Type: Deck Idea
Format (invalid) vinVintage
Approx. Value:

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Avg. CMC 3.0
Card Color Breakdown
Card Type Breakdown

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Main Deck - 11 cards, 1 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Artifact (11)
11 Staff of the Ages
$0.36 Artifact
Sideboard - 2706 cards, 1047 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (1319)
3 Abbey Gargoyles
$0.14 Creature - Gargoyle
2 Abbey Matron
$0.09 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Aboroth
$1.30 Creature - Elemental
2 Abyssal Gatekeeper
$0.23 Creature - Horror
3 Abyssal Specter
$0.14 Creature - Specter
3 Acidic Sliver
$0.59 Creature - Sliver
2 Adarkar Sentinel
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Soldier
2 Adarkar Unicorn
$0.13 Creature - Unicorn
3 Advance Scout
$0.12 Creature - Human Soldier Scout
2 Aesthir Glider
$0.03 Artifact Creature - Bird Construct
2 Agent of Stromgald
$0.17 Creature - Human Knight
2 Ambush Party
$0.09 Creature - Human Rogue
2 Anaba Bodyguard
$0.05 Creature - Minotaur
3 Anaba Shaman
$0.07 Creature - Minotaur Shaman
3 Angelic Protector
$0.32 Creature - Angel
3 Angry Mob
$0.13 Creature - Human
3 Apes of Rath
$0.26 Creature - Ape
3 Arcades Sabboth
$36.66 Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon
1 Arctic Foxes
$0.11 Creature - Fox
2 Arctic Wolves
$0.20 Creature - Wolf
2 Ardent Militia
$0.10 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Argothian Pixies
$1.45 Creature - Faerie
2 Argothian Treefolk
$0.38 Creature - Treefolk
3 Armor Thrull
$0.19 Creature - Thrull
2 Armored Pegasus
$0.13 Creature - Pegasus
3 Army Ants
$0.30 Creature - Insect
3 Atog
$0.18 Creature - Atog
2 Aurochs
$0.09 Creature - Aurochs
3 Aysen Bureaucrats
$0.09 Creature - Human Advisor
2 Azimaet Drake
$0.11 Creature - Drake
2 Balduvian Barbarians
$0.05 Creature - Human Barbarian
3 Balduvian Bears
$0.32 Creature - Bear
2 Balduvian Shaman
$0.08 Creature - Human Cleric Shaman
2 Balduvian War-Makers
$0.11 Creature - Human Barbarian
4 Ball Lightning
$1.54 Creature - Elemental
2 Banshee
$1.26 Creature - Spirit
2 Barbarian Guides
$0.11 Creature - Human Barbarian
2 Barishi
$0.21 Creature - Elemental
2 Barrow Ghoul
$0.17 Creature - Zombie
2 Basal Thrull
$0.18 Creature - Thrull
2 Battering Ram
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Bay Falcon
$0.18 Creature - Bird
2 Bayou Dragonfly
$0.19 Creature - Insect
2 Benalish Hero
$0.12 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Benalish Infantry
$0.12 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Benalish Knight
$0.12 Creature - Human Knight
2 Benalish Missionary
$0.15 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Benthic Djinn
$0.58 Creature - Djinn
3 Benthic Explorers
$0.15 Creature - Merfolk Scout
1 Bird Maiden
$0.04 Creature - Human Bird
2 Blood Pet
$0.28 Creature - Thrull
3 Bloodrock Cyclops
$0.01 Creature - Cyclops
2 Bog Imp
$0.06 Creature - Imp
2 Bog Rats
$0.17 Creature - Rat
3 Bogardan Firefiend
$0.05 Creature - Elemental Spirit
2 Bone Shaman
$0.11 Creature - Giant Shaman
2 Brass Man
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Brassclaw Orcs
$0.10 Creature - Orc
3 Breezekeeper
$0.08 Creature - Djinn
2 Brine Shaman
$0.15 Creature - Human Cleric Shaman
2 Bronze Horse
$14.00 Artifact Creature - Horse
2 Brothers of Fire
$0.07 Creature - Human Shaman
2 Brown Ouphe
$0.11 Creature - Ouphe
3 Bull Elephant
$0.13 Creature - Elephant
4 Burning Shield Askari
$0.10 Creature - Human Knight
2 Calming Licid
$0.19 Creature - Licid
3 Canyon Wildcat
$0.12 Creature - Cat
2 Carnivorous Plant
$0.08 Creature - Plant Wall
3 Carrion Ants
$0.20 Creature - Insect
3 Cat Warriors
$0.16 Creature - Cat Warrior
2 Cave People
$0.14 Creature - Human
2 Chub Toad
$0.24 Creature - Frog
2 Cinder Giant
$0.36 Creature - Giant
2 Cinder Wall
$0.19 Creature - Wall
3 Circling Vultures
$0.23 Creature - Bird
3 Civic Guildmage
$0.09 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Clay Statue
$0.27 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Clergy en-Vec
$0.26 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Clot Sliver
$0.21 Creature - Sliver
2 Cloud Djinn
$0.15 Creature - Djinn
2 Cloud Spirit
$0.15 Creature - Spirit
3 Cockatrice
$0.35 Creature - Cockatrice
3 Commander Greven il-Vec
$3.94 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Human Warrior
2 Convulsing Licid
$0.23 Creature - Licid
2 Corrupting Licid
$0.15 Creature - Licid
3 Craw Giant
$0.30 Creature - Giant
3 Cuombajj Witches
$0.13 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Cyclopean Mummy
$0.07 Creature - Zombie
2 D'Avenant Archer
$0.08 Creature - Human Soldier Archer
2 Dandân
$7.41 Creature - Fish
3 Daring Apprentice
$0.33 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Darkling Stalker
$0.10 Creature - Shade Spirit
2 Daughter of Autumn
$0.83 Legendary Creature - Avatar
2 Dauthi Ghoul
$0.48 Creature - Dauthi Zombie
3 Dauthi Horror
$0.25 Creature - Dauthi Horror
3 Dauthi Mercenary
$0.33 Creature - Dauthi Knight Mercenary
2 Dauthi Trapper
$0.54 Creature - Dauthi Minion
2 Deep Spawn
$0.24 Creature - Homarid
3 Derelor
$0.20 Creature - Thrull
2 Devouring Deep
$0.30 Creature - Fish
2 Diabolic Machine
$0.06 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Dire Wolves
$0.10 Creature - Wolf
3 Dirtwater Wraith
$0.12 Creature - Wraith
2 Dragon Engine
$0.26 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Dream Fighter
$0.08 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Dream Prowler
$0.12 Creature - Illusion
2 Drift of the Dead
$0.21 Creature - Wall
3 Drudge Skeletons
$0.03 Creature - Skeleton
3 Dungeon Shade
$0.25 Creature - Shade Spirit
1 Durkwood Boars
$0.14 Creature - Boar
3 Duskrider Falcon
$0.17 Creature - Bird
2 Dwarven Berserker
$0.15 Creature - Dwarf Berserker
2 Dwarven Lieutenant
$0.19 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
3 Dwarven Nomad
$0.17 Creature - Dwarf Nomad
2 Dwarven Soldier
$0.14 Creature - Dwarf Soldier
1 Dwarven Trader
$0.16 Creature - Dwarf
2 Dwarven Vigilantes
$0.09 Creature - Dwarf
2 Dwarven Weaponsmith
$0.27 Creature - Dwarf Artificer
2 Earth Elemental
$0.02 Creature - Elemental
3 Ekundu Griffin
$0.10 Creature - Griffin
3 Elder Druid
$0.33 Creature - Elf Cleric Druid
1 Elder Land Wurm
$0.38 Creature - Dragon Wurm
3 Elvish Archers
$0.47 Creature - Elf Archer
3 Elvish Bard
$0.16 Creature - Elf Shaman Bard
3 Elvish Farmer
$3.01 Creature - Elf
3 Elvish Healer
$0.08 Creature - Elf Cleric
3 Elvish Ranger
$0.83 Creature - Elf Ranger
2 Emerald Dragonfly
$0.34 Creature - Insect
3 Endangered Armodon
$0.14 Creature - Elephant
3 Erg Raiders
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
5 Erhnam Djinn
$0.34 Creature - Djinn
2 Ersatz Gnomes
$0.28 Artifact Creature - Gnome
2 Ertai's Familiar
$0.85 Creature - Illusion
2 Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore
$0.44 Creature - Eye
3 Fallen Angel
$0.10 Creature - Angel
3 Fallen Askari
$0.17 Creature - Human Knight
1 Farrelite Priest
$0.15 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Femeref Archers
$0.12 Creature - Human Archer
3 Femeref Healer
$0.12 Creature - Human Cleric
4 Femeref Knight
$0.08 Creature - Human Knight
2 Feral Shadow
$0.09 Creature - Nightstalker
3 Fetid Horror
$0.09 Creature - Shade Horror
2 Fire Drake
$0.12 Creature - Drake
1 Fireslinger
$0.21 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Firestorm Hellkite
$0.86 Creature - Dragon
2 Flailing Drake
$0.15 Creature - Drake
2 Flame Elemental
$0.22 Creature - Elemental
2 Flame Spirit
$0.15 Creature - Elemental Spirit
3 Fledgling Djinn
$0.18 Creature - Djinn
3 Flowstone Giant
$0.11 Creature - Giant
3 Flowstone Hellion
$0.15 Creature - Hellion Beast
3 Flowstone Sculpture
$0.33 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
3 Fog Elemental
$0.10 Creature - Elemental
2 Folk of An-Havva
$0.10 Creature - Human
2 Folk of the Pines
$0.13 Creature - Dryad
3 Foriysian Brigade
$0.17 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Foul Familiar
$0.09 Creature - Spirit
3 Foul Imp
$0.10 Creature - Imp
2 Freewind Falcon
$0.44 Creature - Bird
2 Freyalise Supplicant
$0.19 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Fyndhorn Brownie
$0.12 Creature - Ouphe
2 Fyndhorn Druid
$0.13 Creature - Elf Druid
3 Fyndhorn Elder
$0.21 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Fyndhorn Elves
$1.07 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Gabriel Angelfire
$23.67 Legendary Creature - Angel
2 Ghazbán Ogre
$0.10 Creature - Ogre
3 Giant Caterpillar
$0.09 Creature - Insect
2 Giant Crab
$0.19 Creature - Crab
3 Giant Mantis
$0.01 Creature - Insect
2 Giant Slug
$0.27 Creature - Slug
3 Giant Spider
$0.03 Creature - Spider
2 Giant Tortoise
$0.04 Creature - Turtle
2 Gibbering Hyenas
$0.09 Creature - Hyena
2 Gliding Licid
$0.20 Creature - Licid
1 Goblin Digging Team
$0.08 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Grenadiers
$0.17 Creature - Goblin
3 Goblin Mutant
$0.19 Creature - Goblin Mutant
3 Goblin Recruiter
$6.34 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Rock Sled
$0.07 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Sappers
$0.12 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Ski Patrol
$0.11 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Snowman
$0.34 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Swine-Rider
$0.26 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Vandal
$0.16 Creature - Goblin Rogue
3 Goblins of the Flarg
$0.25 Creature - Goblin Warrior
3 Gorilla Berserkers
$0.19 Creature - Ape Berserker
3 Gorilla Chieftain
$0.16 Creature - Ape
1 Gorilla Pack
$0.13 Creature - Ape
4 Gorilla Shaman
$0.52 Creature - Ape Shaman
3 Granger Guildmage
$0.14 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Grapeshot Catapult
$0.13 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Gravebane Zombie
$0.27 Creature - Zombie
2 Gravedigger
$0.03 Creature - Zombie
3 Greater Werewolf
$0.24 Creature - Werewolf
2 Grizzled Wolverine
$0.08 Creature - Wolverine
3 Grizzly Bears
$0.23 Creature - Bear
2 Hammerhead Shark
$0.16 Creature - Shark
3 Harmattan Efreet
$0.10 Creature - Efreet
1 Harvest Wurm
$0.22 Creature - Wurm
2 Haunting Apparition
$0.18 Creature - Spirit
3 Hazerider Drake
$0.26 Creature - Drake
2 Heart Sliver
$1.06 Creature - Sliver
2 Heart Wolf
$0.70 Creature - Wolf
3 Heartwood Dryad
$0.15 Creature - Dryad
2 Heartwood Giant
$0.33 Creature - Giant
3 Heartwood Treefolk
$0.22 Creature - Treefolk
3 Heavy Ballista
$0.15 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Hell's Caretaker
$2.74 Creature - Horror
2 Hermit Druid
$21.05 Creature - Human Druid
3 Hidden Horror
$0.10 Creature - Horror
2 Hill Giant
$0.14 Creature - Giant
2 Hipparion
$0.10 Creature - Horse
3 Hoar Shade
$0.14 Creature - Shade
1 Homarid
$0.16 Creature - Homarid
2 Homarid Warrior
$0.14 Creature - Homarid Warrior
3 Honor Guard
$0.06 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Horned Turtle
$0.09 Creature - Turtle
2 Horrible Hordes
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Spirit
3 Hungry Mist
$0.07 Creature - Elemental
2 Hurloon Minotaur
$0.09 Creature - Minotaur
3 Hyalopterous Lemure
$0.24 Creature - Spirit
2 Icatian Infantry
$0.16 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Icatian Javelineers
$0.13 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Icatian Phalanx
$0.22 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Icatian Scout
$0.09 Creature - Human Soldier Scout
2 Illusionary Forces
$0.11 Creature - Illusion
2 Illusionary Wall
$0.13 Creature - Illusion Wall
2 Infantry Veteran
$0.09 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Insidious Bookworms
$0.10 Creature - Worm
1 Ironroot Treefolk
$0.11 Creature - Treefolk
2 Island Fish Jasconius
$0.31 Creature - Fish
3 Jackal Pup
$0.11 Creature - Jackal
2 Jamuraan Lion
$0.10 Creature - Cat
1 Jangling Automaton
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Joven
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
3 Juniper Order Druid
$0.10 Creature - Human Cleric Druid
3 Junún Efreet
$0.15 Creature - Efreet
3 Karoo Meerkat
$0.18 Creature - Mongoose
2 Karplusan Giant
$0.16 Creature - Giant
3 Keeper of Kookus
$0.16 Creature - Goblin
2 Keepers of the Faith
$0.29 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Kei Takahashi
$5.86 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
2 Keldon Warlord
$0.22 Creature - Human Barbarian
2 Kelsinko Ranger
$0.08 Creature - Human Ranger
3 Killer Bees
$0.24 Creature - Insect
2 King Cheetah
$0.14 Creature - Cat
3 Kjeldoran Dead
$0.21 Creature - Skeleton
3 Kjeldoran Elite Guard
$0.18 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Kjeldoran Guard
$0.06 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Kjeldoran Knight
$1.00 Creature - Human Knight
3 Kjeldoran Royal Guard
$0.20 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Kjeldoran Skycaptain
$0.25 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Kjeldoran Skyknight
$0.17 Creature - Human Knight
2 Kjeldoran Warrior
$0.12 Creature - Human Warrior
3 Knight of Dawn
$0.20 Creature - Human Knight
4 Knight of Stromgald
$0.29 Creature - Human Knight
3 Knight of the Mists
$0.12 Creature - Human Knight
3 Knight of Valor
$0.07 Creature - Human Knight
3 Krakilin
$0.22 Creature - Beast
2 Krovikan Elementalist
$0.15 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Krovikan Sorcerer
$0.38 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Krovikan Vampire
$0.24 Creature - Vampire
2 Kyscu Drake
$0.26 Creature - Drake
3 Lancers en-Kor
$0.23 Creature - Kor Soldier
4 Lava Hounds
$0.29 Creature - Dog
2 Lead Golem
$0.10 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Lead-Belly Chimera
$0.14 Artifact Creature - Chimera
3 Leeching Licid
$0.19 Creature - Licid
2 Legions of Lim-Dûl
$0.14 Creature - Zombie
3 Ley Druid
$0.13 Creature - Human Druid
4 Lhurgoyf
$0.35 Creature - Lhurgoyf
3 Lightning Elemental
$0.04 Creature - Elemental
2 Lim-Dûl's Cohort
$0.10 Creature - Zombie
4 Llanowar Behemoth
$0.29 Creature - Elemental
2 Llanowar Druid
$0.23 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Llanowar Elves
$0.42 Creature - Elf Druid
3 Llanowar Sentinel
$0.15 Creature - Elf
2 Lord of Atlantis
$18.21 Creature - Merfolk
3 Lord of the Pit
$0.25 Creature - Demon
2 Lost Soul
$0.10 Creature - Spirit Minion
3 Lowland Basilisk
$0.14 Creature - Basilisk
2 Lowland Giant
$0.10 Creature - Giant
2 Magmasaur
$0.40 Creature - Elemental Dinosaur
4 Man-o'-War
$0.05 Creature - Jellyfish
2 Manakin
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Manta Ray
$0.10 Creature - Fish
3 Maraxus of Keld
$2.16 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
2 Marsh Lurker
$0.12 Creature - Beast
3 Márton Stromgald
$5.00 Legendary Creature - Human Knight
3 Master of Arms
$0.21 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
$0.06 Creature - Merfolk
2 Merfolk Seer
$0.12 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
2 Merfolk Traders
$0.19 Creature - Merfolk
2 Mesa Falcon
$0.12 Creature - Bird
2 Mindstab Thrull
$0.10 Creature - Thrull
2 Mindwarper
$0.22 Creature - Spirit
3 Minion of the Wastes
$1.06 Creature - Minion
3 Mischievous Poltergeist
$0.26 Creature - Spirit
2 Mistfolk
$0.17 Creature - Illusion
3 Mistmoon Griffin
$0.31 Creature - Griffin
3 Mnemonic Sliver
$0.34 Creature - Sliver
1 Mogg Conscripts
$0.20 Creature - Goblin
3 Mogg Fanatic
$0.16 Creature - Goblin
2 Mogg Raider
$0.27 Creature - Goblin
2 Mole Worms
$0.16 Creature - Worm
1 Mons's Goblin Raiders
$0.12 Creature - Goblin
3 Moor Fiend
$0.07 Creature - Horror
2 Morgue Thrull
$0.16 Creature - Thrull
3 Morinfen
$0.76 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Horror
3 Mountain Goat
$0.14 Creature - Goat
2 Mountain Titan
$0.53 Creature - Giant
3 Mountain Yeti
$3.06 Creature - Yeti
3 Mounted Archers
$0.13 Creature - Human Soldier Archer
3 Muscle Sliver
$1.21 Creature - Sliver
3 Mwonvuli Ooze
$1.11 Creature - Ooze
2 Nafs Asp
$0.10 Creature - Snake
2 Nalathni Dragon
$4.51 Creature - Dragon
2 Necrite
$0.11 Creature - Thrull
4 Nekrataal
$0.19 Creature - Human Assassin
3 Nettletooth Djinn
$0.22 Creature - Djinn
3 Noble Benefactor
$0.43 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Noble Elephant
$0.12 Creature - Elephant
3 Nomads en-Kor
$0.69 Creature - Kor Nomad Soldier
3 Norritt
$0.14 Creature - Imp
3 Obsianus Golem
$0.11 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Odylic Wraith
$0.35 Creature - Wraith
4 Ophidian
$0.12 Creature - Snake
2 Orcish Captain
$0.23 Creature - Orc Warrior
1 Orcish Conscripts
$0.05 Creature - Orc
3 Orcish Farmer
$0.07 Creature - Orc
4 Orcish Lumberjack
$0.50 Creature - Orc
3 Orcish Settlers
$0.74 Creature - Orc
3 Orcish Squatters
$0.33 Creature - Orc
4 Order of Leitbur
$0.20 Creature - Human Cleric Knight
4 Order of the White Shield
$0.18 Creature - Human Knight
4 Orgg
$0.16 Creature - Orgg
2 Ornithopter
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Thopter
2 Ovinomancer
$0.28 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Panther Warriors
$0.09 Creature - Cat Warrior
2 Patagia Golem
$0.09 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Peacekeeper
$9.73 Creature - Human
1 Pearled Unicorn
$0.28 Creature - Unicorn
3 Personal Incarnation
$0.30 Creature - Avatar Incarnation
2 Pestilence Rats
$0.32 Creature - Rat
3 Phantasmal Mount
$0.22 Creature - Illusion Horse
4 Phantom Warrior
$0.34 Creature - Illusion Warrior
2 Phyrexian Marauder
$1.41 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Construct
1 Phyrexian Walker
$1.08 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Construct
3 Pikemen
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Pincher Beetles
$0.33 Creature - Insect
2 Pit Imp
$0.14 Creature - Imp
2 Pit Scorpion
$0.14 Creature - Scorpion
2 Pradesh Gypsies
N/A Creature - Human Nomad
3 Primal Clay
$0.05 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
2 Primordial Ooze
$0.14 Creature - Ooze
3 Prodigal Sorcerer
$0.20 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Pyknite
$0.12 Creature - Ouphe
2 Pyric Salamander
$0.11 Creature - Salamander
2 Python
$0.03 Creature - Snake
4 Quirion Elves
$0.22 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Quirion Ranger
$0.61 Creature - Elf Ranger
2 Rabid Rats
$0.16 Creature - Rat
3 Rabid Wombat
$0.24 Creature - Wombat
2 Raging Gorilla
$0.24 Creature - Ape
3 Ranger en-Vec
$0.16 Creature - Human Soldier Archer Ranger
2 Rashka the Slayer
$0.16 Legendary Creature - Human Archer
2 Rats of Rath
$0.27 Creature - Rat
2 Razortooth Rats
$0.15 Creature - Rat
2 Redwood Treefolk
$0.10 Creature - Treefolk
2 Reef Pirates
$0.28 Creature - Zombie Pirate
3 Repentant Blacksmith
$0.18 Creature - Human
2 Resistance Fighter
$0.20 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Restless Dead
$0.14 Creature - Skeleton
3 Revenant
$0.02 Creature - Spirit
3 Revered Unicorn
$0.34 Creature - Unicorn
2 Rime Dryad
$0.08 Creature - Dryad
4 River Boa
$0.12 Creature - Snake
2 Roc Hatchling
$0.24 Creature - Bird
3 Rogue Elephant
$0.16 Creature - Elephant
3 Rootwater Hunter
$0.18 Creature - Merfolk
3 Rootwater Matriarch
$0.27 Creature - Merfolk
2 Sabertooth Cobra
$0.19 Creature - Snake
2 Sabretooth Tiger
$0.12 Creature - Cat
3 Sage Owl
$0.07 Creature - Bird
2 Samite Alchemist
$0.07 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Samite Healer
$0.02 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Sandbar Crocodile
$0.12 Creature - Crocodile
3 Sandstone Warrior
$0.05 Creature - Human Soldier Warrior
3 Sawtooth Ogre
$0.10 Creature - Ogre
2 Scaled Wurm
$0.09 Creature - Wurm
1 Scathe Zombies
$0.01 Creature - Zombie
3 Scavenger Folk
$0.20 Creature - Human
3 Scragnoth
$0.15 Creature - Beast
1 Sea Serpent
$0.10 Creature - Serpent
2 Sea Spirit
$0.12 Creature - Elemental Spirit
4 Seeker of Skybreak
$0.95 Creature - Elf
3 Segovian Leviathan
$0.19 Creature - Leviathan
3 Selenia, Dark Angel
$3.51 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Angel
4 Sengir Vampire
$0.18 Creature - Vampire
2 Serpent Warrior
$0.04 Creature - Snake Warrior
2 Serra Inquisitors
$0.17 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Serrated Biskelion
$0.25 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Servant of Volrath
$0.11 Creature - Minion
3 Sewer Rats
$0.23 Creature - Rat
3 Shadow Rider
$0.18 Creature - Knight
3 Shambling Strider
$0.08 Creature - Yeti
2 Shanodin Dryads
$0.19 Creature - Nymph Dryad
3 Shapeshifter
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
4 Shard Phoenix
$0.58 Creature - Phoenix
1 Shield Bearer
$0.23 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Shifting Wall
$0.39 Artifact Creature - Wall
2 Shimmering Efreet
$0.15 Creature - Efreet
2 Shrieking Drake
$0.47 Creature - Drake
3 Silver Wyvern
$0.64 Creature - Drake
1 Sivitri Scarzam
$4.15 Legendary Creature - Human
3 Skulking Ghost
$0.03 Creature - Spirit
3 Sky Spirit
$0.19 Creature - Spirit
3 Skyshroud Elf
$0.21 Creature - Elf Druid
3 Skyshroud Falcon
$0.17 Creature - Bird
3 Skyshroud Ranger
$3.32 Creature - Elf Ranger
3 Skyshroud Vampire
$0.22 Creature - Vampire
2 Snow Hound
$0.28 Creature - Dog
2 Soldevi Adnate
$0.63 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Soldevi Machinist
$0.35 Creature - Human Wizard Artificer
1 Soldevi Steam Beast
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Beast
3 Soltari Crusader
$0.21 Creature - Soltari Knight
2 Soltari Foot Soldier
$0.24 Creature - Soltari Soldier
3 Soltari Guerrillas
$0.89 Creature - Soltari Soldier
3 Soltari Priest
$0.30 Creature - Soltari Cleric
2 Soul Shepherd
$0.14 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Southern Paladin
$0.54 Creature - Human Knight
2 Spike Drone
$0.14 Creature - Spike Drone
3 Spike Feeder
$0.66 Creature - Spike
3 Spindrift Drake
$0.18 Creature - Drake
3 Spined Sliver
$0.45 Creature - Sliver
4 Spirit en-Kor
$0.14 Creature - Kor Spirit
2 Spitting Hydra
$0.32 Creature - Hydra
2 Stalking Tiger
$0.04 Creature - Cat
2 Steel Golem
$1.51 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Stone Spirit
$0.11 Creature - Elemental Spirit
2 Storm Crow
$0.19 Creature - Bird
2 Straw Golem
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Golem
2 Striped Bears
$0.52 Creature - Bear
3 Stronghold Assassin
$1.73 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie Assassin
2 Stronghold Taskmaster
$0.25 Creature - Giant Minion
3 Sunweb
$0.26 Creature - Wall
2 Suq'Ata Assassin
$0.79 Creature - Human Assassin
4 Suq'Ata Lancer
$0.14 Creature - Human Knight
3 Sylvan Hierophant
$0.22 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Talon Sliver
$0.35 Creature - Sliver
2 Talruum Champion
$0.10 Creature - Minotaur
2 Talruum Piper
$0.24 Creature - Minotaur
3 Tar Pit Warrior
$0.10 Creature - Cyclops Warrior
2 Tarpan
$0.10 Creature - Horse
2 Teferi's Drake
$0.13 Creature - Drake
2 Telethopter
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Thopter
3 Thalakos Deceiver
$2.66 Creature - Thalakos Wizard
2 Thalakos Seer
$0.22 Creature - Thalakos Wizard
3 Thallid
$0.41 Creature - Fungus
2 Thallid Devourer
$0.37 Creature - Fungus
3 Thicket Basilisk
$0.14 Creature - Basilisk
3 Thorn Thallid
$0.22 Creature - Fungus
2 Thrull Champion
$2.03 Creature - Thrull
1 Thrull Wizard
$0.19 Creature - Thrull Wizard
3 Tidal Warrior
$0.20 Creature - Merfolk Warrior
2 Timid Drake
$0.12 Creature - Drake
1 Timmerian Fiends
$0.59 Creature - Horror
4 Tinder Wall
$0.72 Creature - Plant Wall
1 Tobias Andrion
$2.39 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Tolarian Drake
$0.11 Creature - Drake
2 Tolarian Serpent
$0.99 Creature - Serpent
2 Tor Giant
$0.07 Creature - Giant
1 Trade Caravan
$0.10 Creature - Human Nomad
2 Trained Armodon
$0.05 Creature - Elephant
2 Tundra Wolves
$0.15 Creature - Wolf
3 Uktabi Efreet
$0.12 Creature - Efreet
3 Uktabi Orangutan
$1.01 Creature - Ape
3 Urborg Stalker
$0.91 Creature - Horror
3 Urza's Avenger
$0.32 Artifact Creature - Shapeshifter
2 Vampire Bats
$0.13 Creature - Bat
3 Vaporous Djinn
$0.14 Creature - Djinn
2 Venerable Monk
$0.12 Creature - Human Monk Cleric
3 Viashino Sandstalker
$0.16 Creature - Viashino Warrior
2 Viashino Warrior
$0.10 Creature - Viashino Warrior
3 Victual Sliver
$0.39 Creature - Sliver
1 Vodalian Soldiers
$0.06 Creature - Merfolk Soldier
2 Volrath's Shapeshifter
$3.63 Creature - Phyrexian Shapeshifter
2 Volunteer Reserves
$0.16 Creature - Human Soldier
2 Wake of Vultures
$0.01 Creature - Bird
3 Walking Wall
$0.21 Artifact Creature - Wall
4 Wall of Blossoms
$0.21 Creature - Plant Wall
2 Wall of Bone
$0.16 Creature - Skeleton Wall
3 Wall of Diffusion
$0.15 Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Essence
$0.23 Creature - Wall
2 Wall of Fire
$0.02 Creature - Wall
2 Wall of Heat
$0.39 Creature - Wall
2 Wall of Lava
$0.20 Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Razors
$0.29 Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Roots
$0.21 Creature - Plant Wall
2 Wall of Shields
$0.27 Artifact Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Souls
$0.65 Creature - Wall
2 Wall of Spears
$0.07 Artifact Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Tears
$0.90 Creature - Wall
3 Wall of Vapor
$0.37 Creature - Wall
3 War Elephant
$5.24 Creature - Elephant
3 Warrior Angel
$0.48 Creature - Angel Warrior
3 Warrior en-Kor
$0.23 Creature - Kor Warrior Knight
3 Warthog
$0.19 Creature - Boar
2 Watchdog
$0.17 Artifact Creature - Dog
1 Water Wurm
$0.18 Creature - Wurm
3 Whippoorwill
$1.37 Creature - Bird
4 Whirling Dervish
$0.30 Creature - Human Monk
4 White Knight
$0.15 Creature - Human Knight
3 Wild Elephant
$0.10 Creature - Elephant
2 Willow Faerie
$0.15 Creature - Faerie
3 Wind Drake
$0.09 Creature - Drake
3 Wind Spirit
$0.15 Creature - Elemental Spirit
2 Winged Sliver
$0.38 Creature - Sliver
3 Witch Hunter
$0.24 Creature - Human Cleric
2 Wolverine Pack
$0.13 Creature - Wolverine
2 Woolly Mammoths
$0.17 Creature - Elephant
3 Woolly Spider
$0.14 Creature - Spider
2 Youthful Knight
$0.06 Creature - Human Knight
2 Zebra Unicorn
$0.46 Creature - Unicorn
4 Zhalfirin Crusader
$0.67 Creature - Human Knight
4 Zhalfirin Knight
$0.11 Creature - Human Knight
3 Zombie Mob
$0.21 Creature - Zombie
3 Zombie Scavengers
$0.17 Creature - Zombie
3 Zuberi, Golden Feather
$5.17 Legendary Creature - Griffin
3 Zuran Spellcaster
$0.20 Creature - Human Wizard
Instant (394)
2 Abjure
$3.70 Instant
1 Active Volcano
$0.35 Instant
3 Alabaster Potion
$0.11 Instant
2 Aleatory
$0.25 Instant
2 Aliban's Tower
$0.08 Instant
3 Argivian Find
$0.72 Instant
2 Bandage
$0.25 Instant
2 Battle Cry
$0.17 Instant
3 Battle Frenzy
$0.09 Instant
2 Blessed Wine
$0.11 Instant
3 Blossoming Wreath
$0.15 Instant
4 Blue Elemental Blast
$0.65 Instant
3 Boil
$0.34 Instant
2 Boiling Blood
$0.16 Instant
3 Boomerang
$0.26 Instant
3 Brainstorm
$1.18 Instant
2 Burnt Offering
$0.63 Instant
2 Change of Heart
$0.14 Instant
3 Chaos Charm
$0.11 Instant
3 Choking Vines
$0.12 Instant
2 Clairvoyance
$0.13 Instant
3 Constant Mists
$13.10 Instant
2 Contagion
$1.33 Instant
4 Corpse Dance
$18.78 Instant
5 Counterspell
$1.54 Instant
1 Crossbow Ambush
$0.13 Instant
3 Crumble
$0.30 Instant
4 Dark Banishing
$0.07 Instant
4 Dark Ritual
$2.40 Instant
2 Death Ward
$0.07 Instant
4 Desertion
$2.66 Instant
2 Desperate Gambit
$0.45 Instant
5 Disenchant
$0.09 Instant
4 Dismiss
$0.28 Instant
2 Disrupt
$6.78 Instant
4 Divine Offering
$0.09 Instant
2 Dwarven Catapult
$0.15 Instant
2 Ebony Charm
$0.20 Instant
3 Elvish Fury
$0.03 Instant
3 Emerald Charm
$0.20 Instant
2 Enervate
$0.20 Instant
3 Errand of Duty
$0.20 Instant
2 Essence Vortex
$0.26 Instant
3 Fanatical Fever
$0.17 Instant
2 Fatal Blow
$0.12 Instant
3 Feast or Famine
$0.11 Instant
2 Feral Instinct
$0.14 Instant
2 Fevered Strength
$0.11 Instant
3 Fireblast
$0.54 Instant
2 Flare
$0.12 Instant
3 Flash
$1.33 Instant
2 Fog
$0.37 Instant
5 Force of Will
$55.61 Instant
2 Force Spike
$0.47 Instant
1 Foxfire
$0.12 Instant
3 Funeral Charm
$0.87 Instant
3 Gallantry
$0.24 Instant
4 Giant Growth
$0.12 Instant
3 Guided Strike
$0.12 Instant
2 Heal
$0.20 Instant
3 Healing Salve
$0.12 Instant
1 High Tide
$0.61 Instant
4 Honorable Passage
$0.16 Instant
2 Hope Charm
$0.09 Instant
3 Howl from Beyond
$0.17 Instant
3 Hydroblast
$1.98 Instant
2 Imps' Taunt
$0.16 Instant
3 Impulse
$0.13 Instant
5 Incinerate
$0.08 Instant
1 Infuse
$0.16 Instant
2 Inspiration
$0.03 Instant
3 Invulnerability
$0.27 Instant
2 Ivory Charm
$0.09 Instant
4 Kindle
$0.08 Instant
2 Lat-Nam's Legacy
$0.19 Instant
2 Lava Storm
$0.08 Instant
2 Leap
$0.61 Instant
3 Lightning Blast
$0.14 Instant
5 Lightning Bolt
$1.50 Instant
4 Mana Leak
$0.18 Instant
2 Martyrdom
$0.13 Instant
3 Mask of the Mimic
$0.55 Instant
2 Melee
$0.20 Instant
3 Memory Lapse
$0.47 Instant
2 Mind Games
$0.16 Instant
3 Miraculous Recovery
$0.10 Instant
2 Morale
$0.08 Instant
2 Nocturnal Raid
$0.15 Instant
2 Panic
$0.40 Instant
2 Piety
$0.11 Instant
4 Power Sink
$0.33 Instant
2 Provoke
$0.14 Instant
4 Pyroblast
$4.87 Instant
2 Rally
$0.09 Instant
3 Ray of Command
$0.19 Instant
1 Ray of Erasure
$0.16 Instant
2 Reality Anchor
$0.20 Instant
3 Rebound
$0.20 Instant
3 Reckless Spite
$0.14 Instant
3 Reinforcements
$0.18 Instant
3 Remedy
$0.15 Instant
3 Respite
$0.24 Instant
4 Reverse Damage
$0.40 Instant
2 Righteousness
$0.08 Instant
3 Rock Slide
$0.14 Instant
4 Scars of the Veteran
$0.17 Instant
3 Seedling Charm
$0.23 Instant
2 Serene Heart
$0.24 Instant
4 Shallow Grave
$39.94 Instant
3 Shatter
$0.02 Instant
2 Shield Wall
$0.14 Instant
2 Shrink
$0.10 Instant
2 Sirocco
$0.18 Instant
4 Sleight of Mind
$0.30 Instant
3 Smite
$0.08 Instant
2 Solfatara
$0.12 Instant
2 Songs of the Damned
$3.26 Instant
3 Spinning Darkness
$1.02 Instant
3 Stampede
$0.51 Instant
2 Stench of Decay
$0.09 Instant
4 Storm Seeker
$12.10 Instant
5 Swords to Plowshares
$1.19 Instant
3 Teleport
$5.57 Instant
3 Temper
$0.19 Instant
4 Terror
$0.20 Instant
3 Thunderbolt
$0.05 Instant
2 Touch of Vitae
$0.25 Instant
3 Trailblazer
$0.62 Instant
4 Tranquil Domain
$0.19 Instant
3 Transmutation
$0.38 Instant
2 Twitch
$0.18 Instant
3 Unsummon
$0.15 Instant
2 Updraft
$0.13 Instant
3 Venomous Breath
$0.21 Instant
3 Verdigris
$0.11 Instant
3 Vertigo
$0.19 Instant
3 Vision Charm
$0.66 Instant
3 Vitalize
$0.90 Instant
1 Warning
$0.07 Instant
2 Warrior's Honor
$0.12 Instant
2 Wicked Reward
$0.11 Instant
2 Wind Shear
$0.16 Instant
3 Word of Undoing
$0.13 Instant
3 Worthy Cause
$0.27 Instant
Sorcery (262)
2 Abandon Hope
$0.27 Sorcery
3 Aftershock
$0.20 Sorcery
3 Agonizing Memories
$0.10 Sorcery
4 Anarchy
$0.51 Sorcery
2 Argivian Restoration
$0.24 Sorcery
5 Armageddon
$15.67 Sorcery
3 Ashes to Ashes
$0.45 Sorcery
3 Brush with Death
$0.22 Sorcery
3 Builder's Bane
$0.11 Sorcery
2 Buried Alive
$3.29 Sorcery
2 Cannibalize
$0.21 Sorcery
4 Channel
$0.72 Sorcery
4 Coercion
$0.15 Sorcery
5 Contract from Below
$1.98 Sorcery
4 Creeping Mold
$0.04 Sorcery
4 Darkpact
$0.90 Sorcery
2 Deadshot
$0.32 Sorcery
3 Death Stroke
$0.19 Sorcery
1 Demonic Attorney
$1.16 Sorcery
3 Diabolic Vision
$0.68 Sorcery
4 Disintegrate
$0.35 Sorcery
4 Disturbed Burial
$0.27 Sorcery
4 Drain Life
$0.24 Sorcery
3 Drain Power
$1.95 Sorcery
3 Dream Cache
$0.19 Sorcery
3 Dry Spell
$0.15 Sorcery
4 Elven Cache
$0.44 Sorcery
3 Elven Rite
$0.21 Sorcery
2 Energy Tap
$0.35 Sorcery
4 Essence Filter
$0.12 Sorcery
3 Fanning the Flames
$0.39 Sorcery
2 Fit of Rage
$0.13 Sorcery
3 Flashfires
$0.18 Sorcery
3 Flux
$0.27 Sorcery
2 Forbidden Ritual
$0.90 Sorcery
3 Forgotten Lore
$0.18 Sorcery
2 Fumarole
$0.20 Sorcery
3 Gaea's Blessing
$0.28 Sorcery
3 Gaze of Pain
$0.14 Sorcery
3 Gerrard's Wisdom
$0.25 Sorcery
4 Hammer of Bogardan
$0.27 Sorcery
2 Haunting Misery
$0.25 Sorcery
4 Hurricane
$0.44 Sorcery
5 Hymn to Tourach
$0.47 Sorcery
3 Icequake
$0.50 Sorcery
3 Infernal Harvest
$0.13 Sorcery
3 Lab Rats
$0.25 Sorcery
4 Lava Burst
$0.14 Sorcery
3 Meteor Shower
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Mind Bomb
$0.21 Sorcery
2 Mind Ravel
$0.10 Sorcery
3 Mind Warp
$0.12 Sorcery
3 Mulch
$0.09 Sorcery
3 Natural Order
$15.20 Sorcery
3 Nature's Resurgence
$0.35 Sorcery
4 Perish
$0.23 Sorcery
3 Portent
$0.39 Sorcery
3 Prosperity
$2.28 Sorcery
3 Rain of Tears
$0.20 Sorcery
3 Raise Dead
$0.08 Sorcery
3 Rampant Growth
$0.33 Sorcery
2 Ransack
$0.16 Sorcery
2 Rebirth
$0.31 Sorcery
4 Recall
$0.74 Sorcery
3 Relearn
$0.31 Sorcery
3 Retribution of the Meek
$7.28 Sorcery
4 Savage Twister
$0.24 Sorcery
2 Shattered Crypt
$0.14 Sorcery
3 Sift
$0.05 Sorcery
3 Soul Burn
$0.18 Sorcery
3 Stench of Evil
$0.22 Sorcery
3 Stone Rain
$0.07 Sorcery
2 Superior Numbers
$0.16 Sorcery
3 Taste of Paradise
$0.13 Sorcery
1 Tendrils of Despair
$0.14 Sorcery
3 Thermokarst
$4.28 Sorcery
2 Time Ebb
$0.09 Sorcery
2 Touch of Death
$0.09 Sorcery
4 Tranquility
$0.14 Sorcery
2 Tremor
$0.12 Sorcery
3 Tropical Storm
$0.21 Sorcery
3 Tsunami
$0.34 Sorcery
2 Undo
$0.11 Sorcery
3 Untamed Wilds
$0.20 Sorcery
2 Unyaro Bee Sting
$0.20 Sorcery
3 Verdant Touch
$0.32 Sorcery
3 Volcanic Eruption
$0.42 Sorcery
3 Winds of Rath
$0.20 Sorcery
Artifact (180)
3 Aegis of the Meek
$0.67 Artifact
2 Amulet of Kroog
$0.08 Artifact
2 Arcum's Sleigh
$0.18 Artifact
2 Arena of the Ancients
$15.78 Artifact
2 Ashnod's Altar
$6.25 Artifact
3 Ashnod's Transmogrant
$0.17 Artifact
3 Barbed Sextant
$0.15 Artifact
3 Basalt Monolith
$5.02 Artifact
4 Bösium Strip
$2.69 Artifact
3 Bottle of Suleiman
$0.35 Artifact
2 Bronze Tablet
$0.35 Artifact
3 Bullwhip
$0.29 Artifact
2 Celestial Sword
$0.34 Artifact
3 Chimeric Sphere
$0.27 Artifact
1 Delif's Cube
$0.81 Artifact
2 Diamond Kaleidoscope
$1.07 Artifact
2 Dingus Staff
$1.09 Artifact
3 Emmessi Tome
$0.06 Artifact
2 Excavator
$0.23 Artifact
4 Feldon's Cane
$1.30 Artifact
3 Fire Diamond
$0.18 Artifact
2 Floodwater Dam
$0.58 Artifact
4 Fountain of Youth
$0.20 Artifact
2 Fyndhorn Bow
$0.20 Artifact
3 Gauntlets of Chaos
$0.23 Artifact
3 Glasses of Urza
$0.26 Artifact
3 Heartstone
$2.89 Artifact
2 Helm of Chatzuk
$0.34 Artifact
1 Hematite Talisman
$0.21 Artifact
4 Howling Mine
$3.78 Artifact
3 Ice Cauldron
$1.82 Artifact
2 Infinite Hourglass
$0.39 Artifact
2 Iron Star
$0.08 Artifact
3 Jabari's Banner
$0.22 Artifact
3 Jeweled Amulet
$7.71 Artifact
3 Jeweled Bird
$21.05 Artifact
2 Jinxed Ring
$0.78 Artifact
2 Juju Bubble
$0.24 Artifact
2 Kormus Bell
$2.33 Artifact
1 Lapis Lazuli Talisman
$0.37 Artifact
3 Library of Leng
$1.79 Artifact
3 Lotus Petal
$17.59 Artifact
3 Mana Prism
$0.20 Artifact
3 Mana Vault
$72.63 Artifact
3 Millstone
$0.06 Artifact
2 Mind Stone
$0.18 Artifact
3 Mox Diamond
$616.51 Artifact
1 Onyx Talisman
$0.22 Artifact
2 Paupers' Cage
$0.86 Artifact
2 Phyrexian Furnace
$1.45 Artifact
3 Pit Trap
$0.18 Artifact
3 Rod of Ruin
$0.07 Artifact
2 Runesword
$1.30 Artifact
3 Shield of the Ages
$0.21 Artifact
1 Sisay's Ring
$0.09 Artifact
2 Soul Net
$0.15 Artifact
2 Squee's Toy
$0.26 Artifact
2 Sunstone
$0.38 Artifact
2 Sword of the Chosen
$0.41 Legendary Artifact
3 Tawnos's Weaponry
$0.14 Artifact
3 Thran Forge
$0.20 Artifact
2 Thran Tome
$0.80 Artifact
2 Throne of Bone
$0.11 Artifact
3 Triangle of War
$1.79 Artifact
3 Triassic Egg
$8.47 Artifact
1 Urza's Bauble
$3.83 Artifact
2 Vibrating Sphere
$0.32 Artifact
2 Voodoo Doll
$10.96 Artifact
4 Well of Knowledge
$2.67 Artifact
2 Wooden Sphere
$0.08 Artifact
2 Xanthic Statue
$0.74 Artifact
5 Zuran Orb
$3.81 Artifact
Enchantment (490)
3 Abduction
$0.33 Enchantment - Aura
3 Aether Flash
$0.66 Enchantment
3 Aether Storm
$0.20 Enchantment
3 Agility
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
2 Alms
$0.11 Enchantment
2 Ancient Runes
$2.11 Enchantment
3 Angelic Renewal
$0.22 Enchantment
2 Animate Artifact
$0.14 Enchantment - Aura
3 Animate Dead
$4.81 Enchantment - Aura
3 Anti-Magic Aura
$0.31 Enchantment - Aura
3 Apathy
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
3 Arenson's Aura
$0.17 Enchantment
3 Armor of Faith
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
2 Arnjlot's Ascent
$0.08 Enchantment
2 Aysen Highway
$0.94 Enchantment
4 Bad Moon
$4.68 Enchantment
2 Betrayal
$0.24 Enchantment - Aura
1 Betrothed of Fire
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
3 Binding Grasp
$0.29 Enchantment - Aura
2 Black Scarab
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
2 Blight
$0.24 Enchantment - Aura
2 Blue Scarab
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
2 Blue Ward
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
3 Bottomless Pit
$3.90 Enchantment
2 Breeding Pit
$0.23 Enchantment
3 Briar Shield
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
3 Browse
$0.14 Enchantment
3 Call to Arms
$0.59 Enchantment
2 Carapace
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
3 Castle
$0.24 Enchantment
2 Chaos Moon
$0.69 Enchantment
3 Chill
$0.40 Enchantment
3 Choke
$0.90 Enchantment
3 Chromatic Armor
$0.99 Enchantment - Aura
3 Circle of Protection: Artifacts
$0.15 Enchantment
3 Circle of Protection: Black
$0.29 Enchantment
3 Circle of Protection: Blue
$0.14 Enchantment
3 Circle of Protection: Green
$0.16 Enchantment
4 Circle of Protection: Red
$0.19 Enchantment
2 Circle of Protection: Shadow
$0.13 Enchantment
3 Circle of Protection: White
$0.11 Enchantment
2 Cloak of Confusion
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
3 Coils of the Medusa
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
1 Cold Snap
$0.20 Enchantment
2 Concordant Crossroads
$86.72 World Enchantment
3 Conquer
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
3 Contemplation
$0.19 Enchantment
2 Contempt
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
3 Conversion
$0.22 Enchantment
3 Conviction
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Cursed Land
$0.27 Enchantment - Aura
3 Dance of the Dead
$14.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Dark Privilege
$0.32 Enchantment - Aura
3 Death Watch
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
1 Deep Water
$0.17 Enchantment
3 Divine Transformation
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
2 Downdraft
$0.23 Enchantment
3 Dread of Night
$0.29 Enchantment
2 Dreams of the Dead
$0.21 Enchantment
2 Drudge Spell
$1.91 Enchantment
2 Earthbind
$0.83 Enchantment - Aura
2 Earthlore
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
3 Elemental Augury
$0.50 Enchantment
2 Elven Fortress
$0.13 Enchantment
4 Empyrial Armor
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
3 Endless Scream
$0.21 Enchantment - Aura
4 Energy Storm
$0.82 Enchantment
3 Enfeeblement
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
2 Erosion
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
2 Errant Minion
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
3 Errantry
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
3 Essence Flare
$0.08 Enchantment - Aura
2 Eternal Warrior
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
2 Familiar Ground
$0.34 Enchantment
3 Fear
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
2 Feedback
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
3 Fervor
$5.10 Enchantment
4 Fire Whip
$0.30 Enchantment - Aura
3 Firebreathing
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
2 Fishliver Oil
$0.24 Enchantment - Aura
3 Flight
$0.03 Enchantment - Aura
3 Flood
$0.17 Enchantment
3 Flooded Woodlands
$0.67 Enchantment
3 Forbidden Crypt
$0.67 Enchantment
2 Fortified Area
$0.13 Enchantment
2 Freyalise's Charm
$0.20 Enchantment
1 Freyalise's Winds
$0.73 Enchantment
2 Frog Tongue
$0.49 Enchantment - Aura
2 Funeral March
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
4 Furnace of Rath
$5.01 Enchantment
3 Fylgja
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
2 Gaseous Form
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
3 Giant Strength
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
2 Goblin Kites
$0.22 Enchantment
2 Goblin Shrine
$0.31 Enchantment - Aura
3 Goblin War Drums
$0.86 Enchantment
2 Gossamer Chains
$0.18 Enchantment
4 Grave Pact
$11.40 Enchantment
3 Grave Servitude
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
3 Hallowed Ground
$0.19 Enchantment
3 Hanna's Custody
$1.66 Enchantment
4 Heart of Bogardan
$0.90 Enchantment
2 Heat Stroke
$2.73 Enchantment
2 Heat Wave
$0.21 Enchantment
3 Hero's Resolve
$0.27 Enchantment - Aura
4 Hesitation
$0.25 Enchantment
4 Hidden Retreat
$1.18 Enchantment
2 Holy Strength
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
3 Homarid Spawning Bed
$0.19 Enchantment
4 Humility
$50.11 Enchantment
3 Illusionary Terrain
$0.20 Enchantment
2 Imposing Visage
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
3 Infernal Tribute
$3.54 Enchantment
1 Inner Sanctum
$1.32 Enchantment
3 Insight
$1.75 Enchantment
2 Instill Energy
$2.07 Enchantment - Aura
3 Intruder Alarm
$4.06 Enchantment
3 Kismet
$0.85 Enchantment
2 Kithkin Armor
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
3 Krovikan Fetish
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
2 Leshrac's Sigil
$0.31 Enchantment
3 Lifeforce
$0.46 Enchantment
3 Lightning Cloud
$0.74 Enchantment
2 Lim-Dûl's Hex
$0.58 Enchantment
3 Living Lands
$0.37 Enchantment
3 Lure
$0.17 Enchantment - Aura
2 Maddening Wind
$0.25 Enchantment - Aura
3 Mana Chains
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
3 Manabarbs
$4.82 Enchantment
2 Megrim
$0.45 Enchantment
2 Merseine
$0.14 Enchantment - Aura
3 Mind Harness
$0.30 Enchantment - Aura
2 Mob Mentality
$0.24 Enchantment - Aura
2 Mudslide
$1.78 Enchantment
3 Mystic Remora
$6.05 Enchantment
3 Mystic Veil
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
3 Nature's Kiss
$0.07 Enchantment - Aura
3 Necromancy
$6.35 Enchantment
2 No Quarter
$0.49 Enchantment
2 Noble Steeds
$0.13 Enchantment
3 Orcish Oriflamme
$0.03 Enchantment
2 Orim's Prayer
$0.56 Enchantment
2 Overgrowth
$0.34 Enchantment - Aura
4 Pacifism
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
3 Phantasmal Terrain
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
3 Phantom Wings
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
2 Primal Rage
$3.35 Enchantment
2 Prismatic Ward
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
2 Psychic Venom
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
2 Puppet Master
$1.28 Enchantment - Aura
2 Regeneration
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
2 Relic Ward
$0.20 Enchantment - Aura
2 Revelation
$28.03 World Enchantment
2 Ritual of Steel
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
2 Ritual of Subdual
$1.14 Enchantment
3 Roots of Life
$0.33 Enchantment
2 Seizures
$0.15 Enchantment - Aura
2 Serra Bestiary
$0.20 Enchantment - Aura
3 Serra's Blessing
$0.79 Enchantment
2 Shimmering Wings
$0.21 Enchantment - Aura
2 Snow Devil
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
1 Snowfall
$0.14 Enchantment
2 Soul Barrier
$0.24 Enchantment
3 Soul Kiss
$0.11 Enchantment - Aura
3 Spectral Shield
$0.23 Enchantment - Aura
3 Spirit Mirror
$1.04 Enchantment
3 Steal Artifact
$0.17 Enchantment - Aura
3 Stonehands
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
3 Strands of Night
$0.35 Enchantment
4 Sylvan Library
$20.79 Enchantment
2 Takklemaggot
$3.40 Enchantment - Aura
3 Teferi's Veil
$0.71 Enchantment
2 Thelon's Curse
$0.61 Enchantment
3 Thoughtleech
$0.29 Enchantment
1 Tidal Flats
$0.17 Enchantment
2 Torture
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
2 Tortured Existence
$2.71 Enchantment
2 Total War
$0.91 Enchantment
1 Unlikely Alliance
$0.24 Enchantment
3 Unstable Mutation
$0.10 Enchantment - Aura
2 Vampirism
$0.19 Enchantment - Aura
3 Vanishing
$0.46 Enchantment - Aura
3 Venom
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
2 Veteran's Voice
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
2 Volrath's Gardens
$0.26 Enchantment
3 Ward of Lights
$0.16 Enchantment - Aura
2 Weakness
$0.05 Enchantment - Aura
2 Wild Growth
$0.43 Enchantment - Aura
3 Wings of Aesthir
$0.22 Enchantment - Aura
3 Withering Wisps
$0.34 Enchantment
3 Wrath of Marit Lage
$0.20 Enchantment
Land (61)
2 An-Havva Township
$0.21 Land
4 Brushland
$3.12 Land
5 City of Brass
$14.67 Land
2 Coral Atoll
$0.34 Land
3 Ebon Stronghold
$0.30 Land
2 Flood Plain
$0.80 Land
2 Hollow Trees
$1.18 Land
2 Ice Floe
$0.36 Land
2 Jungle Basin
$0.33 Land
4 Kjeldoran Outpost
$8.27 Land
3 Lotus Vale
$29.99 Land
2 Mountain Valley
$0.32 Land
2 Quicksand
$0.10 Land
3 Rootwater Depths
$0.20 Land
4 Sulfurous Springs
$6.47 Land
3 Svyelunite Temple
$0.55 Land
2 Urza's Mine
$1.20 Land - Urza’s Mine
2 Urza's Power Plant
$1.03 Land - Urza’s Power-Plant
2 Urza's Tower
$0.86 Land - Urza’s Tower
3 Volrath's Stronghold
$83.04 Legendary Land
4 Wasteland
$21.15 Land
3 Winding Canyons
$24.69 Land

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