Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
Should probably add some more land. I do have a lot of card draw, but I also have a lot of discard, and the deck is relatively mana hungry. Need to try it out.
Underground River
$$ Magus of the Wheel
Phyrexian Tyranny
$$ Kess, Dissident Mage
Well of Ideas
Mikokoro – Temple Bell on a land
Lightning Greaves
Talisman of Indulgence - Ramp
Talisman of Dominance - Ramp
Sangromancer - Lifegain
Exquisite Blood - Gain life
Neheb, the Eternal - I can taste the mana!
Magus of the Wheel/Jar
Geth's Grimoire – More value from discard
Painful Quandary – More tax
Curiosity – Draw more cards (with Nekusar)
Arcanis – Draw cards!
Dire Undercurrents – Draw/discard
Charmbreaker Devils - Get back some spells. Maybe some wheels?
Locust Miser - 2 cards fewer in hand might be worthwhile, and 2 toughness lets it survive the smallest things
Otherworld Atlas - Can build up when there's no pain for drawing on the table, and burn when there is
Learn from the Past - An additional elixir should it get milled or wheeled
Cephalid Coliseum – Targeted mini-wheel on a land, although it requires me to sac it
Helm of the Ghastlord
Anvil of Bogardan
Scroll Rack
Crosis the Purger
Sire of Insanity
Jin-Gitaxias - Pretty brutal, but makes wheels a little worse
Counterflux/Pact of Negation/FoW - Stop the important stuff
Liliana Vess - The discard ability only targets a single player and only gets rid of one card. The tutor is kind of slow, although I can play her then tutor up something I want after a wheel without losing it to the wheel itself
Archmage Ascension - With lots of card draw it's easy to get this active, and I can probably tutor for whatever I need
Jace Beleren - Works kind of as a Temple Bell, but can only be used on my turn. The upside is being able to target only me, but the ultimate isn't very appealing
Starstorm - Boardwipe with cycling
Vision Skeins - Early play and efficient draw
Fog Bank/Guard Gomazoa
Crosis's Charm
Dissipation Field
Muddle the Mixture
Laboratory Maniac
Baral's Expertise
Leyline of Anticipation
Geth's Grimoire
Otherworld Atlas
Dark Intimations
Ivory Crane Netsuke
Mizzix's Mastery
Locust Miser
Prismatic Geoscope
Considered lands:
Desolate Lighthouse
Polluted Delta
Steam Vents
Glacial Chasm/Maze of Ith
Lavaclaw Reaches
Considered cuts:
Whirlpool Warrior - Shuffling back my hand when he enters can be too prohibitive to make this worth it
Nicol Bolas - Besides the ulti he doesn't really fit the theme of the deck, but he does provide some control. Plus he's awesome
Vandalblast - Nice to have, but is it necessary?
Decree of Pain - Too expensive/don't need to card draw
Quest for the Nihil Stone – With so many effects letting my opponents draw cards, they will rarely completely empty their hands
Surrakar Spellblade – Not enough instants and sorceries
Scepter of Insight – Drawing one card per turn for 4 mana is underwhelming
Mind Spring – Can only draw cards for myself, and there should hopefully be enough other card draw to make this not necessary
Guul Draz Specter – Same reason as Quest for the Nihil Stone, hands will likely never be completely empty. It does, however, provide repeatable discard
Liliana's Specter – Small creature with a one-shot discard is probably too weak
Divininer Spirit – Will never draw more than two cards for each, and is otherwise an unimpressive creature for the cost. With no evasion, it will likely often not be able to attack (because people won't want to draw when I have pain out)
Mind Shatter – Single target makes this probably not worth it unless I can genereate a lot of value from discard
Tasigur's Cruelty – Never more than two cards per player might not be worth it
Dregs of Sorrow – Too expensive and restrictive?
Syphon Mind – One shot discard one (per opponent) is probably not worth a card, even if it draws a few cards as well
Dimir Cutpurse – One person discards one card and I draw a single card? Underwhelming
Ivory Crane Netsuke – How often do I have 7+ cards in hand? I don't know yet. How much does 4 health do? Consider adding if life becomes a huge issue
Mind Unbound – Too slow?
Liliana of the Veil – One card per turn is pretty slow, but if she does get to live, she can do a lot.
Gnat Miser – Very fragile for a relatively small effect
Slithermuse – I'm the only one who draws? Meh
Cruel Ultimatum – Only a single target... Meh
Rakdos's Return – One target only, but it can deal massive damage with Caress/Megrim
Aeon Chronicler – Don't want to pay this much for just one card per turn and then a plain old dumb fatty
Stroke of Genius – Single-target, one-shot
Perplex – I don't like giving the option, and don't have that much worth transmuting for
Coalition Relic – Used in Kaalia
Blue Sun's Zenith – Don't really need targeted card draw. Better used elsewhere!
Tamiyo – Likely to only be a one-shot draw, and only worth it if someone is attacking with quite a few creatures, but can protect me from a single big threat, and the ulti will probably win the game on the spot
Bloodgift Demon – One card for one player per turn cycle isn't going to
Stormbreath Dragon – Going monstrous is probably too expensive for the effect
Minds Aglow - People are only going to pay for this if they actually want to draw cards
Spellbook - Don't really mind discarding to hand size sometimes
Night Dealings - Expensive to activate
Desolate Lighthouse - Too many lands that don't tap for color
Rakdos Carnarium/Dimir Aqueduct - Bouncelands aren't so great when wheeling...
Kaervek - Too expensive to do much
Chromatic Lantern - Moved to another deck and replaced with other rocks
Fateful Showdown - Single-target removal, but only works if I have a full hand. Also costs me my hand, but that could be nice with Drake Haven etc on board
Elixir of Immortality - I don't really need this, I think. I have other stuff to reshuffle my yard should I start to run low on cards
Whispersilk Cloak - The shroud is nice, but I don't really need the unblockable, and the costs are too high with this one
Viseling - Eh, seems not super great
Underground River
$$ Magus of the Wheel
Phyrexian Tyranny
$$ Kess, Dissident Mage
Well of Ideas
Mikokoro – Temple Bell on a land
Lightning Greaves
Talisman of Indulgence - Ramp
Talisman of Dominance - Ramp
Sangromancer - Lifegain
Exquisite Blood - Gain life
Neheb, the Eternal - I can taste the mana!
Magus of the Wheel/Jar
Geth's Grimoire – More value from discard
Painful Quandary – More tax
Curiosity – Draw more cards (with Nekusar)
Arcanis – Draw cards!
Dire Undercurrents – Draw/discard
Charmbreaker Devils - Get back some spells. Maybe some wheels?
Locust Miser - 2 cards fewer in hand might be worthwhile, and 2 toughness lets it survive the smallest things
Otherworld Atlas - Can build up when there's no pain for drawing on the table, and burn when there is
Learn from the Past - An additional elixir should it get milled or wheeled
Cephalid Coliseum – Targeted mini-wheel on a land, although it requires me to sac it
Helm of the Ghastlord
Anvil of Bogardan
Scroll Rack
Crosis the Purger
Sire of Insanity
Jin-Gitaxias - Pretty brutal, but makes wheels a little worse
Counterflux/Pact of Negation/FoW - Stop the important stuff
Liliana Vess - The discard ability only targets a single player and only gets rid of one card. The tutor is kind of slow, although I can play her then tutor up something I want after a wheel without losing it to the wheel itself
Archmage Ascension - With lots of card draw it's easy to get this active, and I can probably tutor for whatever I need
Jace Beleren - Works kind of as a Temple Bell, but can only be used on my turn. The upside is being able to target only me, but the ultimate isn't very appealing
Starstorm - Boardwipe with cycling
Vision Skeins - Early play and efficient draw
Fog Bank/Guard Gomazoa
Crosis's Charm
Dissipation Field
Muddle the Mixture
Laboratory Maniac
Baral's Expertise
Leyline of Anticipation
Geth's Grimoire
Otherworld Atlas
Dark Intimations
Ivory Crane Netsuke
Mizzix's Mastery
Locust Miser
Prismatic Geoscope
Considered lands:
Desolate Lighthouse
Polluted Delta
Steam Vents
Glacial Chasm/Maze of Ith
Lavaclaw Reaches
Considered cuts:
Whirlpool Warrior - Shuffling back my hand when he enters can be too prohibitive to make this worth it
Nicol Bolas - Besides the ulti he doesn't really fit the theme of the deck, but he does provide some control. Plus he's awesome
Vandalblast - Nice to have, but is it necessary?
Decree of Pain - Too expensive/don't need to card draw
Quest for the Nihil Stone – With so many effects letting my opponents draw cards, they will rarely completely empty their hands
Surrakar Spellblade – Not enough instants and sorceries
Scepter of Insight – Drawing one card per turn for 4 mana is underwhelming
Mind Spring – Can only draw cards for myself, and there should hopefully be enough other card draw to make this not necessary
Guul Draz Specter – Same reason as Quest for the Nihil Stone, hands will likely never be completely empty. It does, however, provide repeatable discard
Liliana's Specter – Small creature with a one-shot discard is probably too weak
Divininer Spirit – Will never draw more than two cards for each, and is otherwise an unimpressive creature for the cost. With no evasion, it will likely often not be able to attack (because people won't want to draw when I have pain out)
Mind Shatter – Single target makes this probably not worth it unless I can genereate a lot of value from discard
Tasigur's Cruelty – Never more than two cards per player might not be worth it
Dregs of Sorrow – Too expensive and restrictive?
Syphon Mind – One shot discard one (per opponent) is probably not worth a card, even if it draws a few cards as well
Dimir Cutpurse – One person discards one card and I draw a single card? Underwhelming
Ivory Crane Netsuke – How often do I have 7+ cards in hand? I don't know yet. How much does 4 health do? Consider adding if life becomes a huge issue
Mind Unbound – Too slow?
Liliana of the Veil – One card per turn is pretty slow, but if she does get to live, she can do a lot.
Gnat Miser – Very fragile for a relatively small effect
Slithermuse – I'm the only one who draws? Meh
Cruel Ultimatum – Only a single target... Meh
Rakdos's Return – One target only, but it can deal massive damage with Caress/Megrim
Aeon Chronicler – Don't want to pay this much for just one card per turn and then a plain old dumb fatty
Stroke of Genius – Single-target, one-shot
Perplex – I don't like giving the option, and don't have that much worth transmuting for
Coalition Relic – Used in Kaalia
Blue Sun's Zenith – Don't really need targeted card draw. Better used elsewhere!
Tamiyo – Likely to only be a one-shot draw, and only worth it if someone is attacking with quite a few creatures, but can protect me from a single big threat, and the ulti will probably win the game on the spot
Bloodgift Demon – One card for one player per turn cycle isn't going to
Stormbreath Dragon – Going monstrous is probably too expensive for the effect
Minds Aglow - People are only going to pay for this if they actually want to draw cards
Spellbook - Don't really mind discarding to hand size sometimes
Night Dealings - Expensive to activate
Desolate Lighthouse - Too many lands that don't tap for color
Rakdos Carnarium/Dimir Aqueduct - Bouncelands aren't so great when wheeling...
Kaervek - Too expensive to do much
Chromatic Lantern - Moved to another deck and replaced with other rocks
Fateful Showdown - Single-target removal, but only works if I have a full hand. Also costs me my hand, but that could be nice with Drake Haven etc on board
Elixir of Immortality - I don't really need this, I think. I have other stuff to reshuffle my yard should I start to run low on cards
Whispersilk Cloak - The shroud is nice, but I don't really need the unblockable, and the costs are too high with this one
Viseling - Eh, seems not super great
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