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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 5876 cards, 1956 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Creature (1735)
1 Aboroth
$1.32 Creature - Elemental
1 Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor
$0.78 Legendary Creature - Cephalid Noble
1 Abyssal Persecutor
$1.68 Creature - Demon
1 Academy Rector
$53.93 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Adaptive Automaton
$1.54 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Adarkar Valkyrie
$1.08 Snow Creature - Angel
1 Admonition Angel
$1.48 Creature - Angel
1 Ageless Entity
$0.24 Creature - Elemental
1 Ajani's Pridemate
$0.11 Creature - Cat Soldier
1 Akroma, Angel of Fury
$0.82 Legendary Creature - Angel
1 Alabaster Dragon
$0.86 Creature - Dragon
4 Allosaurus Rider
$1.60 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Ambassador Laquatus
$1.21 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Anaba Spirit Crafter
$1.20 Creature - Minotaur Shaman
1 Angel of Salvation
$0.30 Creature - Angel
9 Anger
$1.67 Creature - Incarnation
1 Anurid Brushhopper
$0.56 Creature - Frog Beast
10 Aphetto Alchemist
$4.57 Creature - Human Wizard
5 Apprentice Necromancer
$0.90 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Arcanis the Omnipotent
$0.36 Legendary Creature - Wizard
8 Arcbound Crusher
$3.05 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
2 Arcbound Overseer
$1.53 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Arcbound Ravager
$12.87 Artifact Creature - Beast
4 Arcbound Reclaimer
$4.13 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Archangel Avacyn // Avacyn, the Purifier
$4.03 Legendary Creature - Angel // Legendary Creature - Angel
5 Archfiend of Ifnir
$4.01 Creature - Demon
1 Argothian Enchantress
$37.60 Creature - Human Druid
3 Argothian Wurm
$2.67 Creature - Wurm
5 Arrogant Wurm
$1.27 Creature - Wurm
3 Artisan of Kozilek
$0.46 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Ascendant Evincar
$3.43 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Vampire Noble
1 Ashenmoor Liege
$0.84 Creature - Elemental Knight
2 Asmira, Holy Avenger
$1.31 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Athreos, God of Passage
$11.73 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Atogatog
$1.12 Legendary Creature - Atog
4 Auriok Steelshaper
$0.76 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Autochthon Wurm
$2.39 Creature - Wurm
1 Avatar of Hope
$0.32 Creature - Avatar
2 Avatar of Woe
$2.93 Creature - Avatar
1 Aven Brigadier
$1.76 Creature - Bird Soldier
1 Aven Mindcensor
$0.55 Creature - Bird Wizard
3 Avenger of Zendikar
$1.78 Creature - Elemental
2 Axelrod Gunnarson
$12.66 Legendary Creature - Giant
2 Azami, Lady of Scrolls
$0.30 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
3 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
$9.06 Legendary Creature - Human Monk
2 Baleful Strix
$0.84 Artifact Creature - Bird
3 Ball Lightning
$0.72 Creature - Elemental
2 Balthor the Defiled
$12.12 Legendary Creature - Zombie Dwarf
5 Bane of Progress
$6.95 Creature - Elemental
3 Baneslayer Angel
$2.62 Creature - Angel
2 Barrin, Master Wizard
$6.47 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
3 Battletide Alchemist
$2.29 Creature - Kithkin Cleric
1 Beast of Burden
$0.30 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Beast Whisperer
$3.03 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Beasts of Bogardan
$2.35 Creature - Beast
1 Birchlore Rangers
$0.51 Creature - Elf Druid Ranger
4 Birds of Paradise
$5.90 Creature - Bird
1 Blazing Archon
$0.51 Creature - Archon
1 Blazing Specter
$0.69 Creature - Specter
4 Blinding Angel
$6.62 Creature - Angel
3 Blistering Firecat
$2.65 Creature - Elemental Cat
3 Blood Artist
$2.42 Creature - Vampire
7 Blood Speaker
$0.59 Creature - Ogre Shaman
1 Bloodghast
$6.04 Creature - Vampire Spirit
4 Bloodgift Demon
$0.99 Creature - Demon
2 Bloodmark Mentor
$4.36 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Boggart Harbinger
$0.98 Creature - Goblin Shaman
2 Boggart Mob
$1.12 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Boldwyr Heavyweights
$2.35 Creature - Giant Warrior
1 Bomb Squad
$1.08 Creature - Dwarf
1 Bonescythe Sliver
$2.90 Creature - Sliver
10 Boreal Druid
$2.90 Snow Creature - Elf Druid
1 Bottle Gnomes
$0.15 Artifact Creature - Gnome
1 Braids, Cabal Minion
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Human Minion
1 Bramble Sovereign
$1.74 Creature - Dryad
8 Bramblewood Paragon
$3.99 Creature - Elf Warrior
2 Brawn
$0.23 Creature - Incarnation
1 Breya, Etherium Shaper
$1.64 Legendary Artifact Creature - Human
1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
$11.47 Legendary Creature - Cat Soldier
3 Bringer of the Black Dawn
$1.68 Creature - Bringer
4 Bringer of the Blue Dawn
$5.40 Creature - Bringer
1 Bringer of the Green Dawn
$2.12 Creature - Bringer
5 Bringer of the Red Dawn
$2.86 Creature - Bringer
2 Bringer of the White Dawn
$1.71 Creature - Bringer
6 Brood Sliver
$2.46 Creature - Sliver
1 Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder
$4.18 Legendary Creature - Human Ally
1 Cabal Slaver
$0.19 Creature - Human Cleric
4 Caller of the Claw
$2.81 Creature - Elf
2 Captivating Vampire
$10.62 Creature - Vampire
12 Carrion Feeder
$2.54 Creature - Zombie
2 Catapult Master
$1.29 Creature - Human Soldier
3 Caustic Wasps
$1.04 Creature - Insect
1 Cemetery Puca
$2.23 Creature - Shapeshifter
7 Cephalid Constable
$10.12 Creature - Cephalid Wizard
3 Chainer, Dementia Master
$0.95 Legendary Creature - Human Minion
3 Chameleon Colossus
$1.10 Creature - Shapeshifter
5 Champion of the Parish
$1.03 Creature - Human Soldier
26 Chancellor of the Dross
$0.79 Creature - Phyrexian Vampire
1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh // Chandra, Roaring Flame
$2.22 Legendary Creature - Human Shaman // Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
4 Changeling Titan
$2.59 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Cheatyface
$2.52 Creature - Efreet
2 Child of Alara
$1.35 Legendary Creature - Avatar
1 Chisei, Heart of Oceans
$2.05 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Chromescale Drake
$0.30 Creature - Drake
3 Chronozoa
$9.02 Creature - Illusion
2 Citanul Hierophants
$1.03 Creature - Human Druid
2 Clever Impersonator
$4.83 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Clickslither
$0.36 Creature - Insect
3 Clone
$0.51 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Coffin Queen
$8.24 Creature - Zombie Wizard
4 Combustible Gearhulk
$0.48 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Conduit of Ruin
$5.82 Creature - Eldrazi
2 Consecrated Sphinx
$31.38 Creature - Sphinx
4 Copper Gnomes
$2.06 Artifact Creature - Gnome
4 Coralhelm Commander
$0.46 Creature - Merfolk Soldier
4 Corpsejack Menace
$0.91 Creature - Fungus
3 Courser of Kruphix
$1.06 Enchantment Creature - Centaur
1 Covetous Dragon
$2.72 Creature - Dragon
1 Crimson Kobolds
$2.56 Creature - Kobold
1 Cromat
$4.62 Legendary Creature - Illusion
2 Crovax the Cursed
$1.10 Legendary Creature - Vampire Noble
3 Crypt Ghast
$7.08 Creature - Spirit
6 Crystalline Sliver
$1.25 Creature - Sliver
3 Cunning Lethemancer
$13.02 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Dandân
$6.64 Creature - Fish
1 Darien, King of Kjeldor
$1.06 Legendary Creature - Human Soldier
1 Darksteel Colossus
$8.12 Artifact Creature - Golem
8 Daru Warchief
$3.37 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Dauntless Dourbark
$3.21 Creature - Treefolk Warrior
1 Dawnstrider
$2.59 Creature - Dryad Spellshaper
6 Deadeye Navigator
$7.32 Creature - Spirit
4 Death Baron
$4.72 Creature - Zombie Wizard
11 Deathrite Shaman
$3.23 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Deceiver of Form
$0.62 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Deepchannel Mentor
$7.51 Creature - Merfolk Rogue
5 Demigod of Revenge
$1.74 Creature - Spirit Avatar
1 Desecration Elemental
$5.47 Creature - Elemental
9 Desolation Angel
$2.05 Creature - Angel
3 Detritivore
$4.85 Creature - Lhurgoyf
1 Devoted Druid
$0.82 Creature - Elf Druid
2 Diregraf Colossus
$12.60 Creature - Zombie Giant
2 Dirtcowl Wurm
$3.65 Creature - Wurm
1 Disciple of Griselbrand
$0.15 Creature - Human Cleric
11 Disciple of the Vault
$1.17 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Docent of Perfection // Final Iteration
$1.01 Creature - Insect Horror // Creature - Eldrazi Insect
2 Dominating Licid
$2.84 Creature - Licid
3 Doomed Necromancer
$1.08 Creature - Human Cleric Mercenary
4 Dragon Whelp
$0.10 Creature - Dragon
6 Dragonspeaker Shaman
$1.70 Creature - Human Barbarian Shaman
1 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
$0.38 Legendary Creature - Vampire Shaman
1 Dream Stalker
$0.14 Creature - Illusion
1 Dreamborn Muse
$3.95 Creature - Spirit
1 Druid of the Anima
$2.48 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Dungrove Elder
$0.87 Creature - Treefolk
4 Dusk Urchins
$4.23 Creature - Ouphe
2 Dwarven Armorer
$3.00 Creature - Dwarf
2 Dwarven Bloodboiler
$4.61 Creature - Dwarf
3 Dwarven Pony
$0.97 Creature - Horse
6 Dwarven Recruiter
$0.48 Creature - Dwarf
1 Dwarven Thaumaturgist
$1.35 Creature - Dwarf Shaman
1 Ebon Praetor
$1.06 Creature - Avatar Praetor
1 Edgar Markov
$78.75 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
6 Edgewalker
$1.08 Creature - Human Cleric
6 Edric, Spymaster of Trest
$0.96 Legendary Creature - Elf Rogue
1 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails
$2.44 Legendary Creature - Fox Cleric
1 Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
$60.80 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Eldrazi Mimic
$0.95 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Elenda, the Dusk Rose
$6.99 Legendary Creature - Vampire Knight
2 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
$16.41 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
4 Elves of Deep Shadow
$1.56 Creature - Elf Druid
3 Elvish Archers
$0.66 Creature - Elf Archer
4 Elvish Champion
$13.44 Creature - Elf
2 Elvish Farmer
$2.97 Creature - Elf
3 Elvish Harbinger
$5.68 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Elvish Piper
$2.19 Creature - Elf Shaman
4 Elvish Spirit Guide
$3.31 Creature - Elf Spirit
4 Elvish Vanguard
$0.49 Creature - Elf Warrior
4 Emeria Shepherd
$2.10 Creature - Angel
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
$33.91 Legendary Creature - Eldrazi
1 Endbringer
$0.31 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Endless Wurm
$1.62 Creature - Wurm
1 Enslaved Dwarf
$0.26 Creature - Dwarf
1 Ephara, God of the Polis
$4.42 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Erayo, Soratami Ascendant // Erayo's Essence
$6.79 Legendary Creature - Moonfolk Monk // Legendary Enchantment
1 Erebos, God of the Dead
$14.45 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
1 Erg Raiders
$0.02 Creature - Human Warrior
1 Ertai, the Corrupted
N/A Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Human Wizard
1 Ertai, Wizard Adept
$7.98 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
4 Essence Sliver
$7.61 Creature - Sliver
10 Essence Warden
$3.51 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Etched Champion
$0.57 Artifact Creature - Soldier
3 Eternal Dragon
$0.17 Creature - Dragon Spirit
3 Eternal Witness
$1.25 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Etherium Sculptor
$1.80 Artifact Creature - Vedalken Artificer
4 Ethersworn Canonist
$4.99 Artifact Creature - Human Cleric
2 Exalted Angel
$1.79 Creature - Angel
3 Exalted Dragon
$1.62 Creature - Dragon
1 Ezuri, Claw of Progress
$1.26 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Elf Warrior
3 Ezuri, Renegade Leader
$8.74 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
7 Faerie Macabre
$5.40 Creature - Faerie Rogue
2 False Prophet
$1.00 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Fangren Firstborn
$2.92 Creature - Beast
2 Fate Unraveler
$2.29 Enchantment Creature - Hag
8 Fatestitcher
$1.17 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Fauna Shaman
$3.40 Creature - Elf Shaman
5 Felidar Guardian
$3.03 Creature - Cat Beast
2 Felidar Sovereign
$3.86 Creature - Cat Beast
3 Femeref Enchantress
$9.77 Creature - Human Druid
6 Figure of Destiny
$1.00 Creature - Kithkin
2 Filth
$13.80 Creature - Incarnation
1 Fire Drake
$0.17 Creature - Drake
6 Flamekin Harbinger
$1.34 Creature - Elemental Shaman
3 Fleshwrither
$2.87 Creature - Horror
1 Flow of Maggots
$1.06 Creature - Insect
1 Flying Men
$1.76 Creature - Human
1 Force of Nature
$0.25 Creature - Elemental
5 Forgotten Ancient
$0.52 Creature - Elemental
1 Fury Sliver
$0.38 Creature - Sliver
12 Fyndhorn Elves
$1.02 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Gabriel Angelfire
$24.23 Legendary Creature - Angel
1 Gaddock Teeg
$2.97 Legendary Creature - Kithkin Advisor
1 Gaea's Herald
$2.37 Creature - Elf
1 Galerider Sliver
$3.72 Creature - Sliver
1 Game-Trail Changeling
$0.24 Creature - Shapeshifter
2 Generous Patron
$6.14 Creature - Elf Advisor
4 Genesis
$0.45 Creature - Incarnation
1 Geralf's Messenger
$1.10 Creature - Zombie
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
$1.54 Legendary Creature - Elder Dinosaur
1 Gigantosaurus
$3.13 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Gigapede
$0.75 Creature - Insect
2 Gilded Drake
$211.53 Creature - Drake
2 Gilt-Leaf Archdruid
$2.88 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Glen Elendra Archmage
$7.68 Creature - Faerie Wizard
1 Glissa, the Traitor
$1.95 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Zombie Elf
2 Glory
$1.45 Creature - Incarnation
1 Glowrider
$2.22 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Goblin Archaeologist
$0.32 Creature - Goblin Artificer
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
$2.67 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Goblin Chieftain
$3.59 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Commando
$1.23 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin General
$6.29 Creature - Goblin Warrior
4 Goblin Guide
$1.52 Creature - Goblin Scout
3 Goblin King
$22.50 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Lackey
$16.06 Creature - Goblin
7 Goblin Marshal
$1.28 Creature - Goblin Warrior
1 Goblin Piledriver
$1.30 Creature - Goblin Warrior
4 Goblin Recruiter
$6.15 Creature - Goblin
3 Goblin Ringleader
$0.70 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Sharpshooter
$26.71 Creature - Goblin
2 Goblin Sledder
$0.25 Creature - Goblin
1 Goblin Spy
$0.23 Creature - Goblin Rogue
2 Goblin Warchief
$0.67 Creature - Goblin Warrior
3 Goblin Welder
$12.78 Creature - Goblin Artificer
1 Goblin Wizard
$63.40 Creature - Goblin Wizard
1 Golden Bear
$3.65 Creature - Bear
1 Grave Titan
$3.12 Creature - Giant
5 Graveborn Muse
$8.12 Creature - Zombie Spirit
5 Gravecrawler
$5.28 Creature - Zombie
1 Great Whale
$19.46 Creature - Whale
1 Greatbow Doyen
$6.36 Creature - Elf Archer
1 Greater Harvester
$1.65 Creature - Horror
1 Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
$1.56 Legendary Creature - Zombie Warrior
2 Grinning Demon
$1.05 Creature - Demon
1 Groundbreaker
$1.56 Creature - Elemental
1 Grozoth
$1.58 Creature - Leviathan
1 Guiltfeeder
$0.71 Creature - Horror
1 Gyre Sage
$3.93 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Haakon, Stromgald Scourge
$1.05 Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight
5 Hand of Justice
$1.31 Creature - Avatar
4 Hand of the Praetors
$4.57 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie
1 Hangarback Walker
$1.29 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 Hanweir Garrison
$1.68 Creature - Human Soldier
4 Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons
$1.12 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
2 Harbinger of Night
$2.50 Creature - Spirit
2 Havengul Lich
$1.17 Creature - Zombie Wizard
9 Heart Sliver
$0.94 Creature - Sliver
3 Heartless Hidetsugu
$1.85 Legendary Creature - Ogre Shaman
3 Heartwood Storyteller
$1.91 Creature - Treefolk
5 Hedron Crab
$8.94 Creature - Crab
2 Hell's Caretaker
$2.34 Creature - Horror
2 Hellcarver Demon
$4.89 Creature - Demon
1 Hellkite Charger
$1.14 Creature - Dragon
1 Hellkite Tyrant
$4.07 Creature - Dragon
4 Herald of Kozilek
$0.54 Creature - Eldrazi Drone
1 Heritage Druid
$2.89 Creature - Elf Druid
6 Hermit Druid
$16.25 Creature - Human Druid
2 Higure, the Still Wind
$21.14 Legendary Creature - Human Ninja
2 Hivis of the Scale
$3.94 Legendary Creature - Viashino Shaman
1 Hollow Specter
$0.42 Creature - Specter
2 Horde of Notions
$0.93 Legendary Creature - Elemental
8 Horned Sliver
$4.28 Creature - Sliver
1 Hunted Phantasm
$1.86 Creature - Spirit
1 Hurr Jackal
$0.32 Creature - Jackal
4 Hypnotic Specter
$1.00 Creature - Specter
2 Hystrodon
$0.99 Creature - Beast
5 Ichor Rats
$2.09 Creature - Phyrexian Rat
3 Ichorid
$0.45 Creature - Horror
1 Iizuka the Ruthless
$1.40 Legendary Creature - Human Samurai
1 Immaculate Magistrate
$0.73 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Iname as One
$0.94 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Iname, Life Aspect
$0.49 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Incubation Druid
$3.15 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Indomitable Ancients
$9.13 Creature - Treefolk Warrior
1 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
$10.82 Legendary Creature - Rat Ninja
2 Ink-Treader Nephilim
$1.52 Creature - Nephilim
6 Iridescent Angel
$0.98 Creature - Angel
2 Iroas, God of Victory
$12.06 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
2 Ishkanah, Grafwidow
$0.80 Legendary Creature - Spider
1 Ixidor, Reality Sculptor
$2.39 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
$4.29 Legendary Creature - Zombie Elf
3 Jedit Ojanen of Efrava
$1.05 Legendary Creature - Cat Warrior
4 Jeska, Warrior Adept
$2.09 Legendary Creature - Human Barbarian Warrior
1 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur
$6.02 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
1 Joiner Adept
$2.47 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Jolrael, Empress of Beasts
$0.98 Legendary Creature - Human Spellshaper
1 Joraga Treespeaker
$1.08 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Joraga Warcaller
$6.22 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Judge of Currents
$0.17 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Kalastria Highborn
$2.41 Creature - Vampire Shaman
2 Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
$1.95 Legendary Creature - Giant Soldier
1 Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet
$5.43 Legendary Creature - Vampire Warrior
1 Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
$2.45 Legendary Creature - Human Druid
1 Kami of the Crescent Moon
$5.38 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Karametra, God of Harvests
$4.24 Legendary Enchantment Creature - God
4 Karmic Guide
$0.46 Creature - Angel Spirit
4 Karn, Silver Golem
$14.00 Legendary Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Karona, False God
$2.47 Legendary Creature - Avatar
1 Kaysa
$3.37 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
2 Kederekt Parasite
$6.02 Creature - Horror
1 Keeper of Progenitus
$2.12 Creature - Elf Druid
1 Keeper of the Nine Gales
$1.44 Creature - Bird Wizard
3 Kei Takahashi
$5.33 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
2 Keiga, the Tide Star
$1.93 Legendary Creature - Dragon Spirit
2 Kentaro, the Smiling Cat
$2.09 Legendary Creature - Human Samurai
2 Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
$8.53 Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman
6 Kilnmouth Dragon
$0.83 Creature - Dragon
2 Kinsbaile Cavalier
$14.08 Creature - Kithkin Knight
2 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
$4.98 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Kjeldoran Knight
$1.22 Creature - Human Knight
1 Knight of the Ebon Legion
$4.19 Creature - Vampire Knight
1 Knight of the White Orchid
$1.00 Creature - Human Knight
4 Knight-Captain of Eos
$2.30 Creature - Human Knight
1 Kobolds of Kher Keep
$3.03 Creature - Kobold
3 Kokusho, the Evening Star
$22.29 Legendary Creature - Dragon Spirit
1 Konda, Lord of Eiganjo
$5.58 Legendary Creature - Human Samurai
3 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade
$2.55 Legendary Creature - Zombie Warrior
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
$46.60 Legendary Creature - Eldrazi
1 Kozilek, the Great Distortion
$4.65 Legendary Creature - Eldrazi
1 Krenko, Mob Boss
$1.34 Legendary Creature - Goblin Warrior
6 Krosan Beast
$4.35 Creature - Squirrel Beast
1 Krosan Tusker
$0.03 Creature - Boar Beast
1 Krosan Warchief
$0.29 Creature - Beast
1 Krovikan Horror
$2.35 Creature - Horror Spirit
2 Kuldotha Forgemaster
$5.46 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix
$2.41 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Laboratory Maniac
$3.61 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Lady Orca
$4.49 Legendary Creature - Demon
3 Leaf-Crowned Elder
$7.42 Creature - Treefolk Shaman
1 Legion Loyalist
$4.18 Creature - Goblin Soldier
1 Leonin Abunas
$1.14 Creature - Cat Cleric
4 Leonin Shikari
$3.86 Creature - Cat Soldier
1 Leveler
$3.23 Artifact Creature - Juggernaut
1 Lhurgoyf
$0.41 Creature - Lhurgoyf
1 Lich Lord of Unx
$4.85 Creature - Zombie Wizard
1 Liege of the Hollows
$7.01 Creature - Spirit
2 Lifeblood Hydra
$2.96 Creature - Hydra
1 Lightning Crafter
$3.12 Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Lightning Dragon
$5.26 Creature - Dragon
1 Lightning Reaver
$0.53 Creature - Zombie Beast
1 Liliana, Heretical Healer // Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
$5.49 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric // Legendary Planeswalker - Liliana
2 Living Hive
$1.05 Creature - Elemental Insect
3 Llanowar Elves
$0.39 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Lord of Atlantis
$11.32 Creature - Merfolk
1 Lord of Extinction
$7.02 Creature - Elemental
3 Lord of the Undead
$17.85 Creature - Zombie
4 Lotus Cobra
$4.61 Creature - Snake
1 Lovisa Coldeyes
$1.98 Legendary Creature - Human
1 Lys Alana Huntmaster
$0.38 Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Maelstrom Wanderer
$1.02 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Maga, Traitor to Mortals
$2.28 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Magma Sliver
$8.24 Creature - Sliver
1 Magus of the Coffers
$4.86 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Magus of the Moat
$3.22 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Magus of the Tabernacle
$1.37 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Magus of the Vineyard
$3.58 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Malakir Bloodwitch
$5.30 Creature - Vampire Shaman
1 Maraxus of Keld
$2.15 Legendary Creature - Human Warrior
1 Marhault Elsdragon
$2.93 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Marionette Master
$1.35 Creature - Human Artificer
1 Marrow-Gnawer
$22.31 Legendary Creature - Rat Rogue
1 Massacre Wurm
$1.99 Creature - Phyrexian Wurm
4 Master of the Pearl Trident
$1.34 Creature - Merfolk
1 Master Transmuter
$1.64 Artifact Creature - Human Artificer
5 Masticore
$11.64 Artifact Creature - Masticore
4 Matter Reshaper
$0.36 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Mausoleum Wanderer
$0.99 Creature - Spirit
1 Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
$1.50 Creature - Human Advisor Werewolf // Creature - Werewolf
3 Meloku the Clouded Mirror
$0.65 Legendary Creature - Moonfolk Wizard
2 Memnarch
$6.47 Legendary Artifact Creature - Wizard
12 Memnite
$3.04 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Mentor of the Meek
$0.29 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Mephidross Vampire
$3.13 Creature - Vampire
1 Merfolk Trickster
$0.41 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Merrow Harbinger
$4.87 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Mesmeric Fiend
$0.24 Creature - Nightmare Horror
4 Metalworker
$110.45 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Mindbender Spores
$1.50 Creature - Fungus Wall
1 Mindless Automaton
$0.08 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Mirri, Cat Warrior
$3.97 Legendary Creature - Cat Warrior
1 Mirror Entity
$0.54 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Mirrorwing Dragon
$2.84 Creature - Dragon
2 Mistbind Clique
$18.83 Creature - Faerie Wizard
4 Mistblade Shinobi
$3.25 Creature - Human Ninja
4 Mogg Fanatic
$0.15 Creature - Goblin
3 Mogg Maniac
$1.17 Creature - Goblin
1 Moggcatcher
$10.53 Creature - Human Mercenary
1 Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
$1.43 Legendary Creature - Elf Wizard
1 Monastery Mentor
$3.45 Creature - Human Monk
1 Mortivore
$0.53 Creature - Lhurgoyf
4 Mothdust Changeling
$3.41 Creature - Shapeshifter
5 Mother of Runes
$7.98 Creature - Human Cleric
11 Muscle Sliver
$1.05 Creature - Sliver
3 Mycoloth
$3.34 Creature - Fungus
4 Myojin of Cleansing Fire
$2.35 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Myojin of Infinite Rage
$1.99 Legendary Creature - Spirit
11 Myr Enforcer
$0.97 Artifact Creature - Myr
10 Myr Retriever
$1.19 Artifact Creature - Myr
4 Myr Superion
$2.85 Artifact Creature - Myr
2 Nacatl War-Pride
$2.04 Creature - Cat Warrior
1 Nafs Asp
$0.12 Creature - Snake
6 Nantuko Shade
$0.18 Creature - Insect Shade
6 Narcomoeba
$0.26 Creature - Illusion
1 Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
$2.14 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
2 Necroskitter
$20.77 Creature - Elemental
1 Nekusar, the Mindrazer
$3.82 Legendary Creature - Zombie Wizard
2 Nemata, Grove Guardian
$3.15 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
1 Nether Shadow
$1.68 Creature - Spirit
1 Nether Spirit
$0.14 Creature - Spirit
1 Nightscape Familiar
$0.61 Creature - Zombie
1 Nirkana Revenant
$6.63 Creature - Vampire Shade
1 Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animist
$2.96 Legendary Creature - Elf Scout // Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Nomad Mythmaker
$4.44 Creature - Human Nomad Cleric
1 Northern Paladin
$0.54 Creature - Human Knight
2 Nova Chaser
$1.74 Creature - Elemental Warrior
3 Noxious Ghoul
$3.37 Creature - Zombie
1 Nullstone Gargoyle
$2.35 Artifact Creature - Gargoyle
4 Numot, the Devastator
$1.45 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Nut Collector
$5.40 Creature - Human Druid
1 Ob Nixilis, Unshackled
$1.86 Legendary Creature - Demon
4 Oblivion Sower
$0.41 Creature - Eldrazi
2 Ogre Arsonist
$1.18 Creature - Ogre
1 Ogre Slumlord
$0.34 Creature - Ogre Rogue
1 Ohran Viper
$1.59 Snow Creature - Snake
1 Olivia Voldaren
$5.51 Legendary Creature - Vampire
1 Omnath, Locus of Rage
$0.96 Legendary Creature - Elemental
1 Omnibian
$5.90 Creature - Frog
1 Oona, Queen of the Fae
$1.49 Legendary Creature - Faerie Wizard
4 Oona's Blackguard
$4.91 Creature - Faerie Rogue
2 Ophiomancer
$1.29 Creature - Human Shaman
1 Oracle of Mul Daya
$7.19 Creature - Elf Shaman
2 Oracle of Nectars
$0.76 Creature - Elf Cleric
1 Orim, Samite Healer
$2.44 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Ornithopter
$0.23 Artifact Creature - Thopter
1 Overtaker
$0.63 Creature - Merfolk Spellshaper
1 Palinchron
$37.05 Creature - Illusion
1 Palladia-Mors
$28.08 Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon
2 Panglacial Wurm
$2.96 Creature - Wurm
1 Pathbreaker Ibex
$17.70 Creature - Goat
14 Pathrazer of Ulamog
$1.28 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Patron of the Kitsune
$1.90 Legendary Creature - Spirit
3 Patron of the Moon
$1.45 Legendary Creature - Spirit
3 Patron Wizard
$3.68 Creature - Human Wizard
3 Pawn of Ulamog
$2.15 Creature - Vampire Shaman
1 Peacekeeper
$10.45 Creature - Human
3 Perimeter Captain
$1.17 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Perplexing Chimera
$0.95 Enchantment Creature - Chimera
1 Petradon
$0.24 Creature - Nightmare Beast
1 Phage the Untouchable
$7.67 Legendary Creature - Avatar Minion
1 Phantasmal Image
$3.40 Creature - Illusion
1 Phantom Nantuko
$0.37 Creature - Insect Spirit
4 Phantom Nishoba
$0.25 Creature - Cat Beast Spirit
3 Phyrexian Crusader
$6.60 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie Knight
1 Phyrexian Delver
$0.54 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie
3 Phyrexian Dreadnought
$173.30 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Dreadnought
4 Phyrexian Marauder
$1.34 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Construct
1 Phyrexian Metamorph
$5.30 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Shapeshifter
2 Phyrexian Walker
$1.18 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Construct
1 Phytohydra
$1.19 Creature - Plant Hydra
1 Pianna, Nomad Captain
$0.81 Legendary Creature - Human Nomad
1 Pir, Imaginative Rascal
$6.32 Legendary Creature - Human
1 Pirate Ship
$0.84 Creature - Human Pirate
3 Pitiless Plunderer
$2.74 Creature - Human Pirate
1 Plague Belcher
$1.99 Creature - Zombie Beast
3 Platinum Angel
$7.11 Artifact Creature - Angel
1 Priest of Gix
$1.83 Creature - Phyrexian Human Cleric Minion
4 Priest of Titania
$2.23 Creature - Elf Druid
3 Primal Whisperer
$4.71 Creature - Elf Soldier
2 Primeval Titan
$13.38 Creature - Giant
2 Primordial Ooze
$0.17 Creature - Ooze
2 Primordial Sage
$1.13 Creature - Spirit
1 Prince of Thralls
$4.22 Creature - Demon
4 Protean Hulk
$3.44 Creature - Beast
1 Protean Hydra
$4.91 Creature - Hydra
1 Psionic Sliver
$1.68 Creature - Sliver
9 Psychotrope Thallid
$9.25 Creature - Fungus
1 Pulmonic Sliver
$1.02 Creature - Sliver
1 Pulsemage Advocate
$1.29 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Pygmy Hippo
$2.41 Creature - Hippo
2 Ramunap Excavator
$2.53 Creature - Naga Cleric
3 Ranger of Eos
$0.55 Creature - Human Soldier Ranger
2 Rat Colony
$4.48 Creature - Rat
1 Ratcatcher
$9.33 Creature - Ogre Rogue
2 Rathi Assassin
$0.27 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie Mercenary Assassin
8 Ravenous Baloth
$3.75 Creature - Beast
1 Razaketh, the Foulblooded
$9.65 Legendary Creature - Demon
5 Reality Smasher
$0.91 Creature - Eldrazi
4 Regal Force
$3.05 Creature - Elemental
1 Reiver Demon
$1.54 Creature - Demon
1 Reki, the History of Kamigawa
$10.74 Legendary Creature - Human Shaman
1 Revenant
$0.04 Creature - Spirit
1 Rhys the Exiled
$4.77 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Rhys the Redeemed
$7.07 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Riftsweeper
$1.36 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Riku of Two Reflections
$4.44 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rimefeather Owl
$2.25 Snow Creature - Bird
1 Rimescale Dragon
$4.79 Snow Creature - Dragon
1 Riptide Entrancer
$1.35 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Rith, the Awakener
$1.34 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Riven Turnbull
$5.07 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 River Boa
$0.12 Creature - Snake
2 Roc of Kher Ridges
$1.78 Creature - Bird
1 Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
$44.07 Legendary Creature - Elf Druid
4 Root Sliver
$6.69 Creature - Sliver
4 Rootwater Thief
$2.41 Creature - Merfolk Rogue
1 Rorix Bladewing
$0.27 Legendary Creature - Dragon
5 Rotlung Reanimator
$8.14 Creature - Zombie Cleric
2 Rukh Egg
$0.36 Creature - Bird Egg
1 Rune-Scarred Demon
$2.44 Creature - Demon
1 Runic Armasaur
$0.89 Creature - Dinosaur
2 Saffi Eriksdotter
$1.54 Legendary Creature - Human Scout
2 Sage of Hours
$4.53 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Sakashima the Impostor
$8.51 Legendary Creature - Human Rogue
1 Sakashima's Student
$28.85 Creature - Human Ninja
3 Sakiko, Mother of Summer
$2.30 Legendary Creature - Snake Shaman
4 Sakura-Tribe Elder
$0.82 Creature - Snake Shaman
4 Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant // Sasaya's Essence
$1.89 Legendary Creature - Snake Monk // Legendary Enchantment
1 Savannah Lions
$0.08 Creature - Cat
2 Savra, Queen of the Golgari
$0.90 Legendary Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Scarblade Elite
$5.32 Creature - Elf Assassin
1 Scion of Darkness
$1.35 Creature - Avatar
4 Scion of Oona
$6.47 Creature - Faerie Soldier
1 Scion of the Ur-Dragon
$8.98 Legendary Creature - Dragon Avatar
1 Scrap Trawler
$0.59 Artifact Creature - Construct
3 Seahunter
$3.21 Creature - Human Mercenary
1 Seedborn Muse
$9.36 Creature - Spirit
4 Seedguide Ash
$3.97 Creature - Treefolk Druid
3 Seeker of Skybreak
$0.98 Creature - Elf
1 Selesnya Evangel
$0.14 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Sensei Golden-Tail
$2.48 Legendary Creature - Fox Samurai
1 Sepulchral Primordial
$1.40 Creature - Avatar
4 Serra Ascendant
$29.63 Creature - Human Monk
3 Shadowmage Infiltrator
$0.16 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Shaman en-Kor
$1.71 Creature - Kor Cleric Shaman
1 Shaman of the Pack
$0.43 Creature - Elf Shaman
1 Shapesharer
$6.60 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Sharding Sphinx
$0.22 Artifact Creature - Sphinx
1 Sheoldred, Whispering One
$14.23 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
3 Shield Sphere
$6.97 Artifact Creature - Wall
5 Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker
$0.12 Legendary Creature - Spirit
1 Shizuko, Caller of Autumn
$3.12 Legendary Creature - Snake Shaman
1 Shriekmaw
$0.45 Creature - Elemental
1 Siege-Gang Commander
$0.20 Creature - Goblin
1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
$5.63 Legendary Creature - Angel
1 Silas Renn, Seeker Adept
$4.73 Legendary Artifact Creature - Human
3 Silent Arbiter
$6.17 Artifact Creature - Construct
2 Silent Specter
$0.48 Creature - Specter
6 Silklash Spider
$0.58 Creature - Spider
8 Simian Spirit Guide
$1.27 Creature - Ape Spirit
7 Sire of Stagnation
$1.08 Creature - Eldrazi
2 Skirk Prospector
$0.15 Creature - Goblin
1 Skyshroud Poacher
$3.97 Creature - Human Rebel
2 Sleeper Agent
$1.87 Creature - Phyrexian Minion
4 Slippery Bogle
$1.26 Creature - Beast
1 Sliver Hivelord
$3.93 Legendary Creature - Sliver
1 Sliver Overlord
$55.65 Legendary Creature - Sliver Mutant
4 Smokebraider
$0.12 Creature - Elemental Shaman
2 Solemn Simulacrum
$0.36 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Soltari Champion
$2.65 Creature - Soltari Soldier
6 Soraya the Falconer
$1.83 Legendary Creature - Human
2 Sorceress Queen
$1.86 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Soul Collector
$0.45 Creature - Vampire
1 Soul Sculptor
$1.09 Creature - Human
4 Soul Snuffers
$6.41 Creature - Elemental Shaman
1 Soul Warden
$3.66 Creature - Human Cleric
4 Soul-Scar Mage
$1.42 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Soul's Attendant
$4.10 Creature - Human Cleric
3 Soulfire Grand Master
$1.14 Creature - Human Monk
3 Sower of Temptation
$1.15 Creature - Faerie Wizard
4 Spark Mage
$2.91 Creature - Dwarf Wizard
2 Sparksmith
$0.11 Creature - Goblin
1 Spawnsire of Ulamog
$12.48 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Spectral Guardian
$0.91 Creature - Spirit
4 Spell Queller
$1.10 Creature - Spirit
4 Spellstutter Sprite
$3.03 Creature - Faerie Wizard
1 Spike Weaver
$5.90 Creature - Spike
1 Spirit of the Night
$6.15 Legendary Creature - Demon Spirit
4 Spiritmonger
$0.16 Creature - Beast
2 Squirrel Mob
$3.37 Creature - Squirrel
5 Stag Beetle
$0.91 Creature - Insect
3 Steel Golem
$1.44 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Steel Hellkite
$0.24 Artifact Creature - Dragon
1 Steel Wall
$0.19 Artifact Creature - Wall
4 Stinkweed Imp
$1.07 Creature - Imp
1 Stoic Champion
$0.14 Creature - Human Soldier
6 Stoneforge Mystic
$20.89 Creature - Kor Artificer
1 Stonehewer Giant
$4.84 Creature - Giant Warrior
1 Stonybrook Banneret
$0.65 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
4 Street Wraith
$0.30 Creature - Wraith
8 Stronghold Assassin
$1.66 Creature - Phyrexian Zombie Assassin
3 Stronghold Rats
$5.47 Creature - Rat
1 Subterranean Spirit
$1.24 Creature - Elemental Spirit
1 Sun Titan
$0.36 Creature - Giant
1 Sundering Titan
$0.37 Artifact Creature - Golem
3 Sunscape Familiar
$3.65 Creature - Wall
5 Sunstrike Legionnaire
$1.98 Creature - Human Soldier
1 Surgespanner
$1.40 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Suture Priest
$1.74 Creature - Phyrexian Cleric
1 Swarm of Rats
$3.81 Creature - Rat
1 Sygg, River Cutthroat
$2.23 Legendary Creature - Merfolk Rogue
3 Sylvan Caryatid
$2.63 Creature - Plant
3 Symbiotic Wurm
$1.73 Creature - Wurm
2 Synapse Sliver
$4.14 Creature - Sliver
1 Syphon Sliver
$2.21 Creature - Sliver
1 Tahngarth, Talruum Hero
$0.87 Legendary Creature - Minotaur Warrior
1 Taurean Mauler
$2.25 Creature - Shapeshifter
1 Teeka's Dragon
$6.98 Artifact Creature - Dragon
2 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir
$1.87 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
3 Tempting Wurm
$8.01 Creature - Wurm
3 Temur Sabertooth
$1.55 Creature - Cat
1 Tendershoot Dryad
$6.74 Creature - Dryad
1 Teysa, Orzhov Scion
$1.26 Legendary Creature - Human Advisor
1 Thalakos Deceiver
$2.16 Creature - Thalakos Wizard
1 The Fallen
$1.15 Creature - Zombie
1 The Gitrog Monster
$4.26 Legendary Creature - Frog Horror
1 The Scorpion God
$1.41 Legendary Creature - God
1 Thistledown Liege
$1.08 Creature - Kithkin Knight
1 Thorncaster Sliver
$1.64 Creature - Sliver
2 Thought-Knot Seer
$2.00 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Thoughtweft Trio
$0.34 Creature - Kithkin Soldier
1 Thrull Champion
$1.89 Creature - Thrull
4 Timber Protector
$22.45 Creature - Treefolk Warrior
1 Tireless Tribe
$0.36 Creature - Human Nomad
3 Tolarian Entrancer
$2.37 Creature - Human Wizard
1 Tolsimir Wolfblood
$0.95 Legendary Creature - Elf Warrior
1 Toothy, Imaginary Friend
$7.06 Legendary Creature - Illusion
5 Treefolk Harbinger
$3.12 Creature - Treefolk Druid
1 Treva, the Renewer
$1.35 Legendary Creature - Dragon
1 Triskelion
$0.32 Artifact Creature - Construct
4 True Believer
$1.76 Creature - Human Cleric
1 Twilight Prophet
$1.34 Creature - Vampire Cleric
1 Two-Headed Dragon
$0.59 Creature - Dragon
2 Tymna the Weaver
$42.60 Legendary Creature - Human Cleric
1 Ulvenwald Tracker
$10.27 Creature - Human Shaman
3 Umbra Mystic
$1.97 Creature - Human Wizard
5 Undead Warchief
$14.15 Creature - Zombie
1 Unstoppable Ash
$1.31 Creature - Treefolk Warrior
2 Urabrask the Hidden
$1.27 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
2 Uril, the Miststalker
$1.30 Legendary Creature - Beast
3 Uthden Troll
$0.17 Creature - Troll
5 Utopia Mycon
$10.88 Creature - Fungus
1 Utopia Tree
$1.46 Creature - Plant
1 Vaevictis Asmadi
$34.39 Legendary Creature - Elder Dragon
5 Vampiric Dragon
$1.30 Creature - Vampire Dragon
3 Varchild's War-Riders
$4.11 Creature - Human Warrior
2 Vedalken Archmage
$5.94 Creature - Vedalken Wizard
1 Vengevine
$10.09 Creature - Elemental
3 Venom Sliver
$2.53 Creature - Sliver
1 Venser, Shaper Savant
$0.86 Legendary Creature - Human Wizard
1 Verdeloth the Ancient
$1.41 Legendary Creature - Treefolk
4 Vexing Devil
$3.43 Creature - Devil
1 Vial Smasher the Fierce
$5.22 Legendary Creature - Goblin Berserker
2 Vigor
$17.41 Creature - Elemental Incarnation
4 Visara the Dreadful
$1.69 Legendary Creature - Gorgon
2 Vizier of the Menagerie
$4.36 Creature - Naga Cleric
7 Voidmage Prodigy
$1.64 Creature - Human Wizard
2 Volcano Hellion
$0.81 Creature - Hellion
2 Volrath the Fallen
$1.00 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Shapeshifter
9 Voltaic Construct
$1.01 Artifact Creature - Golem Construct
1 Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger
$11.69 Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor
2 Walker of Secret Ways
$2.91 Creature - Human Ninja
1 Walking Archive
$2.27 Artifact Creature - Golem
1 Walking Ballista
$11.22 Artifact Creature - Construct
1 Wall of Nets
$2.79 Creature - Wall
4 Wall of Opposition
$8.55 Creature - Wall
4 Wall of Shards
$4.12 Snow Creature - Wall
1 Wanderwine Prophets
$15.04 Creature - Merfolk Wizard
1 Warbreak Trumpeter
$0.25 Creature - Goblin
4 Ward Sliver
$1.02 Creature - Sliver
1 Warren Instigator
$11.79 Creature - Goblin Berserker
2 Wayward Swordtooth
$3.38 Creature - Dinosaur
1 Wei Scout
$4.14 Creature - Human Soldier Scout
3 Werebear
$0.14 Creature - Human Bear Druid
6 Will-o'-the-Wisp
$0.18 Creature - Spirit
3 Willow Priestess
$2.31 Creature - Faerie Druid
4 Windborn Muse
$0.30 Creature - Spirit
6 Wirewood Channeler
$1.60 Creature - Elf Druid
4 Wolf-Skull Shaman
$1.52 Creature - Elf Shaman
2 Wonder
$1.98 Creature - Incarnation
1 Woodfall Primus
$0.36 Creature - Treefolk Shaman
2 Woodland Bellower
$3.09 Creature - Beast
3 Workhorse
$1.74 Artifact Creature - Horse
1 World Breaker
$3.04 Creature - Eldrazi
1 Worldgorger Dragon
$0.88 Creature - Nightmare Dragon
1 Wort, Boggart Auntie
$9.68 Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman
1 Wort, the Raidmother
$0.26 Legendary Creature - Goblin Shaman
3 Wren's Run Packmaster
$3.40 Creature - Elf Warrior
2 Wurmcoil Engine
$8.18 Artifact Creature - Phyrexian Wurm
1 Xantid Swarm
$0.98 Creature - Insect
1 Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
$4.07 Legendary Creature - Ogre Wizard
2 Yosei, the Morning Star
$1.23 Legendary Creature - Dragon Spirit
1 Zombie Master
$12.19 Creature - Zombie
1 Zombie Trailblazer
$1.19 Creature - Zombie Scout
8 Zuberi, Golden Feather
$5.41 Legendary Creature - Griffin
3 Zulaport Cutthroat
$1.94 Creature - Human Rogue Ally
Instant (691)
2 Absorb
$0.21 Instant
1 Agonizing Demise
$0.08 Instant
1 Akroma's Blessing
$0.34 Instant
1 Alter Reality
$0.82 Instant
1 Angel's Grace
$5.17 Instant
1 Anguished Unmaking
$4.05 Instant
2 Archive Trap
$2.62 Instant - Trap
8 Argivian Find
$0.66 Instant
1 Artificial Evolution
$2.01 Instant
1 Aura Extraction
$0.15 Instant
5 Aura Mutation
$3.61 Instant
1 Avoid Fate
$6.49 Instant
4 Beacon of Immortality
$6.60 Instant
1 Beast Within
$2.23 Instant
2 Berserk
$90.79 Instant
4 Blinkmoth Infusion
$1.64 Instant
3 Blue Elemental Blast
$0.85 Instant
1 Blue Sun's Zenith
$1.32 Instant
1 Bone Harvest
$0.20 Instant
4 Brain Freeze
$11.04 Instant
12 Brainstorm
$1.28 Instant
7 Brightstone Ritual
$2.95 Instant
8 Cabal Ritual
$12.77 Instant
1 Capsize
$2.75 Instant
2 Carrion
$4.44 Instant
2 Chain of Vapor
$7.98 Instant
3 Chord of Calling
$4.27 Instant
1 Complicate
$0.46 Instant
1 Congregation at Dawn
$2.08 Instant
2 Constant Mists
$14.38 Instant
25 Counterspell
$1.65 Instant
4 Crimson Wisps
$3.53 Instant
2 Crop Rotation
$2.70 Instant
5 Cryptic Command
$5.91 Instant
7 Culling the Weak
$10.36 Instant
3 Cunning Wish
$3.65 Instant
6 Cyclonic Rift
$33.02 Instant
33 Dark Ritual
$3.09 Instant
1 Darkness
$13.65 Instant
3 Daze
$3.13 Instant
1 Debt of Loyalty
$10.21 Instant
2 Delay
$1.82 Instant
2 Demonic Consultation
$9.83 Instant
2 Desertion
$2.50 Instant
8 Desperate Ritual
$2.02 Instant - Arcane
1 Discombobulate
$0.05 Instant
4 Dispatch
$1.11 Instant
5 Divert
$1.77 Instant
5 Early Harvest
$1.08 Instant
2 Eerie Interlude
$5.09 Instant
6 Eladamri's Call
$8.62 Instant
6 Enlightened Tutor
$23.37 Instant
2 Entomb
$11.95 Instant
3 Evacuation
$0.55 Instant
1 Faerie Trickery
$0.93 Tribal Instant - Faerie
4 False Cure
$3.88 Instant
1 False Orders
$1.87 Instant
1 Familiar's Ruse
$0.49 Instant
1 Fatal Push
$1.53 Instant
1 Feedback Bolt
$0.21 Instant
1 Fight to the Death
$2.08 Instant
4 Fighting Chance
$1.85 Instant
12 Final Fortune
$20.99 Instant
3 Fire // Ice
$0.12 Instant // Instant //
1 Fists of the Anvil
$0.10 Instant
5 Flaring Pain
$1.78 Instant
8 Flash
$2.50 Instant
7 Foil
$0.76 Instant
3 Forbid
$0.92 Instant
4 Force of Will
$59.46 Instant
4 Force Spike
$0.58 Instant
1 Fork
$34.41 Instant
1 Fracturing Gust
$1.93 Instant
9 Galvanic Blast
$3.72 Instant
1 Ghastly Demise
$0.05 Instant
1 Giant Growth
$0.09 Instant
7 Go for the Throat
$0.74 Instant
1 Grisly Salvage
$0.18 Instant
5 Gush
$5.65 Instant
2 Heroic Intervention
$10.75 Instant
6 Hibernation
$0.45 Instant
6 Hydroblast
$3.04 Instant
1 Imp's Mischief
$3.34 Instant
1 Intuition
$146.28 Instant
1 Kozilek's Return
$8.00 Instant
9 Lightning Bolt
$1.18 Instant
1 Lim-Dûl's Vault
$4.59 Instant
11 Long-Term Plans
$6.09 Instant
1 Magical Hack
$5.44 Instant
3 Magnetic Theft
$6.21 Instant
9 Malicious Affliction
$1.38 Instant
1 Mana Leak
$0.16 Instant
2 Mana Short
$1.72 Instant
4 Manamorphose
$5.17 Instant
1 Mercy Killing
$2.02 Instant
4 Metamorphose
$2.83 Instant
2 Mindbreak Trap
$17.21 Instant - Trap
2 Mirrorweave
$1.27 Instant
4 Molten Influence
$7.40 Instant
8 Moment's Peace
$3.39 Instant
2 Momentous Fall
$5.01 Instant
3 Muddle the Mixture
$1.37 Instant
5 Mutagenic Growth
$1.23 Instant
6 Mystical Tutor
$10.87 Instant
3 Naturalize
$0.07 Instant
1 Naya Charm
$1.72 Instant
4 Needle Drop
$3.07 Instant
4 Nix
$1.15 Instant
4 Not of This World
$2.03 Tribal Instant - Eldrazi
5 Oblation
$0.51 Instant
5 Omen of Fire
$0.83 Instant
4 Orim's Chant
$11.75 Instant
5 Pact of Negation
$13.45 Instant
8 Path to Exile
$0.90 Instant
3 Plunge into Darkness
$2.24 Instant
5 Pongify
$3.95 Instant
4 Predict
$0.81 Instant
6 Price of Progress
$5.79 Instant
1 Prismatic Strands
$3.81 Instant
6 Pull from Eternity
$1.22 Instant
1 Pulse of the Grid
$0.36 Instant
6 Pyretic Ritual
$4.75 Instant
12 Pyroblast
$5.37 Instant
3 Radiate
$5.03 Instant
1 Rapid Hybridization
$2.50 Instant
1 Ray of Revelation
$0.13 Instant
1 Realms Uncharted
$14.90 Instant
2 Reap
$2.89 Instant
10 Rebuff the Wicked
$4.47 Instant
8 Red Elemental Blast
$8.90 Instant
1 Reflect Damage
$3.09 Instant
1 Reins of Power
$1.17 Instant
2 Reiterate
$3.71 Instant
3 Remand
$0.33 Instant
2 Retract
$3.78 Instant
1 Reverent Mantra
$9.51 Instant
1 Righteousness
$0.10 Instant
3 Sacrifice
$2.90 Instant
1 Sage's Dousing
$0.17 Tribal Instant - Wizard
6 Savage Beating
$8.13 Instant
1 Second Sunrise
$3.35 Instant
4 Seedtime
$11.67 Instant
8 Seething Song
$4.74 Instant
1 Settle the Wreckage
$3.42 Instant
4 Shadow of Doubt
$2.72 Instant
4 Shatter
$0.02 Instant
4 Shock
$0.04 Instant
1 Silence
$6.94 Instant
4 Smother
$0.10 Instant
3 Snuff Out
$9.11 Instant
1 Solidarity
$0.20 Instant
2 Soul Spike
$21.28 Instant
1 Squall Line
$2.11 Instant
5 Stifle
$23.69 Instant
4 Stubborn Denial
$2.64 Instant
4 Submerge
$4.70 Instant
2 Sudden Spoiling
$2.34 Instant
5 Summoner's Pact
$3.01 Instant
18 Swords to Plowshares
$1.13 Instant
4 Tainted Pact
$17.72 Instant
5 Tainted Strike
$2.00 Instant
4 Tangle
$6.51 Instant
1 Teleport
$6.37 Instant
3 Terror
$0.27 Instant
3 Thwart
$1.50 Instant
2 Time Stop
$3.11 Instant
1 Trickbind
$14.58 Instant
1 Truce
$0.96 Instant
1 Tsabo's Decree
$1.01 Instant
3 Turnabout
$1.09 Instant
4 Undermine
$2.82 Instant
1 Unsummon
$0.05 Instant
4 Vampiric Tutor
$51.08 Instant
9 Vines of Vastwood
$1.05 Instant
2 Visions of Beyond
$6.33 Instant
4 Vitalize
$0.99 Instant
1 Vitalizing Wind
$1.22 Instant
4 Wheel and Deal
$11.81 Instant
9 Withering Boon
$6.49 Instant
7 Worldly Tutor
$15.08 Instant
4 Wrap in Vigor
$2.00 Instant
Sorcery (638)
5 Acidic Soil
$1.48 Sorcery
3 Acquire
$2.46 Sorcery
1 Akroma's Vengeance
$0.39 Sorcery
3 All Is Dust
$4.45 Tribal Sorcery - Eldrazi
2 Altar of Bone
$5.08 Sorcery
1 Ancestral Vision
$3.60 Sorcery
4 Apocalypse
$7.73 Sorcery
1 Armageddon
$19.54 Sorcery
2 Army of the Damned
$0.56 Sorcery
2 Austere Command
$0.57 Sorcery
3 Balance
$2.32 Sorcery
4 Balancing Act
$1.29 Sorcery
1 Beacon of Creation
$6.38 Sorcery
1 Beacon of Tomorrows
$2.25 Sorcery
1 Beseech the Queen
$3.34 Sorcery
5 Biorhythm
$3.59 Sorcery
3 Black Sun's Zenith
$1.54 Sorcery
1 Blackmail
$0.30 Sorcery
2 Blasphemous Act
$3.21 Sorcery
2 Blood Tribute
$6.09 Sorcery
1 Bonus Round
$3.51 Sorcery
1 Boundless Realms
$1.31 Sorcery
10 Bubbling Muck
$2.84 Sorcery
12 Buried Alive
$2.84 Sorcery
4 Burning Inquiry
$5.41 Sorcery
6 Cabal Therapy
$0.90 Sorcery
4 Call of the Herd
$0.20 Sorcery
4 Careful Study
$3.87 Sorcery
1 Cataclysm
$7.59 Sorcery
1 Cateran Summons
$1.05 Sorcery
4 Chain Lightning
$0.30 Sorcery
2 Chainer's Edict
$0.27 Sorcery
1 Chandra's Ignition
$3.68 Sorcery
1 Channel the Suns
$1.14 Sorcery
4 Chronomantic Escape
$5.15 Sorcery
3 Cleansing Meditation
$1.20 Sorcery
1 Coastal Breach
$3.25 Sorcery
1 Coercion
$0.20 Sorcery
2 Conflux
$2.42 Sorcery
1 Crush of Wurms
$2.19 Sorcery
2 Damnation
$18.55 Sorcery
1 Dark Petition
$2.76 Sorcery
9 Day of Judgment
$1.01 Sorcery
1 Day's Undoing
$1.13 Sorcery
2 Decree of Annihilation
$2.13 Sorcery
3 Deep Analysis
$0.12 Sorcery
8 Demonic Tutor
$55.71 Sorcery
2 Diabolic Intent
$12.99 Sorcery
4 Diabolic Tutor
$1.13 Sorcery
5 Diminishing Returns
$4.02 Sorcery
3 Disintegrate
$0.34 Sorcery
2 Donate
$6.88 Sorcery
2 Doomsday
$5.35 Sorcery
7 Drain Power
$2.11 Sorcery
2 Dust to Dust
$5.40 Sorcery
1 Earthquake
$0.78 Sorcery
3 Eldritch Evolution
$2.12 Sorcery
3 Elvish Promenade
$14.51 Tribal Sorcery - Elf
1 Energy Bolt
$1.07 Sorcery
1 Enter the Infinite
$6.94 Sorcery
1 Entreat the Angels
$0.83 Sorcery
1 Eternal Dominion
$3.84 Sorcery
4 Exhume
$3.16 Sorcery
10 Explore
$0.28 Sorcery
7 Exsanguinate
$1.38 Sorcery
1 Ezuri's Predation
$2.15 Sorcery
8 Fabricate
$6.42 Sorcery
7 Farseek
$1.80 Sorcery
2 Fiery Gambit
$1.84 Sorcery
1 Final Judgment
$1.62 Sorcery
5 Fireball
$0.16 Sorcery
3 Flamebreak
$1.12 Sorcery
1 Footsteps of the Goryo
$4.49 Sorcery - Arcane
1 Fungal Sprouting
$0.95 Sorcery
1 Fury of the Horde
$5.00 Sorcery
1 Gamble
$7.26 Sorcery
1 Game of Chaos
$8.68 Sorcery
4 Genesis Wave
$1.48 Sorcery
1 Glimpse of Nature
$9.27 Sorcery
3 Goblin Grenade
N/A Sorcery
6 Goblin Offensive
$3.01 Sorcery
5 Goblin War Strike
$2.32 Sorcery
2 Green Sun's Zenith
$45.17 Sorcery
1 Grizzly Fate
$0.49 Sorcery
1 Hammer of Bogardan
$0.29 Sorcery
1 Harmonize
$0.22 Sorcery
1 Harsh Mercy
$1.46 Sorcery
2 Harvest Season
$2.24 Sorcery
3 Haunting Echoes
$0.19 Sorcery
5 Haze of Rage
$2.34 Sorcery
1 Hour of Reckoning
$0.20 Sorcery
4 Hurricane
$0.51 Sorcery
4 Hymn to Tourach
$0.57 Sorcery
6 Ideas Unbound
$2.81 Sorcery - Arcane
3 Idyllic Tutor
$8.34 Sorcery
1 Ill-Gotten Gains
$2.93 Sorcery
1 Insurrection
$5.44 Sorcery
1 Into the North
$1.23 Sorcery
1 Khorvath's Fury
$2.13 Sorcery
1 Kindred Charge
$4.97 Sorcery
8 Kodama's Reach
$2.29 Sorcery - Arcane
11 Lava Spike
$1.39 Sorcery - Arcane
4 Life from the Loam
$9.29 Sorcery
1 Life's Finale
$3.12 Sorcery
4 Living Death
$3.11 Sorcery
6 Living Wish
$0.59 Sorcery
2 Maelstrom Pulse
$1.78 Sorcery
6 Mana Geyser
$2.92 Sorcery
5 Mana Severance
$3.45 Sorcery
3 March of Souls
$3.26 Sorcery
4 Martyr's Cry
$5.89 Sorcery
1 Mass Calcify
$1.24 Sorcery
3 Meltdown
$4.36 Sorcery
1 Mind's Desire
$0.57 Sorcery
3 Mogg Infestation
$7.72 Sorcery
1 Molten Psyche
$4.48 Sorcery
1 Morality Shift
$7.25 Sorcery
1 Morgue Theft
$0.15 Sorcery
5 Mutilate
$1.07 Sorcery
2 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
$1.19 Sorcery
4 Mystic Speculation
$3.62 Sorcery
1 Natural Balance
$2.49 Sorcery
4 Nature's Lore
$2.53 Sorcery
4 New Frontiers
$5.06 Sorcery
3 Night's Whisper
$1.36 Sorcery
3 Nostalgic Dreams
$1.93 Sorcery
2 Notorious Throng
$3.25 Tribal Sorcery - Rogue
1 Obliterate
$2.90 Sorcery
1 Open the Armory
$2.48 Sorcery
1 Open the Vaults
$0.53 Sorcery
2 Overwhelming Stampede
$1.53 Sorcery
2 Paradigm Shift
$6.12 Sorcery
1 Parallel Evolution
$4.77 Sorcery
4 Patriarch's Bidding
$6.43 Sorcery
1 Peer Pressure
$1.27 Sorcery
2 Persecute
$0.37 Sorcery
4 Phyrexian Tribute
$1.66 Sorcery
1 Pir's Whim
$1.35 Sorcery
1 Plague of Vermin
$22.92 Sorcery
2 Planar Birth
$3.08 Sorcery
3 Plow Under
$0.77 Sorcery
5 Political Trickery
$6.07 Sorcery
6 Polymorph
$1.44 Sorcery
5 Ponder
$2.32 Sorcery
1 Praetor's Counsel
$1.76 Sorcery
7 Preordain
$0.52 Sorcery
1 Primal Command
$0.45 Sorcery
4 Prosperity
$2.21 Sorcery
1 Reanimate
$13.29 Sorcery
5 Recurring Insight
$1.49 Sorcery
2 Relentless Assault
$5.30 Sorcery
1 Repay in Kind
$1.54 Sorcery
7 Replenish
$88.88 Sorcery
3 Reprocess
$5.10 Sorcery
1 Restore Balance
$0.89 Sorcery
5 Retether
$2.26 Sorcery
1 Retraced Image
$5.85 Sorcery
5 Reversal of Fortune
$1.42 Sorcery
1 Righteous Fury
$30.03 Sorcery
1 Rise of the Dark Realms
$7.36 Sorcery
4 Rishkar's Expertise
$1.95 Sorcery
2 Rite of Consumption
$3.78 Sorcery
1 Rite of Flame
$4.61 Sorcery
2 Rite of Replication
$3.65 Sorcery
2 Ruination
$4.79 Sorcery
5 Saproling Symbiosis
$1.62 Sorcery
2 Scapeshift
$34.48 Sorcery
4 Seeds of Innocence
$8.85 Sorcery
2 Seize the Day
$16.20 Sorcery
4 Serum Visions
$0.61 Sorcery
1 Shamanic Revelation
$1.31 Sorcery
1 Sign in Blood
$1.02 Sorcery
2 Sinkhole
$5.15 Sorcery
2 Skittering Invasion
$0.67 Tribal Sorcery - Eldrazi
11 Skyshroud Claim
$3.40 Sorcery
1 Slice and Dice
$0.05 Sorcery
1 Soul's Majesty
$0.95 Sorcery
4 Splendid Reclamation
$1.71 Sorcery
5 Steelshaper's Gift
$5.12 Sorcery
8 Stitch Together
$3.41 Sorcery
4 Supreme Verdict
$1.79 Sorcery
1 Syphon Mind
$0.67 Sorcery
1 Tectonic Break
$4.64 Sorcery
3 Temporal Trespass
$4.30 Sorcery
4 Terminus
$0.82 Sorcery
4 Thermokarst
$4.37 Sorcery
11 Thoughtcast
$0.91 Sorcery
4 Thoughtseize
$7.65 Sorcery
2 Three Dreams
$1.79 Sorcery
6 Time of Need
$2.05 Sorcery
1 Time Reversal
$1.95 Sorcery
1 Time Spiral
$100.23 Sorcery
1 Time Warp
$12.26 Sorcery
1 Tinker
$2.45 Sorcery
1 Titanic Ultimatum
$4.69 Sorcery
1 Tooth and Nail
$4.06 Sorcery
2 Toxic Deluge
$5.72 Sorcery
5 Traverse the Ulvenwald
$1.54 Sorcery
1 Turbulent Dreams
$0.72 Sorcery
1 Twilight's Call
$1.69 Sorcery
1 Unmask
$11.72 Sorcery
2 Upheaval
$2.44 Sorcery
1 Urza's Ruinous Blast
$0.40 Legendary Sorcery
3 Vandalblast
$3.69 Sorcery
8 Vindicate
$0.82 Sorcery
2 Virtue's Ruin
$1.74 Sorcery
3 Walk the Aeons
$1.56 Sorcery
1 Warp World
$0.70 Sorcery
1 Wave of Reckoning
$4.13 Sorcery
2 Wave of Vitriol
$1.24 Sorcery
2 Weird Harvest
$1.49 Sorcery
2 Wheel of Fate
$1.96 Sorcery
6 Wheel of Fortune
$305.87 Sorcery
1 Whispering Madness
$1.30 Sorcery
3 Windfall
$2.55 Sorcery
2 Winds of Rath
$0.22 Sorcery
1 Winter Sky
$1.66 Sorcery
1 World at War
$6.31 Sorcery
8 Wrath of God
$4.24 Sorcery
2 Wurmcalling
$2.74 Sorcery
Artifact (772)
1 Aeolipile
$1.83 Artifact
5 Aether Vial
$5.32 Artifact
2 Akroma's Memorial
$34.39 Legendary Artifact
1 Al-abara's Carpet
$49.40 Artifact
1 Alhammarret's Archive
$13.68 Legendary Artifact
4 Amulet of Vigor
$32.69 Artifact
4 Angel's Trumpet
$1.15 Artifact
1 Animation Module
$1.47 Artifact
1 Ankh of Mishra
$7.86 Artifact
4 Ashes of the Fallen
$11.16 Artifact
5 Ashnod's Altar
$7.75 Artifact
2 Basalt Monolith
$4.11 Artifact
5 Basilisk Collar
$2.20 Artifact - Equipment
2 Belbe's Portal
$1.42 Artifact
2 Bident of Thassa
$0.93 Legendary Enchantment Artifact
2 Birthing Pod
$12.07 Artifact
6 Black Vise
$2.04 Artifact
3 Blade of the Bloodchief
$7.32 Artifact - Equipment
2 Blasting Station
$8.95 Artifact
3 Blinkmoth Urn
$2.77 Artifact
4 Bonesplitter
$0.15 Artifact - Equipment
1 Bösium Strip
$2.76 Artifact
2 Bubble Matrix
$7.05 Artifact
1 Caged Sun
$2.84 Artifact
4 Caltrops
$2.72 Artifact
7 Catalyst Stone
$2.43 Artifact
2 Charcoal Diamond
$0.23 Artifact
3 Chromatic Lantern
$2.61 Artifact
5 Chromatic Sphere
$0.35 Artifact
3 Chromatic Star
$0.32 Artifact
5 Chrome Mox
$82.84 Artifact
2 Citanul Flute
$3.36 Artifact
3 Cloak and Dagger
$3.01 Tribal Artifact - Rogue Equipment
7 Clock of Omens
$1.36 Artifact
2 Colfenor's Urn
$4.76 Artifact
1 Conch Horn
$2.95 Artifact
1 Contagion Clasp
$0.38 Artifact
1 Contagion Engine
$5.47 Artifact
2 Crucible of Worlds
N/A Artifact
5 Crystal Chimes
$1.10 Artifact
3 Crystal Shard
$2.13 Artifact
3 Damping Matrix
$0.76 Artifact
1 Damping Sphere
$0.48 Artifact
6 Darksteel Forge
$37.64 Artifact
3 Darksteel Plate
$9.61 Artifact - Equipment
6 Darksteel Reactor
$11.77 Artifact
2 Deathrender
$3.84 Artifact - Equipment
2 Dimir Signet
$0.86 Artifact
6 Dingus Staff
$1.03 Artifact
2 Door of Destinies
$9.48 Artifact
1 Door to Nothingness
$0.64 Artifact
1 Draconian Cylix
$1.01 Artifact
5 Dream Chisel
$3.71 Artifact
5 Eldrazi Monument
$6.49 Artifact
5 Ensnaring Bridge
$14.04 Artifact
1 Eon Hub
$3.13 Artifact
1 Erratic Portal
$2.18 Artifact
2 Eternity Vessel
$7.90 Artifact
4 Expedition Map
$1.12 Artifact
3 Extraplanar Lens
$8.34 Artifact
2 Eye of Ramos
$1.89 Artifact
3 Feldon's Cane
$1.15 Artifact
4 Fellwar Stone
$0.94 Artifact
1 Fire Diamond
$0.18 Artifact
2 Fist of Suns
$2.38 Artifact
4 Fluctuator
$1.07 Artifact
1 Gate to the Aether
$3.74 Artifact
2 Gauntlet of Power
$3.49 Artifact
3 Gemstone Array
$0.83 Artifact
14 Genesis Chamber
$2.67 Artifact
6 Geth's Grimoire
$3.83 Artifact
7 Gilded Lotus
$1.33 Artifact
4 Goblin Charbelcher
$0.25 Artifact
2 Godsend
$4.27 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
4 Golgari Signet
$0.44 Artifact
9 Grafted Exoskeleton
$5.06 Artifact - Equipment
1 Grim Monolith
$311.50 Artifact
6 Grinding Station
$26.43 Artifact
1 Hammer of Purphoros
$1.25 Legendary Enchantment Artifact
1 Heartseeker
$1.63 Artifact - Equipment
8 Heartstone
$2.14 Artifact
4 Helm of Awakening
$1.33 Artifact
12 Helm of Kaldra
$3.07 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
2 Helm of the Host
$8.64 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
2 Herald's Horn
$4.83 Artifact
2 Horn of Deafening
$12.44 Artifact
3 Horn of Greed
$17.85 Artifact
7 Howling Mine
$4.22 Artifact
8 Ice Cauldron
$1.66 Artifact
2 Icy Manipulator
$0.10 Artifact
2 Illusionist's Bracers
$3.94 Artifact - Equipment
1 Iron Maiden
$7.58 Artifact
5 Isochron Scepter
$14.08 Artifact
1 Jester's Cap
$1.24 Artifact
4 Kill Switch
$8.80 Artifact
4 Kormus Bell
$1.65 Artifact
1 Krark-Clan Ironworks
$25.31 Artifact
2 Lantern of Insight
$2.40 Artifact
2 Leering Emblem
$3.53 Artifact - Equipment
1 Legacy Weapon
$1.46 Legendary Artifact
8 Library of Leng
$1.63 Artifact
1 Lich's Mirror
$3.39 Artifact
1 Lich's Tomb
$1.11 Artifact
5 Lifeline
$24.55 Artifact
1 Lightning Greaves
$5.16 Artifact - Equipment
4 Lotus Bloom
$6.69 Artifact
5 Lotus Petal
$19.53 Artifact
2 Loxodon Warhammer
$1.03 Artifact - Equipment
2 Magewright's Stone
$8.20 Artifact
1 Mana Crypt
$83.79 Artifact
3 Mana Vault
$73.48 Artifact
2 Mana Web
$20.49 Artifact
2 Marble Diamond
$0.12 Artifact
2 Meekstone
$11.24 Artifact
1 Memory Crystal
$2.20 Artifact
9 Memory Jar
$30.04 Artifact
5 Mesmeric Orb
$15.12 Artifact
4 Mind's Eye
$4.48 Artifact
2 Mindcrank
$11.37 Artifact
1 Mindslaver
$3.59 Legendary Artifact
3 Mirari
$0.78 Legendary Artifact
1 Mirror Gallery
$3.70 Artifact
1 Mirrorworks
$1.93 Artifact
1 Mishra's Bauble
$1.40 Artifact
2 Monkey Cage
$1.45 Artifact
1 Moonsilver Spear
$0.68 Artifact - Equipment
1 Mox Diamond
$590.20 Artifact
3 Mycosynth Lattice
$14.14 Artifact
1 Mycosynth Wellspring
$0.30 Artifact
2 Myr Incubator
$2.62 Artifact
5 Myr Matrix
$9.09 Artifact
3 Myr Turbine
$5.70 Artifact
3 Nemesis Mask
$2.92 Artifact - Equipment
5 Nightmare Lash
$3.99 Artifact - Equipment
3 Nim Deathmantle
$3.82 Artifact - Equipment
4 Noetic Scales
$5.13 Artifact
5 Null Brooch
$4.36 Artifact
1 Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
$4.89 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
2 Obelisk of Urd
$2.26 Artifact
7 Oblivion Stone
$0.79 Artifact
1 Oketra's Monument
$5.14 Legendary Artifact
6 Panharmonicon
$3.92 Artifact
8 Panoptic Mirror
$9.16 Artifact
3 Pariah's Shield
$1.74 Artifact - Equipment
1 Pearl Medallion
$7.90 Artifact
3 Planar Bridge
$2.23 Legendary Artifact
1 Planar Gate
$74.27 Artifact
1 Planar Portal
$1.53 Artifact
1 Possessed Portal
$2.09 Artifact
2 Powder Keg
$18.38 Artifact
12 Power Conduit
$2.67 Artifact
3 Prismatic Geoscope
$1.10 Artifact
4 Proteus Staff
$4.79 Artifact
1 Puppet Strings
$0.97 Artifact
3 Relic of Progenitus
$4.47 Artifact
1 Rhonas's Monument
$1.15 Legendary Artifact
1 Ring of Renewal
$0.78 Artifact
2 Ruby Medallion
$6.38 Artifact
4 Runesword
$1.40 Artifact
3 Sands of Time
$5.61 Artifact
3 Sapphire Medallion
$12.17 Artifact
2 Scourglass
$2.31 Artifact
4 Scythe of the Wretched
$5.48 Artifact - Equipment
5 Semblance Anvil
$1.43 Artifact
2 Sensei's Divining Top
$27.87 Artifact
1 Sentinel Tower
$1.97 Artifact
10 Shield of Kaldra
$6.14 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
1 Shuko
$2.35 Artifact - Equipment
7 Skullclamp
$7.09 Artifact - Equipment
2 Skyship Weatherlight
$1.72 Legendary Artifact
1 Slagwurm Armor
$2.12 Artifact - Equipment
3 Slate of Ancestry
$1.33 Artifact
1 Smokestack
$4.58 Artifact
9 Smuggler's Copter
$2.28 Artifact - Vehicle
6 Sol Ring
$1.83 Artifact
1 Soldevi Digger
$2.54 Artifact
10 Spawning Pit
$2.12 Artifact
1 Spear of Heliod
$1.08 Legendary Enchantment Artifact
6 Spellbinder
$3.83 Artifact - Equipment
12 Spellbook
$1.45 Artifact
2 Spellweaver Helix
$2.11 Artifact
4 Springleaf Drum
$2.91 Artifact
2 Staff of Domination
$4.58 Artifact
2 Staff of Nin
$1.45 Artifact
2 Static Orb
$18.54 Artifact
3 Storage Matrix
$1.76 Artifact
1 Strionic Resonator
$3.72 Artifact
2 Summoning Station
$4.70 Artifact
3 Sundial of the Infinite
$11.11 Artifact
2 Sunforger
$2.62 Artifact - Equipment
2 Swiftfoot Boots
$2.01 Artifact - Equipment
2 Sword of Body and Mind
$16.70 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sword of Feast and Famine
$23.41 Artifact - Equipment
4 Sword of Fire and Ice
$32.70 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sword of Light and Shadow
$9.98 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sword of Sinew and Steel
$9.69 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sword of the Animist
$10.63 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
3 Sword of the Paruns
$1.03 Artifact - Equipment
1 Sword of War and Peace
$7.07 Artifact - Equipment
12 Talisman of Impulse
$1.69 Artifact
6 Talisman of Indulgence
$2.11 Artifact
1 Talisman of Progress
$1.25 Artifact
1 Tangle Wire
$11.39 Artifact
6 Teferi's Puzzle Box
$7.68 Artifact
9 Temple Bell
$3.97 Artifact
1 Temporal Aperture
$5.31 Artifact
1 Tenza, Godo's Maul
$0.80 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
1 That Which Was Taken
$3.14 Legendary Artifact
3 Thaumatic Compass // Spires of Orazca
$4.37 Artifact // Land
1 The Chain Veil
$3.54 Legendary Artifact
3 The Rack
$3.42 Artifact
1 Thornbite Staff
$23.48 Tribal Artifact - Shaman Equipment
1 Thought Vessel
$1.38 Artifact
4 Thousand-Year Elixir
$11.88 Artifact
3 Thran Dynamo
$3.09 Artifact
13 Thran Turbine
$1.76 Artifact
2 Throne of the God-Pharaoh
$8.61 Legendary Artifact
1 Timesifter
$1.91 Artifact
4 Torpor Orb
$4.32 Artifact
7 Trailblazer's Boots
$2.28 Artifact - Equipment
1 Triangle of War
$1.74 Artifact
2 Triassic Egg
$9.09 Artifact
2 Trinisphere
$29.06 Artifact
1 Uba Mask
$6.31 Artifact
1 Ugin's Nexus
$4.71 Legendary Artifact
2 Umbral Mantle
$6.82 Artifact - Equipment
2 Umezawa's Jitte
$12.43 Legendary Artifact - Equipment
1 Unwinding Clock
$12.18 Artifact
2 Urza's Incubator
$11.24 Artifact
4 Vanquisher's Banner
$4.57 Artifact
2 Vedalken Orrery
$6.50 Artifact
6 Vedalken Shackles
$4.59 Artifact
1 Veilstone Amulet
$7.79 Artifact
1 Venser's Journal
$7.94 Artifact
6 Viridian Longbow
$2.40 Artifact - Equipment
2 Voltaic Key
$3.07 Artifact
1 Voodoo Doll
$9.68 Artifact
1 Ward of Bones
$18.40 Artifact
2 Well of Knowledge
$2.63 Artifact
3 Well of Lost Dreams
$3.24 Artifact
1 Wheel of Torture
$1.12 Artifact
2 Whip of Erebos
$6.74 Legendary Enchantment Artifact
7 Whispersilk Cloak
$2.43 Artifact - Equipment
1 Worldslayer
$1.85 Artifact - Equipment
5 Worn Powerstone
$0.67 Artifact
1 Zuran Orb
$4.60 Artifact
Enchantment (1051)
3 Abundance
$0.53 Enchantment
4 Aether Barrier
$1.81 Enchantment
3 Ajani's Welcome
$3.32 Enchantment
3 Alpha Authority
$2.80 Enchantment - Aura
7 Alpha Status
$3.89 Enchantment - Aura
2 Aluren
$35.54 Enchantment
4 An-Zerrin Ruins
$2.03 Enchantment
2 Ancestral Knowledge
$3.39 Enchantment
2 Ancestral Mask
$1.82 Enchantment - Aura
6 Ancient Runes
$2.06 Enchantment
2 Angelic Chorus
$6.66 Enchantment
1 Angelic Destiny
$3.15 Enchantment - Aura
4 Animate Dead
$4.96 Enchantment - Aura
4 Anointed Procession
$56.60 Enchantment
1 Arboria
$6.76 World Enchantment
1 Arcane Adaptation
$5.45 Enchantment
4 Arcane Laboratory
$1.12 Enchantment
2 Archmage Ascension
$2.50 Enchantment
2 Artificer's Intuition
$2.53 Enchantment
2 Asceticism
$4.72 Enchantment
1 Aspect of Mongoose
$1.36 Enchantment - Aura
1 Attrition
$14.10 Enchantment
3 Aura of Silence
$3.31 Enchantment
3 Aura Shards
$16.30 Enchantment
3 Aurification
$3.89 Enchantment
4 Authority of the Consuls
$6.64 Enchantment
1 Awakening
$5.36 Enchantment
2 Bad Moon
$5.00 Enchantment
1 Baneful Omen
$1.40 Enchantment
1 Barren Glory
$1.37 Enchantment
4 Bazaar of Wonders
$0.92 World Enchantment
1 Bear Umbra
$8.74 Enchantment - Aura
3 Bearscape
$4.59 Enchantment
2 Bedlam
$9.73 Enchantment
1 Berserkers' Onslaught
$1.43 Enchantment
5 Bitterblossom
$16.15 Tribal Enchantment - Faerie
1 Black Market
$2.68 Enchantment
4 Blanket of Night
$0.85 Enchantment
1 Blessing
$0.06 Enchantment - Aura
1 Blizzard
$0.87 Enchantment
1 Blood Funnel
$0.94 Enchantment
1 Blood Moon
$6.07 Enchantment
1 Bloodchief Ascension
$12.92 Enchantment
4 Blowfly Infestation
$5.48 Enchantment
5 Boggart Shenanigans
$8.88 Tribal Enchantment - Goblin
3 Boon Reflection
$8.31 Enchantment
2 Bottomless Pit
$4.05 Enchantment
2 Brand of Ill Omen
$1.69 Enchantment - Aura
4 Brave the Sands
$3.14 Enchantment
2 Breath of Fury
$8.63 Enchantment - Aura
4 Breathstealer's Crypt
$4.67 Enchantment
2 Bridge from Below
$0.93 Enchantment
1 Burgeoning
$31.28 Enchantment
5 Cadaverous Bloom
$5.72 Enchantment
11 Call to the Grave
$1.67 Enchantment
4 Canopy Cover
$5.36 Enchantment - Aura
2 Carpet of Flowers
$4.65 Enchantment
3 Cast Through Time
$2.12 Enchantment
4 Cathars' Crusade
$10.89 Enchantment
4 Celestial Convergence
$1.09 Enchantment
1 Celestial Dawn
$0.53 Enchantment
1 Chance Encounter
$1.87 Enchantment
1 Chaosphere
$5.76 World Enchantment
2 Charisma
$8.31 Enchantment - Aura
4 Circle of Despair
$2.68 Enchantment
5 Citadel of Pain
$3.98 Enchantment
1 City of Solitude
$13.30 Enchantment
2 Cloud Cover
$1.18 Enchantment
2 Coastal Piracy
$3.25 Enchantment
3 Collective Restraint
$12.41 Enchantment
9 Compost
$1.13 Enchantment
2 Concordant Crossroads
$87.65 World Enchantment
2 Confusion in the Ranks
$7.15 Enchantment
3 Copy Artifact
$80.30 Enchantment
1 Copy Enchantment
$4.95 Enchantment
1 Corrosion
$1.10 Enchantment
1 Cover of Darkness
$14.62 Enchantment
1 Crackdown
$9.10 Enchantment
4 Cruel Reality
$1.69 Enchantment - Aura Curse
4 Crumbling Ashes
$8.20 Enchantment
4 Cryptolith Rite
$5.82 Enchantment
3 Custody Battle
$0.63 Enchantment - Aura
1 Dark Prophecy
$5.10 Enchantment
4 Darkest Hour
$3.95 Enchantment
1 Darksteel Mutation
$1.71 Enchantment - Aura
1 Death Pits of Rath
$0.80 Enchantment
1 Debtors' Knell
$0.60 Enchantment
4 Declaration of Naught
$2.19 Enchantment
2 Decree of Silence
$6.43 Enchantment
3 Defense of the Heart
$9.93 Enchantment
2 Delaying Shield
$3.13 Enchantment
2 Dictate of Erebos
$14.79 Enchantment
2 Diplomatic Immunity
$1.19 Enchantment - Aura
1 Dissipation Field
$1.58 Enchantment
3 Divine Presence
$1.01 Enchantment
5 Divine Sacrament
$1.39 Enchantment
4 Doubling Season
$32.73 Enchantment
3 Dovescape
$1.36 Enchantment
4 Dragon Roost
$0.92 Enchantment
2 Dragon Scales
$0.18 Enchantment - Aura
1 Dragon Wings
$0.26 Enchantment - Aura
2 Dream Halls
$23.19 Enchantment
1 Druid's Call
$3.20 Enchantment - Aura
1 Druids' Repository
$2.20 Enchantment
2 Dual Nature
$2.07 Enchantment
2 Dueling Grounds
$5.35 Enchantment
4 Earthcraft
$137.85 Enchantment
4 Earthlink
$0.97 Enchantment
1 Eel Umbra
$0.09 Enchantment - Aura
4 Eladamri's Vineyard
$5.67 Enchantment
1 Eldrazi Conscription
$4.55 Tribal Enchantment - Eldrazi Aura
1 Elemental Bond
$7.72 Enchantment
1 Elemental Resonance
$1.70 Enchantment - Aura
1 Elephant Grass
$1.08 Enchantment
3 Elephant Guide
$0.12 Enchantment - Aura
1 Embargo
$1.34 Enchantment
3 Enchantress's Presence
$0.47 Enchantment
1 Endless Ranks of the Dead
$5.42 Enchantment
2 Endless Whispers
$4.41 Enchantment
2 Enduring Renewal
$1.50 Enchantment
1 Engineered Plague
$0.85 Enchantment
1 Equilibrium
$6.91 Enchantment
4 Equipoise
$2.43 Enchantment
2 Everlasting Torment
$3.73 Enchantment
2 Exploration
$42.18 Enchantment
1 Exquisite Blood
$23.26 Enchantment
4 Eye of Singularity
$1.25 World Enchantment
2 Eye of the Storm
$1.08 Enchantment
18 Fastbond
$32.41 Enchantment
3 Fervent Charge
$2.71 Enchantment
6 Fervor
$5.87 Enchantment
1 Fight or Flight
$1.30 Enchantment
2 Flameshadow Conjuring
$2.16 Enchantment
1 Flickering Ward
$4.79 Enchantment - Aura
1 Followed Footsteps
$3.11 Enchantment - Aura
1 Food Chain
$21.78 Enchantment
2 Forced Fruition
$2.13 Enchantment
2 Freed from the Real
$4.05 Enchantment - Aura
9 From Beyond
$1.69 Enchantment
4 Frozen Aether
$1.09 Enchantment
1 Fungal Bloom
$1.89 Enchantment
5 Furnace of Rath
$5.19 Enchantment
1 Genju of the Realm
$4.07 Legendary Enchantment - Aura
5 Ghostly Prison
$5.97 Enchantment
1 Gibbering Descent
$2.64 Enchantment
1 Gift of Doom
$5.98 Enchantment - Aura
1 Gift of Immortality
$3.36 Enchantment - Aura
1 Glacial Crevasses
$4.91 Enchantment
4 Goblin Bombardment
$3.51 Enchantment
2 Goblin War Drums
$1.22 Enchantment
3 Goblin Warrens
$0.96 Enchantment
1 Golgari Germination
$0.68 Enchantment
1 Grand Melee
$1.33 Enchantment
1 Grave Betrayal
$5.29 Enchantment
5 Grave Pact
$13.02 Enchantment
4 Gravestorm
$8.16 Enchantment
1 Gravitational Shift
$1.68 Enchantment
1 Greater Auramancy
$12.34 Enchantment
3 Greater Good
$3.63 Enchantment
7 Grim Feast
$3.47 Enchantment
2 Grip of Chaos
$3.74 Enchantment
3 Growing Rites of Itlimoc // Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun
$4.43 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land
1 Hadana's Climb // Winged Temple of Orazca
$4.20 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land
1 Hall of Gemstone
$10.96 World Enchantment
1 Haunted Crossroads
$2.79 Enchantment
2 Heart of Bogardan
$0.94 Enchantment
3 Heartbeat of Spring
$2.52 Enchantment
4 Heartless Summoning
$3.55 Enchantment
6 Heat Stroke
$2.85 Enchantment
7 Hidden Gibbons
$4.13 Enchantment
1 Hive Mind
$10.28 Enchantment
1 Honden of Cleansing Fire
$4.58 Legendary Enchantment - Shrine
7 Honden of Infinite Rage
$1.03 Legendary Enchantment - Shrine
4 Honden of Life's Web
$3.25 Legendary Enchantment - Shrine
8 Honden of Night's Reach
$4.29 Legendary Enchantment - Shrine
4 Honden of Seeing Winds
$1.72 Legendary Enchantment - Shrine
1 Humility
$43.60 Enchantment
3 Hunting Grounds
$1.99 Enchantment
1 Illusions of Grandeur
$8.87 Enchantment
3 Impending Disaster
$0.88 Enchantment
2 Impulsive Maneuvers
$3.89 Enchantment
1 Indestructibility
$1.05 Enchantment - Aura
1 Infernal Genesis
$2.53 Enchantment
8 Insight
$1.73 Enchantment
3 Intruder Alarm
$3.18 Enchantment
1 Invasion Plans
$1.26 Enchantment
1 Ion Storm
$0.31 Enchantment
3 Island Sanctuary
$2.70 Enchantment
1 Journey to Eternity // Atzal, Cave of Eternity
$6.42 Legendary Enchantment - Aura // Legendary Land
3 Kavu Lair
$1.03 Enchantment
8 Keen Sense
$3.46 Enchantment - Aura
1 Kyren Negotiations
$1.35 Enchantment
7 Land Tax
$17.53 Enchantment
5 Lethal Vapors
$3.46 Enchantment
1 Leyline of Anticipation
$2.66 Enchantment
1 Leyline of Singularity
$3.42 Enchantment
4 Life and Limb
$0.90 Enchantment
2 Lifegift
$6.79 Enchantment
1 Light from Within
$1.34 Enchantment
1 Lightmine Field
$2.71 Enchantment
1 Lignify
$0.80 Tribal Enchantment - Treefolk Aura
4 Liliana's Caress
$7.05 Enchantment
8 Limited Resources
$2.11 Enchantment
7 Luminarch Ascension
$13.41 Enchantment
8 Mana Breach
$1.74 Enchantment
4 Mana Echoes
$38.40 Enchantment
1 Mana Flare
$3.09 Enchantment
1 Mana Reflection
$8.37 Enchantment
2 Mark of Sakiko
$2.78 Enchantment - Aura
7 Martyr's Cause
$1.98 Enchantment
1 Mechanized Production
$0.96 Enchantment - Aura
7 Merrow Commerce
$14.26 Tribal Enchantment - Merfolk
2 Metallurgic Summonings
$1.06 Enchantment
1 Militia's Pride
$1.19 Tribal Enchantment - Kithkin
1 Mind's Dilation
$3.21 Enchantment
6 Mirari's Wake
$5.34 Enchantment
1 Mobilization
$1.14 Enchantment
2 Mortal Combat
$4.54 Enchantment
1 Mudslide
$1.80 Enchantment
6 Mystic Decree
$1.14 World Enchantment
2 Mystic Remora
$6.43 Enchantment
1 Nature's Will
$4.56 Enchantment
5 Necromancy
$6.70 Enchantment
2 Necropotence
$12.79 Enchantment
1 Nefarious Lich
$2.28 Enchantment
5 Night of Souls' Betrayal
$1.72 Legendary Enchantment
5 No Mercy
$14.74 Enchantment
6 Oath of Druids
$3.11 Enchantment
2 Oath of Ghouls
$2.97 Enchantment
6 Oath of Nissa
$0.88 Legendary Enchantment
4 One with Nature
$2.73 Enchantment - Aura
1 Opal Archangel
$2.57 Enchantment
1 Opalescence
$28.05 Enchantment
1 Ophidian Eye
$5.07 Enchantment - Aura
2 Overabundance
$5.17 Enchantment
4 Oversold Cemetery
$4.81 Enchantment
2 Overwhelming Splendor
$7.63 Enchantment - Aura Curse
2 Painful Quandary
$2.85 Enchantment
4 Pandemonium
$1.26 Enchantment
8 Paradox Haze
$3.78 Enchantment - Aura
1 Parallax Tide
$18.07 Enchantment
1 Parallax Wave
$24.96 Enchantment
6 Pariah
$3.37 Enchantment - Aura
5 Path of Discovery
$0.60 Enchantment
4 Pattern of Rebirth
$3.76 Enchantment - Aura
13 Pemmin's Aura
$6.01 Enchantment - Aura
1 Pendrell Mists
$5.72 Enchantment
1 Perilous Forays
$3.47 Enchantment
5 Pernicious Deed
$3.34 Enchantment
7 Phyrexian Arena
$3.73 Enchantment
7 Phyrexian Reclamation
$4.44 Enchantment
4 Phyrexian Unlife
$0.56 Enchantment
12 Planar Chaos
$1.70 Enchantment
8 Planar Collapse
$1.03 Enchantment
2 Planar Void
$4.99 Enchantment
2 Possibility Storm
$1.82 Enchantment
1 Price of Glory
$7.77 Enchantment
1 Primal Order
$1.77 Enchantment
8 Primal Rage
$3.42 Enchantment
5 Prismatic Omen
$2.16 Enchantment
1 Privileged Position
$2.45 Enchantment
9 Propaganda
$1.87 Enchantment
1 Proper Burial
$1.95 Enchantment
1 Psionic Gift
$0.17 Enchantment - Aura
1 Psychic Corrosion
$6.33 Enchantment
4 Psychic Possession
$15.60 Enchantment - Aura
3 Psychic Vortex
$4.35 Enchantment
2 Pyrohemia
$6.80 Enchantment
2 Pyrostatic Pillar
$0.80 Enchantment
1 Quest for Renewal
$8.06 Enchantment
4 Quest for the Goblin Lord
$1.80 Enchantment
8 Rancor
$1.16 Enchantment - Aura
8 Reality Twist
$0.97 Enchantment
11 Reconnaissance
$4.17 Enchantment
8 Recurring Nightmare
$59.47 Enchantment
9 Recycle
$4.89 Enchantment
1 Remembrance
$11.50 Enchantment
4 Reparations
$8.44 Enchantment
1 Repercussion
$5.69 Enchantment
2 Revel in Riches
$21.39 Enchantment
3 Rhystic Study
$52.00 Enchantment
1 Rise of the Hobgoblins
$4.58 Enchantment
7 Rites of Flourishing
$1.02 Enchantment
4 Rolling Stones
$1.22 Enchantment
1 Rooftop Storm
$3.33 Enchantment
1 Root Maze
$4.43 Enchantment
1 Sadistic Glee
$5.12 Enchantment - Aura
1 Sanguine Bond
$4.43 Enchantment
5 Serra Aviary
$1.07 World Enchantment
1 Shared Animosity
$0.65 Enchantment
5 Shared Triumph
$2.67 Enchantment
1 Shield of the Oversoul
$3.25 Enchantment - Aura
1 Shielded by Faith
$4.37 Enchantment - Aura
7 Sigarda's Aid
$7.68 Enchantment
1 Sigil of Sleep
$0.86 Enchantment - Aura
1 Sigil of the Empty Throne
$0.59 Enchantment
7 Smoke
$4.77 Enchantment
1 Snake Pit
$0.87 Enchantment
1 Snowblind
$1.69 Enchantment - Aura
5 Solemnity
$9.56 Enchantment
4 Solitary Confinement
$1.71 Enchantment
2 Soothsaying
$3.96 Enchantment
1 Spectra Ward
$2.69 Enchantment - Aura
9 Spellshock
$6.48 Enchantment
2 Sphere of Safety
$3.34 Enchantment
4 Sphinx's Tutelage
$0.99 Enchantment
1 Spider Umbra
$0.35 Enchantment - Aura
5 Spirit Loop
$1.67 Enchantment - Aura
4 Spirit Mirror
$1.02 Enchantment
1 Spiteful Visions
$2.54 Enchantment
1 Spreading Plague
$11.94 Enchantment
1 Squandered Resources
$31.28 Enchantment
6 Standstill
$5.17 Enchantment
1 Starfield of Nyx
$14.02 Enchantment
1 Steal Enchantment
$11.90 Enchantment - Aura
2 Steel of the Godhead
$6.04 Enchantment - Aura
1 Steely Resolve
$21.31 Enchantment
7 Sterling Grove
$3.66 Enchantment
1 Stolen Strategy
$0.55 Enchantment
3 Storm the Vault // Vault of Catlacan
$9.45 Legendary Enchantment // Legendary Land
1 Subversion
$2.82 Enchantment
1 Sulfuric Vortex
$0.92 Enchantment
2 Suppression Field
$0.93 Enchantment
1 Sylvan Library
$24.70 Enchantment
2 Tainted Aether
$3.95 Enchantment
1 Tectonic Instability
$1.76 Enchantment
6 Teferi's Realm
$1.40 World Enchantment
1 Tempered Steel
$2.21 Enchantment
3 Test of Endurance
$3.27 Enchantment
1 Titania's Song
$1.36 Enchantment
1 Tombstone Stairwell
$24.52 World Enchantment
7 Tortured Existence
$10.39 Enchantment
1 Total War
$0.97 Enchantment
2 Trade Routes
$2.96 Enchantment
1 Training Grounds
$3.95 Enchantment
1 Tranquil Grove
$1.93 Enchantment
4 Treachery
$40.52 Enchantment - Aura
2 True Conviction
$5.38 Enchantment
2 Underworld Dreams
$1.67 Enchantment
1 Unholy Strength
$0.04 Enchantment - Aura
5 Unnatural Selection
$2.17 Enchantment
4 Unspeakable Symbol
$3.38 Enchantment
5 Vampiric Link
$0.94 Enchantment - Aura
1 Vernal Equinox
$1.25 Enchantment
1 Vicious Shadows
$1.99 Enchantment
8 Viridian Revel
$2.78 Enchantment
1 War's Toll
$6.10 Enchantment
4 Waste Not
$2.69 Enchantment
1 Words of Waste
$4.30 Enchantment
4 Words of Wilding
$3.28 Enchantment
4 Words of Wind
$2.43 Enchantment
1 Words of Worship
$1.34 Enchantment
4 Worship
$0.64 Enchantment
2 Zendikar Resurgent
$2.42 Enchantment
2 Zombie Infestation
$0.09 Enchantment
Planeswalker (51)
2 Ajani Goldmane
$4.25 Legendary Planeswalker - Ajani
1 Ajani Steadfast
$1.06 Legendary Planeswalker - Ajani
1 Ajani Vengeant
$4.75 Legendary Planeswalker - Ajani
1 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
$4.45 Legendary Planeswalker - Ajani
3 Chandra Ablaze
$3.71 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Chandra, the Firebrand
$1.24 Legendary Planeswalker - Chandra
1 Elspeth Tirel
$3.79 Legendary Planeswalker - Elspeth
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant
$7.47 Legendary Planeswalker - Elspeth
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
$1.34 Legendary Planeswalker - Elspeth
1 Garruk Relentless // Garruk, the Veil-Cursed
$1.06 Legendary Planeswalker - Garruk // Legendary Planeswalker - Garruk
9 Garruk Wildspeaker
$2.87 Legendary Planeswalker - Garruk
2 Garruk, Caller of Beasts
$4.21 Legendary Planeswalker - Garruk
1 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
$1.11 Legendary Planeswalker - Gideon
3 Huatli, Radiant Champion
$4.70 Legendary Planeswalker - Huatli
3 Jace Beleren
$1.41 Legendary Planeswalker - Jace
1 Jace, Memory Adept
$4.33 Legendary Planeswalker - Jace
1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor
$15.60 Legendary Planeswalker - Jace
2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
$1.69 Legendary Planeswalker - Jace
1 Kiora, Master of the Depths
$1.59 Legendary Planeswalker - Kiora
2 Liliana Vess
$5.74 Legendary Planeswalker - Liliana
1 Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
$4.38 Legendary Planeswalker - Bolas
1 Nissa Revane
$5.54 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
2 Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
$1.16 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Nissa, Worldwaker
$3.24 Legendary Planeswalker - Nissa
1 Sorin Markov
$12.53 Legendary Planeswalker - Sorin
1 Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
$1.90 Legendary Planeswalker - Sorin
1 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
$1.40 Legendary Planeswalker - Sorin
1 Tamiyo, Field Researcher
$2.33 Legendary Planeswalker - Tamiyo
1 Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
$2.26 Legendary Planeswalker - Tezzeret
1 Ugin, the Ineffable
$1.04 Legendary Planeswalker - Ugin
1 Will Kenrith
$26.26 Legendary Planeswalker - Will
1 Xenagos, the Reveler
$1.81 Legendary Planeswalker - Xenagos
Land (933)
1 Academy Ruins
$15.87 Legendary Land
1 Alchemist's Refuge
$2.56 Land
5 Ancient Den
$2.16 Artifact Land
1 Ancient Tomb
$106.12 Land
5 Ancient Ziggurat
$1.90 Land
11 Arcane Sanctum
$0.49 Land
3 Arid Mesa
$21.43 Land
1 Auntie's Hovel
$5.99 Land
6 Bad River
$0.79 Land
2 Badlands
$411.67 Land - Swamp Mountain
2 Balduvian Trading Post
$2.82 Land
1 Barbarian Ring
$1.85 Land
3 Battlefield Forge
$0.98 Land
1 Bayou
$398.87 Land - Swamp Forest
4 Blasted Landscape
$1.89 Land
5 Blinkmoth Nexus
$2.54 Land
3 Blood Crypt
$15.00 Land - Swamp Mountain
5 Bloodstained Mire
$11.40 Land
2 Blooming Marsh
$3.84 Land
5 Bojuka Bog
$1.13 Land
2 Botanical Sanctum
$2.34 Land
4 Breeding Pool
$17.93 Land - Forest Island
1 Brushland
$3.33 Land
5 Cabal Coffers
$24.52 Land
4 Cabal Pit
$1.84 Land
1 Cabal Stronghold
$10.77 Land
8 Cascading Cataracts
$1.37 Land
4 Cathedral of War
$1.28 Land
3 Cephalid Coliseum
$3.71 Land
4 City of Brass
$14.75 Land
2 Command Beacon
$7.67 Land
1 Crypt of Agadeem
$6.76 Land
1 Crystal Quarry
$2.93 Land
7 Crystal Vein
$4.07 Land
5 Dakmor Salvage
$0.44 Land
2 Darkslick Shores
$5.69 Land
3 Deserted Temple
$10.62 Land
4 Dragonskull Summit
$1.77 Land
7 Drowned Catacomb
$2.47 Land
1 Dryad Arbor
$11.41 Land Creature - Forest Dryad
2 Dust Bowl
$14.65 Land
1 Dwarven Hold
$1.27 Land
1 Eiganjo Castle
$13.06 Legendary Land
5 Eldrazi Temple
$4.14 Land
2 Emeria, the Sky Ruin
$13.68 Land
4 Exotic Orchard
$0.18 Land
1 Eye of Ugin
$65.11 Legendary Land
1 Fetid Heath
$2.65 Land
1 Fire-Lit Thicket
$17.92 Land
2 Flagstones of Trokair
$5.55 Legendary Land
5 Flamekin Village
$1.74 Land
3 Flooded Strand
$12.03 Land
1 Forbidden Orchard
$5.79 Land
2 Forest
$0.13 Basic Land - Forest
1 Frost Marsh
$1.42 Snow Land
2 Gavony Township
$3.08 Land
2 Geier Reach Sanitarium
$1.49 Legendary Land
4 Gemstone Caverns
$45.37 Legendary Land
2 Ghost Town
$2.24 Land
2 Gilt-Leaf Palace
$4.13 Land
4 Glacial Chasm
$11.44 Land
9 Glacial Fortress
$0.86 Land
6 Glimmervoid
$4.61 Land
7 Godless Shrine
$12.41 Land - Plains Swamp
2 Graven Cairns
$5.17 Land
5 Great Furnace
$4.97 Artifact Land
5 Griffin Canyon
$13.11 Land
2 Hall of the Bandit Lord
$10.18 Legendary Land
9 Hallowed Fountain
$8.80 Land - Plains Island
4 Halls of Mist
$3.66 Land
3 Hanweir Battlements
$3.61 Land
3 Heart of Yavimaya
$2.45 Land
11 High Market
$3.29 Land
7 Hinterland Harbor
$0.72 Land
4 Inkmoth Nexus
$12.66 Land
1 Inspiring Vantage
$4.55 Land
13 Inventors' Fair
$11.77 Legendary Land
5 Isolated Chapel
$1.30 Land
1 Karakas
$41.28 Legendary Land
4 Karplusan Forest
$4.65 Land
9 Khalni Garden
$1.25 Land
3 Kjeldoran Outpost
$7.36 Land
1 Lake of the Dead
$81.20 Land
2 Leechridden Swamp
$1.30 Land - Swamp
4 Llanowar Wastes
$1.41 Land
2 Lotus Vale
$35.61 Land
1 Luxury Suite
$13.27 Land
3 Mana Confluence
$33.22 Land
1 Marsh Flats
$20.52 Land
3 Maze of Ith
$5.94 Land
4 Meteor Crater
$2.88 Land
1 Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
$4.15 Legendary Land
1 Minamo, School at Water's Edge
$52.12 Legendary Land
2 Miren, the Moaning Well
$19.82 Legendary Land
1 Mirrorpool
$1.75 Land
4 Mishra's Factory
$0.16 Land
1 Mistveil Plains
$1.06 Land - Plains
4 Misty Rainforest
$22.40 Land
2 Murmuring Bosk
$0.62 Land - Forest
10 Mutavault
$7.08 Land
3 Nimbus Maze
$6.56 Land
5 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
$39.76 Legendary Land
1 Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
$22.27 Legendary Land
1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
$5.97 Legendary Land
1 Opulent Palace
$0.50 Land
2 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
$2.49 Land
5 Overgrown Tomb
$12.19 Land - Swamp Forest
1 Petrified Field
$4.68 Land
3 Phyrexian Tower
$16.68 Legendary Land
1 Pillar of the Paruns
$1.32 Land
2 Plateau
$327.84 Land - Mountain Plains
5 Polluted Delta
$15.01 Land
4 Primal Beyond
$2.29 Land
1 Razorverge Thicket
$1.40 Land
8 Reflecting Pool
$8.88 Land
1 Reliquary Tower
$2.51 Land
2 Riptide Laboratory
$1.84 Land
1 River Delta
$0.97 Land
11 Rootbound Crag
$3.32 Land
2 Rugged Prairie
$1.34 Land
5 Sacred Foundry
$17.50 Land - Mountain Plains
1 Salt Flats
$2.26 Land
4 Sanctum of Ugin
$2.28 Land
3 Savannah
$312.86 Land - Forest Plains
2 Scabland
$2.15 Land
1 Scalding Tarn
$23.27 Land
2 Scrubland
$359.43 Land - Plains Swamp
18 Seat of the Synod
$1.30 Artifact Land
3 Secluded Glen
$4.20 Land
2 Serra's Sanctum
$295.92 Legendary Land
3 Sheltered Valley
$0.74 Land
2 Shivan Gorge
$3.18 Legendary Land
1 Shivan Reef
$0.84 Land
3 Shizo, Death's Storehouse
$26.50 Legendary Land
2 Skarrg, the Rage Pits
$1.31 Land
1 Skycloud Expanse
$0.16 Land
3 Skyshroud Forest
$4.07 Land
4 Sliver Hive
$18.78 Land
3 Snow-Covered Forest
$1.13 Basic Snow Land - Forest
1 Snow-Covered Island
$1.26 Basic Snow Land - Island
2 Snow-Covered Mountain
$0.64 Basic Snow Land - Mountain
3 Snow-Covered Plains
$0.80 Basic Snow Land - Plains
3 Snow-Covered Swamp
$0.84 Basic Snow Land - Swamp
1 Steam Vents
$14.58 Land - Island Mountain
7 Stomping Ground
$12.39 Land - Mountain Forest
2 Strip Mine
$16.50 Land
1 Sulfur Falls
$0.83 Land
5 Sulfurous Springs
$5.96 Land
3 Sunken Ruins
$23.04 Land
3 Sunpetal Grove
$2.63 Land
300 Swamp
$1.33 Basic Land - Swamp
1 Taiga
$355.66 Land - Mountain Forest
1 Tainted Isle
$1.29 Land
5 Tainted Peak
$1.49 Land
4 Tainted Wood
$0.52 Land
1 Tarnished Citadel
$27.35 Land
1 Teferi's Isle
$4.38 Legendary Land
3 Temple Garden
$11.11 Land - Forest Plains
4 Temple of Mystery
$0.17 Land
2 Terrain Generator
$2.61 Land
6 Thespian's Stage
$0.60 Land
2 Tolaria West
$2.25 Land
2 Tolarian Academy
$167.50 Legendary Land
2 Tomb of Urami
$1.40 Legendary Land
1 Tower of the Magistrate
$12.54 Land
16 Tree of Tales
$1.05 Artifact Land
1 Treetop Village
$0.41 Land
1 Tropical Island
$498.38 Land - Forest Island
1 Tundra
$478.09 Land - Plains Island
2 Underground River
$4.52 Land
1 Underground Sea
$793.94 Land - Island Swamp
1 Undiscovered Paradise
$13.18 Land
3 Unholy Grotto
$9.60 Land
7 Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper
$2.47 Legendary Land
4 Urborg
$17.85 Legendary Land
6 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
$47.61 Legendary Land
1 Urza's Factory
$1.57 Land - Urza’s
5 Urza's Mine
$1.27 Land - Urza’s Mine
2 Urza's Power Plant
$1.01 Land - Urza’s Power-Plant
6 Urza's Tower
$0.68 Land - Urza’s Tower
7 Vault of Whispers
$1.48 Artifact Land
2 Verdant Catacombs
$19.07 Land
3 Vesuva
$5.96 Land
1 Volcanic Island
$695.31 Land - Island Mountain
5 Wanderwine Hub
$1.50 Land
3 Watery Grave
$14.03 Land - Island Swamp
2 Westvale Abbey // Ormendahl, Profane Prince
$4.91 Land // Legendary Creature - Demon
1 Winding Canyons
$24.12 Land
2 Windswept Heath
$8.96 Land
7 Wirewood Lodge
$5.48 Land
1 Wooded Bastion
$12.78 Land
2 Wooded Foothills
$11.76 Land
5 Woodland Cemetery
$1.13 Land
1 Yavimaya Hollow
$64.77 Legendary Land
1 Zoetic Cavern
$0.16 Land
Token (4)
2 Goblin
N/A Token Creature - Goblin
2 Squirrel
N/A Token Creature - Squirrel
Emblem (1)
1 Emblem: Ob Nixilis Reignited
$0.20 Emblem - Nixilis
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(


1. make list of wanted cards on deckbox (to keep it updated)
2. export that decklist to text list
3. paste list to deckstats.net as a new deck
4. save deck
5. press "detail" and copy all cards, prices++ into new excel sheet
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