1,231 Standard (Type 2) and You

by reselath

1,234 [EDH] Grand Arbiter Says Nope

by Grayclay

1,235 It looks good to me but...

by skull_king

1,237 Peddling More Ideas...

by TyWooOneTime

1,239 Reanimation

by imsully2

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1,242 Gravecrawler Machine Gun

by imsully2

1,244 Would this work?

by the_wizard_666

1,252 A bit of a puzzle

by TyWooOneTime

1,253 EDH Stax Deck

by Vyr1s

1,254 Election Season...

by TyWooOneTime

1,256 Populate thought

by imsully2

1,257 Need feedback on a Selesnya deck.

by srrogers1985

1,260 One Man's Garbage...

by TyWooOneTime