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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 60 cards, 19 distinct
Name  Edition $ Type Cost
Rarity Color
Land (60)
4 Balduvian Trading Post
$2.82 Land
4 Desert
$2.86 Land - Desert
3 Diamond Valley
$626.04 Land
4 Heart of Yavimaya
$2.45 Land
4 Ice Floe
$0.37 Land
4 Island of Wak-Wak
$300.91 Land
1 Karakas
$41.28 Legendary Land
4 Kjeldoran Outpost
$7.36 Land
1 Library of Alexandria
$1,274.41 Land
1 Maze of Ith
$5.94 Land
4 Mishra's Factory
$0.16 Land
1 Pendelhaven
$3.06 Legendary Land
6 Plains
$0.06 Basic Land - Plains
4 Plateau
$327.84 Land - Mountain Plains
4 Savannah
$312.86 Land - Forest Plains
2 Soldevi Excavations
$10.00 Land
4 Strip Mine
$16.50 Land
1 The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
$2,939.99 Legendary Land
4 Tundra
$478.09 Land - Plains Island
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

Source: Inquest #18 (Oct 1996), p.25; author: Michael Ruff

"They can untap creatures.  They deal damage.  They shut down flyers.  The give life.  They can attack.  And, now they can even make creatures!

With all the great lands out there, it's a wonder you don't see any all-land decks in the Magic world.

All land, you say?  Hah!  You can't play with all land!  How would you do damage?  (Mishra's Factory).  How can you get creatures? (Kjeldoran Outpost.)  Stop creatures? (Ice Floe, Maze of Ith, Island of Wak-Wak.)  Kill creatures? (Balduvian Trading Post, Desert.)  Gain life? (Diamond Valley.)  Speed through your library? (Library of Alexandria, Soldevi Excavations.)  What about slowing your opponent down? (Tabernacle of Pendrell Vale, Strip Mine.)  And how could you pump up creatures? (Heart of Yavimaya, Pendelhaven.)

Convinced?  I didn't think so.  But think about it - get your defensive cards out early, so you have time to build up your weenie horde of soldier tokens.  Manipulate your life by pumping up a 1/1 solider with Pendelhaven and Heart of Yavimaya and sacrificing it to the Diamond Valley for four life a turn.  Slow your opponent down by playing the Tabernacle and then stripping their land - they'll have to sacrifice their creatures when they can't pay their upkeep.  And use the Excavations and the Library to search for the right land.  (You'll always have seven cards in your hand so the Library will always work.)

Naturally, there are a couple of added benefits and drawbacks to having all land.  You'll never be mana-hosed or counterspelled, rarely disenchanted and, if you don't like your opening hand, you can call an all-land mulligan.  Unfortunately, it's a slow deck that requires patience - you can never play more than one card a turn.  There are also a few popular cards that could ruin your whole day.  You may want to ask your opponent nicely (whine), not to play a Primal Order, Blood Moon, Black Vise or (eeek!) an Armageddon.

Otherwise, the All-land Deck can, and will, win often.  Just don't try it in a tournament."
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