with counterspells too.
A fun idea, anyway. Something to play with.
  • efaithfarm | 04-May-2023 17:31
    One way to find SA is Gifts Ungiven - you'd want to have ways to get a card back from the GY (at least three) so that you could make sure to get it in hand. There are others (Tamiyo's Journal, Planar Portal, Planar Bridge, Ring of Three Wishes) but none that are terribly efficient. If you had a Clue subtheme you might have better luck getting the Journal to work. 

    At any rate, it's a little bit of a tough ask. 
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